f lcb Notes and Other Social Activities Miss Evangeline Philbin, chairman of the International Relations com­ mittee of Oregon Business and Pro­ fessional Women's clubs, spoke before an enthusiastic audience in the Pi­ oneer church Monday evening. Her subject was, “Can We Have Securi­ ty?" It was a splendid address and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone, Mrs. Bertha Smith was chairman of the program and introduced the speaker. The program opened with an organ recital by Bobby Burns, followed by three splendid numbers rendered by Miss Muriel Dae’s string ensemble. After the fine address, Rev. Geo. R. Tumey sang two lovely solos ac­ companied by Mrs. Maud oWodyard. It certainly was an evening well spent and those who did not attend missed a rare treat. - Opportunity knocks but once! We’ve taken our better wipter coats and re­ duced them to this low price ... so they’ll sell quickly! Smart woolens, luxuriously fur •’ trimmed! For misses and women! Continuing Penney’s January WHITE GOODS VALUES __ Tre':' MARQUISETTES It srfll cost little to have fresh new glass curtains this Spring! Make them now! Dots and figures on sheer marquisette t J Be Sure to See Then! An unusually low priced group -of better owility mar­ quisettes. Dots, fancies and plains! 3« inches wide. CREPU NORMA All Wool! 54" wide! 98C Here’s a value that will you want to start your Spring sowing right away. There’s * a complete range of dark and light ahadea. Lovdr Oâ BZdSPAEADS thjn'l Min T.’.j Buy! We can’t buy any more to seti at this price—so buy now! 81 N ation widej ***. ri tton in smart Uni»-», o-allop finish! Seam­ less. loo! RO by 105 in.—will hl any regular size bed! 23c ea. 42"x36" Avenue Dress from Old Mexico New Spinach from Texas Excellent No. 1 Potatoes Shoestring Carrots and Beets for your salad COURTESY TO THE CUSTOMER is our first consideration f Fart . Cntors/ wide variety oí color cosnbibsati quality at a km ENNEY'S IE. I1 ¡T2 Fini Street. í ootiille. Piaron 69 Busy Comer Grocery Delivery THE MAKE - IT - RIGHT STORE ■w t Missionary Socitles Notes Royal Neighbors Install The Royal Neighbors met in the W. The Ladies Missionary society of the Baptist church met at the home O. W. hall Wednesday evening for the of Mrs. Bond for their regular pro- , regular meeting and installation. Dis­ gram and silver tea Wednesday after- ' trict Deputy, Mrs. Ada Lemon, was noon. After a program, entitled, “A the installing officer, and* Mrs. Jane Challenge to New Paths,” arranged Ferbrache, cerenfomal marshal. The ■* by Mrs. R. B. Cummins, refreshments following officers’were installed: A sewing club, called the "Friendly Oracle — Mrs. Ida Sherrard were served by the hostess to the fol­ Dozen,” met at the home of Mrs. Fred Vice Oracle—Mrs. Belle Bellon! lowing ladies: Mesdames T. R. Rut­ Wheaton Wednesday afternoon. The Chancellor—Mrs. Myrtle Jones ledge, R. B. Cummins, Alice Holver- following members had a most pleas- Pas! Oracle—Mrs. Julia Ortman stott. Flora Dunn, Clara Wheeler, ont time sewing and knitting: Mes­ Recorder—Mrs. Mae Waggoner Harry Roas and Luella Smith. dames Grant Wilcox, Louis Fugelson, Receiver—Mrs. Ethel Leach Jack Hultin, Fred Noaler, Sam Ar­ Marshal—Mrs. Ruby Johnson The Missionary Society of the Pi­ nold, Geo. Matney, and two guests, oneer Methodist church met in the Asst. Marshal—Mrs. Jane Burch Mrs. J. A. Martin and Miss Katherine church parlors Thursday afternoon Inner Guard—Mrs. Betty St. Clair Trendle. Delicious refreshments for their program and tea. Mrs. Esta Outer Guard—Mrs. Katherine Peart were later served by the hostess. The Ellis, program superintendent, pre-_ Flag Bearrer—Mrs. Ella Sheehan club will meet in two weeks with sided, leading the singing with Mrs Musician—Mrs. May Ensele Mrs. Grant Wilcox. After the meeting, Keno was en- Skeels at the piano. The missionary topic, “Our Dollars at Work," was I joyed and refreshments were served. Mrs. H. A Young and Mrs. J. A presented by Mrs. W. R. Wilder. The Lamb h<'d a little informal party program of the South Methodist Celebration at Kindergarten Saturday evening at the home of Mrs Churches of the U. S. was outlined as Tuesday Mrs. Alice Lafferty’s kin­ Lamb for Mrs. Gertrude Lorenz, who regards their missionary activities. has been visiting here from Medford The topic, “Missionary work of the dergarten class entertained Barbara for a few days. A very pleasant eve­ local church,” was also presented and Slater at a three o’clock lunch in ning was spent in chatting and sew­ pledges were made. The president, I honor of her fifth birthday. During ing. Delicious refreshments were Mrs. Jas. Richmond, outlined definite I the aftemoqn each child