PAPER THAT’S VOL. XXXII. COQUILLE, COOS CO NO. 44. IT JUMPED 65 H. wood Plant to Open Soon :tically ail of the machinery for the hew plywood department at the Smith Wood-Products plant is now in the building, and the electrical hook­ Andrew DeMartin, of Harbor, up and Installation is now being done. It is expected that this plant will be Killed When Car Missed ready to operate by the first of De­ Bridge Approach Tuesday cember. The new sawmill will not be ready Death stalked th« highway again for use until late in December. The Tuesday evening, Andrew DeMartin, fuel bins and the burner for the new of Harbor, Oré., being the victim. J mill are nearly ready and the new The tragedy which occurred about 2000 kilowatt turbine '______ wu turned rwp: rn. wu probably due toexces- jjverifiig w«Jt, although no Jufi been manufactured yet. This turbine is expected to furnish the power for making all the electricity which the four plants will need—the cedar saw­ mill, the new sawmill, the plywood factory and the battery separator plant. The whole plant- shut down for Armistice Day, but 70 per cent of the construction crew, which did not come under the union agreement, wanted to work, and did so. SUCCESSFUL D Preaching Mission Well Attend- 52 Coon Resident* Give Notice ed-Bishop Dagwell and Dr. of Intention to Apply in Pennington Speak February Bear Creek Drilling Starts With two experienced drillers—J. L. Gilmore, from Oklahoma, with *3 years experience, and Herb Jennings, from southern California, with 17 years—(n charge of operations, the "spudding in'* of the Pacific Petro­ leum Corporation well on the A. T. Morrison ranch will take place at two o'clock this afternoon. J. F. Eweli has invited a large number to be oresept at the drilling inauguration. Friday, the 13th, has no terror for ___ ............ these veter .... an oil , ________ myn who cltm the hangman’s date is no hoodoo to them, but is always an omen of good luck. Here’s hoping! LESS Due to Bandon Fire, Tax Fore­ closures, Timber Removal, - C om C o . Valuation Drops —— "The only things in the Sunday ■ Following is a list of those who Assessed valuations |n Coos county, papers worth reading are the fun­ i .made application for citizenship according tp the summary now in nies,” declared Bishop B. D. Dagwelt. Kapers on Friday and Saturday, of process of making in Assessor Beyers’ T evening during the course ist week and on Monday and Tues- office is off this year from last year’s Ptoneer churctr day dr (T ils , when Th os. S. GrifTihg, figures by $1,070,460. That is the where an all-day preaching mission naturalization examiner, was here figure for everything except public had been held. He referred, of course, Their applications will be heard and I utility valuation, and all figures used to the magazine and other sections acted upon at the session of the Cir­ «.—.„b.................. in this item do not include the utility which are filled with false theori cuit cdprt on Feb. 16, 1937. Follow­ assessments. A Wrestling Card, Nov. 20 ing the\name in the list is the appli­ and philosophies, crime stories, The total valuation of the couniy is A wire fiom Harry Elliott this and not to the dally news. cant’s present residence, the country $21,234,322 where it was $23310,782 morning . announces that his next The church has lost ground thrps of his birth and the date on which wrestling card jn_ihe_Coaullte Com- last year. This loss is due in part to few years and he listed the a entered th e Un ited S tates. S o m e taxTorecIbsuresTTnparttotimber/re­ ! munity Building will be next Friday, bile, the radio and the Sunday pape of them were bom in this country , moval, and $470,000 is due to the fire Nov. 20. as strong competitors of the but had acquired citizenship in other oas at Bandon on Sept. 28, Headlining this card will be Walt which h^ve lessened Sunday atten lands before returning to the United The Coquille school district, No. 8, Achiu and Jack Lipscomb, with a dance at places of worship. Hé States: is valued at $1,485,085 whore it was semi-final putting the detested Dark dared fhat the great purpose of. Magnus Nevdal, Bunker Hill, Nor- $1,496,585 last year. Secret against Don Sugai. There will preaching missions now being *4 way, Aug. 21, 1925. The valuations of the eight towns also be" a 30-rninute preliminary ried on all over the United i Margarete Kteinert, Marshfield, and cities in the county are all less The 25 cent admission for ladies was an effort to