I PACK NINE St. James Episcopal Church NOTICE OF 8ALR OF PROPERTY 66, Notley's Addition; amount of Lien, »49 05; balance due on principal FOR DELINQUENT IM »19.05; interest to date »648; I; total PROVEMENT LIENS m.53. » O North Outlet Sewer Notice is hereby given that by Owner of property at date of as virtue of a warrant issued by the City Recorder of the City of Coquille, sessment, Margaret J. Merickle; Date Oregon, commanding me so to do un of Lien, Jan. 5, 1931; Lot 9, Blk. 87, der authority of an order of the Com NoUey's Addition; amount of Lien, mon Council of said City parsed and »19.05; balance due on principal made on the Sth day si. October, 1938, »19.05; interest to date »6.48; total I will on the-9th day of November, »25.53. North Outlet Sewer 1936, in the^forenoon of said day at Owner of property at date of as- .he hour of 10 o'clock A. M. at the L. E. Rudy; date of Lien, .'ront door of the City Hall in Co sessment, L_____ 3, Blk. 72, Notley’s 31; Lot 3, quille, Oregon, offer for sale at public Jan. 5, 1931; ____ of Lien. »19.05; luction for cash in hand the follow - Addition; i amount balance due on principal »19.05; in- -ng lot* and parcels of land situate terest to date »6. 1.48; total »25.53. . Ji vithin said City, particularly describ- THE FENCE We trill rr- ORIGINAL TOWN »d herein, ein, together with the names of flat tbtto Paving Front Street >wners, ___ improvement ■■ for , which i, and tnytbitol toll A stranger addressed tbe farmer’s Owners of property at date of as- lens were levied; said property will lettori triti ... boy across tbe fence. >e sold for the amount of liens, being sessment, Eva S. Currie (Geo R Church ot Christ Aott of your “Young man, your corn looks kind inpaid and delinquent, together with Johnson); Date of Lien, Feb. 1, 1926; fororit! tto- Earl F. Downing, Minister o’ yellow.“ iix per cent interest to date of aale; S. 50 ft. of Lot 1, Block 1, Original Bible School, 9:45 a. m. Father’s bid sales will be made subject to Town; amount of Lien, »282.12; bal “Yes, that’s the kind We planted.” ance due on principal »197.49; inter “Don’t look as If you would get Day will be observed with a few edemption as provided by law. Each est to date $88.48; total 8285.95. ot or parcel of land will be sold more than half a crop" special features. KNOWLTON HEIGHTS eparately. Said sale is made under “Don’t expect to. The landlord gets Knowlton Avenue Improvement Morning Service, 11:00 a. m. Ser he provisions of the City Charter and the other half." Owners of property at ddte of as mon topic, “The Child in the Midst.” he general laws of the State of Ore- Then, after a pauses, tbe man said: ion, for the purpose of collecting de- sessment, Walter S. Hodge, (Eu- Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. phoenia Dimmick, Interstate Fid. B. "Boy, there Isn't much difference be Evening Service, 7:30 p. m. Ser inquent improvements liens, for the A L. Ass'n ); Date of Lien, May 1, mprovement of streets and construc- tween you and a fool." 1922: Lot 4, Blk. A. Knowlton “No," replied the boy, “only the mon topic, “What Would Jesus Have ion of sewers, as particularly set Heights; amount of Lien »92.61; bal Me Do about the Present Militaristic forth herein. —Hoard's Dairyman. ance due on principal »27.78; interest ELLIOTT’S ADDITION Crisis?” to date »11:69; total »39.47. Date of North Outlet Sewer Midweek Service, Thursday, 7:30 p Setting Him Right Owners of property at date of as- Lien August 19, 1929; amount of Tbe New lyyy lessment, Joseph and Rosa B. Noyer; Lien »339.49; balance Sue on princi- A grabby urchin walked Into the m. Lot 1, Block 9, Elliott’s Addition; ed, »339.49; interest to date »142.58; men’s outfitting department of a large tai »482.07. late of Lien, Jan. 5, 1931; amount of More. Addressing an assistant, bo Church of God ACADEMY Jen »9.52; balance due on principal said, “A soft man ns ’s collar, pleawr* pleasef’ Corner Seventh and Henry Sts. •9.52; interest to date »3.24; total North End 8ewer, North End Paving With Philco Automatic The other assl ilstants tittered, and Owner of property at date of as 112.76. EH Lot 2, Block 9, Elliott’s Sunday School 10:00 a. m. the one serving said, stiffly, "You Tuning, you twirl the dial Addition; date of Lien, Jan. 5, 1931; sessment, Maybelle F. Cowan; Date Preaching service, 11:00 a. m. Sub mean a man'» soft collar, my boy.