ff w * ■ ■■ W'.. « ■ r > ..vi. V -, 'V?: J ■ * >■ ......Will / RIVERTON SCHOOLS 1 / - ■ F;: G. , I When Mr. Rycraft/the agriculture | adviser, returned from his Thanks- • giving vacation, he stopped at Oregon otate College, where he secured a machine with which to show slides. The Smith-Hughes classes are being held down in the basement. While the boys run the machine, Mr. Ry­ craft explains and points out the in­ teresting points. AU pictures pertain to agriculture.—Bob McCue. > On Wednesday evening, December 9, there will be a meeting of the Riv­ erton P. T. A. organization. Every­ one is urged to come. A program in which motion pictures will be shown uy Wayne Robinson, principal, will) precede the meeting. Everyone at­ tending the meeting is asked to bring I IN MU ING THINGS:- I -SOME ARJS-forcod " ARE-pereusded " ARE-ooaxed ” HAVE—faith ” HAVE-confidence FAITH and CONFIDENCE in both noble and manly—gives you the power tn meet obstacles and helps . to overcome them— and fastens tn you ithe quality of never giving up. I Many good sized bank ac­ counts have been acquired by men believing in themselves «‘¡F J I I t V 1 ■ i X K I • /S r • • • Vac Xa ï salad, sandwiches or cake. — Pete ) y >u I £ 4 Haga. qullle unit ot the Oregon yox Ad Fur Breeders association held a meeting at the Riverton gym. George Wil­ liams from Portland presented a talk­ * i of Coquille, Oregon ing picture ol feeds ancribed real property situated in Coos County, Oregon, OregonT*to-wit; ; November 20, was a huge sucecss. County, to-wit: t Beginning 143 feet South of the Nearly »45 was taken in for the play Comer of Sections Thirteen. Four-' alone, at which about »39 was profit, .een, Twenty-three and Twenty-four __v for th<> i.a. .n Township Twenty-six South of *7, ^y i0™ .'F> .iange Thirteen West of the Wiliam- ketball suits which have been pur- yovh doalko _>tte Meridian at a fir tree 15 inches chased for the first team. DaUvesy and Ma» n diameter marked C. S. on South I The operetta, “The Maid and the I ride; running thence West 650 feet Golden Slipper,” presented some time E to a post marked C. S. from which a < lir tree 10 inches in diameter bears ago was also a success. In both pre­ North 34 degrees East 9 feet; thence sentations a heretofore unknown South 27 degrees 9 minutes West amount of talent was shown by the id ■ iUOJ feet to a cedar root marked C. players.—Harriet Miller. J, thence South 20 degrees and 39, A dance, sponsored by the senior ninutes East 1293 feet; thence South W0 feet; thence South 25 degrees ind 50 minutes West 1039 feet to a plete success, having, as a result, paid ence; thence South 1055 feet to the off the senior class debts. A small South boundary line of the Donation —— wife, Proflt w“ *1’° made. A net profit Land Claim of Curtis Noble and Claim claim No. No 37 37 and and being being a a portion portion “«* of of »14.86 was made on the food.— ms Sections Thirteen, Fourteen and Geraldine Gilbert. - A. M., at the County Court room in Total ..................... »53.88 of Lien, »463.98; Balance Xwen‘i7U^B* « T5ren.ly‘i°»r tat The basketball gume between the Coquille, Oregon, as the time and Date of Lien, Feb. 4, 1929, Amount of Amount principal, '»463.56; interest to due on i Township Twenty-six South of Range . . Verv eta» place for hearing objecttons to such _. Lien, »1344; Balance due on princi- date, »11. 16648; _______ Total.................... 6630.96 ¡ Thirteen West of Willamette Meri- lun‘ors and seniors was a very Close final account and the settlement of S, »13 34; Interest, $6 40; To- - Heath Street dian; thence West to the Southwest one, for the score was ten to thirteen said estate. Owners of property at date of as­ .74 -.................................................... »10.T- Corner of said Donation Land Claim ¡n favor of the seniors, . These teams Salma L. Caughell. Grand total .