REAL AMBITION KEEPS ONE STRIVING FOR “sornelhing jt»t\ little better” NO MATTER WHAT YOUR present condition may be, there’s something just a little better right within your reach, and the minute your hand doses upon it; the mark goes ahead once more—YOU KEEP ON GOING ON. What W. P. A. Has Done In Rebuilding Bandon ;The Western World was right when I it remarked last umed, light poles, put up 35 new animal, with a dog but had not killed mb* and replaced 38 stub* for thr them at thè time ot this writing. lydro-eleetric department. An area HARRY A. SLACK if 10,455 square feet was cleared for IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE he city hall and fire department Attorney-ai-LaW ----- STATE QF OREGON IN AND vhere temporary buildings are being FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS First National Bank Building , iuiUi wether 176.000 square feet of fl! the Matter of the Estate of P. C and was leveled, cleaned and kept ‘ Ji Coquille Oregon ! Gist, sometime* known a* Perry C. ■lean for the Red Cross buildings Gist, Deceased. vhere sanitary condition* were also Netiee ef Final Account naintained. 90 yard* of dirt weie DR. J. H. BUNCH Case No. 3131 NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN, Thai noved, 200 feet of sewer and witer | DENTIST th* undersigned ha* filed in the litch dug for the Red Croas, six dead I County Court of Coo* County, Ore- X-KAY Service cow* and 1200 dead chicken* were •gon, her final report and account as Laird Bldg. First Street Administratrix of the utate of P. C. disposed of by burning; all this in ad­ Telephone 82-L CoquiMe, Or*. Gist, sometimes known as Perry C. dition to clearing 300,000 square feet Coquille. Oregon Ofet, deceased, and that th* said if land for the cabin* near the school Court ha* set Tuesday. December NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY 29th, 1936, at the-hour of ten o’clock house. GRANT CORBY The county gravel pit on Riverside FOR DELINQUENT IM­ A. M, at the County Court room in Coquille, Oregon, a* the time and Drive has been reopened and street* Attorney at Law PROVEMENT LIENS place for hearing objection* to juch »long the housing units and between Richmond-Barker Bldg. Í&'JSS “ 1 ,nd °* * tUemfcnt of | ‘ he unit, are being graveled. C-. ‘ Notice is hereby given that by vir­ Phone 157 Coquille, Ore. said estate. WPA at the present time ha* 78 tu* of a warrant issued by the City Salma L. Caughell, • RMidenee Phon* 24-M Administratrix of the Estate of P. people employed, including 23 .killed Recorder of the City of Coquille, Ore­ gon, commanding me so to do under C Gist, deceased carpenter», two plumber*, six build­ Authority of an order of the Common J. Arthur Berg, ing trade, laborer., and 35 laborer, Council ot said City passed and made J. ARTHUR BERG Attorney for Administratrix, Co­ quille, Oregon. 46t5 employed in housing project, and re­ on the 16th day of November, 1986, Attorney st Law pair. of electric and water line.; and 1 will on the 81st day of December, $190 68 Rooms 16 1 1936, in the forenoon of said day at the NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND AC­ ten qpn and women working an san­ hour of 10 o’dock A. M. at the front Farmers A Merchants Bank Bldg QUIRED BY COOS COUNTY, OU- itation and in the canteen for the Red door of the City Hall in Coquille, Phone 87 GON, FOR DELINQUENT TAXES Cross. Coquille, Oregon Oregon, offer for sale at public auc­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That tion for cash in hand the following The men. whose work-month* are under and by virtue of an order of lot* and parcel* of land situate within up. arc now off duty until November Ml* made by the County Court of the ■aid City, particularly described DR. W. V. GLAISYER State of Oregon, for the County of 23. Skilled laborer, have been work- herein, together with the name* of Coos, on the 18th day of November. ng 140-hour month, at 31.00 per owners, and improvement for which V KT EMIN A KIAN A. D„ 1936, commanding me to sell lien* were levied; said property will liens Cannty Herd * Meat laspeetor the following described lands, to-wit: hour; building trade* worker. 