Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1936)
OKEGON, FRIDAY, MO’ bosun’s MAGIC SHOW ' D. R. Norton’* Death May I BRIDGE Thanksgiving Service at Christian Science Church Mis. Jchn Hi .’, assisted by Mrs. i Cium. Chas. Far.ner, entertained a group <rf ——- of i Lh&.! 100* Cost D. R. Norton, Bnndbn merchant and ¡chi' dren liter ifter school school cn cn Thursday Thursday of off In accordance with established cus chidren idance at the piominint Citizen who was brought to ía« week, in honor of the eighth) tom to express annually on Thanks- ¿ dertticn of Women’s clubs, the Coquille Hospital last Friday birthday anniversary of Thelda Huff. I giving Dey gratitude for divine pro- held in Marshiield last Friday, with morning with a bullet in his head, Games Games were w< re e.ijoytd, e.rjoysd. followed followed bv re- tection and blessings experienced by, re ?ir?.. .iri'es G rnwell, of Powers, in passed away at 1:15 last Friday after freshments of Jello and cake. Among throughout the year, First Church of thr chair. The meeting had been noon, ..ilhout iegaininj eonscious- those present were Thelda. Ronald Christ. Scientist, di Coquille, held a postponed Gv.n Its scheduled date the incos.'- j.- j / and Marvin Huff, Norma Jean, Patty Thanksgiving service on Thursday week sf‘er ‘h" Pardon fire. The next i The body was taken to Portland, and Charles Farmer, Lois Huff, Lena morning in its edifice on Hall street. The service, differing somewhat •nr-'tht will he held in Powers in where funeral services and interment Bi'lle Herker, Evert Culver, Dallas took placa last Monday. March. Farmer, Helen HHlabold, Frances from the form followed at Sunday While the first thought of the offi Lamp, Charlotte. Finch. Gene Wells, services, included the reading of the Mrs. Neil Banks, of North Bend, was elected p.esMhnt tor the com- cers and doctors was that Mr. Norton Dorothy Kohl, Bonita Wise, Jackie Thanksgiving Proclamation, written Ing venr: M t. James Danielson, of bad committed suicide, the possibility Farmer and Jackie Roundtree. by the President of the United States. Maizbtle’d fiist ’ ice presid nt; Mrs of an accident has been frequently Alvia Hatfield came from Bend The congregation united in prayer v’.ujlln DM**- c? Myrtl’ lo^it, sec-!talked in Bandon and the Western Saturday morning and took his wife and in the singing of appropriate pud vice m*sldent; and Mrs. Elmer World tells this week how his friends and children, June and Chester, back hymns from the Christian Science Russell, of North Bend, secretary-. figure the shooting might have been with him after a visit of about ten Hymnal. Russell. 8 accidental: Tjjg. Golden Text of the Lesson- treasurer. days here with Mrs. Hatfield’s par The federation was welcomed by Sermon on “Thanksgiving” was as ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Puett. Travelling In a big galdan The shot occurred in a small heck _lour memberi. of Jhi local Chria- follows: “f will praise the name of Ja». T. Brand and mu»«. music for the Christman Mr». Ja», m ana ana um - “’a annual Christmas MS temorary business -build tion Endeavor society attended the God with a song, and will magnify Show Is rômThg'to town 8Mt— TOErêsHn« ira. H^ibert BtMterud, with several ing at about 9:30 that morning. Every Myrtle Union social and business him with thanksgiving.” (Ps. 69:30) I everybody Is Invited to at- ' tend. At left la a scene from olano v lections; by Mrs. C. W. Endi- j indication at the outset pointed to meeting at the Church of Chriat in After the reading of the Lesson- the feats of magle which will -5tt. whose vocal numbers Were ac ¡ suicide and it was so reported in the Coquille Friday evening. They were Sermon, ths soloist sang “Open the mystify and amuse both companied by Mis. Busterud. and by ’press, that being the opinion of offi Nadine Ellis, Lou and Maude Hooton, Gates of the Temple,” by Knapp. young and old. After the jrlvh Ballihicr Chandler, vloli.iurt. cers who were summoned to the and Glenn Hutton. The next social Before the close of the service the • maglo performance, Santa Mrs. W. S. Nicholson, past State scene and assisted in taking the in will be held at Reedsport on Dec. 18. First Reader announced that a brief Claus will distribute candy -resident o women’s clubs, talked on jured man to the hospital. Dr. E. F. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Booher, of To- opportunity would be given for tes to all children present. | panga, Calif., who own the place now timonies by Christian Scientists ap the Social Security act and of what Lucas attended him. However, after close friends of the,' ; occupied by the Labart family, arriv propriate for the occasion, and many vomen could do to make it a success. Mrs- Albert Powers’ talk on the deceased analyzed the case and failed ed Monday afternoon to spend a present expressed gratitude for heal need of a full time health unit was to find a motive, they examined the couple of days here. ings and benefits received through _ ... pp ov'-d when the convention passed place where the shot occurred and “Turning the Dials,” la the topic for Christian Science. The service ended '■solutions urging the county court to pointed out the possibility of an ac the Christian Endeavor meeting next with the benediction from Ps. 113: ■udget the 8400 required of the coun- cident. That there was no possibility Sunday evening, and Virginia Beckett "The Lord is high above all nations of foul play was obvious to all, as j is the appointed leader. v to make it an actuality. and his glory above the heavens. there were 30 present at the From the rising of the sun unto the M Nei' Banks, of North Bend, there was no entrance to the room eke S the need for remedial legis- except the one to which several occu [ Grange dinner and faceting Friday going down of the same the Lord’s • lor to prohibit such crime pro- pants of the store rushed as soon as evening, only two officers being ab name is to be praised.1 No one else sent. Every family present was rep- ars ns now are heard over the ra- the shot was heard. could have possibly been in the -oom. | resented on the lecturer’s program ”n 'rd ihown in comic strips. St. James Episcopal Church Ï.1 s Everett Mingus read an inter- • The bullet was identiflefd as one • with a volunteer number. There were 8:00 o’clock Holy Communion. . D'p:* on “Mein Street in fired from a .38 calibre Marlin pistol, several encores and the program was 9:45 o’clock Church School. • ' na.” She has b-en a Chinese stu- owned by Mr. Norton for many years, • very amusing. The Grange plans to .. 11:00 o'clock morning service and and which was clutched in hi, hand have a public turkey dinner sofa^ r* io a quarter of a century.. sermon. Mrs Frank Barber sooke particu- as his body slumped to the floor in time before Christmas and Joseph Rev. Geo. R. Turney Vicar. arly to Junior Women's c’.ub mem-( the corner of the room. He held the LeClerc was appointed chairman of s. and M.s. B and told-of the old- win by the stock but his finger was the committee to manage this, choos Church of Christ •< dub in MarshfD’d, the A. N. W., not in the trigger guard. This was ing as his helpers, C. E. Ellison and E. Fourth at Coulter .bic'j war o;oni:ed 35 years ago. ¡observed by O. H. Haga, one of the Mis. J. T. Evernden. Bible school, 0:45 a. m. T » r en>l9',rs were reminded that first at the scene. . I^e Nelson, after six weeks at the Morning Service. 11:00 a. m. Ser M ». Pea l E'iingæn. Coquille librari- Les» than a minute before the »hot Orlin Lett home, left Tuesday mom- mon topic, "After the Manner of the tn. Ir collecting data for_the club con- was fired, Norton appeared to be in ning for his home in Portland. • fang the rarly days and settling df his usual good spirits. He had Joked Miss Grace Farnham, of Spring Church at Antioch.” Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. fun« county,-and were urged to give with friends in the street and had dis field, Oregon, who is home on fur Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Ser uer ail possible co-operation. cussed the lateness of a sales nan who lough from missionary service in There are now 19 women’s clubs was to have called on him at 9:00 Tokyo, spoke at the church here Mon mon topic,, “What would Jesus have affiliated with the Coo» county feder- «’clock. According to Miss Mae Gard- day evening to a good-sized audience. me do in this Present Gambling Cri ! ner, clerk in the store, Norton had Dressed in a charming Japanese ki- sis?” allòri. Earl F. Downing, minister . aided her in showing pillows to Carl Ttona and sandals, she gave a very — ■ -r,————r Ask tor Cow Bell Dairy cream ano I Garoutte, who was a customer at the interesting talk and also sang a ,?°uple of hymns in the Japanese lan- Church of God uilk. the only milk and creutn made moment. HéMiad the' gun in his pocket when Suage and showed a number of cur - ■ paatcuru*1>u<>. g___ Corder Seventh and Henry he reached over to pick up a pillow ios. Tuesday she spoke at a morning . A •*'! " ....... Sunday School 10:00 a. m. iiii u u » ■ ' —....................... ... While in ■■■■ j . A. L. Hooten, electrical contractor and that he may have gone to the assembly at the school. Preaching service by Rev. Frank Dr. C. G. Stem, Chiropractor. 202 For sound Tire Insurance, go u> and dealer, 274 Second Sl„ Coquille, back room to hide the gun as that was Bridge she was a gue< at the A. O. | lin DeEllion at 11:00 a. m. and also the only room in which carpenters Hooton home. at 7:30 p. m.. Complete stock' of wiring supplies. Moulton St., phone ««J. 22tf Ned C. Kelley. Mrs. Dwight Culver entertained at had finished their work. A high rack Prayeryi and testimony semrice for oil cloth rolls had just been com dinner "Sunday in honor of her son. • Thursday evening, 7:30 o’clock. The pleted and the goods placed on it. By Evert'S birthday anniversary. Young people’s state convention at reaching over his head Norton could guests were Mrs Ellse Lamp and ] Myrtle Point from Thursday eve have laid the gun on the top shelf daughter, Frances, Mrs. Anna Carla, , ning until Sunday evening. while standing exactly in the position and Clarence E. Ellison. Rev. J. J.- Gillespie, Pastor Chas. G. Mack hopes to get home where he was found A nail was pro truding from the wall where his el this week rfom St. Vincent’s Hospital -Coquille Assembly of God bow could have touched. It is possi in Portland, where he underwent a Mrs. Hazel MacLeod, Pastor ble that in attempting to place the bone-grafting operation a few weeks Rev. Don Mallough, Acting Pastor gun on the shelf he could have come ago. * Sunday: 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. In contact with the nail, injured his - , i -WL, 1:00 a. m. Morning Worship; Rev. Don elbow so that his finger would con RUNNING WATER Mallough speaking. 6:30 p. m. Young tract and pull the trigger. Powder People’s Service. 7:30 p. m. Evan marks were found where the bullet An English tourist was on his first entered. While this theory is consid visit to Niagara falls, and a guide waa gelistic Service. Rev. Mr. Mallough. Tuesday, 7:30 p! m. Prayer meeting ered remote by those who were at the trying to Impress him with their mag Friday, 7:30 p. m. Bible study. scene, it is nevertheless considered nitude. possible. “Grand I" suggested the guide. Norton was a heavy loser in the fire The visitor did not seem'lmpressed. Elrat Church of Christ. Scientist but. according to those familiar with “Mllllona of gallona a minute I" ex CeqnHle, Oregea his business affairs, he was not in fi plained the guide. Sunday School at 9:3U a. m. "How many a dayF asked the tour nancial difficulty. His accounts had Sunday Service at 11 a. m. been adjusted and he was placing or ist. Subject for next Sunday, “Ancient “ Oh, billions snd billions 