recall throe who Germany, Nov. 9, 1930. than they were a year ago, except ■MM,still be in effect next Friday. itrayed from church affiliation. v»eo. Meinen, Marshfield, Geo. aricn Erich Kleinert, impire apd Lakeside; the first figure In ffiS appeal to the clergy to help Germany, Nov.. 9, 1930. . .n the following list being this yeer's ind the second the 1935 valuation: • equipment in clyd> Nilea Coqu)Ue yopd ¿„j. in the world revival of hope in the -'Johannes Monson, Marshfield, Nor­ salvation offered by the ^an ot way, April 15, 1927. Coquille, $1,016,405; $1,021,705. <• **■> returned Wednesday morning Galilee,” he adjured them not to John Martin Monsen,' Marshfield, Myrtle Point, $508,985; $514,710. Detroa «•w,° — Bandon, $288,455; $764,875. * at Christian s Friday »nd Saturday to preach too long. *’ No souls are saved Norway. April 15, 1927. / . ------------- Nickalaos Mavrogenis, Marshfield. Marshfield, $3,094,922; $3.108,857. bent. view the 1937 Ford and be entertain- after the first twenty minutes,” was his humorous way of stating the lay Greece, April 22, 1911. Eastside, $226,130; $277,725. E. Norton whose name was ed by U'* Ford Motor Co H hid conception of a sermon. He advised by Elsie Budwell, Marshfield, Canada, 'irst submitted the nomin- submUw« North Bend, $1,400,165; $1,591,925. , , and three been that s ooo dealer> all preschers to throw away their | to is .too sur- t te< to succeed him- ating coturni ittee Empire, $173,861; $155,221. ' (Continued on Page Three) d uncle in or Mr NUe> o of th6 lta. “barrel,” think out and deliver ser­ Lakeside, $56,820; $35,160. »elf as president of the Co- mons which are full of joyous living, quille Chamber of Commerce, pos­ The public utility property valua­ i listic’ tor the Fllday n«* luncheon make the church a place where peo­ Fred Fuhrman Going to Europe ts veiy refused to accept the office for tion for the county, as listed with the . , . .C and the Saturday evening banquet ple are ha^py. He told of the min­ A very distinguished honor has 1937 and requested the committee to > assessor for next year’s tax paying njy n*m fonowing. le truck loadl of dishes ister who dreamed he was delivering been conferred upon Fred Fuhrman, •nake some other recommendation be- purposes, is up $8,183 over last year’s ‘ The and cookin< equipment were hauled eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Fuhr­ St to 0,6 dining ball. 19 tons of food a sermon and work up and fouhd it man, of this city, who has been a stu- ore next Tuesday’s annual election, $3,030,757.--------- - --------------- ■ vL was true. rlis own business affairs and th« Whir £.n t£ «’"•“"*d- ‘"ctading 4,000 Bishop Dagwell kept the audience <$ent at Oregon State College since business of the Port Of Bandon, of | Snapped Off Electric Light Pole i chickens: 150 cooks and 650 waiters graduating from high school. « ’ were needed to prepare and serve the which ruled «very seat in the church -Hs has been selected as one of the which he is president, render it im­ Gilbert Hunt, employed in a bakery----- (Continued on Pag« Three) possible for him to serve as head of r., , _ .. 18000, and the entire 600 taxis in De- at Marshfield, had a narrow escape four young men in the United States the Chamber of Commerce for next ' ntsnon Hero, troit commandeered to move the who will go to Germany next year as about five o’clock last Sunday morn­ year. Drowning Story Lagt July il association ‘ Ford army. exchange students for the four Ger­ ing. but his Dodge sedan was pretty The forum meeting will be a dinner I a preaching There were Ford iere from Was Evidently Framed man boys who have been studying in session in the Coquille Hotel next near a complete wreck. He was go­ beginning on'all over the Unite Canada, U. S. colleges this year. The German ing toward Myrtle Point and on the 29, and clos-: Hawaii, Cuba, Panama, and taro from According to a story in yesterday’s government will pay his tuition and Tuesday evening at 6:30 o’clock, and curve just thia side of the service sta­ all chamber embers are urgently Dec. 6. Ser- Myrtle Point tion at Joh’nspqi Mili lu* cw,- left tiw te quiuted te b > pe«ss«4.—.—- ■•?--- ih week night! rornt—It jumpetUatoout tfr feet and officers nominated are of the local the deeforf and the latter presented than reported. It has to do with the cdpccsMons in the travelling expenses I The then struck the ground, on its Wheels, l^ted bcl°*' ^inations from the as on Sunday after- to the father and son the famous Pil­ Lindbeck boy whose swimming com­ uo'th totand from Germany’ where the slope is ebout 45 degrees. The German youth, who has been 'floor81,0 made nex‘ Tuesd8F grim windmill which was built at panion reported the young man went It remained upright, however, and ocean did •»»«* not return.' 