ARAGO Congressman James W. MOTT (Republican Nominee) CONGRKtMMAN MOTT ia one of the recognised leaders of the National House of Rep r ee— t a tivee. He haa placed the First Con­ gressional District of Oregon In the moat commanding and se­ cure position It has ever occu­ pied in the Hanse. He has obtained for his Dis­ trict more beneficial legisla­ tion and mors Federal revenue than it has ever received be­ fore. He Is a ranking member ef the two standing committees of tbs HouM (the Committee on Roads and the Committee on Public lands) which together control moot of the national legislation directly affecttag the First Oregon District. Re io a member of the Com­ mittee on Committees th e moat powerful appointive au­ thority of the House of Repre­ sentative*. He holds a strategic place ta the floor orxantaatlon of his own party In the’Houne and to a member of the council which determines Its legislative pol­ icy In that body. HIS RE-ELECTION AS­ SURES CONTINUED AC­ TIVE AND EXPERIENC­ ED REPRESENTATION IN CONGRESS Paid Adv. Mrs. Chester Root and Mrs. Geo. Weeks, of Powers, visited at the lx)me of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Wallen Thurs­ day. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rackleft/ Ellis and Maxine, were Monday eve­ ning dinner guests of Mrs. S^artha Mulkey at her home in Coquille. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wannamaugher, of Bandon, spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs.'S. C. McAllister. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fleming on Mon­ day moved from the Mohler place to a trailer house, which they will park at the auto camp in Coquille. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Evans, of Myr- le Point, have leased the Mohler place. They moved in on Sunday. Thursday evening bible study was teld at the home of Oluf Aasen with Rev. A. Haberiy leading the discus­ sion of the 18th chapter of Acts. Those present were Mr. and Mrs Robert Munford and Leatha, Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller and Gladys, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister and Mary Jean, Mr. and Mrs. David Root and John Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Watkins, Mrs. Naomi Robison, Mra. toy Robison, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hab- «rly and Mrs. Oluf Aasen. Lloyd Purser left Monday morning for Seattle, Washington. He plans to "turn in two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Will Mavity, of Ban­ ion, called at the Watkins ranch donday and were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barnett that eve- ling. Mr. nnd Mra. W. B. Helvie and hree amall daughters, of Coquille, vere Sunday dinner guests of Mr. md Mrs. B. B. Watkins. The Helvie« lave recently moved to Coos county from Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Little and three small sons, of Portland, visited Saturday and Sunday with relatives in this community. They were over- tight guests at the QJuf Aaseh home ■nd Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1 C. McAllister. They were accom­ panied by Edwin Haberiy, who trav- •led from New Jersey .when he re­ ceived word of the Bandon fire and ‘.he loss of the A. Haberiy home. The Littles returned to their home Mon­ day but Mr. Haberiy will visit with his brother at the Oluf Aasen home for a time. Reginald Menegat, principal of the Arago high schol, has received the preliminary announcement of Works ■’rogress Administration adult edu­ cation through correspondence for 1936 and ’37. The procedure follows hat of last year but several new -curses are available: 1. Child train- ON DBPIA Y at aU Buick Sbowrwuut > ensational m the fervor with which the American public has taken to it« irt the brilliant motor can offered by Buick this year. Indeed, the sweeping success of the 1936 Buick program flatly challenged us and our great parent General Moton to a momentous decision. S Should we continue this amazingly popu­ lar line of can into next year, perhaps the prudent thing to do-or should we dare broad improvement upon their spectacular excellence? That’s why cv^ry car in the 1937 Buick line—the SPECIAL, the CBNTURY, the ROADMASTBR and the LIMITBD—is a triumph visibly and intrinsically outrank­ ing anything we have ever done. Each haa more beauty for dazzling style, more power for breath-taking action, more room for full-family oomfort, more downright “ road-command ” for safety and pleasure. See them— th«* you’ll know why Buick’s soaring sales curve is headed for yet loftier altitudes next year. We felt there was only one right answer to that question, the bold and pro­ gressive answer—and that’s why insiders now forecasting 1937 are already saying: “Zf’s «0^/ If TA*65' yoU'v,17* That’s why on top of $15,000,000 recently spent re-tooling and re­ equipping