__________________________ __ ..»216.; —16.35 sessment, Earl S. Graham (C. D. of Curtis wife on the i considered the best Administratrix of the Estate of p. r—----- Noble - — t — and .v-------------- —.. bank ——¡are considered Owners of property at date of as­ Walker); Date of Lien, November 5, i of Isthmus Slough; thence -z Northerly i “* con* ,',p'*rt the best teams in the C. Gist, deceased. sessment, ^>A. Barton and Mary C. 1928; Beg. at a point on W. line of along low water line of East side of ,choo‘ , As each team has lost one J. Arthur Berg, Gage; Lot 11, Blk. 31, Ell. Add.; Heath St. 375 ft N. of N. Doe of said Isthmus Slough to a point due game, they will be scheduled to meet Attorney for Administratrix, Co- Date of Lien, Feb. 4, 1929; Amount Tenth St., thence N. along W. line of West of the place ot beginning; again soon. quille, Oregmi. 46t5 of Lien. »13.34; Balance due on prin­ Heath St. 135 ft. thence W. 100 ft, Miss Gertrude McCoy, Miss Evelyn cipal. »13.34; Interest to date, »6.40; thence S. 135 ft., thence E. 100 ft containing laming 150 lau acres acres of or land, lana. more more or or nrrn ,„ m .« h .A- v h ,. h .nd ----- _..’419.n Total -L ------- to beg.; Amount of »140.22; Bal­ i; except a strip of land 100 feet Orover HuU *n° less; __ Date of________________ __________ Lien Oct. 31, 1927; Amount ance due on princii 140.22; Inter­ le by 500 feet along the water Miss Louise Carlson accompanied wide by ... ___ _______ est to date, »50.46^ _____ 4190.6» of Lien, »34.98; Balance due on prin ­ ■ front described by metes and bounds Carroll Rycraft to Corvallis Wednes- cipal, »34.98; Interest to date »18.90. Owners of property at date of as- < as follows, to-wit: ’ day evening. Those who returned Total ............ ................... ....... ....... »53 88 sessment, Goodrich Estate: Date of Beginning at a point on low water Notice is hereby given that by vir­ Date of Lien, Mar. 1, 1927; Amount Lien, November 5. 1926; Beg. at a mark of the East bank of Isthmus with Mr. Rycraft Sunday evening tue of a warrant issued by the City of Lien, »38.10; Balance due on prin­ point of E. lino of Heath St. 648 ft. Slough, Coos County, Oregon, where were Miss McCoy, Louise Carlson, Recorder of the City of Coquille, Ore­ cipal, »38.10; Interest to date, »22 90; N. of the N. line of 11th St., thence a pile now stands 3172 feet South Evelyn Miller and Mrs. Rycraft. gon, commanding me so to do under Total .................... ...........................$61 00 N. along the E. line of Heath St., 55 and 2122 feet West of the common Miss Helen Abel spent the Thanks­ authority of an order of the Common Grand Total --------------------------- »134.63 ft., thence E. 100 ft, thence S. 55 ft., comer of Sections Thirteen, Four­ N.-Outlet Sewer r. 100 ft. Council of said City passed and made thence W. ft to beg.; Amount of teen. Twenty-three and Twenty-four giving vacation with Mr. and Mrs. E. 16.70; Balance due due on princi­ Owners of property at date of as­ Lien. »36.79; on the 15th day of November, 1936, in Township Twenty-six South of C. Theurwachter, of Marshfield. sessment. J. A. Pierce Estate (Mrs. pal, »36 79; Interest to date »13.32; Range Thirteen West of tfhe Willam­ Wayna Smith and Max Mullen vis­ I will on the 21st day of December, C._E. Jlust); Date of Lien, Jan._5, Total ......................... »50.11 1936, in the forenoon of said day at the ette Meridian, in Coos County, Ore­ ited in northern California over the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. at the front 1931; Beg. on W. line of Sec. 31, Tp. Taylor St Imp. N. Outlet Sewer gon, said pile being at the North­ I Thanksgiving vacation. < door of the City Hall in Coquille, 27 S., S „ R. 1____ 12 W 956.1 ft. N of said Owners of property at date of as­ west Comer of Watson’s wharf at ________ 208 72 ___ ft., ______ run ... N. sessment. R. W. A Mary Melville; Neil Christenson came home from Oregon, offer for sale at public auc­ Sec. 31. run E. Coos City in said County and at the tion for cash in hand the following 52 175 ft, run W. 206.72 ft., run S. Date of Lien, May 20, 1931: Beg. at Southwest Corner of what is known ' Oregon State College to spend the tots and parcels of land situate within 52.175 ft to beg; Amount of Lien, NE cor. of Lot 6, Blk. 11, EU. Add. as the McLaughlin Lot, now owned ■ vacation with his parents. 