1 atQ^B. C C the put vwr — - and — West Yarmouth on Cape Cod 303 i out into the — year, h»« hu been' 1 evening continued dqwn. hilL flattening a------ - For'Pres — R. A. Jeub. y*«us ago. U -was moved to Green­ HITllory HOW appears to have been rdFnished hfs expenses by the Phi fence, but stopped when it struck a For Vice Pres—J. D. Gillespie. effort will climax the field Village, neanDetroit, and put in I a lie, to put it bluntly. | Beta Pi fraternity, but in Europe the power pole which it sheared off. Th« For Treas>—R. L. Stewart. x plan of the National Preaching Mis­ running order fqg the presentation Whether young Lindbeck was a government bears the expense. \ pole carried a high power wire and For Secretary—Mrs. J. E. Norton. 7^ sion. The national plan was to hold coremonies. party to the deception, of course is Fred has been an outstanding stu- the electricity flew there for w few Fo? Directors—Wm. Barrow, J. P. four-day mispions in twenty-five cen­ Every hotel in the city was filled, not known, but that thought comes dent in chemistry and his selection of moments. "Hunt, received a little cut Beyers, Geo. Chaney, Lafe Compton, ters by a national team, to bold one- but many had to sleep in the Pull- i forcibly, to mind when reading the the course he will take wu was philoso- on' the head but no one else in the day missions in districts surrounding mans which brought them to Detroit, j last part of the Herald’s story which phy, under which 1 ead chemistry is Drue Cunningham, F. S. Emery, J. A. car was injured. Fitzpatrick, C. W. Gano, A. N. Gould these centers, and for every local Mr. Niles enjoyed a room in one of follows: i designated. The four elective courses. church or churches to hold an eight- Detroit’s finest hostelries. Forty-one —1 '■ ' are philosophy, medicine, law and M. O. Hawkins, George Jenkins, Freezes Hurt Willamette Farms , J. A. Lamb. Phil McManamy, day mission the week of Nov. 15-22 special trains were required to bring IVUUg UUIUMUVA Young Lindbeck formerly UIWUUVV attended theology. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Barton returned laurel wood Academy in ~ Portland, or the week of Nov. 29 to Due. 6. The •he dealers. > ’ I Fred will leave early next June for L. M. McPherson, F. W. Martin, M. Tuesday morning from a short trip on M. Newdall v C. E. Niles, C. T. Selbig, national team was in Portland Nov. Since he started the manufacture afterward coming to Myrtle Point to Germany so as to perfect himself in 5-8 and the one-day mission for this of automobiles more than 24,650,000 make his home with his brother-in- the German language which he has ft.-T. Slater, J. L Smith, J L. Stevens, which they left last Saturday after­ district was held here in Coquille on cars-have "run off the line” in Mr. law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. William been studying at O. S. C., before the E D. Webb, O. L. Wood, H. A. Young. noon. On Sunday they attended at”" There aie seventeen directors to Woodburn the funeral of an old Tuesday, Nov. 10. Ford’s plants, and the overproduction Lobdell. Jr., and attended Myi tie university opens fJlr work in August. elec| beside the president, vice presi­ friend, Mrs. Susan Livesly and then which Henry Fgrd’s father feared Point high school, where he was a went on to Portland, and stopped at To Furnish ChjtotmM Boxes when he was making 35 cars a day junior last year. The latest discovery Annual Fox Show at Riverton dent and treasurer. Eugene on their return for a shorty has not yet become apparent. as to Lindbeck ’ s whereabouts came Plan* aft rapidly taking »hape for ' The Coos and Curry County Unit Hom? Ec. Extension Calendar time with their son, Jesse, who is at-' Mr. Niles will have the new 1937 through unsual channels when Mrs the dance and party which is to be of the Oregon State Fox Breeders as- tending U. of O. The fog was so The third meeting in th' series of given ln the Community Building on Ford on display at the Niles Motor Co. Lobdell received a letter from her i sociation, co-operating with the Riv- thick on the coast Monday evening show room tomorrow. youngest sister a few days ago. demonstrations on vegetable cookery Saturday, Nov. 28. Ths idea for this _____ erton Smith-Hughes department. that they spent the night in Reeds­ Thir sister, who lives in. - Long will be on the methods of cooking big affair originated with the Coquille Beech" had'just'been'married U/e port.