Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1936)
(Continued from Page One) n had to make bread out of i, no sugar, flour, salt, coffee, or r two months at a time. It was the days that the women suffered the hardships with the men. And here in this meet western settlement the subject of this sketch raised her fam ily. There were ten boys and one girl; six sons and the one daughter are living. The children are: John J. Tichenor, of Portland, Frank B. Tichenor, of Port Orford. Captain C. H Tichenor. >f Portland. Mrs. Thomas Guerin, of Myrtle Point, Herbert E. Tichenor, of 'owa, Grover C. Tichenor, of Port Jrford, Leslie O. Tichenor, of North Bend. Mrs. Holt leaves sixteen grand ,-hUdren and nine great grand chil- Inn. January 26, 1904, she was I -harried to Samuel Huaten_Holt, of ll TshTand. who died in 1919. Both her || second husbands served in || irst . he CiVil war. Mrs. Holt was a mem- >er of the Presbyterian church at Myrtle Point. She held membership n the Elgin chapter of the Eastern «tar at Myrtle Point, was a member >f the auxiliary of the United Span ish War Veterans. Her father and nother are buried at Roseburg. Ore- ttm. Mrs. Holt slipped and fell last May ‘creaking her hip and she had been mflned to her bed since ttye acci dent. Funeral services were held Thurs- lay morning at 10:30 a, m. at the h-esbyterian church, Joseph Bow loin officiating. Interment took >'ace in the Roseburg cemetery ■ ■■ ■■■_.■ — ■ mileage free Ask us why I Club Hears of Red Cross Want Ads One WANTED—To buy small house and lot in Coquille or small acreage near Coquille, with small hosue. Give description of property and price in writing to P. O. Box 168, Bandon, Ore. It* HOUSE TRAILER tor sals Fumish- nished. Make your offer. In- ' quire Leo Petronelli, one mile north Of CoquIITehlgh school on Fairview road, Saturday or Sunday. It* WOMAN WANTED—to keep house for three adults, all employed. Good home and satisfactory recompense Telephone 128L or call at 141 South Henry. It WE CARRY a fresh and complete Hn. rrf R m H« rtn-bnni Clraas 1935 FORD V-8 DeLuxe Sedan Foi Sale—Perfect condition and run less than 4,000 miles and has heater. Mip. John Dickey, 1018 Flanagan. Marshfield, Oregon. 45t2* LOST—On Armistice day night, a triangular pearl set fraternity pin. 92 reward for return to Sentinel office. WANTED — Boarders at \ private hems, at 774 North Coulter, fourth house north of Mrs. W. W. Tllgh- man store. It* FOR SALE—Round dining table, • chairs. Day Bed, springs, mattress, dresser, Merriam Century Diction ary and stand. All in good condi tion 459 N. Coulter St., Coquille. It* Mrs.- Ethel Williams addressed nembers of Business & Professional Women’s dub Monday evening. Mrs Williams is the disbursing of- ficer for the American Red Cross for the Bandon section. She has served Wrecked in the Canyon through several disasters during the Barly Tuesday morning an auto- last few years. She stated that short nobile owned and driven by Norman ly after the fire began in Bandon and Graham, of Allegany, plunged over a long before it had completed its dev steep embankment near Tanner creek astation that work had begun in on the Myrtle Point-Roseburg high headquarters in San Francisco, gat way. The accident is said to have ing ready for work in Bandon jeen due to the brakes locking. A Due to the smoke, the airplane wo-year-old youngster received ■ a ■ould not land In the Bandon vicinity, ractured skull and the other four so landed at Roseburg, from whence passengers in the car were also seri the workers came in bus to Bandon. ously injured. The members were interested in the Mr. and Mrs. Norman Graham, -omplete manner in which cases are wo-year-old son Norman Ray. four- .’hacked. All assets, liabilities, eam- /ear-oM daughter, Anita Mae, and ng capacity, etc., are taken into con dud Shields wars} qn their way to sideration. After thvestigallon is Roseburg when the accident occurred made by the Red Cross, the cases are The accident victims were brought brought before the local committee. jy passing motorists to Mast hospital Mrs. Williams stated that the local where it was found that Graham had committee at Bandon was most help «uffered a severe cut in his left tern- ful and thorough. • ole and an injured back; Mrs. Gra- The club celebrated, by a large 1am received several cuts on her birthday cake, the birthdays of the .egs; Anita Mae Graham, a cut thigh; following: Harriet Osika. Ruth Bey Norman Ray Graham a badly frac- ers, Helen Stanbrough, Viola Newton, ured skull and Bud Shields a broken and I-eona Bryant bone in his left foot. Graham and Club guests were Mrs. Roy Fox, La nis son are both in the hospital. Verne Knife, of Coquille, and Mar- Mrs. Graham is a daughter of Ben , tarot Lange, of Bandon. James, of Bridge.