(drier Holiday Values 4 DAYS - JAN. * - 9 INCLUSIVE Start the New Year right by saving on these items. To give to our customers during the coming year, the very best merch andise and the very best service to be obtained anywhere -17'75 $15.75 Sport Coats Smart New Dresses, this seasons styles CrepeS $&50 and $7.50 now $6.50 Crepes $65° now $5.00 Silk Prints $4.98 now $3.98 Knits *67510 riiso now $5.00 & $9.00 Bath Robes - Kimonas also at reduced prices. Onr New Year Wish A HAPPY MH y I Al No Refunds Excel I.O.O.F. Buil 5 Shi Iß Every Snte Final » yen k i Given away to the first 5 customers purchasing $5.00 worth of merchandise one' pair of 79c hose. Satisfied Customers mean Successful Business IB! 111 cious refreshments were served to the Club Notes and Other Social Activities following guests: Messrs, and Mes- Job’s Daughters Install Bethel No. 15, order of Job's damep R. L. Stewart, J. Arthur Berg, Daughters, held their semi-annual in­ G. A. Ulett, F. S. Emery, Lafe Comp ­ The N. O. M. A. club met at the stallation of officers in Masonic Hall home of Mrs. Belmont Ireland Tues­ ton, Hal Pierce, H. E. Hess, Carl A. Monday evening. Miss La Velle Dale Rietman. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brooks, day evening. The hours were spent acted as installing officer with Dorris very pleasantly in sewing and knit­ of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Compton as installing guide, Marjorie ting. Mrs. Ruth Clayton won the Brown, of Klamath Falls,' and the Van Alstein as marshal, Levelle Wal- prize drawing. Delicious refresh­ hosts and hostesses. Mr: Ulett won strom as chaplain, Cherie Mae Hart­ ments were served to the following high score for the men and Mrs. well, recorder, and Margaret Pur- ladies. members: Mesdames LaVerpe Elling­ Pierce for the vance, pianist. The following girls t - ,I.-TI son, Ruth Dey, Frances Detlefsen, The Justamere club ladies and were installed: honored queen, Mari­ Alice Moras, £uth Clayton, Ferryl husbands met at the hotel Thursday lyn Compton; senior princess, Doro­ * DeJamett, Olive Kuhn, Yvonne Carl, tor a seven o’clock dinner. After the thy Glaisyer; junior princess, Georgi- Eleanor Miller, Lucille Ellison, Lor­ dinner, they went to watch the New anna Johnson; guide, Marion Hess: Marriage Licenses raine Perrott and the hostess. Year make its appearance at the mid- marshal, Margaret Smith; recorder, Dec. 24—Lyle C. Smith and Iva ’night show at the Liberty Theatre. Margaret Stewart; treasurer, Eliza­ June Ward, both of Coquille. Mrs. O. C. Sanford entertained with beth Varney; librarian, Virginia Hart- Dec. 26—Verle McCoy and Louie a lovely tea for her niece, Miss Le­ The N. O. M. A. club ladies and son; chaplain, Eileen Percy; musician, 4 Vista Wilson, both of Marshfield. velle Walstrom, Tuesday afternoon their husbands attended the dance at Donna Dean Bosscrman; 1st messen­ They were married here Saturday by from three to five. The home Was the Community Building New Year’s ger, Muriel Davis;'2nd messenger, Joy most attractive with flowers and eve and then repaired to the home Norton; 3rd messenger, Patsy Holver- Rev. W. R. Wilder at his home. Dec. 29—Frank Bremer and Mar- other seasonal decorations The fol­ of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kuhn for re­ stott; 4th messenger, Peggy Wemich; lowing ladies poured throughout the freshments. . “ i I Sth messenger, Margaret Belloni; sen­ garet Browning, both of Allegany, »----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- - Ore. afternoon: Mesdames Harry Slack. ior custodian, Beverly Norton; junior Dec. 29—Harold A. Minter, of Co­ ¿ir Luckey Bonney, George Ulett and The Odo club members with ■ their custodian. Audrey Taylor; inner ROCM FOR RENT—Plenty of heat 1928 Ford Coupe - - - $ 85, Lafe Compton. Mesdames Carl Riet­ husbands had a Christmas party at guard, Gretchen Clinton; outer guard. quille, and Louise J. Fosnaugh, of and hot water, 106 Second St., L. C. 1935 Buick Town Sedan, has been Bandon. man and Clarence Osika assisted the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hand Ann Hawkins. Sherwood. It* driven only 16000 miles, runs Dec. 30—Lawrence Leonard Den­ about the rooms. Misses Edythe last Saturday. Games of all kinds After the installation of the girls, and looks like new - - $783 ney and Laura A. Kelley, both of Ma ­ FOR SALE — 50 ton ' of good baled Farr, Marianne Axtell, Dorothy and a Christmas exchange were the Mrs. Lafe Comp Lon was installed as 1930 Buick Sedan, Reconditioned Glaisyer, Dorris and Marilyn Comp­ happy diversions of the evening. The Bethel guardian to fill out the un­ pleton, Ore. hay. Priced reasonable. Owen motor, new paint -- - $295 ton helped serve about fifty guests. following folks won prizes at Bingo: expired term of Mrs. Bertha Smith, Russell, Camas Valley, Ore. It* 1931 Chrysler Sport Roadster $315**- Baptist Society Is Growing Two .very attractive little misses, Mesdames Mabel Kunz and O. E. Ma- who was cofnpelled to resign owing 1934 Pontiac Coach, perfect con­ Judy Slack and Sally Bonney, greet­ toon, Messrs. Bert Sanders and O. E. to home and business, duties. A very The young people’s society of the FOR SALE—1 doz. pullets, 1 doz. - - - - . $495 hens and a rooster, Black Minorcas.j dition ed the guests at the door. Delicious refreshments were lovely floral degree was tendered Baptist church has grown so rapidly !