represented served Inter bribe hostesses to Mes­ aims of the society for the year. Mrs. I a Mother Goose character and before dames J L. Smith, Bert Folsom, Muri Walter Oerding had charge of the they could partake of-lunch a nursery Those invited Pettit, C'a I-orenz, Edna Hartson. devotions and scripture reading. Ap­ rhyme was recited. were: Warren Jenkins, Joyce Taylor, Effie Miller. Henry Lorenz, C. A. propriate music was interspersed. * Nancy Godard. Donny Price, Junior Rietrhan and the honor guest, Mrs. After the meeting, a social hour i Wilder, Virginia Huddle, Helen Wil­ Gertrude Lorenz. vzas enjoyed. Refreshments were son, Richard Shaw and the honored served by Mesdames Esta Ellis, Belle guest, Barbara Slater. The “Old A lovely reception was tendered the Belloni, Thelma Dale and Earl Car­ Women in the Shoe ” will entertain newly married couple, Mr. and Mrs. lyale to the following ladies: Mes­ Carl Perry, of Bandon, Sunday eve­ dames Amanda Way, Guss Tillmann, on January 29, in honor of Nancy ning by the bride's mother, Mrs. Mary Louis Fugelson, G. A. Thompson, Godard’s birthday. Lorenz, at her home on Willard St. Cyril McCurdy, Ray Brown, Wm. Ire­ I Don’t miss calling at the Excel ?he following relatives and friends land. C. C. Southard, Londy Peart, Dress Shop for real bargains, Many .'njoyed this very happy occasion: Margaret Brown, E. C. Ashworth, garments at one-half price, some less. Messrs, and Mesdames Henry Lorenz, Warren Davis. Frank Leslie, C. tf. George Lorenz, Muri Pettit, C. A. Gormley, Walter Oerding, H. L. John­ All new stock. Rietman. Henry McCue, George Lor- son, Jas. Richmond, Ernest Purvance, nz, Jr., Frederick Moore, Mesdames Lloyd Oddy, W. R Wilder, Jack Hul­ Edna Hartson, Caroline Lorenz, Per­ tin, Leland Peterson, B. C. Minard. ry, Ed Lorenz, Misses Robinson, Fay Birdie Skeels. R. B. Rogers, R. Wil­ " These are written, “ Petry, Betty Rosa, Mary Edna Lor- kins, R. E. Boober, Eva Thornton and that ye might believe that Jesus is ~nz, ’Virginia Hartson and Messrs, Rev. W. R, Wilder, the Christ, the Son of God; and Carl Lorenz and Harry Lorenz. that believing ye might have ll.'e ■ The Missionary ladies of the through His name.” John 20:31 The “Needleworkers” club met at Church of Christ met at the church Let the Dey of Rest Find Yon Thursday afternoon. After a ver/ in ­ the home of Mrs. Frank Pook for a In Grfi Henee one o’clock luncheorr'Thursday. Af­ teresting business meeting, at which | ter luncheon, the' afternoon was time plans were made for the year’s’ p'easantly spent in sewing, knitting work, the topic, "Hopeful Signa of md chatting. The following mem­ India," was discussed Refreshments bers were present: Mesdames Ray were served by Mesdames W. A. I Simpson, E. A. Wimer, Jack Arnold. Sloan, Geo. Swinney and Mary Wim- j George Gilman, E. C. Yarbrough, er to the following ladies: Mesdames ■ Z Josh Ruble, the hostess and a guest, Pearl Cardwell, Ione Billings, Paul Maud Skaggs Woodyard Simpson, Kenneth Graham, Harold I Mrs. C. J. Elwood, of Marshfield Bachelor of Marie McCue, Steve Dey, C. C. Farr, V. L. i Accredited teacher of Bailey, Fred Schaer, A. S. Bean. E. L. If vou want to subscribe for a Port­ Piano and Voice land daily the clubbing combination I Benham. Dalton. Matney, Davis and Misses Gladys Culbertson and Jennie ’ IM 8. Henry 8L PIONEER METHODIST HOMETOWN Broadcloth 36" wide! Fati Coloni Full standard quality! Just a little time—a very little money and you’ll have a gay, cheery house dress! Smart new de- Fresh Ripe Tomatoes The Monday night bridge club met at the home of Mrs. A. B. Collier this week for a seven o’clock supper. Mrs. F. C. McNelly was the hostess. Cards were later enjoyed by the following members and guests: Mesdames A. B. Collier, E. M. Kay, George Johnson, U. E. McClary, Frank Thrift, H. S. Norton, T. B. Currie and the hostess High score was won by Mrs. Currie, second by Mrs. McClary and the trav­ eling prize went to Mrs. Collier. The Episcopal Guild ladies met for a potluck dinner Wednesday noon In the Parish house. After a sumptuous dinner, a short business meeting was held, followed by an afternoon of rewing The following members were present: Mesdames W. H. Man­ sell, C. J. Fuhrman, R. L. Stewart, G. W. Bryant, Geo. Taylor, Sr., C. T. Selbig, A. R. Dimick, Muri Pettit, Geo. Lorenz, Annie Robinson, Olive Hickok, Ida Owen, Bert Folsom, A. L. Beck, Nels Osmundson, A. J. Sher­ wood, L. H. Hazard, Jas. Watson, H. A. Young, J. D. Gillespie, Lloyd Rosa and Rev. G. R. Turney. marquisettes X99". climes more sunny at this season of the year The “Friendly Seven” sewing club net at the home of Mrs. Roy Boober Tuesday afternoon for desert lunch- on. The members sp