OOQUnXB V f SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OREGON, 's —----- arv .laadnn Property Pool Being Wall Signed Up (Western World) Bai ing some ynforseen happen­ ing, Bandon’s co-operative property pool, organized for the purpose -of » making it possible to relocate the business district in view of rebuilding Bandon on a model, planned, basis, has promise of approaching 100 per sent participation by property holders in the city. While the actual signature of Coos county hag not been obtained, Ban­ don has the assurance of the county court that, barring any legal restric­ tions, the county will participate in the pool. Tiie agreement is now in the hands of District Attorney Ben Flaxel and as soon as the legality of action is determined the county will offer its signature. Considering the county as favor­ able to the pool the amount of prop­ erty already signed amounts to prac­ tically 75 per cent, which to sufficient, according to the terms of the agree­ ment, to make the agreements bind­ ing. But all the property owners 1 n Aatowaa ' Aatowaa 4 Aa toaras have not had a chance to sign and .he rolls will be kept open to give iveryone a chance. It to hoped by the Citizens Rebuilding Commission that the signing will be 100 per cent as this would have an important Full non-skid safety bearing on the legislature and con­ a during the winter plus gress in consideration of measures aimed to help Bandon in its rehabili­ tation program. < It is only necessary to sign the if you buy now— ask ua why! agreement. Presentation of deeds and abstracts are not necesasry at this time. Only deeds to property ac­ tually exchanged in the final relo­ cation of the business district will be required, and such property not fall­ ing within the new business district CALL 133 ROAD SERVICE will immediately revert to the ori­ ............................. - ■■■■»---- B=----- ginal owners if they desire to retain VOl) MUST SEE THESE CARS TO it- '-iJ'j Misunderstandings have resulted APPRECIATE THE VALUES WE from some news stories about the ARE OFFERING. COMPARE pool, appearing in outside papers OUR PRICES One Cent a Word Each Inscrites 1936 Chevrolet DeLuxe Coupe, One Portland newspaper this week Na Adv. Ians than 25 cents equipped with Radio, has been carried a story to the effect that prop­ driven only 1600 miles - $665.00 erty has been “deeded” to the prop­ WILL SACRIFICE—1936 Ford De­ 1935 Chevrolet Master Town Se­ erty pool. This would imply that Luxe Coupe, with Radio. Will ac­ dan - - - - $585.00 deeds are necessary at this time. cept tradA of cheaper car or part 1932 Chevrolet Coach, recondi­ The article atoo stated that “when down, time on balance. Phone $365.00 75 per cent of the city’s property tioned, six wheels 209-L at 6 p. m. new 1932 Chevrolet Coupe, owners have deeded their land to the $235.00 pool, through a bank acting as paint - - - LOST — 7-jewel Elgin, gold-case, trustee, the pool will by agreement, pocket. watch on Coquille street, 1931 Chevrolet Cabriolet, new $285.00 and the vote of the 75 per cent will paint, new tires, a beauty within past month. Reward for re- 1930 Chevrolet Sedan, three to force other landowners to comply turn to Sentinel. choose from, real buys - $235.00 with wishes of .the majority." - $175.00 That also is untrue; the agreements FOR SALE—Two lots, close in, on 1930 Chevrolet Coach become effective when 75 per cent of gravel street. Each 50x120 and $100 1930 Chevrolet Coach, new paint,’ new tires - - - $175.00 the area of the city to signed up, but cash apiece. Jno. S. Sanders, 541 the property of those not signing will West Sixth, Coquille. Phone 123L. 1*29 Chevrolet Sedan, two to choose from - - - $165.00 not be affected by the pool. There fa it* . 