coquille PAOB TEN ▼ alley sentinel , coquille . obeoon , fbidat , N ovember «. im. B. P. W. Enjoys Talks H. S. Norton and Dr. James Rich mond spoke before the B. P. W. club Monday evening. Mr Norton’s book review of “Elev en Years Around the World,” was given so well that members are all eager to read this interesting book. Dr. Richmond explained in a splen did manner the difefrent measures upon which voters would cast a vote on the next day. re”» Among other things which were discussed at the business session was the district convention to be held at Klamath -Falls on Nov. 15. Several members hope to attend this meeting. Telling About People Events in the City and County «SAVE with SAFETY» at your jfcxrJX DRUG STORE Bandon Masons Meet Tonight Bandon Lodge No. 130, A. F. & A. M„ will hold its stated communica tion in the Masonic Temple in Co quille this Friday evening, Nov. 6. There will be work in the F. C. de gree and a lunch will be served after the sessions. All Masons of Coquille and vicinity are cordially invited to attend. H. A. McCue, W. M. 77 2 ini Stopperless Bottle RADIATO« 4IDÉS GIVI 1 MOKI H I A ! DOIS S ^^B NOT tt.A> ASK FOR DIMÖNSTRA* TION I ^BB Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc Births at Coquille Hospital To Mr#-and Mr«. Courtland Ellis, of Fairview, last Friday, a seven pound boy who has been named Keith Courtland. To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Davenport, of Coquille, a 7% pound daughter, Shirley Jean. DRUGGISTS Bargain Rates Still On The Oregonian bargain offer has been extended for two weeks. This means that until Nov. 15 we can offer the Sentinel and Daily and Sunday Oregonian for $8.65, the Sentinel and Sunday Oregonian for $6.05 and the Sentinel and Daily Oregonian for $6.50. Na<:ixlne. nothing but nkriM.” h Jul» ilwiiT” plicated. KEEP THIS PROGRAM IN A CONVENIENT PLACE FOR READY REFERENCE I W E D. HI-DE-HO! WHAT A SHOW! IT TOPS “THANKS A MILLION” IN A MILLION WAYS! CRITICS RAVE! JAMES DUNN TWO-FISTED GENTLEMAN JUNE CLAYWORTH Thiii' ton Hall • George Me nay MATINEE SUNDAY MATINEE 10c & 25c STATIONERS 2:00 P.M. EVENINGS 10c & 85c