s PAGB Albert Powers Heads New Livestock Organization Faculty Play Next Friday (Continued from Page One) Albert H. Powers, of Powers, was selected to head the Western Oregon i heartbroken because she must marry Livestock association whetf directors i the title? Or a pretty newspaper re- of county livestod^Beoctations met t porter, (Miss Stahl), who is destined in Roseburg on January 6. B. F. , to lose her job unless she secures a Or a Nichols of Douglas county, will serve ( certain exclusive interview? the organization as vice president and I likeable young bellboy, (Mr. Fuller), R. M. Knox, county agent in Curry ■ who is madly devoted to a pretty housemaid, (Miss Ellingsen), but who county, as secretary. All livestock producers who are i is refused by her because of hia in- Or a tyrannical members of coenty livestock associa­ adequate salary? tions will automatically become hotel proprietress, (Mrs. Stewart), members of the Western Oregon As­ who won’t give him the raise he trill rt- sociation and will be represented in needs? Or a golfing enthusiast, (Mr. iUft ibtir organization meetings by the direc­ Beck), who is dragged from his favor­ nyliitoj roll with each used car purchased on or before Jan. 30, 1937, itlltri trilb tors of the county units. Each county ite golf course by his title-hunting tbo'f of yorr is to have one vote regardless of the wife. You’ll see all this and more frooritt it»- number of directors. Livestock pro­ when you see the faculty play Janu­ at ducers in other counties in western ary 22 at the Community Building. Special between-act features are Oregon which do not have county or­ ganizations are also eligible to affili­ being arranged and will be an­ nounced later. This year a section of ate. The purposes of the new livestock 250 seats are being reserved and these organization as set forth in its by­ may be secured at Hudson’s Drug laws, are to work for a greater devel­ Store for fifteen cents above the ad­ opment of the livestock industry and mission price. A candy sale will be o promote better methods of produc­ sponsored in the hall before the play tion and marketing. It may affiliate and between acts. ’ All proceeds from the play will be with other generally similar' organi- TAe N m « 1937 ations at any time such action should divided equally among the three seem to serve the livestock interests schools to buy playground equipment, library books, or something especially '.o better advantage. Gas, Oil, Tires and Storage The executive committee of this or­ needed which cannot be included in With Philco Automatic ganization, consisting of one repre­ the allowances of the annual school 344 Front St. Coquille Phone 103J Tuning,you twirl the dial sentative from each ebunty, met in budget /aw/ ear« ... easier than Coquille on Saturday, January 0, to The play is a faculty project, and dialing an automatic tel- Weekly or Monthly Payments ■omplete the plan of organization and all teachers have assignments on var­ epbone! I»n»»tiy you on consider a program of work for the ious committees. The committee as­ listening to the American immediate future. signments are as follows: director, P. S5S ’■ A. G Marsters, executive commit­ W. Lane; costumes, Rosabel Brown, station of your choice, tuned perfectly, with elec­ j the toughest guy ever born on the tee member from Douglas county, chairman, Hazel Adams, Vesta Miley; Three Main Events on >.vas selected to represent the utgaxd- scenery, properties, and make-up, trical precision! Wrestling Card Tonight wrong side of the railroad tracks in ation at a meeting of the Oregon Mrs. A. L, Beck, chairman, Mrs. Hal the baked bean city, and it will be FREE DEMONSTRATION up to Ernie to find out if the O'Brien Wool Growers association held in On- Hatton, Mrs. Joe Sayre; electricians (Continued from Page One) A resolution and carpenters, Verne Bailey, chair­ gent is really hard boiled or just half taria early this week. There are other big new was passed also through which the man, Joe Sayre, H. L. Johnson, Bob as a blackjack to subdue his oppon­ baked. Pat is full of what the Irish, exclusive Philco features, state legislature will be urged to Bailey; seating, door sale, ticket sale, ent. Thereupon the district attorney call dander and Ernie is well primed too—such as the Philco again appropriate sufficient funds to A. L. Beck, chairman, J. P Beyers, with what the Italians call push 'em took personal charge of the case and Forrig» Ttttung Syitm, match funds appropriated by counties Roger Stewart, Averil Stewart, Mr. Lipscomb spent a sleepless night up, so there you are. Jeanne Daugherty; ushers and candy which enables you to tune For the third one-hour match, Thor for predatory animal control. in the jail house—later contributing «ale, Meredith Davey, chairman, foreign stations by