** «mount of Lien »9.52; Balance due on of Lien, September 16, 1929; Beg. at put ott .. . easier than Pointing to bls own collar, he asked, ject: “The People Had a Mind to principal »9.52; interest to date »3.24 NW cor. of Blk. 1, Academy Add., dialing an automatic tel Work.” otal »12.76. Eft Lot 3, Block 9. El run E. 95 ft., run S. 75 ft., run W. “Do you mean one like this?" 95 ft. run N. 75 ft. to beg. Amount ephone! I»tla»lly you are The boy eyed It momentarily. Then Revival meetings will begin Sun iott’s Addition; date of Lien Jan. 5, of Lien »178.49; balance due on prin 1931; amount of Lien »9.52; Balance listening to the American be replied: “NoI a clean one.”—TR- day evening, 7:30 o'clock Nov. 8th, to iue on principal »9.52; interest to cipal »178.49; interrst to date »74.97; Blt* Magazine. station of your choice, total »253.46. Date of Lien, Novem continue indefinitely. Rev. Ralph E. late »3.24; total »12.76. ber 4, 1929; amount of Lien »816.54; Cobum, of Jiorth Bend, and bi* lady Improving Sixth A Other Streets tuned perfectly, with elec Owners of property at date of as balance due on principal »816.54; in Aod Quite True singers, the Nelson Sisters, will assist trical precision! sessment, R. H. A Hazel M. Lamb; terest to date »342 95; total »1,159.49. “Some people thirst after fame. in the revival. North Outlet Sewer beg. at a point 10 ft. E. and 233.52 others after wealth, others after love." FREE DEMONSTRATION Owner of property at date of as A cordial invitation is given to the ft. N. of NE cor. of Lot 6, Blk. 11, said the romantic young man, with a public to attend the revival services Slliott’s Add. run N 60 ft., W 100 ft., sessment, R. F. Williams; Date of sigh. There are ocher big new Lien, Jan. 5, 1931; AU of Block 2. Rev. J. J. Gillespie, Pastor S. 60 ft. E. 100 ft. to beg.; date of Lien Academy Addition, except parcels The object of bls affections was not Feb. 5, 1929; amount of Lien »29.19; exclusive Philco features, In tbe same mood, however. balance due on principal »29.19; in sold; amount of Lien »190.48; balance too—such as the Philco due on principal »190.48; interest to The Pioneer Methodist Church terest to date, »13.14; total »42.33. “And there Is something all people For tig» Tum»g Split», Date of Sixth A Other Ste., N. Outlet Sewer date »64.76; total »255.24. thirst after,“ she said. W. Raymond Wilder. Minister Owner of property at date of as- Uen, November 7, 1929; Beg. on S. which enables you to tune “Tsar* asked the lover eagerly. line of Blk. 2, 55 ft. E. of S' IW cor. Mid-week service, Wednesday, 7:30 • tessment, A. V. Hatcher; Lot 5 "Salt flshl" was tbe crushing reply. foreign stations by »ot»r. p. m. Lot 8, Block 24. Elliott’s Addition; of said Blk. 2, runJE. 48 ft. t., run N. 100 ft., run W. 48 ft., ., run run S. 10u Hear them .« . see them Sunday services: ‘Sunday School I date of Lien, Feb. 5, 1929; amount of Lien »88.83; balance due on principal ft. to beg. Beg. on S. line of Blk. 2, STRAIGHT GOING ... FREE. Come to our 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. $68.83; interest to date »23 40; total 158 ft. E. of SW cor of said Blk. 2; PHILCO 116X DeLuxe* store for a complete run E. 7.3 ft., run N. 100 ft., run W. m. Epworth Leagues 6:30 p. m. • »92.23. 