O. E. S. Installation for Two ■ Chapters Wednesday Evening (Continued from Page One) Not Loading I«ogs There Yet The Coo* Bay daily docs not need to throw rocks at other papers which, according to the dally, are erroneous in some of their news stories. Under a Coquille date line, Monday, the daily said that 100,000 feet of logs were being delivered daily by each of two logging operators at Fairview. A lady from there tell* the Sentinel that not one log has yet been deliv­ ered, that the loading platform and one of the logging roads for truck* are not yet completed and that it will be a week or two before Kline A NEW YEAR'S GREETINGS logs from their operation*. think on Mrs. Charles Lausche, of Apt*., spent Christmas at Rogue River with Business Meeting Monday Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc The Coquille Business and Profes­ sional Women will hold a business meeting Monday evening. It will be held at 8:00 p. m. at the Dr. James Richmond residence. DRUGGISTS STATIONERS Chadwick Lodge, A. F. 4 A. M. Special communication of wick Lodge, No. 88, A. F. A Tuesday, Jan. 5, at 7:30 p. m. in E. A. Geo. E. Oerding, Chad­ A. M., Work W. M KEEP THIS PROGRAM IN A CONVENIENT PLACE FOR READY REFERENCE JAN. ÏTFI THEGREATZIEGFELD” Among the New Year's parties scheduled will be a family reunion at the home of Mr*. Hook. Several rel­ atives will enjoy the occasion, Includ­ ing a sister from Portland, Mrs. Kath­ erine Orloff, and Mrs. Ralph Taylor, ot Coquille. STAR-STUDDED EN­ TERTAINMENT THAT (Continued from Page One) SPECIAL MATINEE FRIDAY MATINEE EVENINGS WARREN WILLIAM — RANDOLPH SCOTT Allee Brady, Elizabeth Patterson, Lyle Talbot, Isabel Jewell MATINEE SUNDAY i H *1 IUILLE • «1C LINDIN GENE LOCKHART 2 P. M