tut»t. Jensen, thundering down the come $50 in a fine and $50 attorney fees. Nellie Schaffer, Letta Wallace, Mrs. Hear them ... see them Lipscomb will be checked and ! back trail, will lock horns with the Home Demonstration Schedule ... FREE. Come to our The extension schedule for January Edith Walton, Helen Stanbough; pro­ double-checked at ringside and then I clever San Diego ex-sailor, Dick . _____ store for a complete is outlined by Jessie E. Palmiter, grams, publicity, advertising, Mrs. thrown In to the tender mercies of Trout. It looks like the strongest card of home demonstration agent, as fol­ Clarence Osika, chairman f curtains, Philco 11 SXDeLuxe Philco demonstration. No Don Sugai’s jiu-jitsu and jarring drop the season. | lows, the meeting hours being from Bill Walker, Don McClellan; treasur­ Complete—nothing etoe to buy obligation, of course. kicks. er, Mrs. Inez Chase; prompter, Mrs. Reserve seat tickets at the' new law 10:30 a. m. to 3:00 p. m.: The inimitable Portland Italian, Jan. 19—Catching Inlet. Home of P. W. Lane; musical director, L. L. Ernie Piluso, tackles Irish Pat price may be obtained before the Be ma th. I LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE . EASY TERMS First Mrs. Herman Anderson. O’Brien, of Boston, who claims to be match at Bill Fortier’s Place, bout starts at 8:30 sharp. Jan. 20—Dora. Home of Mrs. E. P. Livestock Men Here Today S. Abernethy. Camp Fire Girl Notes t Jan. 21—North Bayside Orange The annual meeting of the Coos County Livestock association is be­ The Checkchamy Camp Fire group Hall. Jan. 22—Arago. Home of Mrs. ing held in the Woodman Hall In Co­ meets regularly each Wednesday af­ quille today, January 15, at 1:30. This XHJTHWESTPtN OREGQWE GREATEST ifatf ternoon at the Washington School. Lizzie Robison. _ _ Jan. ,, 23 Tr — , Coos , County Advisory meeting has been delayed one week At a recent election Betty Emery be­ Commission meeting, 12:30 o’clock, to avoid a conflict of a meeting of the Marshfield, Oregon executive committee of the Western came president; Harriet Tozier, vice Miss Palmiter’s apartment. Jan. 25—Radio Broadcast, No. 7 in Oregon Livestock association. president; Margaret Ann Wilson, sec­ It is important that all livestock retary, and Kay Leslie, scribe. Other series, “Getting Along with Others.” (»one 209R .. 315 West Fir members are Doris Ann Wood, Donna Title for today, “Clinging Vines, Pre­ interests or men who operate on 3:00 p. mJ range land should attend this meet- Dean Bosserman. ■ The girls are ready vented and Removed.” ng, states Frank Van Leuven, presi­ to pass the Woodgathers' rank except KOOS. Jan. 26—Powers. Fellowship Club dent of the association, since consid­ for completing their beaded head erable attention will be given to ef­ bands. Kay Leslie, Scribe. House. Jan. 27—Green Dell Grange Hail. forts which are being made at this Jan. 28—Bandon High School. time to bring about a better use of i Remember the big turkey dinner at These meetings will be on home the cut-over land in this section. The the Townsend club in W. O. W. hall, ‘.*Color in the living County Livestock association has af­ January 10, from 5:00 to 8:00 p. m. furnishing. room" will be discussed. Some of the filiated with the Western Oregon Prices 50c. Licensed Carrier points to be brought out will be how Livestock association and reasons for Coquille to know exactly the Solor, where and this action by the directors will be ................................. I............................................ ....................................................................................... how to use it, how to make correct explained in the meeting it is stated. color harmonies, how to use color to In addition to the discussion on complete report on the association’s make rooms look larger, smaller, methods of bringing about better use business affain so that members and cooler, or warmer. of the cut-over land including burn­ other interested parties may become Anyone interested is invited to ing brush, seeding, etc., attention will fully informed about this organiza- come to any of these all day demon­ be given to a WPA project which Is tion. stration meetings. Luncheon will be now in operation in the county in served at noon. draining seepy areas for liverfluke Cuonty School Notes control. Predatory animal control From Mrs. Mulkey’s Office and the 1037 range improvement pro­ State Dairymen to Meet Eyes Examined gram are other subjects for discus­ The Association of Childhood Edu­ The annual meeting of the Oregon Glasses Fitted sion. cation will have its first meeting for Dairymen’s association to be held in the year at Valley View school Satur­ Corvallis on January 10 and 30, will Reception Room Jointly be attended by several Coos county W. C. T. U. Hu Active Session day, January 18, beginning