7.3 ft., run S. 100 ft. to beg. Amount Philco demonstration. No North Outlet Sewer Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m. Owner of property at date of aa- of Lien »280.55; balance due on prin obligation, of course. leasment. Stephen Lapp Estate; Lot cipal 8260.55; interest to date »125.04; Methodist Episcopal Church 4, Blk. 51, Elliott's Addition, Date ot total »385.59. SUPPLEMENTAL PLAT- Jen, Jan. 5, 1931; amount of Lien Evening preaching 8:U0 p. m. LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE - EABY TERMS ACADEMY Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 P (19.05; balance due on principal North Outlet Sewer i 19.05; Interest to date $8 48; total Owner of property at date of as o »25.53. Lot 5. Blk. 51, Elliott's Addi Scriptural, spiritual preaching. Ev- tion: date of Uen, Jan. 5, 1931; sessment, A. H. Oden; Date of Uen, •ryone welcome. amount of Uen »19.05; balance due : Jan. 5, 1931; Lot 7. Blk. 3, Supple on principal »19.05; interest to date mental Plat to Academy Addition, G. A. Gray, Pastor. »8.48; total 825.53. Lot 6, Blk. 51, amount of Lien 812.69; balance due 107 E. 2nd 8t., Coquille, Ora. Elliott’s Addition; date of Uen Jan. on principal »4 69; interest to date 5. 1931; amount of Uen »19.05; bal »1.59; total 86-28. SOUTHWESTERN OREGON'S GREATEST North Outlet Sewer The Holy Name CathoUc Church ance due on principal »19.05; inter Owner of property at data of as est to date »8.48; total »25.53. sessment, Antonio Lento; Date of Marshfield, Oregon Mass on first and third Sundays at Owner of property at date of as • a. m.; second Sunday at lu a. m. and sessment, Stephen Lapp Estate; Lot Uen, Jan. 5, 1931; Lot 2, Blk. 3, Sup. : Plat Academy; amount of Uen »12 69; when there are five Sundays, Mass on 7, Blk 51, Elliott’s Addition; Date of balance due on principal »12.89; in Uen, Jan. 5, 1931; amount of Uen fourth Sunday at 10 a. m. Last Sun »1905; balance due on -r- Mimimi terest to date »4.36; total »17.05. Phone 209R 315 First day of each month Maas at Myrtle $19.05; I interest ' to date ‘ ' »6.48; *- total Date of Uen, Jan. 5, 1931; Lot 3, Blk. who Point it 8 a, tn. and at Powers at 10 »25 53. . Lot 8, Blk. 51, Elliott’s Addi 3, Sup. Plat Academy; amount of tion, I* ____ „ Jan. ___ 5, 1931; Uen »12.89; balance due on principal date _of _ Lien, <. m. Open and Shut _ ■ Lien ■ ~ M »19.05; _ ””” * balance due * - »12.69; interest to date 84-36; total amount of Principal »19.05; interest to date »17.05. It was In anatomy class. The jun- $6.48; 51, N, End Sewer, N. End Paving, N. 18: total »25.53. 8M" ' Lot 9, ‘ Blk. " I lor who hated girls was reciting, point Sewver Seventh Day Adventist Church Elliott’s Addition; date Of Lien Jan. Owners Outlet ing out tbe main characteristics of a of property at date of as 5, 1931; amount of Lien »19.05; bal skull. Second and Collier Streets Long Distance i ' "It Is a well-shaped skull." he said. ance due on principal »19.05; interest sessment, Alta B. Elwood, (Fidelity B. A L. Ass’n.) Date of Lien, Septem Sabbath School (Saturday) »4» to date »6.48: total »35.53. '•■Riis woman—” ber, 16, 1929; Lot 5, Blk. 14, North North Outlet Sewer “Woman !" raid tbe Instructor. "Just Owner of property at date of as Addition; amount of Lien »92.08; bal Preaching service 11:00 a.; m. • >w do you know that thia As a wom sessment, Cathrvn C. White (Bo ance due on principal »92.08; interest Date an's skull?“ neau); Lot 3, Blk. 52, Elliott’s Ad to date »44.16; total »136.24. a Specialty dition; date of Lien Jan. 5, 1931; of Uen November 7, 1929; amount Coquille Assembly of God “The mouth Is open." said the junior, amount of Lien »19.05; balance due of Lien »229.37; balance due on prin who bated glrla.