—Myrtle Point Her Harriet Osika, of the educational ald. ommittee, was in Charge of the pro- Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and ulk. the only milk and cream made afe by pasteurization phone 182J. 44 tf REGISTERED Cocker Spaniel Pupa —Wavy black and red beauties Championship blood. Phone 23R. Dr T M White, Myrtle Point, Ore. 441$* ..................................... - —i , iU MAN WANTED for Rawleigb Route OLD Growth Fir and Alder Wood, of «00 families. Good profit* for $5.00 per cord (8 ricks), delivered. hustler. We train and help you. Also Delmar Coal $6.50 ton, and Write today. Rawleigh’a, Dept. barnyard fertilizer $5.00 bag load. ORK-36-SA2, Oakland, Calif. 43t4* Phone 22-L. W a nni n g Pig s a nd C o ws. M. W. Gant, Fox Bridge. POUND NEW NUCOA ■ The Wholesome Thrift Spread for Bread 7&ar VEGETARLS • NUCOÄ Preferred Stock Pl FOMARGARINE JggL. Large cans c“ 28C Coffee Mayonnaise Shortening 49' Fluffo 4>tt> Pkg ■ .X..... Rippled Wheat 29 3 Pkgs. Cranberries PICKLES . ._______________ \ :r' Fancy 2 Qua Graham Crax Ripe Sunshine 29' 2-lb Box Macaroni 3 »*• 19C CAMELS, LUCKIES, CHESTERFIELDS $1 .19 Cigarettes carton Spaghetti 3 ». IpC ¡Tomatoes ■*■^1 .1'. n ' ri " *** Pineapple < Ar Dates Large Cans New Crop * &te" X5c Deviled Meat^^ e-r»” r Peas Merrimac Brand 2 - X9C Royal Neighbor«« Notes The most interesting meeting, of1 the fall months, was held by the' Royal Neighbors, November 1$, in the W O. W. hall. The newly ap-' pointed state supervisor, Mrs. Kath erine Benton, attended this meeting and gave a very interesting talk and ?11 Waggoner, Betty St. Clair and several songs, accompanying herself on the piano. She told the members of different methods of raising money for the benefit of the canjP. as well as gaining the interest of prospective members. She organized the camp into three groups, each group having s captain, for the membership drive in the victory campaign, now in prog teas. The winning group is to be en tertained and dined by the two losing groups. The district deputy, Mrs. Ada Leman, also attended the meet ing and assisted in the work of the supervisor. Four candidates were initiated, namely Virginia Page, Low- hen entertained the members with Norma Howe. It was reported that wo quilts have been finished and are wady to be given some worthy, needy family of Bandon. At the clone of this busy sessiem, the kitchen commit tee served pumpkin pie and coffee, i Chocolate Cookies Spaghetti Franco-American • Qc Can v I9C Vanilla ro?" } * FLOUR 4Q LB. __________ • 4-oz. Bottle String Beans Cut Stringless Seaport . |2C 2 *1 lb . T’ÍJ Bas Can. Oranges Navel Doz. Carrots Lemons Large Sunkist Doz. Lettuce 2 Solid For Maud Skaggs Woodyard Fancy Delicious 25C $J.49 FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Bunch 42 ACRES, 4-room house, orchard, garage, 3 acres bottom; 7 miles from town on Fishtrap road or see Quelle Cafe, opp. P. O. 45tf ... FOR SA I. F Volume With Small Profil»” h Our Motto Missionary Society Meeting The Missionary Women of the Church of Chriat met for their regu lar business meeting and study yes terday at 2:00 p. m. in the church par- ion. There were 28 ladiea present. The last of the four Christmas boxes was packed, thia one going to Japan. The others were sent to rhibet and the Philippine Islands. The topic for the study was “As America Goes So Goes the World,” led by Harriet Schaer. Scripture reading Esther 4:14. Song, “Star Spangled Banner.” Prayer by Mrs. Hooten. ‘ Appalachian Work,” Mrs C. C. Farr. “Arizona Work,” Myrtle Benham. Song. “America, the Beau tiful.” “Georgia Work.” Mary Stan- inger. The meeting closed with the singing of "America.” Lovely re freshments were served by Mesdames Pearl Cardwell, Hazel Simpson, Ruth Clayton and Myrtle Benham. COQUILLE FREE DELIVERY PHONE 166