1 • - run E. 10 ft, run N. 293.52 ft, run said City, particularly described »4.50; Balance due * Je on principal, by Amanda which pile an iron pipe Lnggie, driven from In the ground! ___ ,__ herein, together with the names of »4.50; Interest to da date . _ »1.5»; To- W. 100 ft run N. 293.52 ft., run W an iron pipe driven in the ground 36.05 132.42, run 8. 562.04 ft. more or less one inch in diameter bean North uined wlth ■ card P*rt* Saturday owners, and improvement for which tai .......................... -------- ;___ ___ $v.vo Owners of property at ctete of as- to the Ralph Nosier cor., thence along liens were levied; said property will 73 degrees 45 minutes East 106.5 feet; evening. A' Violet Wallace; said Nosier line SE to the Township be sold for the amount of liens, being and an iron pipe one inch in diameter David Philpott, a former Riverton unpaid and delinquent, together with Date of Lien, Jan. 5, 1931; Beg. at NE line, thence to place of beg., len parts driven in the top of dike bean North ’ | high school student, and Ruth Ma- six per cent Interest to date of sale; cor. of NW¥< of SWK Sec. 31, T. 27 sold; Amodnt of Lien, »10.04; Bal­ 34 degrees 45 minutes East 211 feet; 3 - said sales will be made subject to re­ S. R 12 W.. run W. to NW cor. of ance due on principal »10.04; Inter­ and the South face ot a cedar pile at neely were married at the Baptist SWVi sec 31, run S. 31 rods, run E. est to date, »3.60; Total _____ »13.64 the Southwest corner of the County church on November 27. They plan demption as provided by law. Each lot or parcel of land will be sold sep­ to N. line of Sec. 31, 80 rods, run N. Road Landing on East side of said to make their home in McMinnville. arately. Said sale is made under the to beg. Amount ot Lien, »9 50; Bal­ erty); Date al Isthmus Slough at said Coos City, —Louise Carlson. provisions of the City Charter and ance due on principal, »9.50; Interest Amount of Liei ■ bean North 18 degrees 30 minutes the general laws of the State of Ore­ to date. »3.42; Total .................... »12.92 on principal, »3 West 79.8 feet; thence from said pile Owners of property at date of as­ »13.72; Total.... gon, for the purpoee of collecting de­ FAIRVIEW first mentioned Southerly along low linquent improvement liens, for the sessment, Agnes G. Schroeder: Date Grand Total water line of the waters of the East The membership drive sponsored improvement of streets and construc­ of Lien. Jan. 5. 1931; West 50 ft. of: I Owneq^pF-Ar NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND AC­ bank of said Isthmus Slough 500 QUIRED BY COOS COUNTY. ORE­ feet, thence East 100 feet; thence i by the Young People”« League is ad- tion of sewers, as particularly set Beg. 1260 ft. N. of SE cor. of SacJ en. May 15. 1911; Beg. at 36. T. 27 S, R 13 W, run W 100 ft, ft,1 with'the vanc*ng toward its close with a great- fprth herein. GON, FOR DELINQUENT taxes Northerly on a line Lot «, Blk. 11 ¿11. Add . run S 118 ft, run E. 100 ft. N. Outlet »ewer ft, run N. • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That line running above referred er attendance now than it has had 6< ft run W. 232 ft. to 118 H8 ft. to beg. Amount of Lien, »9.05; Owner of property at date of as ­ under and by virtue of an order of to, 500 teat, _______________________ e’t Vi0 {*^5 J? for •everal months. sessment Olive O. Brown. Lot 4, Balance due on principal, id, which is place of bag.; sale made by the County Court of the ÉttolT* T°Ute Sectton Twenty-three’ ’ TcXnlhip'. ‘ A?I>Mdm£d and mxi , Ira. mo- mo’ Blk. 2, Elliott’s Add. Date of Lien, terest to to date, dgje, j, » JWw L“'™"'* lww inence State of Oregon, tor the County of Osaffi^OTSmyvt date of as- E. 132.42 ft., run N. 100 ft., run W. Jan. 5, 1931; Amount of Li en, »19451 Coos, on the 18th day of November, Twenty-six South of Range Thirteen tored to B«ndon on Tuesday of last sessmeht, X. L. Balance ~~ ‘ L1!n’ •!??•£ : Amount of Lien. A. B. 1936, commanding me to sell West of the Willamette Meridian in week and Monday of this week. _____ __ _ ___ _ __»Ì5.91 ¿■n. », uhi ; neg. 5?