1928 Chevrolet Coach, two of no intention to force the will of the ROOM and BOARD for two available them, both good - - $135.00 majority upon those of the minority; at 308 East Eleventh. Phone 229L. 1936 Ford DeLuxe Sedan, the aim being to make it voluntary • Ray Crook. It* Radio and heater - - $685.00 and co-operative and those who sign 1936 Ford DeLuxe Cdupe, Ra­ will be in position to benefit in the FOR SALE—4-room house, with fire- dio - - - $645.00 event their property comes into the ' place in Riverton. Inquire of Been 1930 Ford Coupe . - - $235.00 exchange, while those who do not & Martin, Riverton, phone 1R12, 1929 Ford Sedan - - $145.00 sign may find themselves at a dis­ Coquille. It 1929 Ford Sedan - - $ 95.00 advantage in the newly platted town. 1935 Buick Town Sedan, low For Instance, should the route Of the WILL Sacrifice 1935 Buick Town mileage - - - $715.00 highway through town be changed, Sedan. Looks and runs like new,' 1931 Chrysler Sport Roadster $315.00 those how on the highway would be only 18,000 miles. Call 131-J after 1931 Graham Coupe - $285.00 entitled to comparable locations on1 6 P. M. 1929 Nash Coupe - - $225.00 the new route, if they sign the agree­ - $175.00 ment, otherwise the citizens rebuild- | FOR SALE—Good, gentle cow, gives 1929 Pontiac Sedan - - $135.00 ing commission would be under no five to six gallons daily when fresh. 1929 Nash Coupe TRUCKS obligations to them. Specially fine for family cow. Due - $475.00 to freshen March 4. Price $40. Can 1936 Ford Pickup „ - $245.00 1 President’s Ball Next Saturday be seen at my residence. Frances 1934 Chevrolet Pickup - - $245.00 • The President’s Birthday Ball will Holmstrom, 191 N. Elliott St., Co­ 1932 Chevrolet Truck 1929 Reo Truck - - $ 87.50 ' be held jointly by Coquille and Myr- quille. It* 1926 Dodge Truck, stock rack $157.50 1 tie Point in the latter city, Saturday. SOUTHWESTERN MOTORS USE Crown Silver Sheen Fox Feeds January 30, in the V. F. W. hall. Myrtle Point I Music will be furnished by Don Estes for better results. Coos Feed 8c Coquille Seed Stores. and his orchestra. WE CARRY a fresh and complete The committee in charge was un- 1930 CHEV. Sedan. A good buy for line of Field Seeds, Orchard Grass, ’ able to secure a suitable hall for that some one who needs cheap trans­ Rye Grass, Clovers, etc. Get our evening in Coquille and it was de­ portation. Will take part down and prices. Coos Feed & Seed Stores. cided to merge the two dances. Sev­ time on balance. Phone 143J after enty per cent of the proceeds go to FOR SALE—12 head 2-year old Jer­ 1 p. m. ’ the local infantile paralysis trust fund sey Heifers, coming fresh. Phone , and thirty per cent to the Georgia ROOM FOR RENT—Furnished room, W. A. Lett, 4R3, Myrtle Point. 52t3* Warm Springs foundation. with bath. Ellis Newton, 550 N. J This money goes for a very worthy 1936 DELUX E Ford C dupe — low mil ­ Henry St. It* age, with radio. Will sacrifice if , cause and everyone is urged to at- FOR RENT—Sleeping rooms, fur­ sold this week. Call 224-R after . tend if possible. Tickets are 75 cents for gentlemen and 25 cento for ladies. nished, at 615 East First street. O. 6 P. M. Tickets may be purchased at H. S. T. Nelson. it* USE Crown Dairy Feeds and Poultry Norton’s Music shop, from Andy An- 1935 CHEV. Town Sedan, in fine con­ Feeds for better results. Coos Feed I derson at Hudson Drug Store, and of Frank Martin at the Penney Store. dition. Will take car in trade and & Seed Stores. The local committee consists of give time. Phone 83. ........ .... NANO FOR SALE—Small bungalow Frank W. Martin, J. E. Axtell, J. A. STEADY WORK, Good Pay—reliable size, standard make, guaranteed. Fitzpatrick, Andy Anderson, George man wanted to call on farmers in Small balance due. You take over ■ Tracy Leach, H. P. Horntoh, Theo. L. N.«Coos County. Make up to $12 balance for cash or small monthly Clinton, H. S. Norton and Elbert a day. Write today. FURST & payments. Address Mr. J. F. Smith, Schroeder, general chairman. THOMAS, 426 Third St, Oakland, adjuster, Cline Piano Co., 1011 SW New Scout Troop Functioning Calif. it* Washington, Portland, Oregon. 52t3 The new Boy Scout Troop which is WORK WANTED—Will do odd jobs FOR SALE—10 head Helfers, coming ; being sponsored by the Wesley Broth- by day or hour. Garden or rough three years, 5 two-year old. All to , erhood of the Pioneer Methodist carpenter work. W. M. Briner, 209 freshen February or March. Ben , church met last Friday evening in South Moulton; next to Masonic Smalley, Arago, phohe 16R12, Myr­ the parsonage for a preliminary meet­ hall. it2* tle Point. 51t4* ing and much enthusiasm was in evi­ dence, both among the boys and the SPECIALS 42 ACHES, 4-room house, orchard, troop committee. J. L. Smith, R. T. 1*29 Ford Coupe - - $67.50 garage, 3 acres bottom; 7 miles Slater and Orville Newton, and the 1929 Chevrolet Sedan - - 57.50 from town on Fishtrap road or see scoutmaster, Rev. W. R. Wilder, and 1929 Durant Sedan - - 57.50 Quelle Cafe, opp. P. O. 45tf assistant, Robert Waggoner. Plans 1928 Buick Coach - - 57.50 were made for the active beginning 1927 Buick Sedan - - - 87.50 WE CARRY -a complete line of Dr. of the program of the troop this week 1*26 Stude Victoria - - 57.50 Hess & Clark Poultry & Stock rem­ The troop will meet on Friday night 1927 Chevrolet Coach - - 57.50 edies and tonics. Coos Feed A of this week in the parlors of the 1927 Dodge Coupe ... 57.50 Seed Stores. church, meeting at seven o’clock to 1927 Oakland Coupe - . - 57.50 accommodate the faculty play at 1925 Rickenbacker ^edan - 57.50 We have 20 practically new pianos eight. All boys between the ages 1928 Chevrolet Coupe - . 37.50 we will sell at a sacrifice on terms twelve and fourteen are invited to be a< good miles left In these cars like rent. For particulars write present at this meeting, and especially SOUTHWESTERN MOTOR8 Marshfield Music Co., Marshfield, those who would like to become Myrtle Point Ore. 1 »4.95 »5.70 »g.60 * rnrri ■ flEit 30% MORE MILES Coquille Service Station Want Ads STEVE’S GROCERY COQUILLE FREE DELIVERY PHONE 166 Volume With Small Profits” Is Our Motto Flour Sj.39 49-LB BAG 25 - 40 - 50 Light Globes 9 and 60 Watt Preferred Stock All Flavors Pkg JELL POWDERS MOUNT VERNON 7 17 Large Cans MILK CORNED BEEF ARMOURS 12-Oz. Caw CANE & MAPLE Kerosene0*118' Syrup èin8e Oysters ci 25e Sweet Pickles SEASIDE SEAPORT Vanilla Lima Beans Ripe OllVeS PINT 15c Tall Can LARGE OVAL Sardines Hills Coffee Can HOT SAUCE Q Rosebud Tissue < JKC IV Preferred Stock 5 Full 1,000 Sheet Roll •w c Spinach 1 C 1 Fruits and Vegetables » Oranges Grape Fruit SWEET NAVELS ARIZONA ) ■ f DOZEN 25 Celery Klamath No. 2 Spuds 7 / FOR 25 Sc While they Last 50 Lbs