I ¿A- .a-.jfesM..a..... I"' I « / *7"? - ? T ARAGO Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barklow and Leota' S. p. Na. 4$ WARRANT CALL All warrants of School District No. Rae, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Miller and Christmas is over, bringing cares as » Velina Jean, all of Myrtle Point, and 48 are called qp to4No. 177 as of Dec. well as happiness to some. Mrs. Nile 23,. 1936. Iris were the guests. i Miller suffered a slight stroke Christ- Josie Bennett, Clerk Mr. and Mrs. Geo. King and daugh­ 50t3 Myrtle Point, Oreg. i ruas day and while she is not in dan- ter, Jane, and Olga Gissler, of Ala­ ger, she is quite ill. Price Robison j suffered a stroke just before Christ- meda, California, arrived Sunday to IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE visit the Lafferty family. They left STATE OF OREGON IN AND ! mus and is recovering as well as can for their home Tuesday morning. On FOB THE COUNTY OF COOS oe expected. Oluf Aasen is suffering Monday the family enjoyed a turkey Esta Stewart, Plaintiff, from a severe attack of the flu. Bill vs.. ¿inner. Other guests were Mr. and ' .... —i Sinko has been threatened with Mrs. Everett Lafferty, XBlen and Waltel LeRoy Stewart, Defendant^ Summons pneumonia. . ¡Mayrc Lee," and Fred Lafferty. ' Case No. 11074 There were many family reunions ' Sunday callers at the Price Robison To Walter LeRoy Stewart, the above in the community, and some went to < named defendant: tome were Mrs. Ray Lewis and Bes­ other districts to celebrate. Mr. and IN THE NAME OF THE STATE sie and Mrs. Ray Barklow, of Myrtle OF OREGON, You are hereby re- Mrs. Ernest Hammack and Children, Point, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robison and quired to appear and answer the Milton, Verle and Dacie May went to Thelma, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Ham- 1 ’ complaint filed against you in the Gaylord for a reunion of the Wesley mack and family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert above entitled suit, on or before Sat­ Barklow family at the hpme of Mrs. .iulstrom and sons, Mr. and Mrs. urday. the 16th day of January, 1937, said date being after the expiration Harrison Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clarence Schroeder and Price, Mrs. of four weeks from the date of the - Hampton went to Grants Pass to A Emily Hickam and Kent, of Corvallis. first publication of this Summons, spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Sixteen-members of the Woodward and if you fail so to appear and an­ Walter Barklow and family. They ■lan gathered at the home of Mr. and swer said complaint, or otherwise plead thereto, for want thereof, the f drove to Pasadena from there to Mrs. Sam ffoot to eat Christmas dln- plaintiff will apply to the Court for spend New Year’s and visit with Mr. ,ier with th^-ir mother, Mrs. Edith the relief prayed for in her com­ Hampton’s cousins. Mr. and Mrs. ■Vcodward. Others present were Mr. plaint, to-wit. For a decree dissolv­ ivi?** Lawrence Rackleff, Ellis and Maxine,, I*’ ind Mrs. Bert DeMoss, of Brookings, ing the marriage and marriage con­ tract now and heretofore existing be­ left early Christmas day for Canby, i California, Miss Ruth Woodward, of tween plaintiff and defendant, and where they spent Christmas with his II -os Angeles, F'-is Rachael Wood­ for such other and further relief as mother and father. ' ' f* * ward, of Bremerton, Washington, Mr. to the Court may sebm Just and equi­ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carl arrived table. ind Mrs. Wayne Woodward and Ger­ ■■to ** The grounds upon which said relief on Thursday from McMinnville to Fl- ald, Mr. and Mrs. Tyrrell Woodward, is based in said complaint is cruel spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gillespie, Arda and inhuman treatment. Mr. and Mrs. John Carl. Christnqas This Summons is served upon Q you ind Bernice. dinner guests at the Carl home were Mrs. Naomi Robison was an over­ by publication thereof in the Coquille valley Sentinel, pursuant to order of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schroeder of sight guest at the Frank Burbank the Honorable J. T. Brand, Judge of Bandon, Mr. and Mrs. Melden Carl Dome Saturday. On Sunday after the above entitled Court, made, dated of the Roy district, Mr. and Mrs. dinner at the Burbank home, Mr. and and entered on the 15th day of De­ Kenneth Carl of McMinnville, Wal­ Mrs. Burbank, Mr. and 5Jrs. Clarence cember, 1936, which order requires that the date of the first publication lace Carl home for the vacation from Schroeder, Price. Mra. Emily Hickam. if said Summons shall be on the 18th O. S. C., Herbert Carl and Mr. and Kent, and Mrs. Robison drove to Ban­ Jay of December, 1936, the date of Mrs. John Carl. he last publication thereof being Fri­ don. