The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, January 22, 1937, Page 4, Image 4

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The Sentinel
11. A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMES
H. A. YOUNG, Editor
Advertising Bataa
Display advertising 30 cento pei
inch. No advertisement inserted for
leas than 50 cento. Reading notices
10 cento per line. No reading notice,
or advertisement of any kind, insert­
ed for less than 25 cento.
Entered al the Coquille Postoffice as
Second Class Mail Matter.
Office Corner W. First and Willard 81
V At the request of a number of en­
trymen in Oregon, Congressman Jas.
W. Mott has introduced in the house
Of representatives a bill granting a
leave of absence to settlers of home­
stead lands during the year 1937. He
will endeavor to secure early action
on this legislation. ____ _
j--.. ,v. a new driving per­
mit jvhich will receive Ute support of
a lot of motorists and the Opposition
Ji the highway department and good
.oads enthusiasts. And another group
jf representatives have joined in an
Attempt to restore the “good time”
credit practice at the penitentiary
which was upset when Governor
Martin refused to permit the release
>1 Earl Fehl, former county judge of
Jackson county.
This dearth of bills, however, does
tot mean that the famine is to con-
.inue. There are a lot of ideas afloat,
nany of which will materialize in
line into tangible form. Representa-
ive Bull, for instance, has served no­
ice that he proposes to reduce the
ige for participation in old age pen­
nons to 65 years. If he does it will
inly be after the hardest kind of a
fight for there is plenty of opposition
o any liberalization of the pension
program at this time and even if such
. measure did pass the legislature it
could have to run the gauntlet of the
xecutive veto unless Governor Mar­
in can be shown where the extra 83,-
00,000 to finance such a program is
':o come from.
■ ■ ■ -
Members of the senate committee
m alcoholic control at a meeting
Tuesday morning predicted that Ore-
ion would soon again be a dry state
inless steps were taken to clean up
conditions existing in many beer par-
ors and to enforce the law more
¡trictly. Senator Franciscovich sug­
gested that enforcement of the provi-
ions of the Kpox act be centered in
the Liquor Control commission intead
>f leaving it to city and county offi-
■ials as at present with its innumer-
:ble opportunities for buck passing.
the sentence of a prisoner for each '
month of good behavior. This prac­
tice was followed for many years at
the state prison until halted by an
opinion of the attorney general hold­
ing that it was not authorized under
the law.
' Townsendites won the first round
in their fight for recognition at this
session when they put over their
memorial to Congress in the house
by a vote of 38 to 20.
Oregon’s insane population has in­
creased 48 per cent in the past
years, according to the Oregon Mental
Hygiene society, which is supporting
a move for two legislative appropria­
tions, one to finance a psychiatric
ward in connection with the Univer­
sity of Oregon medical school at Port­
land, the other to extend the Univer­
sity child guidance clinic to every
county in the state.
Washington’s Red Flag
Smith Wood-Products, Inc
Orford Cedar
G, V 1 Side
Full Line of
Douglas Fir Moldings
By Dan Gilbert,- Washington, D. C-
As one makes his way down Six­
teenth street in the nation’s capital,
ie comes Upon the Soviet Embassy
ocated on the east side of the" street
x-tween the intersections of L and M.
On some occasions, the red flag of.
While this chlorine-treated water
U.S.S.R. waves In the breeze atop
now coming through the water mains
the embassy—a sight which stirs the
may “hot possesss as stable a taste as
)lood of any American patriot whose
that coming from the Myrtle Creek it
eyes fall upon it.
is purer and safer, says the Myrtle
“It can’t happen here! The United
Creek Mail.
hates will never recognize the Red
flag of communism.”
Who wants water of that kind any­
That is what people were saying
way? Her* in Coquille where the
•nly a few years ago—after four
algae sometimes gives the city wat­
American presidents had flatly and
er a taste that causes the user to think
orcefully refused to extend recogni­
it chlorine, we prefer it to a stable­
tion to the ungodly and uncivilized
tasting drink.
government of the Soviet communi­
Newspapermen covering the ses- ties.