—Exchange. Mrs. Hazel MacLeod, Pastor on principal »19.05; interest to date cipal »229.37; interest to date »96.32; total »325.69. Data of Lien Jan. 5, Rev. Don Mallough, Acting Pastor »6.48; total »25.53. 1931; amount of Uen »14.29; balance Painting the H omo Sunday: 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. N. Outlet Sewer due on principal »14.29; interest to Sometimes Billy goes to the drug Owners of property at date of as 1:00 a. m. Morning Worship; Rev. Don Hmpitalitias sessment, R. and Florence Thomason, date »4.96; total »19.15. store and buys either chocolate or E Mallough speaking. 9:30 p. m. Young North Outlet Sewer Lot 2, Blk. 54, Elliott’s Addition, date “Wtl you Invite that office-seeking vanilla (white) ice cream. Ono day Owner of property at date of as People's Service. 7:30 p. m. Evan of Uen, Jan. 5, 1931; Amount of Uen, Phone friend to breakfast?" asked tbe secre he came In from play and Informed gelistic Service. Rev. Mr. Mallough »9.52; balance due on principal »9.52; sessment, Maybelle Cowan, Date of his parents that some of their neigh tery. Uen, Jan. 5, 1931; Beg. 325 ft. N. of ^“Insured Carrier Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting interest to date »3 24; total »12.76 Lot 4, Blk. 17, North Add., run N. "No," answered Senator Sorghum. “A bors had started to paint their boose. Lot 3, Blk. 54. Elliott’s Addition; date Friday, 7:30 p. m. Bible study. < "What color are they painting kt?" breakfast won’t satisfy him. What he of Uen, Jan. 5,-1931; balance due on 75 ft., run E. 95 ft. run S. 75 ft., run ------------------------------------------------------------ they asked. wants la an entire meal ticket" principal »9 52; interest to date »3.24; W. 95 ft. to beg.; amount of Uen »28.57; balance due on principal Insure your car with Ned C. Kelley “‘d HI"y~Ind’<n*PoU* First Church of Christ. Scientist total »12.76. Lot 4, Blk. 54, Elliott’s mjf; interest to date »9.71; total Addition, date of Lien, Jan. 5, 1931; In a reliable Oregon stock comoany. Coquille, Oregon amount of Uen »9.53; balance due on principal »9.52; interest to date »3.24; SevantK Eighth. Tenth. Eleventh. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Coulter A Heath Street Improvement total »12.7«.. Sunday Service at 11 t m. > Faurth A DlvWan St Improvement . Owner of property at date of as Subject for next Sunday, “Adam Owner of property at date of as sessment, Annie Nosier (Cha*. D. sessment, Henry SengsUcken Co., Walker). Date of Uen May 1, 1922; and Fallen Man.** Bog. at a point in E. line of Coulter Wednesday evening meeting at 8 (G. O Werth); Lot 9, Blk. 55, Elliott's St. North Addition, 60 ft. E. and 210 Addition; date of Uen October 15, ■’dock. n.j __ m __ 1923; amount of Lien 822.62; balance ft. S. of SE cor. of Lot 12, Blk. 10 of —^euuction Free public Reading Room open in due on principal »22 62; Interest to North Add., thence E. 200 ft., thence “That young statesman says he as S. 55 ft., thence W. 200 ft. to W. line sumes to control only one vote and Church Building every Tuesday and date »17.64; total »40.28. of Coulter St., thence N. 55 ft. to Coalter St No. 1 Itepraveineat Friday afternoons except holidays that in bls own.“ Owner of property at date of as- place of bog.; amount of Lien »45.40; "Oontrola his own vote." repeated Tom two to five o’clock. sesament E. Mineau (T. T. Bennett balance due on Lien »45.40; interest The public is cordially invited to Estate): lot 9. Blk. 32, Elliott’s Addi to date »24.48; total »69.88. Data of Mias Cayenne thoughtfully. “Evident ly unmarried.r ittend our services and to visit the tion; date of Lien Mar. 1, 1927; Uen May L 1922; Beg. at a point in amount of Lien »94.85; balance due E. line of Coulter St., North Add. 60 leading Room. on principal »94.85; interest to date ft. E and 265 ft. S. of SE cor. ot THIRSTY FELLOW »34.15; Lot 10, Blk. 32, Elliott’s Ad Lot 