*''*'' " Entertains Bandon green and white vegetables. Kale Eagles lodge and they have sought i Coquille oquine Pont rosi entertains The heavy frosts In the Willamette to W. D. Kaiser at Yuma. Arts, and *ho* ln !> -cu- A ___ _ ______ . _____ and swiss chard will be ised in vari ­ the co-operation of all the other civicThe Coquille American Legion post . _ Sunday. Distinguished visitors from vafley have cost the farmers there a (Continued on Page Three) ; New york Clty Anfeiea> ous ways. The meetings n Coos coun­ organizations to the city. Those thus J was host on Wednesday—Armistice large sum. Potatoes were frozen to ty will be held at 10^v at: far having voted' to co-operate are Dey—to the memebrs of the Bandon __ _ v Portland and Salem were present— the ground and $11,000 worth of cel­ Catching Iblet, at home of Mrs. Te­ the Timber 8c Sawmill Workers Legion poet, about 20 coming up that Dave Biegger Opens New Store SMtita the president and secretary of ery was killed in the Lake Labisch resa Gunnell, November 17. union, the 20-30 club and the Cham­ |rn°J1’in6 I Biegger & Gunderson have opened the Oregon state association ------ Alto- district, Mr. Barton learned at Wood­ Fairvievy, at the Grange Hall, Nov­ ber of Commerce. The affair started with a breakfast a | new store BIS in the building VSM on »awss. Front gethcr sixty-five visitors and friends - --------------- icw OWIC Wit MUUMUi* burn. ember 18. All the proceeds from the party are and lasted all day. closing with a very | gtreet next door to the No-D-Lay were in attendance. < — North Bayside, at the Grange Hall, to be used in making the Christmas nice dance in the Community Build-. cleaners, where they will handle hir­ Forty silver foxes were exhibited ErteU-Trott Caw Again On November 19. seavon a happy one. Not only is it ing that evening. eyen,n>- - ' ------------------------------ niture niture and and hardware, hardware, both both new new and and rom twelve ranches. Nearly $200 Bandon, at the High School, Nov ­ A retrial of the case of Anna ErteD* intended to provide a Christmas box The Legion s cannon boomed at in-1 second hand. The partners are David n prizes and awards were given. Out vs. Geo. E. Trott wu started in cir­ for every needy family or person in tervah all morning and about noon, B Biegger and N. H. Gunderson, of rf the five beautiful trophies awarded ember 26. Arago, at Mrs. John Hammack’s, cuit court here yesterday. The first the community, but it is hoped suf­ he Legionnaires adjourned to the Marshfield. Mr. Biegger bought the ’or the best foxes at the show, three trial resulted in a hung jury. The ficient funds will be realized to make sF wk where a little football and a j buildin« last month and secured pos- of them were won by the Hartwell November 23. Gaylord, at the Community Hall, amount involved is $3750. possible a community Christmas tree. little kitty ball were played. Monte »ession a couple of weeks ago when inch at Riverton. One went to November 24. Bob Geaney, who is chairman of , Newdall, as umpire, was master of Mrs Hoeger sold the stock of the Co- The plaintiff alleges that the de­ lie Guerin ranch at Langlois, and the •L fendant represented himself to be (be Eagles dance committee, says the caremonies, and when he tired of see- quille Trading Poet to Bob Train. other to the Barrows farm at Ran­ pro»iam is for the Eagles to conduct ing one side a( bat he commanded connected with the Federal Land Two Smith-Hughes boys, Was Not Coquille Tom Herbert The new store hu been very at­ dolph. the dance as usual and for the other ‘change sides” and it was done. Bank and got her to assign her place tractively arranged but they have not Grant and Miles Hartwell, entered The Tom Herbert, or at least the organizations to handle the various For the past few years the Bandon yet stocked it as completely as they four foxes at the show and received fellow who gave that name when ar­ near Denmark, worth about $3500, concessions which are planned. to him as such agent. He bought the. -egion has been host on Armistice intend to. one first, two seconds, one third and rested by city officials a couple of stock on the place. . Day but this year the fire made a the "grand show