- ?■' i y * * ; MHLUI VAJLLBY HJfflWtt, OOQCf ■ ■SS». I N ............ isuuj----------------- ARAGO ^“ritlow, o.„ <4 points; Fredenberg, g ; A large crew ha* been working on Miss Marguerite Sunstrup arrived MYRTLE POINT ITEMS The Sunday school Christmas pro Rackleff, g., a points; total score. 32. home Saturday and will spend the gram was given Sunday morning Langlois-Sabin, f., 4 points; Cad- .he new church this week, pouring Lavonne Summerlin returned he cement in the forms for the base holidays with.her parents, Mr. and with a treat for each child at the end. roan, f„ 4 points; Brown, c.; Thon- home the last of the week from Walla ment. Mrs. A. M. Sunstrup. The numbers were: recitation, “Mer Walla, Washington, where she spent g.; Cassy, g„ * points; total 15 Wal acc Carl returned from Cor Mrs. Theodore Hillyer, of San ry Christmas, " by Dade May Wo points. vallis Thursday evening to spend the several week* at 'the home of her Diego, came last week to be with her mack; duet, “Away in a Manger,’’ by The game was *11 in Arago's favor, holidays with his parents. Mr and uncle, W. H. Bunch. mother, Mrs. Olive Shull, who has Lillaverle Myers and Glenda Stew with the guards holding the Langlois Mr, Weaver and two sons, lister Mrs. Jolin Carl. been quite ill but is now slowly im ard; recitation, “At Christ™», " by foi-wards to a low score. However, Rev. W. Raymond Wilder, of Co- und Isaac, of Myrtle Creek, were proving. X Glenda Jean Lillie; quartette, “Star Langlois Scored all of their point* on Myrtle Point visitors Saturday, re luille, conducted the morning church Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woodsite, of í •?...._ »,w of the East,’’ Annie Deardorff, Mary accurate long shots. This to the first service at Arago. The congregation turning home in the afternoon. Miss Honolulu, visited friends in Myrtle and Jean Watkins, Leaths Munford; Langlois basketball team for several was favored with a solo, “No Room Gwendolyn Weaver, teacher at Twin Point last week. recitation, “Christmas Carol»,” John years and they will provide competi m the Inn.” just before his sermon Oaks school, returned with them to A. G. Thompscon returned to Ms Paul Root; song, “Christmas Bells,’’ tion before the season’s end. which was from the same text. The spend the holidays. home in southern California, after a Verle and Dade May Hammac^, The young ladies’ Sunday school evangelistic message in the Christmas Miss Priscilla Deyoe arrived home week’s visit in Myrtle Point. Jackie Farrier, Barbara and Jimmy class entertained their mother* or story was brought out. Rev. W. A. Saturday from Lakeside and will • / , Freeman; recitation, “Loving and proxy mothers with a program and Stevens, of Coquille, will preach Sun spend the holidays at the home of INQUIRE FREELY BRIDGE Oh in*“ by Pamela Evans; “Silent tea at the home of their teacher, Mrs. day morning, Dec. 27. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. De Many unforeseen queries arise at Miss Marjorie Van Atotein, who to Night,” by njen’s chorus of sixteen Lawrence Rackleff, on Saturday af The ladies of the Arago church held yoe. a moment of death. Many are of voices. Mrs. George Mullen submitted to studying music in Portland, came a nature which one hesitate* to ternoon. A varied program of stunts a sale of handwork at the Arago store home Monday to spend the holidays There will be no preaching service and music was presented by the ¡|rto on Friday, selling most of their stock a major operation at the Mast hospi discuss with even most intimate at Arago on Sunday evening, Decem with refreshment* of salad, rnnel on hand A nice sum was cleared for tal Friday morning. Her daughter, with her parents and brother, Mr. friends—problems of costs, plans, h and Mrs. Harold C. Van Alstein and Mrs. Harold Leep, of Roseburg, to ber 27, but there will be Christian cake and tea served at beautifully the new church. customs and so forth. Methods of Byron. here to be with her mother. Endeavor, led by Mrs. Oluf Aasen, decorated tables following. Tiny Mrs. Ernest Boek and Melvin Boek payment for the essential services Clyde Puett, who had been em Burr Monrad, student at the Uni Christmas trees marked each place visited Mr*. Martha McNair Sunday followed by a musical program. arrive as questions. It to at such a ployed at Bend since last winter, Those afternoon, returning to their home in versity of'Oregon, arrived the last Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and and a gift for each mother. time, upon such matters, that our oí the week and will spend the holi came home Thursday and Saturday advice