76- be sold told for the amount of liens, being hour month*, drawing 65c per hour; unpaid and delinquent, together with Land described In Volume 73, Page Coquille, Ore. 549, Deed Record, of O dos Coun­ common laborer. 100-hr. month, at six per cent interest to date of sale;1 ty, On-go*. lying and being in Sec­ said'sales will ‘ be made _______ '4c per hour. subject to ro- tion • Township 28 South, Range 13 demption a* provided __ ' tew. by Each ___ ____ __ J. A. RICHMOND I West of Willamette Meridian. Min­ lot or parcel of land wili will be I sold Sep-1 PHYSICIAN and SURGEON imum Price ................. 354.30 \.nty School Notes irately. Said sal* is made under the. i ' ~ ~ ______ ' _____ __ Lot 9 in Block 1----- ----------- 34.19 pi o vision* of th* City Charter and Richmond-Barker Building • From Mrs. Mulkey’s Office th* general laws of th* Stet* of Ore­ Lot 10 in Block I ...... „.......... 7836 Coquille, Ore. Ail lying and being in Academy gon, tor th* purpoee of collecting de­ Coca Co., Addition to Coquille City, Coos linquent inipiovimst liens, toe the I hones: .Office 62M, Ree. 99R Oregon, Supplemental Plat, accord - ­ m provement of street* and construc­ The Junior Red Cron is allowing tion ing to the plat thereof on file and of sewers, a* particularly set the Coun- 1100 for song book, for the Bandon ionn nerem. of record in the office _____ of _ _________ J. J. STANLEY ty Clerk of Coos County, Oregon. School. ____ said ___ I SHALL, in compliance with Owner of property at date ot as­ A Horney-at-Law order, on SATURDAY, the 19th day sessment Olive o. Brown. Lot 4, The Lakeside school is having the (»Mee at residence. 379 of December, A. D., 1938, com­ Blk. 2, Elliott i Add. Date of Lien, mencing at the hour of 10 O’clock A. uilding wired for light*. Willard 8U Jan. 5, 1931; Amount of Lien, $10.05; M. of said day at the front door of Coaled. Balance due On principal, 619.96: In­ the Court House in the City of Co­ The Coaledo school building 1. be­ terest to date, 86.86. Total....... 835.91 quille, and County of Coos, State of Lot 7, Blk. 2, Ell. Add. Date of Uen, ot as- Oregon, offer tor sale and sell at ing painted and varnished inside W Raad: WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE public auction the above described Hyde donated hi. service* a. painter January 6, ¡931; Amount of Uen, 319.05. Balance due on principal ran E. 417.44 ft, run 8. 104.35 ft„ Date of Lien, ¿day 29, 1981: Beg. ‘ I. a: st Notice is hereby given that war­ reel property to the highest and best and was assisted by two boy., Orton >19.05; Interest to date, 8636; run W. 417.44 to B m .; Amount of NE cor. of Lot 6. Blk. 11 til. Add„ rants up to and including No. 10584, bidder for cash in hand at th* time Urt*l RU l 8," EH '.''¿¿A; Deteof^Uem Lien, 819.03; Balance due on princi- run N. 487.04 ft- ran W. 832 ft. to Standley and Sonny Hashberger. The is«ued by Coquille School District, No. if the sale, or for not less than twen­ 8. will be paid upon presentation to ty per cent (30%) of the purchase money for materials was obtained Jan. 5, 1831; Amount of Lien, 819.05; pal, 819.03; Interest to date. 86.86; County Road, which is place ot beg ; 825.89 ran S. along said road 160 ft., thence the district clerk, on and after Satur­ price in cash, the remainder to be through a basket social at Hallowe’en Balance due on principal, $19.05; In­ Total .................... N. Outlet Sewer IE. 132.42 ft., run N. 109 ft., run W. day, November 21, 1936. Interest on >eid under written agreement with In the spring they hope to paint the terest to date, $6 88; Total......... 825.91 Owner* of property st date of as- 133.48 ft. to beg.; Amount of Uen. Mid warrants cease* on that date. the purchaser in equal Instalment* 'xterior of the building Owner* of property at date of as­ Sessment, E. F. A Aletha Harrah;! 