11, Blk. 10, ot North Add., thence dition, and strip of land 10 ft. wide E. 200 ft., thence S. 110 ft., thence W. E. and W. and 100 ft. long N. and S. 200 ft. to E. line of Coulter street, G. T. COOK immediately adjacent to said Lots 9 thence N. 110 ft. to place of beg.; and 10, Blk. 32, Elliott's Addition; amount of Uen »90.80; balance due Mason date of Lien Mar. 1, 1927; amount of on principal »90.80; interest to date Uen »87.25; balance due on principal »48.98; total »139.78. Fireplaces and Chimneys North End Pavtag »87.25; Interest to date *31.40; total P. O. Box 62, Coquill« Owner of property at date of as »247.65. sessment, Ruth Kern; Date of Lien, NOTLEY’S ADDITION November 4, 1929; Beg. 260 ft. N. of North Outlet Sewer NE cor. of Blk. 14, North Add, run Owner of property at date of as W. 100 ft., run N. 50 ft., run E. 100 HEN YOU NEED another pair sessment, J. W. Reynolds; date of ft., run S. 50 ft., to beg.; amount of Lien Jan. 1, 1931; Lot 6, Blk. 63, Not Lien, »17932; balance due on princi of shoes, slip on a pair of Berg sr- Ask to see the ley’s Addition; amount of Uen »19.05; pal »179.32: interest to date »52 90; 12.00; mann dress oxfords. You’ll find alt them - Screwdriver—Say. what's the matter interest to date $8 48; total »25.53. Union Label total »232.22. with you, you’re always drinking? N. Outlet Sewer smart appearance, long-distance wear, Street Improvement Battery—Well, you know I’m a dry Owners of property at date of as Owner of Property at data of as and the same old-fashioned value that sessment, Nosier it walker, Inc., (Jas. sessment, Homer Gant. Date of Lien. battery. has distinguished Bergmann shoes for the W. A Marjorie Dennis); date nt Uen Mar. », 1930; Lot 6, Blk. 4, First Ad Jan. 5, 1931; Lot 7, Blk. ;. «3, . Notley’s dition to Coquille Heights; amount of past thirty years. Bergmann dress oxfords 1.52; bal- Uen »50.00; balance due on principal Addition; amount of Uen »9. are "lots of shoe for the money,” and are Examined ance due on principal »9.52; 1; interest »50 00; interest to data »18.00; total to date »3.24; total 812.78. Date of »68.00. recommended without reserve for com Glasses Borgo—»»SbooGroo— Uen. Jan. 5, 1931; Lot 8, Blk. 65, Grand View Terrace it greol for voter fort and economy. Notley's Addition, amount of Lien Owner of property at data of as Reception proofing ont pm—Ty »9.52; balance due on principal »9.52; sessment, Eppie Griffith, (Linwood ing looAoe one oU Dr. Bunch interest to date »3.24; total »12.76. B. Jones); Date of Lien Mar 3, 1930; leoAer gooJt. In Ao' North Outlet Sewer Lot 2, Block 5, First Addition to Co honJy 2Sc tubo, or, Owner of property at date of as quille Heights; amount of Uen ' Shoppins Center Shoe 1887 ovoiloblo (Gm- or sessment, Wm. H. Smith; Date of »50.00; balance due on principal Oil) A covr*>iM«fz Uen. Jan. 6, 1931; Lot 6, Blk. 66, »45.00; interest to date »13.50; total 82-J titre Au. Notley’s Addition, amount of Lien »58.50. Lewis English, »9 52; balance due on principal $9.52; Coquille City Marshal, interest to date »3.24; total »12.76.___ City at Coquille Data of U sd Jan. I, 1831; Lot 6, Blk. On the Funny Side 8:00 o’clock Holy Communion. 9:45 o’clock Church School. 11:00 o’clock morning service and sermon. Nov. 10—One-day Mission, Pioneer Church. Nov. 11—Quiet Day, 10 a. m. - 3:00 P m. Services: 10 a. m. Holy Com munion; 12 m. Intercessions; 3 P mi. Evening Prayer. Nov. 11—Parish dinner at 8 p. m. Bishop Dagwell, speaker. Nov. 15 and 17—Two-day Mission, St. James* church. 7:30 —Evening service and sermon. Rev. Geo. R. Turney, Vicar. PHILCO 204.50 COQUILLE BRANCH West H. E HUDDLE I Local & HAUUNG Moving coal 178-L BEHGMAO DRESS oxi orb Brick r W Dr. De La Rhue Eyesight Specialist Eye« H. N. LORENZ BERGMA^WotSHOES with Fitted Room Jointly J. R. Laird Building Phone 9