Coquille Chamber of Commerce di­
■ion whose wives or other relatives
rectors expressed themselves at Tues­
But. it did happen! The precedent
ire holding down legislative jobs
day noon’s session as being very much
of both democratic and republican
were made the target of a house reso-
opposed kt this tiime to the action of
presidents was broken, and diplomat­
ution this week condemning the ic relations were established.
the League of Oregon Cities in trying
practice as depriving many needy
to secure a diversion of gasoline taxes
The results of Russian recognition,
persons of a chance for employment.
Let us show you our Lumber Stocks in warehouse
to the cities of the state, or any part
are a common scandal and shame to
of it at this time.
the American people before the
and on dock at the Smith
Senator Duncan, of Harney county,
Coquille, especially, should take no
world. The promises of Soviet Rus­
Wood-Products Plant
is preparing a bill which would au­
part in upsetting the highway com­
sia to desist from agitating for red
mission’s program, for a permanent thorize counties to exchange lands revolt in America were flagrantly
taken in on tax foreclosures for state
Coast Highway location through this
broken. Invested with the divnitv
school lands, thus enabling both the
city^Js one of its greatest needs.
ir.d “respectability" resulting from a
counties and the state to block their
The highway should be shifted
soviet embassy In Washington, the
from Taylor street—the route to the holdings for more advantageous leas­ communist party surged forward by
high school—to another street and the ing or sale.
leaps and bounds.
We carry a complete line of 1x3 to 2x12 No. 1 and No. 2 Common
confluence of the Coos Bay-Roseburg
The soviet embassy has become the
D. O. Hood, former budget director,
and the Coast highways should not be
equivalent of a Trojan war horse
suitable for all building purposes, surfaced or rough.
at the Front and Taylor street inter­ tas announced that he expects t
within the gates of one of their enemy
the Retail Department for our low prices on Cedar.
MW his activities in behalf of a
capitalistic nations.
Just how soon the highway com­
The Red flag is a symbol for the
Both of.these
mission will be ready to relocate the partment of welfare.
most gigantic organization of destrues
iepartments were included in Hood's
present route from Coos Bay to Co­
ive forces ever brought together in
quille, and through this 'ity, to un­ cabinet government which failed to the history of the world. Destruction
known, and Coquille should bear in get anwhere at the 103S session.
of liberty, of morality, of religion, of
A.bill by Representative Hyde, of
Influenza Epidemic Spreading prevent severe complications of in'
mind that the traffic dollars are
the home, of democracy, of civiliza­
Forty-nine bills found their way
Lane county, would give county offi­
greatly in excess of any benefit that
tion-—are the alms of Soviet commun­
Reports from widely separated
the patient during the early stages of cials and employees a Saturday after­
could be derived from a few hundred into the legislative hopper the first ism.
parts of the world show that a wave
the disease. It is important that per­ noon holiday. At the same time it
dollars per year participation in the week of the session—20 in the sen-
The presence of the Red flag, flying of influenza is sweeping Westward,
ite and 29 in the house. Only two ' in the free air of America, is an insult
sons ill with influenza should recog­ would require that all county offices
gas tax.
The history of influenza, shows that
of these made the circuit of the two ' to American institutions^ a threat to
nize that they have it and not pretend be kept open for business through
» world-wide epidemics or pandemics
it is only a cold. They should go to the noon hour.
Congressman James W. Mott of branches and received the official ap­ i their security, an outrage of their
recur at periods of from thirty to
bed at once and stay there until their
Oregon has been elected to serve on proval of Governor Martin. One of founders.
forty years. The epidemics seem to
physician allows them to get up.
three standing committees of the na­ these appropriated $25,000 for legis­
Buy local bread and support home
Officials in Washington are well in­ have originated in the east, sweeping
industry. '
tional house of representatives—nav­ lative expenses. The other authoriz­ formed of the intensification of the
across the continent, sparing neither
ed the state treasurer to make ad­
al affairs, public lands «nd roads.
P. T. A. to Meet Monday
red drive to atheize the Soviet na­ age nor sex. Outbreaks of influenza
On account of his seniority rank
January meeting of the Coquille
Religious people are being have beeen reported in England, New
and his perman mt place on the com­ legislative employees.
more fiendishly persecuted today than York, Detroit? Chicago, and Denver. Parent-Teachers association will be
mittee on committees, Mr. Mott was
ever before.
