- • t ■ ■■ .iY ' <■ I Ads r* 'T - ____________________ Professional Cards « DR. De La RHUE Eyesight Specialist i I Laird Bldg.—Reception room jointly with Dr. J. R. Bunch Coquille ; • i DR. RALPH F. MILNE Dentistry 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. Suite 1 > HARRY A. SLACK ¡ [i Attorney-at-Law N . - - - ■ ’ >«. First National Bank Building Oregon Coquill« DR. J. R. BUNCH DENTIST X-RAY Service - Laird Bldg. First Street Telephone 82-L Coquille, Ore. 41 .......................................... ........................... GRANT CORBY • J Attorney at Law Richmond-Barker Bldg. Fbone 157 Coquille, Ore. Residence Phone 24-M J. ARTHUR BERG Attorney at Law 4 Roons 1 4k 2 Farmers A Merchants Bank Bldg Phono 37 Coquille, Oregon I i l DR. W. V. GLAISYER VETERINARIAN County Herd A Meat Inspector Coquille, i I Ora. J. A. RICHMOND PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Richmond-Barker Building Phones: Í ' if Coquille, Ore. Office 62M, Res. 93B ' '' ■ ■ J. J. STANLEY Attorney-at-Law Office at residence. 279 South Willard St, Coquille I IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THl STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS In the Matter of the Estate of Fred Mast. Deceased. ; 4 I I y ~i Notice to Creditors NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned has been duly ap­ pointed by the above entitled Court, as Administratrix of the Estate of said deceased, and has duly qualified as such. NOW THEREFORE, all persons having claims against said Estate are hereby notified and required to pre­ sent the same, together with proper vouchers therefor, to the undersiged, at the offices of J. Arthur Berg, in Coquille, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 30th day of December, 1938. Phoebe E. Mast, Administratrix of the Estate of Fred Mast, Deceased. J. Arthur Berg. Attorney for Administratrix, Resi­ dence ana P< O. Address, Coquille, Oregon. " 51t5 WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Warrants Noe. 1207 to 1300 inclu­ sive, drawn against Union High School District No. 3, Riverton, Ore­ gon, will be paid upon presentation to the clerk. Interest on said warrants ceases December 31, 1936. Mrs. Lillian Hanly, Clerk U. H. No. 3 51t3 Bullards Route, Coquille, Oregon Calling carda, 80 for $1.00. The Junior Women's club held its regular meeting in »the Guild Hall Monday evening with Mrs. Elbert Schroeder, president, in the chair. SFECIAL8 FOR THIS WEEK The club voted to co-operate in spon­ REAL BARGAINS soring Miss Evangeline Philbin as 1931 Durant Sedan - - 3127.50 guest speaker at the B. P. W. meeting 1829 Durant Sedan - - 57.50 next Monday evening, Jan. 18. The 1929 Chevrolet Sedan - - 57.50 treasurer reported due« paid by 25 1928 Buick Coach - 57.50 out of the 29 members. Miss Irene 1928 Ford Coupe - 87.50 Sandon read a paper from the gen­ 1928 Rickenbacker Sedan - 67.50 eral federation magazine, entitled, They all good. Try them. Well-educated,” by E.W. Shirk, SOUTHWESTERN MOTORS chairman of the Junior department. Coquille Myrtle Point The news items were also read. Miss Carol Young read another article LOST—Saturday evening at 7:30, Bass Drum, between Coquille Ser­ from the same Issue in regard to Jr. vice Station and Coquille High Women’s club pins. The program Schpol. Reward for retuin to Co­ presented for the evening was a skit, quille Service Station. It* written and produced by a few of the club members. It was entitled, “Vir­ tue to its own reward or Sin takes a EQR SALE—Two lots, close in. on holiday.” The skit was presented to gravel street. Each 50x100 and 5100 the senior Woman’s club the next cash apiece. Jno. S. Sanders, 541 day. The cast for tbe play included: West Sixth, Coquille. Phone 123L. Grandpappy McGillicuddy, Mrs. Ted . It* / Homecker; Grandmammy McGilli­ cuddy, Mrs. Chas. Haglund; “Our Lit­ USE Crown Silver Sheen Fox Feeds for better results. Coos Feed 8c tle Nell,” Ms. Everett Strain; Henry Seed Stores. Wholesome, Mrs. T. T. Denison; Mor­ .... .............. ........ . .... timer McNasty, Mrs. A. L. Beck; FOR SALE — Barred Rocks, 6 hens, 8 Sheriff Blunderbuss, Mrs. Joe Sayre; pullets and 7 young roosters. 31100 piano accompanist, Mrs. Jas. Mills; for the 21. Wallace Howard, 429 violinist, Miss Ann Hawkins. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE N. Hall St., Coquille, Oregon. It The following committee was ap­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That under and by virtue of an Execution pointed as hostesses for the next issued out of the Circuit Court of the meeting on January 25: Mesdames FOR SALÉ—4-room house and lot on State of Oregon, for the County of Bush street, $425. Terms. Call at Coos on the 21st day of December, Chas. Haglund, Ted Hornecker and T. 507 East 11th street,-Coquille tl 1936, in a certain cause in said Court T. Denison. The club plans to have a pending wherein George D. Peters, basket social and old-time dance Feb­ Janet N. Miner and John G. Peters ruary 8. This is to be held to raise WORK WANTED—Will do odd jobs by day or hour. Garden or rough are Plaintiffs, and Western White Cedar Company to Defendant, Case a little money as well as to have a carpenter work.' W. M. Briner, 209 No. 9093, of said Court and command­ good time. The committee in charge South Moulton, next to Masonic ing me to satisfy the sum of $541.50, of the affair includes Mesdames Jos. hall. It2* with interest at 8 per cent from the Sayre, Geo. McClellan, Elbert Schroe­ 30th day of October, 1930, and costs and disbursements 8229.73, together der, and Miss Dorothy Bunch. A let­ FOR RENT—5-room furnished house, with accruing costs, I WILL ON SAT­ ter of appreciation was read from Dr. half mile from bridge on Fishtrap URDAY, THE gth day of February, G. C. Ballinger, of the Tuberculosis oad. Inquire at E. N. Shull farm 1937, at the hour at 10:00 o’clock in Hospital,- for the stationery and bed an Fishtrap road. Stanley Stevens. the forenoon of said day at the front door of the County Court House in jackets sent to three Coos county pa­ WANTED—To communicate with the City of Coquille, Coos County, tients. Oregon, offer for sale and sell at some one going to Los Angeles or The club made an inventory of public auction, to the highest and best Long Beach the fore part of next work accomplished so far: A cooked bidder for cash in hand, all the right, week. Will share expense. Call food sale was held, also a card party title and interest of the said Defend­ 115R. It* ants in and to the following described and fashion show. A picture was i real property, to-wit: sponsored at the Liberty Theatre. Lots 1, 2, 5 and 6 and the West Calling cards, 50 for |1.00. Gifts were sent to the Tuberculosis half of the Southeast quarter, and Hospital; toys were collected for the Lots 7 and 12, being the East half, FOR RENT OR SALE — 40 Acres _ of the Southwest quarter; all in Bandon children at Christmas time; choice hill land, suitable for small Section -38-Aauth ------ I' 18, assistance was given in the Bandon dairy, chickens, early gardening, of Range 10 Weal of Wiliam- " school drive. The club has worked ette Meridian, Coos County, Ore­ »...orchard, nuts, sheep. ' ‘ ‘ ' berries, ‘ ‘ 18 out an initiation service for new mem ­ 'S^. sale being made subject to re­ acres under cultivation, remainder bers; it has obtained a permanent in young timber. A 4-room house? demption in the manner provided by meeting place. The members are law. barn, granery, chicken house, and Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 8th having parliamentary drills every orchard. Vi mile to Arago grade other meeting. The club is trying to day of January. 1937. and high school. General Store, Post Wm. F. Howell. sail the senior club’s cook books. Office, Cheese factory' and Coquille Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. Talks have been given on the history river. Market road. 6V4 miles to 52t5 By Eva Schroeder, Deputy of Jr. Women's clubs, the general fed­ Myrtle Point and 7 miles to Co­ IN TjlE COI NTY COURT OF THE eration, legislation, education, public quille, the county seat. Mrs. M. L. STATE O1 OREGON IN AND health and a book review. The club Todd, 125 S. Heath St., Coquille, FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS also held a Christmas party and spon­ In the Matter of the Estate of Chas. Oregon. 52t2* sored a program for the Woman’s Webb. Deceased. club. Notice of Final Account WE CARRY a fresh and complete NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Refreshments were served by Mrs. line of Field Seeds, Orchard Grass, the undersigned has filed in the Jas. Mills, Mrs. T. S. Stevens and 'Rye Grass, Clovers, etc. Get our County Court of Coos County, Ore­ gon, her final Account as Executrix Miss Irene Sandon to the following prices. Coos Feed & Seed Stores. of the Estate of Chas. Webb, deceased, ladies: Mesdames Elbert Schroeder, and that the said Court has set Tues­ Geo. McClellan, Craig Perrott, Harold FOR SALE—12 head 2-year old Jer­ day, January 26th, 1937, at the hour Stvens, Harold Gould, Don McEniry, sey Heifers, coming fresh. Phone of 10:00 o’clock A. M. at the County W. A. Lett, 4R3, Myrtle Point. 