817.89; Balance due on principal. Keith Leslie, Clerk over a term not exceeding ten (10) date, , -, 9C35; sessment, F. A:* A. Barton A Mary C. Date of Uen. Jan. 5. 1931; Beg. W. I 817.59; Interest to — ------- ---- 1* To- --- 196% I* Drive* School District T-No. 8. Coqulne, yeai* from the date of Mie, all de­ {Gage; Lot 1, Blk. 34, EIL Add.: Date line of Sec. 31, Tp 27 S„ R. 12 W. ....... ....... 323.94 ‘ -------- Coos County, Oregon. 45t3 ferred payment* to bear interest from Bridge I* the laat school to be an­ of Lien, Jan. 5. 1931: Amount of Lien. 538.7 ft N. of SW cor. of Sec. 81, ran m. 5, 193J: Amount of the date of Mie at the rate of six per nounced to us as 100% in the three N. 104.35 ft., run E. 417.44 ft., ran S. cent per annum, payable annually. If you want to subscribe for a Port­ 104.5» ft., run W. 417.44 ft. to beg.; teacher membership drives, the N E. . No sale shall be made of the above 61 land daily the clubbing combination parcel of real property for a lesser A., O. S. T. A,, and county division 19.05; Balance dbe on principal. Amount of Uen, 319.03; Balance due 19.05; Interest to date, 86-56;To- on ^principal, 819.03; Interest •5 we offer with the Sentinel will mv * amount than th* minimum price of O. S. T. A. tal .... 836.91 shown thereon. Owner* of property at date of as ­ vou monev Owner* of property at date of as­ Intermediate Teachers Dated at Coquille, Coo* County. sessment, C. A. Gage 6 J. 3. Bar­ Teachers of intermediate grades ton, Lot 11, Blk. 40, Ell. Add.: sessment, C. E. A Letha HurrelJ; Oregon, this 18th day of Novemoer, Date of Lien, Jan. 5, 1931; Beg. on A. D , 1936. will hold a meeting on Saturday. Date ot Uen, Jan. 5, 1981; Amount of Wm. F. Howell, December 5. The meeting will be held Lien, 819------- -- 45t5 Sheriff of Coo* County. Oregon [ in the Washington building, Coquille, nount of Lien, $20 00; Balance due principal, 820.00; Interest to date, beginning at 9:30 a. m. An Interest­ 1st and 1 io; Total ”................... ,.,....817 ■ NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING ing program ha* been planned for the Owners Notice is hereby given that the an­ ite of Lien, November 7, 1989; Ixx-al & Long Distance nual session. At that timil the teacher, meeting of th* landowner* in nount of Hen. 8130 00; Balance due Fishtrap Drainage District in Coo* will decide as to whether or not they principal. 8138 00; Interest to date, - --* ..... „„.. 4178 80 County, Oregon, will be held on Sat­ care to organize for future meetings. urday, the Sth day of December, 193«, »«.I ....... ............... -_______ ...9142.73 January 5, 1931; at the hour of 1:30 o ’ clock in the af ­ :--------- J l io Teachers’ Date of Lien, Oct 11, 1917; Amount , 814.29: Balance Moving a Specialty ternoon nfd . day Mid of Lien, 334.98; Balance due on prin­ 14.29; interest to Dr. C. A. Howard, state i f- - * of — — . at - - the -- residence of C. A. Keltner in said District for dent, has announced that all cipal, 834.98; Interest to date. 819.99; -,..... -.......... 919.15 the ----- 8223.15 of the nfr wilP-have-g r ad ua ted prl ui t o j IT ary 1, 1937, will be entitled to teach ­ I.ien, _ „ term of____ pires and for the transaction of such ers' certificate if they apply prior to other business as may lawfully come that date. j - oefore such meeting Th* standard for teacher* in Ore­ H A. Fish, Chairman of the Board Phone 178-L of Supervisors gon is raising so that the require­ Attest J. J. Stanley; Secretary 45t3 ment* for earning a teachers’ certi­ City Insured Carrier ficate after that date will be mor* Calling carda, SO tor 8100. than th* two years’ training. 81.66. Including model« that give decidedly increased gasoline mileage * • All models same t wheelbase, same body size. ■ S3 7n»n^w < Professional Cards NILES MOTOR COMPANY Ä H. E. HUDDLE HAULING - coal___ _