This disease follows the lines of held Monday evening, January 25,
A. F. & A. M.
The ways and means committee has
able at the present session virtually
During the recent weeks Soviet travel and occurs whenever victims in the high school auditorium. Mrs.
to select his own committee assign­ parceled the biennial budget out to Ambassador A. A. Troyanovsky has
of the infection travel.
Isolated Martha Mulkey will talk on “The
ments. He selected naval affairs in several sub-committees which are been deluged with protests from all
places cut off from outside contact Place the Report Card has In the
Tuesday, Feb. 9, 7:30 p. m.
order to put himself in the best posi­ now at work analyzing the requests parts of the United States urging him
escape the infection. Infuenza is en Schools.” Mr. Sivers will sing, accom-
tion possible to advance the interests
The | panied by Mrs. Maud Woodyard at
to take action to .secure the release of extremely infectious disease,
of Tongue Point and the defense of sub-committees will guide the full
Christian ministers being held in the present epidemic of the disease gives the piano and Kenneth Marks will
the Oregon coast and chose to retain committee in its actions in most in­ Soviet GPU concentration camps.
promise of becoming very much more play an accordion solo. All P. T. A.
his original assignments to the com­ stances.
The Red flag stands for the de­ v.ide-spread. Mild cases of the dis­ members and interested friends are
mittees on public lands and roads be­
struction of the patriotic and racial ease have been reported, and this is urged to attend.
Senators Franciscovich and Strayer
cause of the large amount of legisla­
traits which give moral strength and characteristic of the first wave of epi­
tion directly affecting Oregon which have joined in an attempt to clarify
Isocal & I amik Distance
individuality toa' nation. Commun­ demics. The disease increases in vir-
Wrecked Car Wrecks Wrecker
the puzzle of legislative vacancies, at
is handled by those committees.
ism aims not only to “level” all per­ ulenCy in the second and third waves
All assignments of republican least Insofar as the authority of the
sons down to a common plane, but it of the epidemic.
Reedsport contained an account last
members to standing committees„are secretary of state goes. A bill Introt
seeks also- to iron the individuality
The onset is sudden, often entirely Friday of an unusual auto wreck. A
made by the committee on commit-
out of nations, reducing the more without any preliminary symptoms, heavy Chrysler had gone off the
Moving a Specialty
thorize that official to take cognizance
highly civilized countries to the stan­ and the attack is characterized by highway between Gardiner and Lake
of only those vacancies as are due to
dards of the most backward peoples. headache, dizziness, body pain and Tahkenitch and when a wrecker car
death, resignation or the removal of
Only by this method can the Moscow great muscular weakness.
There is attempted to pull it back on the road
the legaslator from the district.
leaders hope to reduce the world to fever and catarrhal discharges from the Chrysler pulled it from the pave­
a state of slavery.
the nose and throat.
If the patient ment and both rolled down hill for
A group of legislators has joined in
The Soviets ruthlessly slaughter all immediately goes to bed. the temper­ 200 feet, both being badly damaged.
the introduction of a bill which would
Phone 178-L
Russians who refuse to surrender ature usually drops, and there is a
relieve motorists of paying 81 for a
their own culture to accept the degra­ gradual recovery within three or four
Swift, to Open New Plant
new driver’s license every two years.
dation forced upon them by the com­ days. The typical case occurs only
Insured Carrier
All of the safety features of the pres­
Swift Si Co. has taken a lease on
munist autocrats.
early in the outbreak; the later cases
ent law would be retained as well as
For instance, in building the White are much more severe, and serious
There to a noticeable dearth of im­ the provision for renewing the permit
Sea canal through Siberian ice des­ infections of bronchitis and pneu­ establish a cheese factory in the neat
portant legislation before the session every two years. Inlcuded among the
erts, the Moscow “internationalists” monia increase the disability and future. It is expected to be in-oper­
now in its second week. Except for sponsors of the bill are Representa­
used the project to exterminate sev­ deaths from this disease.
