MYRTLE POINT ITEMS 1 Mrs. Mabel Dement, who has l>een | {.pending several months in southern California, is spending the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | Chas. Adams. Mrs. J. D. Barklow, who has been spending the last few years with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Banks, in Port­ land, has returned and will make her home in Myrtle Point. Double funeral services were held tor Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Lundy Satur­ day afternoon at two o’clock at the Methodist church with Rev. W. C. Cronk in charge. Mrs. Lundy. 74. passed away at her home Wednesday, Dec. 23, after a several months* ill­ ness with heart trouble. Mr. Lundy, Phone 81 81, suffered a stroke on Tuesday, Dec. Phone 122 STORE NO. 136 STORE NO. 469 22, and was taken to the Mast hos­ pital, where he passed away on These Prices effective to Monday, January 4 r . • . i ' ; ' ..... . - :. ' • ■ Thursday, Dec. 24. Mr. and Mrs. Lundy have been residents of Myrtle Point the past 23 years, coming here from Glen Elder, Kansas. They leave to mourn their loss, one son, Verne, of this city; two grandchildren, Doro- othy and Robert Lundy, besides a host of friends, who mourn their passing. Interment took place in the Norway cemetery.< < Mrs. Ralph Kring was hostess on Tuesday of last week for the Christ­ mas party of the Past Matrons club. | A one-thirty o’clock dessert luncheon CALL 1J» was enjoyed by the following mem­ Guaranteed on bers: Mesdames Bud Emery, of i After spending a few days at home Marshfield; Henry Roslow, W. E.; Miss Dorothy Hooton left Sunday for Lundy, Fred Schofield, John Arnold, I Grants Pass, where she has arranged John Belloni, W. Bell, T. D. Guerin, to do special nursing. _ . _ ____ ____ ______ _ R. __ H. ______ Lemon, ____ Ray Dement, Raleigh Clarence E. Ellison, principal of thaXg^^, Mabel A c chase, Bulk local school, is spending the holidays and G. L. McRay. The gifts from the with relatives and friends in Port- “unknown friend” were distributed and names drawn for the coming The W. A. Lett home was the scene year. A lighted tree with Christmas of a jolly family gathering on Christ­ greenery made a charming setting mas ever, those present being Mr. and for this party. Mrs. Elmer Wilson and children, Mrs. Rose Garrett and daughter, Charles, Virginia, Burton and Earl, of Margaret, arrived home Sunday and Sltkum, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Seed will spend this week at their home. and son, Gerald, of Myrtle Poin^ Mr. They spent Christmas in Seattle with and Mrs. Oriin Lett and daughter, Mre*Carrett’s sister, Mrs. Jack Zum­ Joan, and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lett. walt. PKGS. The Oriin Lett family, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Deyoe had as by Charles Wilson, left early the fol­ their guests. Christmas day Mr. and lowing morning to visit with Mrs. Mrs. Dale Druliner, Eckley Guerin Lett’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. and William Jacobson, of Lakeside, Larkins, and other relatives, at Mu­ and Mrs. Agnes Kenyon, of Port Or­ lino, and will also spend some time in ford. Portland on business and pleasure. Clarence Weekley went to North They plan to return home the last Bend Thursday to spend the holidays of this week. with relatives and friends. Mrs. Elise Lamp and daughter were John McCulloch returned to his guests Monday evening at dinner at home in Camas Valley after spending the A. O. Hooton home, in honor of the week-end with his brother, James. Miss Lou Hooton’s birthday anniver­ Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Clinton en­ sary. tertained several of their friends and can L Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Culver and relatives at a Christmas dinner last children returned Sunday from Friday. Covers were laid for Mr. and spending Christmas with Mrs. Cul­ Mrs. Harry Christy and two children. ver’s sister. Mrs. N. W. Perkins, and Nola Ray and Barton, Mr. and Mrs. family at Canby. They also visited Jesse Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Eyes Examined other relatives while on the trip. Christensen and Marvine, Mrs. Lilas Mrs. Dan Cribbins and Mrs. Dwight Ellis and son, Jack, Mr. and Mrs. A. Glasses Fitted Culver went to Myrtle Point Tuesday E. Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Reception Room Jointly to visit Mrs. Velma Cribbins at the Clinton. Mast hospital. with Dr. J. R. Bunch Mr. and Mrs. A. Parry and family, of North Bend, spent Christmas with Laird Building < Mrs Parry’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Large Size T. D. Dickson. Phone 82-J Bunches Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Davidson and Urge Heads Genevieve, of Palo Alto, California, ) Coquille • arrived Thursday and spent Christ­ mas at the home of Mr. Davidson’s grandmother, Mrs. Almira Davidson. Mrs. Thede Wilson, of Honolulu, is Mrs. Chris Moller, of Myrtle Point; NOTICE spending this week in Myrtle Point, Mrs. R. C. Craven, of Klamath Falls, and Mrs. Kildale, of Eureka, Califor­ visiting relatives and friends. Union Members and Friends Mrs. Emma Hermann has gone to nia. Interment took place in the Norway cemtery. 1 UNION BARBER SHOP Modesto, California, for a several weeks’ visit at the home of her son, 10th and Coulter Sts. Coquille FAIRVIEW Eugene Hermann. Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDonald Effective Dec. 27th and children, of Bremerton, Wash­ Probate Court ington, are spending the holidays with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Warner and two children, Alice and Rose Marie, re­ turned home from a trip to southern California. I Mrs. A. M. Sunstrup and daughter, Marguerite, returned home Saturday Arr. Portland Leave Coquille afternoon from a trip to Portland. 3:25 A.M. Mrs. Adeline Gurney arrived home 12:40 P.M. Thursday from Grants Pass and will 8:40 A.M. spend the holidays' vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 10:15 A.M. (via Roseburg) 8:00 P.M. Wm. Guemey. 4 R. W. Schaad left Thursday for 3:10 P.M. 11:50 P.M. Newberg to visit his parents. Mrs. Schaad left a week before to visit in Forest Grove and Portland . Mr. RETURNING Schaad will attend the Oregon State Leave Portland Arr. Coquille Teachers’ association in Portland re^ fore returning home. 7:15 A.M. (via Roseburg) 4:52 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Guerin and two 8:30 A.M. 5:55 P.M. children. Patricia and Harry Wayne, spent Christmas at Langlois at the 12:45 P.M. 10:10 P.M. home of Mr. and Mrs. George Guerin. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Pedan and 11:80 P.M. 8:55 A.M. two children returned home Tuesday afternoon from 3 tcn-day trip to TIRES THAT GRIP ASK US WHY yOU 6XT 30% MOSS M/Uf FOX YOUX MONSY BY MAKHfO THS CHAN61N0WI. Airway Coffee G?Smd 3 B>*- Flour Values Pork & Beans » CAN 5« Oleomargarine !Sner 3 41® Kitchen Service Craft 49s^k $ Harvest Blossom Tomatoes p ÌS j E^ 2 CANS 19® Peanut Butter Post Toasties 2 Jell Well fu SJT1 3 pkgs . 14® Harvest Time Ovaltine 6 oz . cn ! Life Buoy Soap bar tc Motor 011 1 Qt. 19e'2 gzlcn ! $1.19 Pcsches Eyesight Specialist 19® h S to n ! FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Oranges 2 doz . 45c Rutabagas 4 ibs. 1: Carrots 3 IOC Cauliflower 2 um Improved Service To PORTLAND (KnsAifij Mansell Drayage & DeliveryCo 6:05 P.M. 9:10 A.M. 10:15 A.M. fxxal and Long Distance & COQUILLE HOTEL Lafe Compton, Prop. Phone 604 GREYHOUND Z t fl C > HAUUNG 6:10 P.M Maud Skaggs Woodyard MILL WOOD 1