N Eventa in th« City and County Have your Christmas Tree-Lights tested Free at Hooton Electric Shop. J. A. Lamb was able to be out yes terday after being laid up for three days with the flu. Insure your car with Ned C. Kelley In a reliable Oregon stock company. Mrs Phoebe Harry returned Wed nesday from Brewster Valley from a month's visit with relative«. Dr. C. G Sten». Chiropractor. 898 Moulton St . phone MJ. 82tf Judge Brand granted a divorce in Circuit court on Monday, to C D. Ray, separating him from Ruth E. Ray. Buy locgl bread and support'boms industry Htf Mr and Mrs. Ray Hickam and Tommy Wing left Monday fbr San • ’Francisco, expecting to be gone a V. R. WILSON, O.D. OPTOMETRIST ♦ Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. Broken lenses du- Optlcal repairs while you Mrs. R. F. Mi W. A. of ihis'Oily, hospital this I for the past tan year», ha» reiignrd ..touting, a S't pound daughter. Thia the Officii M> that the city council may ccnuhme Uta office with that of util 4 their first child. * ities manager and effect a saving in 1 Mrs. N, S. Norton and Mrs. Jennie «alary expense. 7 Price left Monday for San Francisco. Geo. Belloni, who has been with Calif., on a buying trip. They are the stale relief administration at Eu -xpected home today. gene for the pH3t year, has been Ward McReynolds, examiner of ap named to succeed Thus. Boeke, of the plicant for drivers’ licenses will be National Reemployment «ervice,» with at tiie Coquille city hall next Tues headquarter^*in North Bend. day,Dec. 15, from 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Simpson, of Dr. G. C. Stem, chiropractic physi- •iab, fool correctionist, electro tberu- the Coqujlle Laundry, left yesterday u.-d. 292 Moulton St., phone 8ttJ. 22U foe southern California and possibly Arizona, where they plan to spend I lai old- Santee, who resigned his several weeks in hopes tliut the drier position in tlie Coquille teaching force climate will help hi« bronci dal this fall, has been elected as basket trouble. ball coacb of Springfield High school. Come and scioct your Christmas We print your Christmas Cards, : .eather Goods, Fountain Pens and Cards while our stock is complete Pencils, and print or monogram Sta We have a fine selection of beautiful tionery. H. S. Norton, Music A St- cards. H. S. Norton, Music & Sta- tionery. tionery. Drastic reduction in price« on Ben Thomas, arrested Tuesday, was fined 810-on Wednesday by Re Watches, Diamonds, Rings, Baby- corder Leslie on a drunk charge. He Ring« Misses’ Rings, Men's and La- paid half of it and was given a week dies' Rings, Jewelry arid Silverware. Everything greatly reduced in price. to pay the balance. Mr. and Mr«. Frank McCann re We are overstocked and wish to re turned last Sunday from Lakeview, duce. We nave you 10 to 40 per cent. where they «pent the past eight Sec V. R. Wilson, The Pioneer Jew ' ; : . ■ months and are now at home on their eler. ’¿S ranch near McKinley. The h fdieworkers met at the The ladies’ sewing club of the As- home of ,rs. E. A. Wimer Thursday sembly of God met at the parsonage at one o’clock for dessert lunch. Sew Wednesday aitemnon to sew on ing and knitting were indulged in by braided rug« for the dormitory of the the following members: Mesdamea Tack Arnold, Earl Cross, E. C. Yar-| Bible School at Canyonville. ______ RAM IN A brough. Hank Pook, George Gilman, Ray Simpson and the hostess A. L. hsootpn, electrical. contracts and dealer, 274 Second St., Coquille. Complete stock of wiring supplies Mr. and Mr«. L. P. Branstetter and Mrs. Prescott Branstetter and chil dren left Sunday for their home at Capetown. Calif., after spending ten days here and at Marshfiaiij^J They were Thanksgiving guests at Mrs. Marvin Lynon's home and the elder couple spent last week at the J. A. Lamb home here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.Txwenz returned Monday from Medford, where they spent tye week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Lbrenz and Randolph. The Idler looks about the same as when tbe family left CoqulUe. His name is now at the top of the list of those waiting admission to the state sani tarium but there is no indication as to when he will be admitted. Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream anu milk, the only milk and cream mad. safe by pasteurization. . A contract bridge club of the younger set met at the home of Mrs. Maxine Stevens Wednesday evening. After cards, the members went to the home of Miss Dorothy Bunch, of Rink Creek, for refreshments. High sco. e at cards was held by Vera Gaalin, low score by Fay Waggoner. Mem bers present were Eunice Carmichael, Boniva Bopmeyer, Vera Gaalin, Fay Waggoner, Maxine Stevens, Lorraine Perrott, Nita Rose Bunch and Doro thy Bunch. CONVENIENT PLACE FOR READY REFERENCE J ft ft ft ft ... but you Ouie 4 ft What a treat shea! . . in on« <p«n</, /oy- with Jean and Bill »»di ful entcrt«/n/n«nt Myrna and Kpenrer rev«// frolicking together tn a feer-wsy leve-taa«l-! Try and keep up with the fun. the i A ft ft CARTOON 10c & 25c FEATURE MATINEE SUNDAY 2 P. M. Matinee * 10c & 25c Evenings - 10c & 35c Note: “Libeled Lady" la playtag Ke 7th ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Chrislmaa! n A Preseriptlonlst FUI» Ru Carefully at Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc DRUGGISTS Clam. Ptay Weil Received Miss Greyce Gould Barker, daugh ter of Mr. arid Mrs. E. C. Barker, of Myrtle Point, and Harold Hatcher, son of Air. and Mrs. Andrew Hatcher, of Coquille, were united in marriage at the Pioneer church parsonage here last Saturday evening, by Rev. W Raymond Wilder. The parents of the contracting pair were attendants. The young couple will make their home in Myrtle Point. The groom is an employee at the Smith Wood- Products plant. Mr. Hatcher is a graduate of C. H. S. in the class of 1031 and his Hide a graduate of Myrtle Point iigh in 11». She attended the Uni versity of Oregon and is also a grad uate of a nurse's training school at Fresno, Calif Their hosts of friends are extend- ng congratulations and best wishes. knife Hospital Watch hie saaoke as he burns up the air-waves!..aitd watch him go to town . ta the gay, breesy, llvewire role you've wanted to soo him play! 9 STATIONERS Births at Coquille Hospital The junior class play, "Wedding Births at the Coquille Hospital the Spells," was thoroughly enjoyed last past weak have been: Friday evening by an audience of 400 To Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jewett, of who were kept In a gale of merriment Broadbent, a 7V4 pound daughter last throughout by the situations in which Saturday. She has been named Vio James Richmond frequently found let Lorraine. To. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Willett, of himself. Lynn Pyrrol was one of the outstanding characters in the play, Coquille, a 7-pound daughter, Dar- but all of the parts were well taken leen Nena, on Sunday. To Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hackelman, by the cast which consisted of James Richmond, Lynn Perrott, La Velle of Ophir, on Wednesday, a six-pound Dale, Bonnie Gage. Beatrice Sanders. son, Delbert LeRoy Patricia Peart, Elaine Gray, Clinton Burr, Eileen Kendall, Marion Hess, Volley Ball League Formed Preston Moy and James Young. The Community Building is used so Mias Nellie Schaffer, commercial many evenings a week that the new ■ instructor In the high school, directed volley ball league has made arrange •he play and shares with the students ment« to use the high school auditori .lie credit for a successful production, um for its games this winter. The she was presented witii a corsage by league is composed of teams repre Jia cast members, between acts. senting the Lions, Rotary and 20-30 Other members of the class who clubs,.Smith Wood-Products, Consoli ismsted in making "Wedding Spells” date Freight, Coos Securities. Clerks success were Barbara Leslie, stage and possibly Safeway stores? nanager, and Jean Nye, assistant; Maxine Knight and Lorarine Sanders, Dr. Gillis Report» Births vardrobe; Lucille Sherwood, publici- Dr. J. B. Gillis reports the birth of .y; Mary Robb, prompt rem; Margaret Stewart, ticket sale; Richard Walker, »1 twins, ’ one of whom lived but a few v seating arrangements. Ushers were e I hours, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stur -orraine Sanders, Lucille Sherwood geon at their home on North Coulter ind Jean Nye. Mrs. Ula Leach and street, on Tuesday. Also a seven-pound son, Jaqper Mrs. J. P. Beyers helped the cast with Frank, to Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Yoakam, .ie make-up. at their home on the Marshfield high way, last Saturday Hatcher-Barker Dismissal« from the Knife hospital he past week were Mrs. Verdie imith last Friday, and Grover C. ¿outhier, who had been there for even weeks, a severe pneumonia pa- ient, on Tuesday; Martin Gasner, of Jorway, the same day. and Nira Coy •■1 to be dismissed today. Mrs. Lona Morser underwent a major operation last Saturday and Mrs. Dorothy Henson an appendicitis jperatian on Tu<»day. Mr. and Mr». tJhgs. CWI, of tire Dora section, arc flu patients at the hospital, she entering on Bunday and he yesterday. , Mrs. Everett Belt. Of Bly. Of».; ww a major operation on Wed- HIS LOWDOWN ON HIDE-HO IS THE HOTTEST THING IN RADIO! " Auxiliary to Meet Déc. 14 The regular meeting of American Legion Auxiliary will be held at Le gion home next Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock. Final plana for the dis trict conference, to be held Dae. 18, will be made. The Auxiliary will hold .a Turkey Keno Saturday night, Dec. 19, at the Haynes Motor Co. «how room. Robah Robison, Pub. Chairman. W. R. C. Notie« On Tuesday, pec. ,15, the W. R. C. will hold regular meeting and also a Christmas exchange All members are urged to be present. Pot luck dinner will be held at noon, with Bandon members as guests. Election of officers for the coming year is a matter of business Ask Ned C. Kelley Fire Insurance. for rates on Give Something for the Car TM ■ Ns gto- GLEHDA FARRELL Asas Rsgsl * Cislj Beyeelgs 25c SMHMbara la tag Nr NwX ,. -------------- ■■f■riattati» I J-v. f 'RE OT S 8II The Neighbors of Woodcraft are having a Children'« Christma« party and program at the W. O. W hall on the evening of December 31. Mem bers are urged to come and bring a friend. Thia is an annual affair for the children. * Coquille « 8 as m Chadwick Lodge No. 68 A. f. ft Î. M Special Com municatiop Tue»„ D m . 1#» 7:10 P. M Southwestern Motor Co. CHEVROLET and BUICK