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schroeder, day, the 15th day of January, 1937. Mrs. Sarah Barklow is suffering J. Arthur Berg, Mrs. Emily Hickam and Kent arrived ,'rom a severe cold. Attorney for Plaintiff, Thursday from Corvallis to visit with Sunday morning church services Residence and P. O. Address, Co­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burbank and quille, Oregon. 49t5 were conducted by Rev. W. A. Stev- other relatives. Christmas dinner jns, of Coquille. About sixty were in guests at the Burbank home were Mr attendance at the Sunday school hout NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND AC­ and Mrs. Clarence Schroeder and QUIRED BY COOS COUNTY, following. This was Mr. Stevens Price, Mrs. Emily Hickam and Kent, OREGON. FOR DELIN­ first sermon at Arago and the com­ QUENT TAXES Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Golden anffi Keith munity were pleased make his ac ­ Kribbs. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That quaintance. In the evening there was under and by virtue of an order of Thursday evening dinner guests at no preaching but a »ong service led sale made by the County Court of the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wat­ by Mrs. Winnifrtd Hopkins of Spo- State of Oregon, for the County of kins were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boak Coos, on the 7th diy of December, •cane and the Christian Endeavor les­ A. D., 1936, comamnding me to sell and sons, Melvin, Rupert and Harold, son were held with dismissal at eight he following described lands, to-wit: qf Bandon, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wat­ Brilliant *85* o’clock. ra Lot 5 in Block 1 in Elliott’s kins, Everett and Dorothy Belle, of Addition to Coquille City, Coos Shelby McAllister left Sunday af­ ThlThrif^W* Eureka, California. Mrs. Winnifred County, Oregon, according to the ternoon for Portland, where he will s plat thereof on file and of rec­ Hopkins, of Spokane, Washington, spend part of his vacation. ord in the office of the County Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Watkins, Mrs. Rev. Adolph Haberly left Sunday Clerk, of Coos County, Oregon. Martha McNair. Mary, Jean and Anne Minimum Price $133.52. morning for North Bend, expecting to Watkins. The traditional turkey din­ I SHALL, in compliance with said proceed "Monday to Peerydale, where order, on SATURDAY, the 9th day ner was served. The entire party re­ he will join his wife at the home of of January, A. D., 1937, commencing mained overnight to await the visit their son, Bob. at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said of Santa Claus. Mrs. Hopkins, her Sunday morning services January day at the front door of the Couit mother, Mrs. McNair, and the Boak be conducted by Earl F. House in the City of Coquille, and County of Coos, State of Oregon, offer family returned to Bandon for a third will of Coquille. In the eve- for sale and sell at public auction the Downing, Christmas celebration at the home ning Mrs. Sam Root will lead the above described real property to the of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Garoutte. Quiet Hour program at Christian En­ highest and best bidder for cash in " Christmas dinner guests at the aforesaid and having a frontage along hand at the time of the sale, or for not low water mark of said Slough 500 home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Damron deavor and Rev. George Turney, of less than twenty per cent (20%) of Coquille, will preach. feet. the purchase price in cash, the re­ were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Damron, Mr. Together with tide lands if any Mr. and Mrs Leonard Garoutte are mainder to be paid under written and Mrs. John Damron and children, fronting thereon. spending the holidays in Cottage agreement with .the purchaser in All of the above described proper­ Jack and Annalou, from Bandon. The equal instalments over a term not ex­ Grove visiting relatives. z ty being in Coos County, Oregon. ceeding ten (10) years from the date dinner was served Christmas eve­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Myers had all of of sale, all deferred payments to bear Sold sale is made under execution ning. The John Damrons remained issued out of the Circuit Court of the their family with them on Christmas interest from the date of sale at the state of Oregon for the County of overnight, returning to their home eVe for a family Christmas tree. The rate of six per cent (6%) per annum, Coos to me directed in the casd* of Saturday afternoon. group consisted of Mr. and Mrs. payable annually. Federal Land Bank of Spokane v. No sale shall be made of the above Miss Rachael Woodward arrived Myers and Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Stan­ parcel of real property for a lesser James Watson, et al. Thursday from Bremerton, Washing­ WM F. HOWELL, .