Buick’s great plant, we appropriated and are now spend­ ing $14,500,000 more. a ell * - • F O.B < , .1- —*■ SOUTHWESTERN MOTOR CO. O regon E ★ * * WHIN BITTIR AUTOMOBIL« AM BINW» •«’« WIU THI* * * * mg; 2. Everyday law; 3. Fundamen­ Mt the home of Mrs. Ernest Hammack. They spent several weeks in Coquille tals of everyday English; * Modern A potluck dinner, featuring the cook­ at the Grover McQuigg home. drama: 5. Teen age problems and 6. ing of various types of “greens” will Rev. A. Haberiy preached last Sun­ Travelers' introduction to Chinese civ- be cooked with a lecture on home day morning in Arago. There fly ere ilteation. There are twenty other decoration following. Color schemes sixty-four in attendartaft at ■Sunday courses offered. These are given will be the topic. Those enjoying the school following. In' the «typing through the general extension divi­ class on Friday were: Mesdames Sam Melden Cafl led of" Christian En­ sion of the Oregon State system of Root, David Root, Jess Robison, Price deavor and, Qoyd Purser preached. higher education. They are non-credit Robison. Glenn Robison. S. L. Laffer­ The young'people are having their courses and are free for the asking ty, C. A. Kcltncr, Adrian Halter, Nile own servity apart from the adult dui ing the life of the. project, except Miller, Orvus Miller, Reginald Mene­ group on Sunday evenings. There the student must furnish postage on gat, Albert Lillie, Oluf Aasen. Ernest were about twenty in the younger .ne '.erial sent in. Classes may be Watkins, John Carl, Melden Cart, group Sunday evening. formed or the courses may be taken Lawrence Rackleff. S. C. McAllister, Shelby McAllister spent the week­ individually. The work is planned Jack Jones, Robert Fish. Ernest Ham- end* ti home, returning to Catching to run until June, 1937, and it is rrack nnd Mrs. Anderson, of Port­ Initt Sunday night hoped to reach persons who would land. A group of high school girls Th« high school volley ball teams otherwise be neglected or are not were dismissed for one period to hear went to Langlois Friday night. The able to pay the moderate fee charged Miss Palmiter: Marguerite. Lois and girls were victorious, wining 44 to for the usual extension service for Mary Robison. Mamie Jones, Jean 3A but the boys lost two sets out of credit. Watkins and Gladys Miller. These the three played. Langlois will p'ay Mr. and Mrs. C. E. How and son. classes afford a social gathering that a return match soon. Edgar, stopped at the home of Mr. is most enjoyable as well as instruc­ Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Webb and and Mrs. J. L. Burtis Tuesday eve­ tive. Charles spent Sunday afternoon at ning as they returned from a ten-day Mr. and Mrs. Alex Barklow and __ IU1IW, viaiung the Claude Randleman , home, visiting visit in San Jose, California.. They Bonnie Jean left Thursday for Terre-1 Merle, who suffered a broken leg two emained until Friday morning when tx>nne. where they will make their weeks ago when playing football on hey left for their home near Ta- »me. The best wishes of the en- th* Myrtle Point high school team coma, Washington. Mrs. How and ■ire community go with them in their Merle has six more weeks in bed and Hrs. Burtis are sisters. new home. hopes all of his friends will come to Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Hayes and Mrs. Mary Mix has moved from see him. hildren, Harold, Leland and Eileen, her home which she has leased and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burbank ac­ >f Gayord, were all-day Sunday ’s living near Myrtle Point. Poor companied Mr. and Mrs. Ernes« Wat­ fuests at the Ernest Hammack home. icalth made it impossible for her to kins and Anne to Eugene on Satur­ Several new enrollments in school stay on the ranch this winter. day, where they enjoyed homecoming Monday morning were Velda Mes­ Mrs. Elia Richardson, of Troutdale, football game bet wen U. of O. and senger, fifth grade; Harold Messenger, s visiting at the home of Mr. and W. S. C. Oregon's team is a disap­ f vegetables Friday afternoon at the, A. home of Mrs. Ernest Hammack. Beets, Frank Burbank and Miss Lodema of Mrs. Lawrence Rackleff. ■arsnips, carrots and peas were the, Cross. The next meeting will be The polls will be open in the play­ subject. After watching the prepar-(held at the home Mrs. John Carl, shed on the school grounds Novem­ ition of a delicious lunch, the ladies Mrs. James Collins and son, Jimmy, ber 3 for the voters. fathered in one room for a lecture are spending a few days visiting her m food values, menu planning and father, Pete Peterson, of Fishtrap, the C(X)King cooking Oi of vegriBDies. vegetables. The Mr. «• and • Mrs. • Orvus Miller have re- —- the aims next iica V| *»*«. meeting will be held November 1« turned to their home on Fishtrsp safe by paaUurtaaUoc. «-4 ■> a