yss by local week, and arder Leslie Secure the Vitamin B CIRCUS ACT and G benefit» of yeast in aiding better bowel action and helping clear the akin of blemishes. //< BREWERS»- These bebitterized Brew­ Yeast Tablets create unpleasant after­ ers’ Yeast Tablets are easy to take and do not effect«. Try Pu retest Brewer»7 Yeaet Tableta and know the difference. Th« Drawback •And yon »wore you’d al way» treat me like a queen!" •Well, ’ana It. I ain’t ’Enry the Klghth."- -Hy st under Mnunxlit«. Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc. ... ths DRUGGISTS STATIONERS KEEP THIS PROGRAM IN A CONVENIENT PLACE FOf READY REFERENCE | FRI.-SAT. NOV. 27-28 1 SUN.-M-ON. NOV. 29 - 30 1 1 1 1 Sponsored by Coquille Junior Women’s Club 'Atta-boy, Jimmy, show tho Bottom girl how we Westerners make lovel . ..riopalong Ctostidy ridai again in a thrilling adventure of the Old Weetl PREVIEW THE IMMORTAL STORY OF THE HEROINE WHO CHANGED NURSING FROM A SCANDAL TO WOMAN’S NOBLEST PROFESSION! KAY FRANCIS as FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE in Where the fighting was thickest. ... her courage was highest! Her life was an inspiration to all womankind! Her love a blessing to all mankind! And now the railant story of this first heroic war sane is Immor- taHsed on the screen by Warner Bros... . with all the shockinc troth, thrillinc beauty and darinc realism that made "The Story of Leals Pasteur' one of the screen’s most memorable masterpieces. J b I I L WW«Al tWAI^V^ W STUOlOS \- nn»w e«»*iHT • y SECOND ' Ifcuy* CIURUf (HAW By Popular Demand! Mr. Deeds is Back to Town ! ’ ¿MW COO?« Also March of Time Matinee 10c & 25c Evening 10c & 86c V MATINEE SUNDAY 2 P. M. ttWt5T r,tTUfy