1 “ an ders for new goods in all departmerrts and Modern Necromancy, alias Mes swered the guide. of hi» store. He had worried consid The visitor looked serosa and down merism and Hypnotism, Denounced.” erably over affairs since the fire and and up, as If gauging the flow. Then Wednesday evening meeting at 8 was not in normal good health, but he turned away, apparently unim ’clock. no one seemed aware of any reason pressed. Free public Reading Room open in *Q for self-destruction from that angle. “Runs all night, too, 1 suppose I" hs Tiurch Building every Tuesday and • a • • • • E • • • • • V Dolph R. Norton was bom at Cor remarked.—St. Lovis Globe-Democrat Friday afternoon» except holidays o • • • • • 0 a • • • • S INC .t.Hn. vallis, Ore., December 15. 1878. His rom two to five o’clock. MK • • • â Tft t • • • • • S Yft death occurred on November 20, 1936, • » • • • 1 Yr« THE PROOF, SIR • ••••• ® M m The public is cordially Invited to making his 57 years, 11 months and •••••IIN ittend our service« and to visit the *••••••« & Yr» five days of age. Reading Room. . aeueeuuuuS Y f « He was married to Cora Coppie, of MT) • ••• lYr. Hood River, who, together with two INÏ • • • • III® The Pioneer MethodUt Church IV •••••♦ 1 Yr. sons. Fred, and Robert G. Norton, ) ••••••!Yr^ survive hl-n. W Raynwnd Wilder. Minister ■ •aeduueuA YF s He had been in business in Bandon Mid-week service, Wednesday. ?:Su • • e • • 1 Yr* for the past 18 years and was held in p. m. • ••••& Y f » • ••••• IY f . ^Sunday services: Sunday School the highest respect by all who knew ■ •••••& YFs him. 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a .....Hr». m. Epworth Leagues 8:30 p m • • • • • JI Yrs* • IY f . Evangelistic service 7:30 p m. . IY f . A Good..Patient f “You tnny ba sure that no man can "Ixw»k here, any man.” site paid, “will Methodist Episcopal i'hurrh you please Inform me why you come go wrong by following a good ex Evening preaching 7:30 p. m. begging at tny door again? Why don't ample." “Oh. I don't know—there’s the coun you try some <of the other people In Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p terfeiter. " the road?” ••••••••■•8YA “Cant.” replied ths tramp. “Doctor's A Yr. Scriptural, spiritual preaching. Ev- - orders, ma'am.” Nel Bod .........................»V* eryone welcome. "Doctor’s orders t’ An older farmer was moodily re ,,,,,,,,,«ii***i Vlv G. A. Gray, Pastor "Yes. ma'am. My doctor told me garding the raviig •» of the tluod. 107 E. 2nd St.. Coquille. Ore ^hat when I found ths food that agreed "Hiram." yelled a neighbor, “your with me I should continue with It" plga were all wushrd down the creek.” NO CHANGESi "How about Flaherty’S pigs?“ asked The Holy Name Catholic Church the farmer. FROM ONE • ReHof Mass on first and third Sundays at 'They’re gone, too," The minister met tom. the village V LIST TO 3 a. m.; second Sunday at U a. m and “And Larsen's?” ne'er-do-well, and, much to ths lat when there are five Sundays. Masr <m "Yes." ANOTHER ter’s surprise, shook him heartily by “Humph I" ejaculated the fanner fourth Sunday at 10 a. m. I .art Sun the hand. MAGAZINES PERMITTED “I'm so glad you have turned over cheering up. "Talu't as had as I day of each month Mass at Myrtle n new leaf. Thpmaa,” said the «< x ><1 thought.”—Atlanta Constitution. Point at I a. m. and at Powers at io man. “I was delighted to sea you at the prayer meeting last night." Whe. Coal Was Farmed Father M G. Hart. Bandon “Oh." Mid Tom after a moment of In th« geological age when coal was doubt. “So that's where I was.”— •rrned, It took about 12 feet of plant Arcanum Bulletin. N ebrts to make a single foot of coal. Seventh Day Adventiat Church Have "Bees Accident t Buy To Dance Before the King ;] SUBSCRIPTION BARGAINS FOR ALL THE FAMILY YOU GET THIS croup a( 4 BIG fUtUA. Ai k fo r C uw Saboeth School^S^tJ^rr » 4/ Bell Baity ci e am aut r m. TOWN ANO STATI ug chinee*. Preaching service 11:00 a m