- ley Halter, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence amount than the minimum price Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon ton, -to spend Christmas with her Barklow, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wood­ shown thereon. 47t5 By Eva Schroeder, Deputy mother, Mrs. Edith Woodward, who Dated at Coquille, Coos County. ward and Gerald. On Christmas day Oregon, this 7th day of December, A. had just returned from Los Angeles. I all were thfirejor dinner except Mr. D„ D., 1936. k NTF COURT OF THE Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ha beri y and two hnd Mrs. Woodward and Gerald. Wm. F. Howell, STATE OF OREGON IN AND small sons and Rev. Adolph Haberly FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Mis. Elizabeth Lett and son, Leslie, 48t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. In the Matter of the EUate of E. W. left Tuesday for Modesto, California, and Mrs. S. C. McAllister, Shelby and Gregg, Deceased, where they will be the guests of Mr. SUMMONS Mary Jean. Notice to Creditors and Mrs. Hezekiah Root. In the Circuit Court of the State of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Several members of the class of ' Mr. and Mrs. George Zinzerling Oregon for Coos County the undersigned has been duly ap­ 1935 from Arago high school chai-' pointed by the above entitled Court, and sons, Allen and George, drove to J. Wesley Downs and Rebecca P. ler.ged the high school basketball 1 Downs, husband and wife. as Administratrix at the Estate of E. Porter, Washington, to spend Christ­ Plaintiffs. W. Gregg- Deceased, and has duly team for a game Wednesday night. mas with her sister and family and vs. qualified as such. Due to illnesses they had to borrow, NOW THEREFORE, all persons J some other alumni and played the Edith Zinzerling, who is attending Susie E. Hamilton and Augustus Hamilton, her husband, J. B. Clark having claims against said Estate are high school team to a tie at the end high school there. 1 and Jane Doe Clark, his wife, and all hereby notified and required to pre­ Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Halter and other persons or parties unknown sent the same, together with proper of the time, then threw the winning claiming any right, title, interest or vouchers, therefor, to the under­ basket. Those playing for the alumni 1 30ns attended a family gathering at the home of Mrs. Alma Halter near estate in or to the real estate de­ signed. at the offices of J. Arthur were Price Schroeder, Wallace’Carl, ' scribed in the Complaint on file Berg, in Coquille, Oregon, within six Coquille on Wednesday evening. Charles Webb, Art Farrier and Lee ' herein, or any part thereof, months from the date hereof. For the first time in several years Dated this 10th day of December, Collier.. Defendants. To Susie E. Hamilton and Augustus 1936. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Watkins and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Keltner were to their entire family on Christ- Hamilton, her husband, J. B. Clark Clara D. Gregg, C. Anne drove to Bandon Saturday af- hosts 1 Administratrix of the he ___ Estate of E. mas day. Those present were Edwin ana Jane Doe Clark, his' wife, and temoon and were supper guests of 1 W. Gregg, Deceased. Keltner, of Oregon City, Ruth Kelt­ all other persons or parties unknown Mr. and Mrs Ray McNair. claiming any right, title, interest and J. Arthur Berg, Attorney for Administratrix. Christmas day marked the forty­ ner, of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Theron estate in or to ths real estate describ- , Residence and P. O. Address. Co­ ninth wedding anniversary of Mr. Keltner, Nancy and Percy Keltner, of ed in the Complaint on file herein, quille, Oregon. 48t5 Marshfield, Mr. and Mrs. Claire Kelt­ or any part thereof, the above named and Mrs. B. B. Watkins and all of ~ ner, of Knappa. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Defendants. IN THE NAME OF* THE STATE IN THE COI NTY COURT OF THE their children were with them except Halter, Ronald, Allen and Francis, of OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ Earl Watkins and family, of Portland STATE O1 OREGON IN AND Gunder- quired to appear and answer the ’ FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Dinner was served at one o’clock to Arago, Mr. and Mrs. Harry In the Matter of the Estate of Chas. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Watkins, Mr. and son and Mrs. F. Clapp, of Klamath complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on or Webb. Deceased. Mrs. Ray Watkins. Everett and Dor­ Falls. before the last time prescribed in the Notice Of Final Account Ashland, Dr. Mattie B. Shaw, of order for publication of summons NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That othy Belle, of Eureka, Mr. and Mrs drove in Thursday to spend Christ ­ herein, and if you do not. Plaintiffs the undersigned has filed in the J. K. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. John Dam­ County Court of Coos bounty, Ore­ ron, Jack and «Annalou, of- Bandon, mas With Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Shaw will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in their complaint on file gon, her final Account as Executrix Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Watkins, Mary, and children, Patty and Arlen. herein, a succinct statement of which of the Estate of Chas. Webb, deceased, Mr. apd Mrs. J. F. Burtis, of Port­ is: That Plaintiffs be decreed the and that the said Court has set Tues­ Jean and Anne. day, January 2flth, 1937, at the hour Mrs. Naomi Robison spent Christ­ land, were Christmas guests of Mr. owners in fee simple of The 84k of of 10:00 o’clock A. M. at the County mas eve as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. J. L. Burti», returning to the NW 44, the SW44 ot the NEY« and the NW 44 of the SW 44 of Section 32, Court room in Coquille, Oregon, as their home on Sunday. Township 26 South Range 12 West the time and place for hearing ob- Albert Gulstrom. On Christmas day Ernest Ferrari, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. of Willamette Meridian—in.... Goes Mr. and Mrs. Gulstrom and sons. Junior and Dai win. Mrs. N -Rob=- Duffy and'Palty Grossen. of Kfnmnth "CounTy, Oregon; that the above named defendants be compelled to Anna M. Rooney, iSon, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Lillie and Falls, and Miss Catherine Ferrari, of set forth any claims which they may --------- Executrix.—.____ North Bend, were Christmas guests of children, Clyde, Laura Bernice, Glen­ have or claim to have in or to said J. Arthur Berg. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Milani. real property or any part thereof, Attorney for E: Ixëcutrix. da and Gerald, had dinner together Mrs. Ray Watkins, of Eureka, Cali­ and whatever right, title, interest, 50t5 Coquille 'oquille, Oregon at the Lillie home. estate, lien or equity, Defendants • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Watkins and Ev- fornia, spent Monday and that night WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE I crett spent Christmas evening at the with her siBter, Mra. Ralph Rackleff. may have in the same be decreed to be inferior and Junior to Plaintiff*' z Notice Is hereby given that war­ Patty Grossen, who has been with title, and that Plaintiffs* title to said rants up to and including No. 10823, home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rackleff. property be forever quieted, and for issued by Coquille School District. No. Mrs. Martha McNair and Mrs., Winni- her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe such other and further relief as to the I. will be paid upon presentation to fred Hopkins were overnight guests Milani, since Thanksgiving, returned Court shall seem meet and equitable. the district clerk, on and after Satur­ of Mra. Rackleff. I to Klamath Falls with her mother, This summons is published pursu­ day December 10, 1938. Interest on ant to an order of publication made Raymond McNair, who la spending Mrs M Sunday. said warrants ceases on that date. by the Hon. J. T. Brand, Judge of tha Keith Leslie. Clerk the vacation from the University of Rev Rev • - ,n< 8n< * * Mr8 Mr8 - - J J^ f8Se 8** Barnett Barnett and and above named Court, and entered School District No. 8, Coquille, Oregon at Eugene with his parents, children, George, Virginia, Leslie and herein on the 10th day of Dec., 1936. Coos County, Oregon. 49t3 Mr. and Mrs Ray McNair of Bandon, i Lawrence, of Newberg, were Chriat- The date of the first publication of this summons is Dec. 11, 1936, and Body and Fender repair work done was a Saturday dinner guest at the mas guests at the J. W. Barnett home. the data of the last publication is the Ernest Watkins home. ' ................... ...... 