52t3* Court room in Coquille, Oregon, as Ted Homecker, Chas. Haglund, Joe the time and place for hearing ob­ Sayre, T. T. Denison, A. L. Beck, Ev­ jections to such final account and the erett Strain, Jas. Mills, Royal Davis, USE Crown Dairy Feeds and Poultry settlement of said estate. Leonard Fitzgerald, R. E. Harbison, Feeds for better resulU. Coos Feed Anna M. Rooney, & Seed Stores. Ralph Cochran, Misses Irene Sandon, Executrix. Carol Young, Jenny Lind McKnlght, J. Arthur Berg. PIANO FOR SALE—Small bungalow Attorney for E: ¡xecutrix. and Dorothy Bunch. 50t5 Coquille luille, Oregon size, standard make, guaranteed. Small balance due. You take over Coquille Farm Loan Assit. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE balance for cash or small monthly STATE OF OREGON IN AND Holds Annual Meeting paymenU. Address Mr. J. F. Smith, FOR THE COUNTY OF COO8 adjuster, Cline Piano Co., 1011 SW In the Matter of the Estate of William The farmer-stockholders of the Co­ Dailey, Deceased, Washington, Portland, Oregon. 52t3 quille National Farm Loan associa­ Notice of Final Account NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That tion held their 1937 annual business FOR SALE—10 head Heifers, coming the undersigned has filed in the meeting at Coquille on Jan. 12, elect­ three years, 5 two-year old. All to County Court of Coos County, Ore­ freshen February or March. Ben gon, his final account as Administra­ ing J. P.. Johnson, Antony Biases, tor with the Will annexed of the Es­ Alton Clauson, H. W. Mast, R. H. Smalley, Arago, phone 16R12, Myr­ tate of William Dailey, Deceased, and Lawhorn to Serve On the board of di­ tle Point. 51t4* that the said Court has set Tuesday, rectors for the coming year. February 9th, 1937, at the hour of The officers for the coming year 42 ACRES, 4-room house, orchard, 10:00 o’clock A. M. at the County garage, 3 acres bottom; 7 miles Court room in Coquille. Oregon, as are, J. P. Johnson, president; H. W. the time and place for hearing objec­ Mast, vice president; and E. J. Tilley, from town on Fishtrap road or see tions to such final account and the secretary-treasurer. Quelle Cafe, opp. P. O. 45tf settlement of said estate. With the aid of illustrated charts, J. Arthur Berg, Administrator with the Will an­ President Johnson and Secretary- WE CARRY a complete line of Dr. Hess 3c Clark Poultry 8c Stock rem­ nexed of the Estate at William DaUey, Treasurer E. J. Tilley gave members Deceased. 52t5 a complete picture of the association’s edies and tonics. Coos Feed & Seed Stores. financial standing and urged that ac­ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE tive interest be taken in the affairs 8TATE OF OREGON IN AND of their co-operative mortgage Organ­ THE BEST USED CAR VALUES IN FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS COOS COUNTY ization. Ih the Matter of the Estate of Aided by higher crop and live­ We’ve gathered the pick of the crop Effie M. Cartoly, Deceased. of recent trade-ins and recondi­ stock prices, members made good Notice of Final Settlement tioned them. Now they are all set progress during 1936 toward clearing Notice to hereby given that the un­ for your inspection: up delinquencies, paying off back dersigned has filed his Final Account in the matter of the Administration of taxes and getting their loans in good 1936 Chevrolet Master Sedan, low mileage, new tires - - $695 the Estate of Effie M. Cartoly, de­ current condition, Mr. Tilley reports. ceased, and the County Court for 1935 Chevrolet Master Town Se ­ Co<>s County, Oregon, has set Satur­ It to expected that further progress dan, fine condition, has had day, the 6th day of February, 1937, will be'made in this direction during very good care 585 as the day, and the County Court the coming year. Room in the County Court House at 1932 Chevrolet Coach, rebuilt The Coquille association has ap ­ Coquille, in Coos County, Oregon, as motor, new paint, new tires 385 the place for hearing objections to proximately 8181,800 in outstanding said Final Account and the settlement mortgage loans which have been ne­ 1930 Chevrolet Coach, looks and runs good - 175 of said estate. gotiated through the district land Dated this 6th day of January, 1930 Chevrolet Coach, a real bar­ bank at Spokane for its 55 stockhold ­ 1937. gain 175 ing members on a favorable co-oper­ Harry A. Slack, Administrator of the Estate of Effie ative basis. At present it to making M. Cartoly, Deceased. 