champion.” weeks ago and put up $5 bail» on a Trott denies that he ever represent­ Youths Jnjurod When Bug Flops hange In the program. Picnic lunch was served at noon in drunk chargee, and forfeited it, is not Tax Money Sent by Co. Trean. ed himself as a federal agent. ------------------------- Bob Bones, of Myrtle Point, and the Tom Herbert who is employed at (Continued on Page Two) — County Treasurer Stauff on Tues­ The case will probably go to the City Bids hi 34 Properties Frank Robertson, of Gaylord, where the Smith Wood-Products plant. Na­ day mailed checks to ports, school jury today and, when they return a he lives with his sister, two boys of turally the latter objects to being There were no bidders at the city districts and cities, their portions of Aska 340,000, Awarded 3880 kidded about an arrest in which he I verdict, court will be adjourned till 16 or 17, were taken to the Mast hos­ sale of Coquille property for delin­ the October tax collections. Coquille Monday morning. pital Sunday morning. The bug in quent __ _____________________________ Anne Wickman was given a ver­ had no part. The city officials know i tax assessments held at the city reived $2,164.78, out of t he $7.310.23 which they were l«vtag here for Monday morning and R«- dict of $880 by the jury on Tuesday no more about the culprit than that' sent to the eight cities in the county. Mornings Are Too Cold Myrtle Point left the highway about *(cord«r F. G. Leslie bid in the entire in her damage suit for $40,000 against he gave that name. Myrtle Point was sent $192.30, and ‘ Here it is the middle of November a mile out of Coquille last Saturday ; 34 lots and tracts for amounts against H. M Counts. The collision of cars Bandon $285 92 The port remittances $hd no rain yet. Not even an indlca- night, at 1:80, and turned over. Young ¡each piece, totalling $4,413.44. This happened in North Bend when tjje Union Thanksgiving Service totalled $3,298.95. U8h of rain, when by thig time the Bones was bruised and somewhat cut .amount does npt Include the delin- plaintiff was turning off the highway Of the $32,131.06 stmt to school dis­ The annual union Thanksgiving Coquille valley usually has over six by glass while Robertson suffered a Iquent state and county taxes against and was-struck by the Counts car in tricts, $22,228.88 was the second half broken shoulder and one >bone of his the properties «(hich will be added io which the defendant was riding, it service conducted by the Ministerial inches of precipitation. And we have ' of the elementary school fund. association will be held on Wednes­ only had about three-quarters of an arm so ^pulled out of place that It the city’s claims when any purchaser being driven by his grandson. / ................. day evening, Nov. 25, in the Assembly inch since the first of September. protruded from the arm. wishes to make a deal for any of the .at God tabernacle. Rev W Raymond —Th e th e rm em et er ha s been f i ll t i ng— prop erty----------------- --------------------- E""*3 KtlW. N M lM CBFgWT Wilder will be the speaker this year around the freezing mark all week P. T. A. to Meet Nov. 17 i—, ministers take turns ,—__ — Yesterday eve, Clyde A. Gage And T. Ben Currie The county court this week named The local each _32 and 3< The regular meeting of the Coquille Coquille Grange Meets Tonight constitute the canvassing board which j Dr. Ennis Keizer, of North Bend, as year in bringing the message, - An of- morning iteteod at 39 and this morn­ Parent-Teachers association will be Attention is again called to the Co­ began yesterday morning checking. coroner to succeed his father, the late fcring Will be taken in accordance ing at »0. Even the fog has not been held ln the high school auditorium quille Grange annual meeting in W. over the judges’ returns from the' D: Russell Keizer, whq passed away with local custom far the Children’s able to keep out the white frost which next Tuesday evening, Nov. 17, at O. W. hall here thia evening whan Nov Nov. election. They were three-. on the morning of Nov. 4, the day Farm Home at Corvallis. has already run a great many more 8:00 p. m. Everyone interested la to- election Of officers for the ensuing fourths done this morning and will after he had been elected to succeed mornings than our allotted three in a vitod to attend. year wiU take piao«. railing «arda, 10 for $1.00. tiniah th« job today. himself for another four years. row. NILES VISITED FORD PLANTS HE WILL NOT SERVE AGAIN