UILLE, OREGON While Oregon .went democratic in 4 big way in tire recent presidential election the republicans elected a ma jority of the county officers through- ■ut the state, a compilation of election .eturns Just completed by Dave O’Hara, elections clerk in the state department, reveals. Of the 237 .■ounty officials elected in November, 13# were republicans, #3 democrats ind five independents. O’Hara’s .-ompilation reveals the following re sults: County judges—# republicans, 4 lemocrats, 1 independent... Commissioners—1# republicans, 13 Fir Siding 1 x 3 to 1 x 12 Clear Kiln Dried Port Orford Flooring and Céiling * Let us show you our Lumber Stocks in warehouse and on dock at the Smith Wood-Products Plant No Order Too Small—A Stick or a Carload We carry a complete line of 1x3 to 2x12 No. 1 and No. 2 Common Cedar, suitable for all building purposes, surfaced or rough. Consult the Retail, Department for our low prices on Cedar. Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co. l>ocal and Long Distance HAUUNG COAL, FUEL OIL MILL WOOD SANTA CLAUS AND MOVIE STARS CHOOSE GREYHOUND TRAVEL