52t5 new first mortgage loans at the record low interest rate of four per cent a WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE year, with payments, spread over a Notice is hereby given that war­ rants up to and including No. 10,925, long term of years, set up so the issued by Coquille School District, Na principal can be automatically paid 8. will be paid upon presentation to off by the end of the loan period. Phil McManamy the district clerk, on and after Satur­ Encouraging messages were read at Agent day, January 16. 1937 Interest on the meeting from Land Bank Com­ said warranto ceases on that date, i 5JJ missioner A. S. Goes, of Washington, Keith Leslie, Clerk School District No. 8, Coquille, D. C., and from E. M. Ehrhardt, presi­ Coos County, Oregon. / lt3 dent of the district bank at Spokane. SHIP FASTER & SAVE MONEY! CONSOLIDATE FREIGHT LINESliiC ■" ’ •' a I if ASK US WHY YOU 6ST30TL MOXf M/a$ ' ro* YOU*. MOUSY 9Y MAK!MS THS CHANSfNOHI. I i ur <1- Coquille Service Station ROAD SERVICE CACL 133 - s Say it with Flowers and be sure they’re ■ ' ' v;'-;.; < • -•-■"“AS? Bergens Better Blossoms Flowers always fresh from an acre of greenhouses y — t 1929 Chevrolet Sedan, we have 165 two of them, both good 1930 Chevrolet Sedan, motor and 185 body in good shape 1932 Chevrolet Coupe, new paint, 225 a nice running car - - 115 1928 Chevrolet Coach 75 1929 Chevrolet Sedan, a bargain 1936 Ford V8 DeLuxe Sedan, heater, radio, low mileage - 695 1936 Ford V8 DeLuxe Coupe, radio, driven only 12,000 miles 645 1930 Ford DeLuxe Sport Road­ ster? radio - 100 1929 Ford Town Sedan, fine con­ dition - - - - 145 200 1930 Ford Coupe, new tires 1028 Ford Tudor - 125 1935 Ford V8 Coupe, new motor, 485 new tires, looks good as new 1934 Pontiac Coach, a fine car in 495 excellent condition, 175 1929 Pontiac Sedan 1931 Studebaker Sedan, six- wheel equipment, low mileage 335 1929 Nash Coupe, shows the best 225 of care - 165 1929 Nash Sport Coupe 1931 Chrysler Royal 8 Sport Roadster — 315 1931 Durant Sedan - - $127.50 We Have a Fine Selection of Trucks 1936 Chevrolet Pickup, driven only 10,000 miles 1936 Ford V8 Pickup, only 12,000 miles - - - - 1934 Dodge Truck, a good buy 1933 Chevrolet Truck, long wheelbase, good rack 1932 Chevrolet Truck, long wheelbase, chassis and cab - 490 475 495 385 We furnish 1937 License on All I Paaaenger Cars -Written Gua ante« with Each Car SOUTHWESTERN MOTOR8 Coquille Myrtle Point Bandon ' I..—.' .7< FOR SALE—A beautiful four-burner, • all white enamel Hot Point electric range, as good as new. Giving it' away. Phone 128-L or 141 South Henry St. It* IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Esta Stewart, Plaintiff, vs„ Walter LeRoy Stewart, Defendant, Summons Case No. 11074 To Walter LeRoy Stewart, the above named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF' OREGON, YOU "are hereby re­ quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before Sat­ urday, the 16th day of January, 1937, said date being after the expiration of four weeks from the date of the first publication of this Summons, and if you fail so to appear and an­ swer said complaint, or otherwise plead thereto, for want thereof,.the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her com­ plaint, to-wit. For a decree dissolv­ ing the marriage and marriage con­ tract now and heretofore existing be­ tween plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and equi­ table. The grounds upon which said relief is based in said complaint to cruel and inhuman treatment. This Summons is served upon you by publication thereof in the Coquille Valley Sentinel, pursuant to order of the Honorable J. T. Brand, Judge of the above entitled Court, made, dated and entered on the 15th day of De­ cember, 1936, which order Requires that the date of the first publication of said Summons shall be on the 18th day of December, 1936, the date of the last publication thereof being Ffl- day, the 15th day of January, 1937. J. Arthur Berg, Attorney for Plaintiff, Residence and P. O. Address, Co­ quille, Oregon. 49t5 ' I » t-.. f '