Misses Margaret Purvance and Mias Elizabeth Pierce, who L. em­ ployed In San Francisco, arrived by Elois Wilson are home from Portland Monday morning's early stage to Bible Institute for tile holidays Mrs. £. M Wilson drove to Portland Tues­ spend Christmas at home. day to get them. . . ~ Miss Beryl Unsoeld came home Miss Virginia LeFevre, of Corvallis, last Saturday from Arcata where she is attending the teachers' college to is spending. the Christmas holidays with Jier parents in Coquille. Mr. spend Christmas at home. and Mrs. Jack LeFevre drove to Cor­ Mr. and MM. Jacob Grebel arrived vallis to get her Thursday. a week ago from Portland to spend Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. W. V. Glaisyer, Al- M. Earl Wilson, and family. lington, Betty and Dorothy, left Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rohrer, who had Thursday for Tacoma to spend been visiting at the Knife hospital Christmas with Mrs. Glaisyer’s fath­ tor a few days, returned to their er, A. H. Johnson, and her sister and home in Crescent City on Wednesday. husband. SWEET GREETING for Mr and Mrs. Robert C. Gile, of The following members of the high Roseburg, are arriving Thursday school faculty are spending their hol­ evening to spend Christmas with Mr. idays at their home: Mis Stahl and and Mrs. Ernest Purvance and family. Mr. Fuller at Corvallis; Miss Hall at Whatever else you rive for Christmas, be sure to rive Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Brophy arrived McMinnville; Miss Davey at Salem candy. Nothing expresses the spirit of Christmas and Miss Schaffer at Eugene. in Coquille from Portland Monday . more appropriately than delicious chocolates. GALES evening to spend the holidays at the Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Perrott are leav­ home of their daughter, Mrs. Francis ing Friday for St. Martin's Springs to CHOCOLATES are supreme in flavor. McCarthy. surprise her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. George Ulett, Jr., and Leonard J. Stanley, who have been there the Golden, of Newark, N. J., both fresh­ past two weeks for the benefit of Mr. Knife Hospital men at Stanford University, arrived Stanley’s health. i ' Dismissal« from the hospital the Saturday to spend Christmas and Job's Daughters will hold their in­ past week were Mrs. Lona Moser last POUND New Year’s. stallation in Masonic Hall Monday Saturday, Mrs. Jennie Bogan, of Coos The Myrtle Point V. F. W. and Don evening at 7:30 p. m. After the in­ Mrs. Vesta Estes and his dance band are giving stallation there will be a short Christ­ river, on Thursday. their usual Saturday night dance in mas play. Everyone interested is Baker, of Reedsport, who brought her three-year otd son to the hospital the V. F. W. hall at Mytale Point most cordially invited to attend. last Sunday for treatment for pneu­ December 26. Geo. E. Pike, of Portland, who is monia, took him home Thursday. Phil J. McManamy, the popular manager for the Consolidated Freight Visiting his daughter, Mrs. E. F. Lu­ DRUGGISTS Lines here, has received a promotion cas, at Bandon, was a Coquille visi­ Elwyn Nosier to Preach Sunday STATIONERS Elwyn Nosier, student at Northwest and the first of the year will go to tor, Tuesday. It is 18 years since Mr. Medford as manager of the Consoli­ Pike moved from Coquille to Port­ Christian College, Eugene, will preach dated there. His successor here has land. He is a half-brother of Mrs. E. the morning sermon at the Church of E. Johnson. Christ Sunday. This will be his first lermon to his home church not yet been announced. " Christmas Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc. BMMHMHMSMMnMUnMas>aa»MIIBHMMSBS JUST TO MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS SEASON THE HAPPIEST EVER! Make it a point to take in our big. Christmas Program. The following is what we have in store to make YOUR CHRISTMAS A REALLY MERRY ONE! THE NEW KEEP THIS PROGRAM IN THEATRE COQUILLE A CONVENIENT PLACE FOR READY REFERENCE 1 TUE. - ■ - WED. DEC. 29 - 30 ] ,TZ...___ OVE IN ) LIKE TH FLOOD ,„,e Ihem flood '* WARNER BROS McCREA f • BUDDY EBSEN N • WALTER CATLETT • KATHERINE de MULE OHNSON CHOIR •fmaapbera Sours of a Primitive People .T Dancing on the Levee ... In the Throbbing Rhythm of the Mighty Mississippi! Special Attractions “CHANGING of the GUARD” AO in Gorgeous NEW TECHNICOLOR Starring SYBIL JASON Mate Vocal Chorus and Band of 50 . . . Military Dancing Chorus of 100. In. Added Short Subjects Admission * Fredric^MflRCH with Olivia DE HAVILAND Donald Woods - Anita Louise Edmund Gwenn - Claude Raine Children -10c Adults > 35c I THUR DUE TO THE EXTREME LENGTH OF THE FEATURE THERE WILL BE ONE SHOW EACH EVENING. SPECIAL XMAS MATINEE FRIDAY 2 P.M. Matinee 10c & 25c Evenings 10c & 35c r THURSDAY DECEMBER 31 Show Stars 7:15 M€€Ti 11:30 P.M. ¿GALA MIDNIGHT SHOW NEW 1 EAR’S EVE Si ELL - JOAN BLONDELL - FRANK McHUGH “STAGE STRUCK” *-*<28® j LLIAM Yacht Club Boys Sfc SPECIAL SHORT FEATURES BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 11:00 O’CLOCK. SHOW ARTS 11:30