at 0 a. m. with Dr. J. R. Bunch dairymen, according to a listing of The W. C. T. U. met at the home of This organization is made up of names of those who plan to attend, at Mrs. Zoe Fugelson Friday afternoon. teachers interested in teaching pri­ Laird Building ’he county agent's office during this The devotions were led by Mrs. Er­ mary grades. Phone 82-J The president, Beatrice Abel, of past week. nest Purvance. They are co-operat­ Among those who ere planning to ing in sponsoring Miss Evangeline Myrtle Point, announces the follow- Coquille attend the state meeting are M. M. Phllbin, the worldwide speaker, who Ing program on reading: Revlew of articles in the N. E. A. Journal for Schmidt, of Norway, president of the is to speak at the Pioneer church Coos coanty association; J. N. Jacob­ Monday night. This organization August and September, 1038, Mra. son, Coquille, secretary of the Coos sent a Christmas box, amounting in June Balch, Empire; review of arti­ county association; J. D. Carl, of Ara­ value to $24.35, out to the Children's cles in the N. E. A. Journal for Octo­ go; Earl Cross and E. L. Detlefsen, of Farm Home in Corvallis. There are ber and November, 1036, Mrs. Bea­ Coquille; Joe Nilsen, of Riverton, and to be two new Loyal Temperance Le­ trice Abel; game«, to ba played by all, E. L. Clausen, of Broadbent. gions organized this month. The W. Miss Ida' Oerding, Catching Creek Other dairymen who may be able C. T. U. is planning a rummage sale school; demonstration in reading. to attend have been asked to leave in February. After the business Mrs. Inez Chase and class, Coquille: their name at this office and it is ex­ meeting, refreshments were served remedial reading, Mrs. Walton, Co­ pected that the county will be well by Mesdame^C. G. Stem, D. D. Dale quille; report on Portland meeting of represented at the state meeting and and Zoe Fugelson. to the following Association of Childhood Education. will take an active part in the discus­ ladies: Mesdames Ora X. Maury, F. G. Miss Helen Stanbrough, Coquille. 4-H (Tub Leaders to Meet sion on disease control and other sub­ Leslie, Evs McCue, Henry Ellis, Jss. The first meeting of 4-H leaders for jects which may come before the Richmond, J. S. Houck, Fred meeting. Schaer, Inez Pinkston, Pearl Card- the year will be held at the Valley well, Ione Billings, E. A. Purvance View school on Friday, January 22, at 8:00 p. m. All leaders and other Tourist Travel Up 40 Per Cent and C. C. Farr. • ♦ TIME. THE GREAT TE8TER persons interested in 4-H work are Secretary of State Earl Snell an­ Medford Production Credit Ass ’ n invlted * P«*nt Gertrude Mon- at ideals and standards, has put his nounces that the increase In tourist 'son, president, is outling an interest- registrations in 1036 exceeded the The Medford Production Credit as- ¡ng program which will be announced seal of approval on the Schroeder previous year by 40 per cent. This sociatiOnxwill hold its third annual in the next issue, funeral directing service. Years is an even greater pick-up in regis­ meeting in the auditorium of the of conscientious dealing have con­ tration of 100.300 cars in the preced­ Jackson county court house at Med­ During the Christmas vacation the vinced our many patrons that our ing year Final 1936 tabulations are ford, Oregon, on January 16. The Bancroft school was painted. This is still being received from registrars meeting will convene at 10:00 o'clock the first new coat in many years, undertaking methods and personal hroughout the state, but an increase in the morning A program has been efforts cannot be bettered. Savtngs far Schools Yewr Electrical Servent of at least 40,000 non-resident can arranged which should be instructive Considerable expense can be saved is indicated in present reports. to all present borrowers and those in- schools by the cutting in two of paper The month of December alone terested in co-operative financing.. towels and the mending of books as . . 4 brought an increase of appooximately The association is prepared to make soon as the latter are impaired. It is 1800 registrations, with the total sound loans to all those engaged tn poor economy, however, to save by -caching 5200. I agricultural pursuits and particularly particularly, ,not providing soap and towels for Coquille desires that members bring their j children. Mountain States Power Company wives, as they are partners in thel * . ....... 109R For sound Fire Insurance, go to r* 0 c 0 John A. Biegger| DODGE PLYMOUTH * and Dealers PHILCO *210 Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co COQUILLE BRANCH COAL, FUEL OIL and MILL WOOD BENHAM’S TRANSFER ANYWHERE FOR HIRE WOOD and COAL Dr. De La Rhue Eyesight Specialist #£/?£ / AZfpt/t REDDY KILOWATT Med C. Kelley. business enterprise. There will be • Calling cardo, 50 foe $1,00. !