will prove most helpful. Mrs. Lyle Pauli were, Mr. and Mrs. enjoying the happy afternoon Were, Bandon in the evening. noming he and his parents, Mr. and Ike Miller and son, Harold, of Myrtle Mrs. Nile Miller and Gladys, Mrs. R. C. Parker to able to be out again day vacation at the home of his moth Mrs. R. A. Puett, left to spend two or Point; Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller and Oluf Aasen, Leatha Munford, Mrs. S. after a serious illness of several er, Mrs. R. L. Tucker. The Myrtle Point schools closeo three months in California. The La Gladys, Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller C. McAllister, Annie Deardorff, Mrs. weeks. . bart family to occupying the Puett i » . and children. The Orvus Miller fam Reginald Menegat, Esther Davidson, Shelby McAllister spent the week-, Dec. 23 for the holiday vacation. They • home during their absence. ily remained overnight, returning to Mr*. John Cart, Mr*. Earl Cross, Mrs. end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. . will reopen Jan. 4. Coquille Miss Dorothy Hooton came Tues Ilandon Mias Paula Breuer, who to attend Melden Carl, Mrs. Frank Burbank, S. C. McAllister, returning to Catch their home Monday. day from Eugene to spend Christmas 109R ing O. S. C., arrived home the last of 1083 r Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones and family Mrs. C. S. Webb, Mary Watkins, Mr*. ing Inlet Sunday afternoon.. with home folk*. Miss Lavaun Aasen arrived Friday f the week and will spend her vacation spent Sunday evening visiting Mr. Ernest Watkins, Jean Watkins. Mrs, i-e Evelyn Morrison, who has been ill ■*—wen* and Mrs Nile Miller. They all at Lawrence Rackleff, Anne Watkins evening from Booth, where she to i at the home of her parent*. Mr. and with flu for several days, to able to herd home Saturday. tended the Christmas program in and Maxine Rackleff served the tea. teaching this winter. She will spend I Mrs. Paul Breuer. be out again. Miss Gelene Fitzpatrick arrived The young people of thè church at the holidays visiting her parents, Mr. Myrtle Point at the Brethren church Edwin Crowley went to Coquille Mr, and Mr*. Gottlieb B. Schmid, Tuesday from Eugene and will spend Arago met at the home of Charles and Mrs. L, M. Aasen. that night. Saturday. He brought Jessie and who closed a week ’ s evangelistic ser Keith Kribbs drove to Corvallis i the holidays here and in CoquHle. Robert Dean home with him. They Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Miller and Webb Saturday night tor a white ele Miss Betty Ross left Thursday for vice here Monday night, left Tuesday returned Sunday. daughters, Colleen and Maxine, are phant Christmas party. Much hi Friday morning and attended the O. to spend the Christmas season with Lila Mae Laird came home from - expected to arrive on Wednesday to larity was caused by the exchange of S. C basketbail game. He visited at Medford, where she will make her relative* at Willamina. home with her mother, Mrs. H. E. gifts and game* were played till a late the C. E. Schroeder home until Sun the hospital Thursday but to stiU con spend the holidays with relatives. “The Log of 1936” to the topic for She has bejp making her fined to her bed. Friday evening brought three bas hour. Stephen Aasen was in charge day afternoon when he returned to I Peck. Christmas Endeavor Sunday evening, home with Mrs. Florence Guerin for of the game*. Refreshments of Arago. Marie Clinton, of Gravel Ford, is ketball games to Arago fans. The and Mis* Lou Hooton will have The Arago grades gave a Christ the past two year*. staying at the Ivan Laird home doing Myrtle Point junior high team played orangeade, cocoanut cakes and sand The last meeting of Elgin chapter, charge of the service. Visitors will the bookkeeping for the L. B. L. com Arago second string, Bandon Inde wiches were served to Tim and mas program in the gymnasium E for 1936 was held Thursday be very welcome. O. Mamie Jones, Wallace and Herbert pany again. Tuesday evening which was enjoyed pendents played Arago Independents Mis Helen Lowers, of Coquille, wss Milton Hammack, Gladys by a capacity crowd. A yaried pro evening at the Masonic Temple. Af Ernest Krewson was able to come and Langlois high school played Carl, a Tuesday guest at the Dwight Cul home from the hospital Sunday. Arago high school. Arago won all Miller, Annie Deardorff, Leatha gram of recitation* by the primary ter the business meeting a group of ver home. Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Shepherd and three games. The high school statis Munford, Stephen Aasen, Alvin Fred children, a pretty play which includ past matrons honored the retiring The Henry Nixon family ha* moved tics were: Arago—Hammack, f. 8 enberg, Mary, Jean and Anne Wat ed the singing of many Christmas matron, Karama Greene, with a floral onto the Booher place, where the La baby, of Dora, visited at the Harold points; Ivan Robison, f., 14 points; kins, Maxine and Ellis Rackleff, Ber carols and finally a primary play degree. She was presented with a barts had been living for the past Shqpherd home Friday evening. nice Gillespie, Gerald Woodward, with Santa Claus in'person entitled past matron pin and a basket of J. D. Laird to having his kitchen re Clyde Lillie, Esther Davidson, Cha*. “Santa Goes on a Strike,” and the flowers. Those taking part in the de few month*. modeled, a new floor put In and new Nadine Ellis, Lou Hooton and singing of “Away in a Manger” by a1 tree service were Helen Pancoast, Webb. cupboard*. Chas, and Mike Oberman primary group closed the well-plan- Emma Moller, Metta Rosslow, Marit Glenn Hutton attended the Myrtle C. CT JolM a. wort. Thursday evening bible study was THE MELODY* PACKED held *t the home Of Mr*. Oluf Aaten ned evening. MHs Allee Scott to the i' Lundy, Estelle Chase, Eugenia De E. Union meeting in Coquille Sunday WONDHtSHO^ with her father, Rev. Adolph Haber- teacher of the primary room and Mrs. ment, Ada Lemon, and Flentge Per- afternoon. Mae Hatcher, of Myrtle ly, leading the discussion. Those Winnifred Ray is the teacher of the > kins. Mrs. Greene honored her of Point, attended the meeting with fé OF ALL TIME! ficers at a lunchen, presenting each them, and came to Bridge for an' present were Mr. and Mr*. S. C. Mc upper grades. with a potted plant. The hall was overnight visit at the Ellis home. Stan I Girl» I Allister and Mary Jean, Mrs Robert r There was a torje and appreciative decorated with holty and a Christ Munford, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wat Col» Porter hit * New Arrivals at County Jail Audience at the school auditorium mas tree. kins, Mrs. Naomi Robison, Mr. and tun»»l It ha»^ Ray Mile* Crockett was brought About 160 attended the annual Tuesday evening for the lovely Mrs. David Root and John Paul, Mrs. IVIRYTHINQI^^B over from Marshfield Friday to serve father and son banquet of the Myrtle 'hrtotmas program, which consisted Oluf Aasen and Mr. Haberly. out a *50 fine imposed in Justice of song* Mr. and Mrs. Sam Root drove to Peace court for possession at deer Point chapter of Future Farmers oi ?f the following numbers: “ Joy to the World" and ” 1 Heard the America at the high school auditori Myrtle Creek Sunday where they met meat. He pleaded guilty to that but I um Thursday evening. The main Bells on Christmas.Day," by the com Miss Ruth Woodward and Mr*. Edith 9 not guilty to that of operating a line munity chorus; a'beautiful pageant, speaker of the evening was Dr. H. D. Woodward, who came up from Los of traps, above Allegany, without a “ Scbudder, professor at farm manage Christmas Night,” by the school; Angeles. Miss Ruth will spend the license. Bail on that charge was set duet, “Star of the East*’ by Mrs. Al . ment at Oregon, State College. holidays at Arago and her mother, at *190. , , '■ • w- Mr. and Mrs. H. E.. Whitaker are bert Pancoast and Mrs. Ray L. Beck who has been vigRjng her this fall, Ed-teaefi T«*h*ld in th* county jail the parents of a son born at tHe Mast ett. and “Whispering Hope,” in re will remain at her home in Arago. under *1000 set by Justice Bott at This to sponse to an encore Mrs Jess Damron and Mrs. Sam Marshfield on a sodomy charge. Max hospital Thursday night. Santa Claus was stationed in the Damron drove to Bandon Wednesday, Ginter, witness in the case, to held in their first child. hall, with a box of candy and a candy Mis* Delilah Blundell had the mis- where they enjoyed a turkey dinner lieu of *500 bonds. The fortuna to bfeak the little finger on cane for each child present. and gift exchange at the home of Mr*. program was. sponsored by the school, her right hand by shutting on it the John Damron. Nineteen ladies, most Body and fender repair work done church, Grange and Civic dub, each of them worker* in the M. E. Ladies by experienced mechanics. Our body inner door of the safe, at the E. C organization sharing in the work and Aid at Bandon and all of them friend* uainter to an expert. T«et us prove Barker jewelry store. expense. Much credit to due the Roderick Barklow, student at the of many year* standing, enjoyed the we have the best of repair service. Willamette university, to spending his committee, the teacher* and pupils, afternoon. ^Hithwestem Motor Co. t lftt vacation at the home of his mother, and all who helped in making the evening the splendid success that it Mrs. Mabel Barklow. was. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whobrey left ,s The Dwight Culver family left Saturday for Jerome, Idaho, to spend f Wednesday morning to spend Christ the holidays with relatives. Mrs. H. A. Schroeder'has been con mas with Mrs. Culver’s sister, Mr*. N. - fined to her home this week with ill W. Perkins, at Candy. , Mr. and Mrs. Orjie Farmer and ness. ■•es children moved this week to Fair Aír and Mrs. Lee Ray had as their view, where they have purchased guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Mood « Eckley, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford* Alito, property. XPFUL ADVICE æ A I ’ ■ SCHROEDER BROS. MORTUARIES, la«. f SHIP FASTER | & SAVE MONI V ■ P/ume • !o fW CONSOLIDATED FREIGI GREYHOUND LIBERTY THEATRE HOLIDAY FARES / f Effective Dec. 17- Jan. 1 “ - Sl |fa.’T I » fa £ of t*ortland, Mrs. Grady Johnson 18-day retara limit BREWSTER VALLEY and son, of Powers, and their own 1 • GREYHOUND'S frequent sons, Callie and Wayne. The school children under the able schedules sre ss ceovsnieat ' Mr. and Mr*. Joe Mast, who were direction of Miss Emma Lou Watson •* driviag your own car.... hurt.in a car accident last Sunday presented a Christmas musical play. No driving worries.... Warm while returning home from Roseburg, “The Girl Who Had No Birthday,** to comfort »bl* easy riding coaches are in a more serious condition than a large and appreciative audiences at ... Beit driver* on the road. at first supposed. Mr. Mast ha* a the community hall Saturday eve broken right shoulder and Mrs Mast ning. Those taking the parts in the EXAMPLES suffered a torn rib. They are Goth play were Betty Jean Nickason as OF ROUND TRIP PARK at their own home. Magsie, the girl who had no birthday; From COQUILLE Ray Guerin returned home Thurs Harry Crowley as Freddie; Mavis day , afternoon from Los Angelas, Keller as Grace; Tern Nickason as Medford - -$ 6.00 where he spent the last two months Gloria; Virginia Wilson as Mabel; San Francisco - 13.75 with hi* sisters, Mrs. R. A. Jsnten Burton Wilson as Paul; Jack Mayse and Mrs. C. G. Schulz*. Sacramento - 13.90 as Jack, and due to the illness of Ro With the car almost a total wreck salie Laird, Mavis Keller also took Log Angeles • 22.95 the L. H. Pearce wrecker brought In her part as Flossie. The stage mana San Diego • - 26.00 the sedan owned by Tony Barkley ger* were Charle* Wilson, Elton DEPOT It was wrecked on the Powers road Mayse and Donald Grove. The little about three miles above Myrtle folk-dances in costume, given with CequUie Hotel ' Lafe Compton Point Saturday night. The occupant* the help of Mrs. Ivan Laird, deserve Phone 664 of the car escaped with minor bruises. special mention. They were a ribbon The Junior Woman’s club enter dartce given by Burton Wilson, Glade tained Friday evening with a Christ Krewson, Donna Jane Krewson and » ina* party at the home of their presi Colleen Shepherd; a fairy dance by dent, Mr*. Austin Dodge. A short Fem Nickason, Virginia Wilson and business meeting was held in the fore Mavis Keller, and a sword dance by part of the evening, after which Harry Crowley and Jack Mayse. games and a social time was enjoyed. The Myrtle Leaf club received the A gift exchange was the main feature pansy quilt the tame evening. Mrs. of the entertainment Refreshments Arthur Jenkins, of Coquille, was the were served at a late hour. possessor. The club also sold supper Otto Prey left Thursday for Twin and the young people, led by Wilda Ijocal & Ixmg Distance sho. where he will spend the Shepherd and Lets Grove, conducted holidays at the home of Hs'dauRKWiv Il i anRj and ptpenre **ar* «Rr Mrs. Ha, rold Lackey, corner. The proceeds from the two Mr* ¿ liu bara Barnett has gone to «mounted to about *27.00, part of Moving a Specialty < Klamath FMlg for a several weeks’ which to to be sent to the Bandon re stay at the x>t her daughter, lief. Mrt Rae Vincent., *x., Mr and Mrs. Brant Taylor came in Mrs. L. T v.Ma)oney arid ^on. John, from near Salem Thursday, bringing of Wisconsin, aYR^gisit Christina Christensen, who has been McDonald home S . ^FNiHhH^/beir home. They will be P. W. Laird a*4 dai visiting in thê’Wtr^ Thursday l*hone 17M. " • Í returned to Berkeley, «’M®®" «.*■)«» ter a week’s stay in Myrtle Point. where Insured Carrier Mrs. Gail Bunch”!* Mrs. Ora Laird to confined to her I home this week with Illness. overnight guest at the ■ 'V* * - ; -. ■ : H. E HUDDLE MAULING coal ¡É& t I* V , k *.< ■ ?.. ■■MM