— STORE NO. 469 under the di- Davldean, to a STORE NO. 136 Phone 81 ristmas CHRISTMAS CANDIES Broken Mix 2 French Creams FRIDAY. DEC. 18, to THURSDAY, DEC. 24, Ind, 2 Pounds Mixed Nuts Filberts Sî», rimni 2 Po»"* Brazil Nuts New Crop jl/j lbs. Almonds soft sheii lb . - - - Walnuts Fancy Box Chocolates Assorted Centers 2 4 POUND BOX - . - POUND BOX - - - Give her a Box of Candy s£f?sheii Marshmallows 4 14c Fluffiest Lb. Pkg Fresh Ground _______________ PURE CANE Brown or Powdered Pumpkin I AIRWAY COFFEE ST RAYMAL 3 « 49' ....... •- 1. _________ Fruits and Del Monte Grape Fruit Sweet Potatoes 6 Celery Cranberries Pounds Graham Crackers Large Stalks Weil Bleached Bandon Grown Honey-Maid 2-Pound Box ARISTOCRAT « a . Quart MINCEMEAT Mayonnaise H. N. LORENZ 1 Q Peaches No. 2