The American Legion Auxiliary will meet at Legion Home Tuesday afternoon, January 2ft, to assemble a quilt to make ready for quilling. As many as possible try and attend.— I Robah Robison, Publicity Chairman. The Excel Dress Shop is now of- ering its new winter line of $7.75 tnd $6.50 silk crepe dresses — two r iresses for the price of one. Don’t ( ail to take advantage of this extra- »rdinary offer. Miss Edith Gruenawald returned rom a visit to her home in Shelby- zille, III., recently. She was accom- >anied by Mrs. Bertha Luck, who I ame to visit with her son, George, ’ n Coquille. Mrs. Luck also visited at • he home of Miss Gruenawald. I > ' : Oscar Mintonye, who was liead lock man at the Consolidated Freight warehouse here, has been made nanager of the office, aucceed- ng Phil J. McManamy, who was ransferred to the Medford office. roe Sutton succeeds Mintonye as head lockman. Lee Hand returned Wednesday ■vening from Los Angeles, for which city he and his father, E. V. Hand, left last Saturday in response to word that their mother and wife was quite seriously ill, and she still is. The elder Mr. Hand remained in the south for the time being. Dan Barklow and Spencer Ward, who have been with the Coquille store of the Coo« Feed & Seed or­ ganization, have been transferred to the company’s Myrtle Point store, where the former will be manager. JJewey Kollar has been transferred from the Myrtle Point to the Coquille store. left this morning for home. Mrs. W. Largest Damage Award in Coos E. Bartholomew, daughter of Mrs. The $30,000 judgment secured by MaUry, arrived Monday morning William Kerns, Coo« Bay youth, from Everett. Wash., but is making a against Chas. O. King and Gorst & KILLS longer visit at iter former home. King, is the largest damage judg­ GERMS Mrs. Jas. Palmer, postmistress at ment ever recorded in Coo« county Gaylord, is crtically ill at Indepen­ for personal injuries, according to the dence, Ore., where she is visiting her recollection of court house officials children, according to word received and attorneys of the county. That by Mr. Palmer yesterday. She had was the amount named by the jury suffered an apoplectic stroke in Nov­ which rendered its verdict last Fri­ ember but feeling much better day afternoon. now had started for Nampa, Idaho, Young Kerns has lost the use of his and was again stricken at Indepen­ leg and may eventually lose the leg as a result of the motorcycle collision dence. Miss Levelle Walstrom, freshman wjth the bus last March on the Em­ He sued in business administration at the Uni­ pire to Charleston road. for $50,000. versity of Oregon, was among the F ORIGINAL Clyde D. Lovell, driver of the mo­ eleven coeds to be admitted as a junior CHOCOLATE member of Master Dance, interpre­ torcycle, who suing for $3,000, was LAXATIVE awarded a $400 judgment. tive dance honorary. Miss Walstrom Both casses were heard by the same i> the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ai­ mer E. Walstrom, of the North Bank jury by agreement between the at­ road, and a graduate of Coquille high torneys and the court. L. A. Liljeqvist, defense attorney, school last May. announced that the larger judgment would be appealed. J. B. Bedingfieid Changes in Automobile Circles represented the plaintiff in each case. Frank C. LaRue, previously with the John A. Biegger company at To Entertain “Secret Dads” Marshfield, took over management of the company’» Dodge and. Plymouth The Coquille Bethel of Job« Daugh­ agency and garage on Front «treet ters will entertain their secret dads with a program and refreshments in this week. L. M. McPherson, who has been Masonic Temple next Monday eve­ local manager for that company for ning, Jan. 25, at 7:30 o’clock. the past two or three years, has se­ At this time the members will re­ cured the DeSoto agency for Coo« veal themselves to the dads who have county. He will also handle Plym­ not heretofore known who their outh» His headquarters will be at daughters were. Marshfield but he expects to have an DRUGGISTS STATIONERS office In Coquille as soon as he can ■Attention Royal Neighbor«” find suitable quarters. Mr«. Stanley Fitzgerald will enter­ tain the Tauk-an-so club at her home Only Three to Jail Past Week Knife Hospital January 20 and your new Polly Anna Frank Green was brought to the Dismissals from the hospital will be waiting for you. county jail here last Friday to serve past week are Mr«. Marc Shelley and a ten-day sentence on a petit larceny Victor McCallister, on Friday, Lee conviction. Campbell on Sunday, Mr«. Dora Cul­ HOTEL BARBER SHOP W. K. McKenzie is being held in bertson and Mr». M. A. Sander* on under new management the county jail in lieu of $2500 bonds, Monday. Your patronage will be whidh amount was set by Judge E. A. Mrs Geo. Maag underwent a major appreciated Dodge in Myrtle Point on a charge operation on Monday, and Lark Mast, of rape. of McKinley, entered on Wednesday Ron Endicott, Prop. Bert Adams, fined $40 by Recorder for treatment. Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc KEEP THIS PROGRAM IN A CONVENIENT PLACE FOR READY REFERENCE ( WED. ( THURS LAUGHING UNAFRAID SHE DEFIED LYNCH-MAD MOB! INTO THE SAVAGE JUNGLE . . TERROR STALKING EVERY STEP* She pitted brains and courage against a murderer ... to save an innocent boy from the chair! and a girl torn by love! WHEN TROUBLE j. TROUBLED HER ? UJRRnER BAXTER LAUGHING GAIL PATRICK ALISON SKIPWORTH S towaway ROBERT / HIS FIRST BIG FEATURETTE Over Twice as Long and All in Vx COLOR YOUNG FAYE KAY FRANCIS GEO. BRENT in SINDBAD the SAILOR Featuring POPEYE Wimpy 1936 Wallpaper • / PATTERNS Olive Oyl Bluto 10c A 35c ATTEND THE SECOND SHOW AND REMAIN AS OUR GUEST TO SEE THIS ADDED FEATURE. PLUS ___ 4. + WALT DISNEY’S Color Cartoon 4~ Hr “ WHO KILLED LATEST NEWS EVENTS COQUILLE Coquille ___ i