8th day of Jan., 1937, ail as preicibed by experienced mechanics. Our body Mr and Mrs Walter Barklow were Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and tn said order. painter la an expert. Let ua prove C. A. Barton, we have the best of repair service. hosts to their entire family Christmas I milk, the only milk and cream made Attorney for Plaintiffs Mr. and Mrs. Eldrid Wilder, | safe by pasteurization. Southwestern Motor Co. lltf day. 4815 Postoffice address, Coquille, Ora. New Faaffi V-R'*; appelant Raelpmffi la giva r' E xtra E conomy ! ; ...-L Y ‘ - •u LÍ. • ••• ïf*- Bk,. >2 r»> i LV « ì K. » «*• III 4 T ■K- » K< t NEW FORD V88 ! . » 73te NILE MOT OR ?; COMPANY Coquille, Oregon NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY ? Professional Cards DR. De Le RHUE Eyesight Specialist Laird Ide- Recapitai jointly with Dr. J. R. Cequille DR. RALPH F. MILNE 1st NatL Bank Bldg. Suite 1 HARRY A. SLACK Attorney .at-Law First National Bank Building Oraron Coquilla DR. J. R. BUNCH DENTI8T « X-RAY Sendee Laird Bldg. Telephone 82-L First Street Coquille, Ore. GRANT CORBY Attorney at Law Richmond-Barker Bldg. Phone 157 - Coquille, Ore. Residence Phone 24-M J. ARTHUR BERG •4 Attorney at Law R ooms 1*1 Farmers A Merchants Bank Bldg Phone 87 Coqsillo, Oregon —H . DR. W. V. G LA 13 YER VETERINARIAN County Herd * Meat Inspector Coquille, Ore. J. A. RICHMOND PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Ric)unond->Barkor Building Phones: Coquille, Ora. Office 62M, Res. »«R J. J. STANLEY Attorney-at-Law 4» y t Office at risldeane, ITO Soatk Willard St, CequiUs On the 2nd day of January, 1937, at the hour of 10:00 A. M. at the front door of the court house in Co­ quille, Coos County, Oregon, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following de­ scribed real property situated in Coos County, Oregon, to-wit: Beginning 143 feet South of the Comer of Sections Thirteen, Four­ teen, Twenty-three and Twenty-four in Township Twenty-six South of Range Thirteen West of the Willam­ ette Meridian at a fir tree 15 inches in diameter marked C. S. cm South side; running thence West 850 feet to a poet marked C. S. from which a fir tree 10 inches in diameter bears North 34 degrees East 9 feet; thence South 27 degrees 9 minutes West 1000 feet to a cedar root marked C. S., thence South 20 degrees and 39 i minutes East 1293 feet; thence South 300 feet; thence South 25 degrees : and 50 minutes West 1039 feet to a fence; thence South 1055 feet to the South boundary line of the Donation Land Claim of Curtis Noble and wife, claim No. 37 and being a portion of Sections Thirteen, Fourteen and Twenty-three and Twenty-four In Township Twenty-six South of Range Thirteen West ot Willamette Meri­ dian; thence West to the Southwest Comer of said Donation Land Claim of Curtis Noble and wife on the bank of Isthmus Slough; thence Northerly along low water line of East side of said Isthmus Slough to a point due West of the place ot beginning; thence East to place of beginning, containing 150 acres of land, more or lesa; except a strip of land 100 feet wide by 500 feet along the water front described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on low water mark of the East bank of Isthmus Slough, Coos County, Oregon, where Sloi a pile now stands 3172 feet South ana 2122 feet West of the common comer of Sections Thirteen, Four­ teen, Twenty-three and Twenty-four in Township Twenty-six South of Range Thirteen West of tfhe Willam­ ette Meridian, in Coca County, Ore­ gon, said pile being at the North­ west Corner of Watson’s wharf at Coos City in said County and at the Southwest Comer of what is known as the McLaughlin Lot, now owned -bjt.. which pile the ground" an iron diameter bears North ffiffi Mffil 73 degrees 49 minutes East 108.5 feet; and an iron pipe one inch in diameter driven in the top of dike been North 34 degrees 45 minutes East 211 feet; and the South face of a cedar pile at the Southwest comer of the County Road Landing on East side of said Isthmus Slough at said Coos City, bears North 18 degrees 30 minutes West 79.8 fest; thence from said pile first mentioned Southerly along low water line of the waters of the East bank of said Isthmus Slough 500 feet, thence East 100 feet; thence Northerly on a line parallel with the line running Southerly above referred to. 500 feet, thence West 100 feet to the place of beginning, situated in Section Twenty-three, Township Twenty-six South of Range Thirteen West of the Willamette Meridian in Coos County, Oregon. This is in­ tended to be a tract of land 500 feet by 100 feet along Isthmus Slough (J I j to I