The real ation by the time spring milk produc­
the need to finance state activities al­ tives Hyde and Laird, of Lane, Eck­
tion starts.
suscepti- i
Low Fares to
ready established no proposals have ersley, of Clackamas, Bull, of Union,
religious people of culture and breed­ bility it seems to create to bronchial
yet appeared in either legislative Oleen, of Columbia, Bevans, of Clack­
ing, whose inherent Russian traits and lung infections.
body which would justify a long amas, Miller, of Josephine, Duerst, of
We wish through this medium to
to person,
Yamhill, Munroe, of Hood River, and
drawn out session.
The gay cities, desert resorts
express our sincere appreciation for
Such bills as have been thrown into Senator Ross, of Washington.
and guest ranches of Cali­
tible to the disease at the beginning,
fornia and the Southwest are
the legislative hopper are for the most
Legislative employees will receive the disease spreads with extreme
only a day or two away when
The first big public hearing of the
part of very minor importance. There
ing our recent bereavement and for
you travel Southern Pacific.
are several that will attract their session is scheduled for January 22, no overtime pay this session—unless speed. In time of influenza epidem­ the beautiful flowers at the service
You’ll go swiftly, SAFELY,
share of attention before committees when the. senate committee on agri­
comfortably — in air-ccodi-
held for M. J. Krantz.
tioned comfort all the way.
and on the floor—if they ever get that culture will listen to arguments pro
Mr and Mrs. J. R. Yoakam,
and mouth should be covered with a
far—but nothing that can be said to and con relative to a measure sponsor­ the senate was a resolution to this
effect. In past sessions the overtime handkerchief when coughing and
AND LESS. Pullman costs
be of vital importance to the welfare ed by Senator Lessard who wants to
•r* way down. Coffee, milk,
The hands should be E. L. O’Connell, Mr. and Mrs.
of the state. For instance, there to repeal the milk control act of 1935. graft has amounted to the proportions sneezing.
sandwiches and a variety of
of a scandal.
washed with soap and water before neth Neilson. Mr. and Mrs. Johr
Senator Lessard’s propwai to repeal
similar items ara 5c and 10c
reene, Claud Krantz.
the milk control act, and Senator
in our coaches and tourist
A total of 189 employees are on the
Do you remember the old story sterilized. Crowds and overcrowded
cars. Dining car meals are
Carney's proposal to repeal the crim­ legislative payroll, in addition to the
Card of Thanks
moderately priced.
about the doctor who complained that living qaurters should be avoided.
inal syndicalism act and a proposal 90 senators and representatives. Six­
We wish to express our sincere
his name was not mentioned in con­
Persons having symptoms of influ­
on the part of Senator Stringer to put ty-eight of these are working for the
Southern Pacific
nection with a birth, then the editor enza should go to bed and isolate gratitude to our many friends for
■••rout'local (Raeant or write
a stop to the further expansion of senate and 121 for the House.
A. ORMANDY. G.a. Rasa.
who offered to mention his name as themselves during the early stages of
705 Pacific Bldg., Portland
branch banking, all of which will pre­
each was recorded followed the same the infection.
precaution tended to us in our recent sorrow.
cipitate a lot of debate pro and con.'
The names of 26 of the 90 represen­ policy in regard to deaths!
The Maury Family.
should be taken to prevent chilling
Then over in the house there is a bill tatives and senators are affixed to a
of the body, exposure, or exhaustion.
by Hyde. Eckersley, Bull. Oleen, bill which seeks to clarify the “good
Don't miss calling at the Excel Serious complications, particularly
If you want to subscribe for a Port­
Monroe, Senator Roas and others to time allowance” situation at the state
Dress Shop for real bargains Many pneumonia, may occur in the case of land daily the clubbing combination
relieve the automobile drivers of the prison. The measure would authorize
garments at one-half price, some less. influenza if the Individual does not we offer with the Sentinel will save
necessity of pungling up a doUar ev- the warden to deduct five days from
All new stock.
have proper care. It la possible to you money.
1 i 3 to 1 x 12 Clear Kiln Dried
Douglas Fir Finish
1x4 Tongue and Grooved
Port Orford Flooring and Ceiling
No Order Too Small—A Stick or a Carload
Chadwick Lodge No. 68