PAGB FIVE «. ltM. ARAGO . decorated with orange crepe paper for The senior class in the high school the occasion. Mrs. Earl Edgemon and Mrs. Art b n akMg plans for an entertainment »» bo staged befu.e the basketball Farrier entertained at dinner Satur season begir.s. Many whispered con day night at the home of Mrs. Edge ferences indicate that something mon in honor of their mother's birth day. The ir. mu included a cake with special is in the air. Mrs. Fred Lafferty started her kin sixty candles burning on it for the HI ■ MB BBBB ■ 1 '*• dergarten in Coquille at two o’clock, honored guests, Mrs. Daisy Doyle. " November 2. She conducts a kinder Others present were Mr. and Mrs. garten in Myrtle Point each morning Bob Doyle, of Powers, Mr. and Mrs. SPECIAL PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY & SATURDAY, NOV. 6 & 7 and one in Coquille each afternoon. Art Doyle, of Gaylord, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mr». Ernest Watkins, Mr. Walt Farrier, Art and Jack Farrier, and Mrs. Nile Miller and Mrs. Naomi Earl Edgemon and Everett Doyle. William Price (Buddie) Robison Robison left Thursday morning for Portland to attend the national drove up from Grenada, California, preaching Mission conducted there by arriving Saturday morning to visit the Federal Council of Protestant his grandfather. Price Robison, and other relatives. Ke returned to his Churches. Ben Moomaw and Nettie Halter home Sunday. Word from Mrs. Clarence Schroe drove to Canyonville recently to at der states that Clarence has had to go tend a Townsend meeting. Rev. A. Haverly, recently of Ban to Portland for treatment of an in Local don was the honor guest at three fected hand. He got a thorn in one' I irthday dinner parties. On Sunday finger while he was haying in July Grown Qt, his daughter, Mrs. Oluf Aasen was and bloodpoisoning set it. When he hotess in his honor to Mr. and Mrs. visited Coos county in September •S. C. McAllister, Shelby and Mary they thought the arm was healed but Banana Well Jean, Miss Esther Davidson, of Arago, the infection has broken out again Bleached Stalk Mr. and Mrs. Ted Haberly and two and it is possible that he will lose his sons, of Myrtle Point, Edward Haber finger. He expects to be in Portland for a month. ly, of New Jersey, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mrs. Jess Damron and Thelma Haberly and Mr. Aasen. On Monday, drove to Bandon on Wednesday. They' his birthday, Mrs. B. B. Watkins and Mrs. Martha McNair were all-day were joined in Coquille by Mrs. E. A.; Philpott and her mother, Mrs, Nelson, i guests at the Aasen home with dinner With other friends in Bandon they; at noon in his honor and in the eve spent the day honoring Mrs. R. Chap-1 ning Mrs.. S. C. McAllister entertained pell, whose birthday it was. the same group Mrs. Aasen entertain Earl E. Downing, of Coquille, con ed on Sunday. Not everyone gets to ducted the morning service at Arago enjoy three special birthday dinners Sunday. About sixty were present at the same year. Mr. and Mrs. Haberly Sunday school following. In the eve MAXIMUM and Edward Haberly left Thurs ning James Merlin delivered the mes Tall Cans day morping for the Willamette val sage. Nile Miller led Christian En ley, where they will visit friends and CASE deavor. Sunday, Nov. 8, Rev. G. A. relatives for some time. At present 48 Cans Gray will deliver the morning mes they do not plan to return to Arago sage. Lloyd Purser will preach in during the winter. the evening and J. L. Burtis will lead Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burbank left Christian Endeavor. LARGE Wednesday morning for Ashland, H. A. Todd, who has been in the where they will visit friends and at Knife hospital for the past five tend the S. O. N. homecoming festiv months, is slowly recovering. He is ities. They will return Monday. able to walk about a part of each day Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Dunwoodie and now. daughter, Patsy, of Gardner, spent Jim Merlin returned to his home in Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. S. California Monday morning. He had Wallen. been working in this neighborhood Mrs. Gene Starr and children, Jean for two months. and George, who lost their home at Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gulstrom,' Bandon, are staying with her parents unior and Darwin, Mrs. Albert Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Patrick. Mr. .illie, Glenda, Gerald and Laura Ber Starr is a member of the Coast Guard nice, spent Sunday in Booth as the stationed at Bandon. When he is able guests of Mr. and Mrs. Win Squires. Pure Brazilian Q . ue to arrange for quarters for his family On Tuesday of last week the final Blended <5 they will return to Bandon. spurt of forest fires broke out on the Mr. and Mrs. Everett Lafferty head of Bear creek. Fire Warden PURE MAPLE FLAVOR were hosts at a turkey dinner Thurs Young brought in twenty more CCC day evening. Those present were men to assist the Hall’s creek group Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Shaw, Patty and in trailing it on Wednesday. When Arlan, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Lafferty the danger was past the Hall’s creek and Allen. camp was moved. The rain on elec The children in Miss Alice Scott’s tion night effectively put out the room enjoyed a Hallowe’en party af embers and the fire menace is over ter recess Friday. They wish it for another year. We hope! would come once a week. The Ladies Aid met Wednesday at Wiley Cornwall’s school bus broke the home of Mrs. John Carl. The down on Monday and Francis Bark- piecing of the.quilt was finished and PUMPKIN, Del Monte low had to take both routes for sev many holders were made. Plans were eral days. perfected for the Hallowe’en party. The W. H. Ray family has moved Those present were Mesdames Sam from the Stauff place to one on De Root, David Root, Tyrrell Woodward, Fine Breakfast Food Pkg. ment creek. They were negotiating Earl Edgemon, Art Farrier, Jack CAMAY SOAP for the purchase of part erf ihe Stauff Deardorff, Oluf Aasen, A. Haberly, General Foods place but were unable to close the C. S. Webb, Reginald Menegat, An- | bars deal. This takes three students from LIPTON TEA, Green Label derson, S. C. McAllister, TEmest Wat- ! the Arai° school. kins and Mary, Everett Lafferty, Al- j "Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Corlisw who BAKERS COCOA bert Lillie, J. L. Burtis, Lawrence Taste Tells a have been living on the Ellis place, Rackleff, Clarence Mullins and Mary I have moved to Camas Valley, where ,CANS Anne, and John Carl. BAKERS COCOANUT he was winter employment. Bar The missionary meeting was held i bara Corliss was in the first grade. Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Halter, Mr. JELLO, Assorted Flavors Highway Mrs. Lawrence Rackleff with Mrs. L. and Mrs. Adrian Halter. Ronald and A. Meyers in charge of the program. Allen, were Sunday dinner guests at Mrs. S. C. McAllister and Mrs. Sam the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Root rendered special musical num- Halter, where fourteen members of bers. Mrs. Reginald Mtaegat, Mrs. Diamond the Halter clan gathered for the diy. Sam Root and Mrs. Ernest Watkins Others present were Mrs. Alma Hal read articles on Missions in Africa, ter, Raymond and Verna, of Coquille, luu J each giving a different phase of the WHITE KING, Granulated Med. Size 2 Pkgs. Mr. and Mrs. Nosman Halter and two work. Those answering to roll call sons, of Myrtle Point, and Vernon were Mesdames John Carl, Lawrence Brockrrjann. of Coquille. Gal. Jug WALDORF TISSUE Rackleff. C. S. Webb, Sam Root, Da Patty Groesen, of Klamath Falls, is vid Root. Earl Edgmon, Art Farrier, visiting at the home of her grand Tyrrell Woodward, Reginald Mene parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Milan!. COQUILLE, ORE Phone 122 STORE NO. 469 STORE NO. 136 Phone gat, Anderson, Albert Lillie, Ernest Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burtis spent Watkins and Mary, S. L. Lafferty, Sunday fishing in Rogue river with Everett Lafferty, Nile Miller, Orvus no luck. Miller, S.C. McAllister, L. A. Myers. Election is over in Arago with the MYRTLE POINT ITEMS After th? meeting a food exchange result very similar to that in the rest took place. Each lady brought food| Mrs. Agnes Kenyon returned to of the country, although the Roose worth a quarter and then each bought Port Orford Sunday afternoon, after velt lead was not great in this pre a different dish to take home, the spending several days in Myrtle cinct and the Lemke vote was larger funds going to the mite box. The next Point to be near her son, Richard, proportionately. One hundred and meeting will be held December 2 at who is recovering from pneumonia in thirty-seven votes were cast. the Mast hospital here. ! the home of Mrs. Ernest Watkins. The Arago community celebrated Mrs. Herman Eichmeyer and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Ed Myers visited Hallowe’en Saturday night with a Frank Lane at his home in the Roy Vemita Laird spent the week-end in party under the joint auspices of the district Wednesday afternoon. They Salem visiting their sister, Miss Mar Ladles Aid and the high school. Mrs. found Mr. Lane somewhat improved guerite Laird. Lawrence Rackleff had charge of the Miss Dorothy Pierson entertained a i in health but still in a great deal of games for the adult group and Mrs. number of her friends with a Hal-j pain. Marvin Shaw and Miss Alice Scott Mf. and Mrs Wayne Woodward lowe’en party at her home Saturday for the junior group. There were leftr Wednesday for a business trip to evening. The time was spent playing about seventy-five in attendance, in Portland. Their son, Gerald, is stay games after which refreshments were cluding Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Parker i ing with Mr. and Mrs. Tyrrell Wood served. and sons and Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Morrison and ward. of Myrtle Point. Refreshments of Miss Arda Gillespie, who has been son, Frank, have gone to Coeur cider, doughnuts, pumpkin pie and suffering frbm a severe attack of flu, d'Alene, Idaho, called there by the. coffee were served. illness of Mr. Morrison’s father. is able to be out again. Miis Annie D-ardorff has returned Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meyers left Thurs Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Caraker re to her home after working for some day morning for Chico, California, turned to their home in Enumclaw. time at the Lawrence Crabtree home and points south. They will possibly Washington, after a few days’ visit at in Greenacres. visit Los Angeles before their return. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sam Damron became seriously ill Pamela Evans registered in the sec Rackleff. again last week, with a bronchial in ond grade at Arago this week. She Mrs. William Byrnes left the first fection. He was able to sit up by has been attending school in Myrtle of the week for her home in Portland election day but was too ill to cast his Point. after a week’s visit with Friends here vote. Mrs. Fred Snyder, who underwent an appendicitis operation at the Mast The children in Mrs. Otha Ray’s hospital, was able to return home the room enjoyed a Hallowe’en party last of the week. Friday afternoon with games and re Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Davenport are freshments and prises. The room was t El Come in and inspect our produce department Safeway offers you garden fresh vegetables at all times. Local produce used when obtainable Milk Tomatoes x- AIRWAY Coffee Wheatena 23c q J ! 10 c Hot Sauce 4 j L5c Candy Bars q 45c Catsu P &SL 21L9c 15c Wax Paper PUREX >/2 Chadwick Lodge No. 68 81