- Matoon. 1 1929 Pontiac Sedan - - - $225 Phone 48M, Coquille. It* ' served to the following members and Mrs. Smith by nine of the officers. A as. to makc'^K necessary to reorganize 1931 Studebaker Dictator Sedan, Mr. and Mrs. George Chaney and husbands: Messrs, and Mesdames huge bouquet ot poinsettias and a gift into two groups. low mileage . - - - . - $335 USE Crown Dairy Feeds and Poultry Mr. and Mrs. Frank Greenough held Bert Sanders, O. E. Matooh, C. W. was then presented to her. There will be a high school group Miss 1936 Ford V8 Pickup, only 12000 Feeds for better results. Coos Feed a lovely informal bridge party, at the Gano, Geo. Sherwood, Grant Wilcox, Margaret Purvance and Mrs June and a young married people’s group. miles, a buy - - - - $515 & Seed Stores. home of the latter Saturday evening. | Guss Tillmann, Fred Kunz and the Walker sang an appropriate song, Those between may join either. This 1934 Dodge truck, long wheri After an evening of contract, deli- host and hoetess. “Let us call you sweetheart.” After organization and election of officers FOR SALE—1927 Chevrolet Sedan, base, flat rack, dual tires, fine several splendid talks a pleasant eve­ will be held Sunday night at 6:30. in good condition. Will take $75 condition - - - - - $495 ning was brought to a close. Several They are a live, friendly bunch and cash. She Ernie Wardrip at South­ 1932 Chevrolet long wheel base, of the young people then left for wish you to come and share their dual tires.................................. $265 western Motors, Coquille. ** it Marshfield to attend the O. A. C. good times. OTHER MODELS TO SELECT dance. USE Crown Silver Sheen Fox Feeds FROM $25.00 AND UP > Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and" for better results. Coos Feed 8t ASK BOUT G. M. A. C. FARMERS’ milk, the only milk and cream made Seed Stores. Thieves and Another PLAN a»fr by pasteurization. Frank A. Blue was bound over to 42 ACRES, 4-room house, orchard, the grand jury by Justice Dodge at garage, 3 acres bottom; 7 miles Myrtle Point, Saturday, with bail from town on Fishtrap road or see set at $1,000. He is accused of steal­ Quelle Cafe, opp. P. O. 45tf ing a magnifying glass from Dr. Mc- Lennon. One Cent a Word Each Insertion WE CARRY a complete line of Dr. James Barnes, the Marshfield fire Hess & Clark Poultry & Stock rem­ No Adv. leas than 25 cents department member who robbed the edies’ and tonics. Coos Feed & I. R. Tower home in North Bend on Seed Stores. FOR Your Convenience—Your Fuller Christmas morning, was bound over Brush Man is located in your home to the grand jury Monday, his bail SOUTHWESTERN MOTORS, town. Call 277 W. Tenth St., Ralph being set at $5,000. He was brought Coquille C. Hess. 51t2* over to the county jail. Barnes went GUARANTEED O. K. USED CARS We are appreciative of the opportunity to have served you to a good deal of trouble to cover up FOR SALE—10 head Heifers, coming 1936 Chevrolet Standard Sport in 1936 and ask for your friendship and patronage through­ Sedan, low mileage, has built- his tracks but he was arrested by three years, 5 two-year old. All to Chief Sorenson, of North Bend, with- in truck | freshen February or March. Ben out 1937. With best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous 69 Busy Comer Grocery Delivery THE MAKE - IT - RIGHT STORE :------------------ S------------ j BENHAM’S TRANSFER I ANYWHERE FOR HIRE WOOD and COAL* Coquille Licensed Carrier Want Ads N4W Vear, we remaiin. Yours for Quality Phone 20 J. L.STEVENS stunt beeh driven only 9000 miles. 81t4* tie Point Equipped with Radio. A real Gilbert M. Keston, of Bandon', is value ----- $635 serving ten days in the county jail for FOR SALE OR TRADE—One blue­ failure to send his children to school. tick and blood hound Pup, 3 mos. 1934 “Chevrolet Master Coach, Motor completely overhauled, old. Phone 1R5, or write G. L. Ask fortOow Bell Dairy cream and Fleming, Coquille. It* new tires, new paint - - $475 milk, thé only milk and cream made 1932 Chevrolet Coach, recondi­ WE CARRY a fresh and complete tioned motor, new tires, new I by pasteurization. line of Field Seeds, Orchard Grass, paint, equipped with six wheels Rye Grass, Clovers, etc. Get our and trunk ----- $365 prices. Coos Feed it Seed Stores. 1930 Chevrolet Coach, recondi­ tioned, new paint, only - $195 r 1936 Ford DeLuxe Fordor Sedan Chadwick Lodge No. 68 .with built-in trunk, equipped with radio and heater, low A. F. * A. M. mileage ----- $695 Special Communication 1935 Ford DeLUxe Sedan, excel­ Tuesday, Jan. 5, 7:30 p. m. lent condition - - - $575 INEZ ROVER Accredited Piano Teacher IJour IdeaL Mealing Place. Work in E. A. 1929 Ford Coupe - - - $135 THE CARE THAT COMES WITH TRAINING is yours when you engage thig firm to look after the funeral ar­ rangements Our long experience and high degree of technical skill in meeting and solving funeral di­ recting problems result in care, professional and pe Coquille 109R Bandon 1081