The Sentinel UILLE, OREGON Election Sets a New Record PRESIDENTIAL VOTE BY STATES . • • ■ ■ ....................... ■ We carry a complete line of 1x3 to 2x12 No. 1 and No. 2 Common £edarLs?ital£ buiWin« Purposes, surfaced or rough. Consult the Retail Department for our low prices on Cedar. -w--------------- - • The Oregon return« in the recen^ )«ttle of the ballot« were not without heir usual quota of Surprises. not the east of which was the astounding plurality amassed by President loosevelt. While thia state had been >rctty generally conceded to the dem­ ocratic candidate not even his moat a bid partisans had anticipated the andslide which swept every county n the stateincluding rock-ribbed epublican Benton—into , the Rooae- •elt column. Republicans who had onceded a Roosevelt victory in thia state had grudgingly estimated his margin of victory at 15,000 to 20,000. Democrats, on the other hand, had claimed the state for their candidate by anywhere from 40,000 to 75,000, a ( few of tlw more wild-eyed partisans boosting the margin to as high as ; !00,000. The voters gsve him a plu- | :ality of more than 143,000. I Only a little less surprising than ( lhe huge total rolled up by Roosevelt was the strength displayed by Willis ( Vtahoney, democratic candidate for t Jnited States senator, who, carried I ilong on the crest of the democratic 1 landslide and with substantial aid 0 (rom his Townsend admirers came f within 6000 vote« of 'unseating the <| veteran Chas L, McNary, republican|u tllvIlauillU!|g- -hr tf