*^ Une or sec. 3 si. i i !!2 Bal,nce principal. w. une » iï . M: o »; Balance due on princinal the following described lands, to-wit: Coos County, Oregon. This is in-' Mr. ' aUl„T - - » - -s T 27 S„ R. 12 W, 434.35 ft. N. of, »17.59; Interest to date, »»JJ; Ço- ■G.unip, U0U>_______ Ju. a,’ni. Add. Date of Lien, Land described in Volume 73, Page •ended to be a tract of land »00 feet -ll]Tj ejj 94 _ and Mrs. Alford Crump, January 5. 1931; Amount of Lien, SW cor. of Sec. 31, run N. 104.35 ft, tai ...................................... ... • 54». Deed Records of Coos Coun- by IMJeg'll" rfröwtag^aiong F.hview, and Mr. and Mrs. J. O.I Balance due on principal, run E. 417.44 ft, run S. 104.35 ft.. Date of Lien. Jan. 5, 1931; Amount of Interest »6786; Amou"t Lir-.?• * • to * date, ------------ I SHALL, in compliance with said James Watson, et al. W. M. Wheaton ..... ...................... ...425.91 Amount of Lien, »19.03; Balance du* order, on SATURDAY, the 19th day tai .—------------ WM. F. HOWELL, Owners of property at date of as­ on principal. »19.03; Interest to da e P*1* V,en’ Novomber 7. 1929; * of December, A- D,, 1938, com­ Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE sessment, C. A. Gage A J. S. Bar­ »6.86; Totel ................................... 525.81 mencing at the hour of 10 o’clock A.« 47t5___ P«. »>»<> 00; Balance due By Eva Schroeder, Deputy STAT E OF OREGON IN AND Front A Wll ’ a-d 8 s. ’ mp. ton, Lot 41, Blk. 40. Ell. Add.; M. of said day at the front door of ?P«p.AnmP*1, *ls° 00; Interest to date, FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Owners Of ^property at date of as­ »46.80; Total ............................_...»176 80 Date of Lien, Jan. 5, 1931; Amount of ' the Court House in the City of Co­ January 5? 1931; quille. and County of Coos, State of In the Matter of the Estate of P. Q Lien, »19.05; Balance due on princi­ sessment, Coq. Vai. Mctle. Co. (Skeels Interest * * to date, -------- »6.89; Estate); Date of Lien, Feb. 1, 1926; Amount of Lien. »14.29; Balance Oregon, offer for sale and sell at ; Gist sometimes known as Perry C. pal, »19.05; ----------- Beg. at at a a point — 52 — 3 - ft. - W. --- of W. -- Beg line due on principal. »14 29 interest ta public auction the above described ----- _ ________________»35.91 off.W G*«t. Deceased, Total arrst, nrnnlng thence south- date, »446; _ J" m 15 Henry Street Improvement real property to the highest and best 1st ‘ “ Notice of Final Account erty 70 ft more or less to N. line of Grand Total .. $223 is st date of as- su Owners of i property at bidder for cash in hand at the time Case No. 3121 Owner of property ¿t date oi ! as- _____ _ F. F. A Barton A Mary < C. a parcel of land owned by City of of the sale, or for not less than twen­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That sesment, ------- 31, _____ — Ja CoquiHe. thence easterly along N. line sessment, Paul W Walker Date of age; 12, Llk. Ell. Add.; Dei ty per cent (2o%) of the purchase — Lot r I __ the undersigned has filed in the Gr t UAAi Mar. 1, 1927; Amount of of said narcel 5042 ft., thence north- Lien, November 1 1926* Lot 1 Blk price in dash, the remainder to be County Court of Coos County, Ore­ , paid under written agreement with len. »89. . J.23; Balance due on princi- gon, her final report and account as Lien, •43; Interest to date, »53.50; the purchaser in equal instalments Administratrix of the Estate of P. C. 11, S89.2 over a term not exceeding ten (10) Gist, sometimes known as Perry C. yean from the date of sale, all de- Gist deceased and that the said Date of Lien, Oct. 21, 1927; Amount ........ - ferred payments to bear interest from .1^’ December of Lien, »34.98; Balance due on prin­ place of beg. thence W along south' the date of sale at tha rate of six per 29th, 1936, at the hour of tan o’clock cipal, »34.90; Interest to date, »18.90; line of Front street to place ot bag.; 45t5 t , j FIRST NATIONAL BANK * » a ■fe NEW FORD V-8’ Tht ••U“ rotto ■ NILES MOTOR COMPANY Coquille, Oregon 1 - i 4 - »I .V’>' v v J i’ll! 4 I Í- 41 '• V» • T I I- I I