TIRES THAT GRIP,: MX US WHY you fief MX moss mues TOK YOUK MONSY BY NUUtHffi THS CHAN6SN0W. We wish to extend to our friends who have made our success possible, sincere greetings for Christmas, and to wish you happiness and prosperity in the New Year. H. S. Norton $ ä .9S Music and Stationery \ V ur \ 0 yF \ V 1 Chadwick Lodge No. 68 WONDER SHOVf OF ALL TIME Starei Girlel 4 Cola Portar hit tunas ! It has J \ f‘v Dr. De La Rhue Eyesight Specialist SEASONS GREETINGS We hope the tinkle of Santa’s bells will bring you all good cheer through the coming year and ever after. Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted (¡¡ano 'Jiuieral CHoniz ¿'TCIEPHOOE 100 'JHSULAHCf. SfJMCC • COQUILLE -, ’ ■ • ...... • aird Building Phone 82-J Coquille - •• f