Z COQUILLE VALLET SENTINEL, COQUILLE. OREGON. FRIDAT, OCTOBER 1», 1M«. I' Vote For George Chaney for State Senator ........ - FAGR SEVEN -J— ■----------------------- J. W. Richardson Talks On Red Cross Activities (Continua on Page Seven) the only thing considered. His or her loss may have been great, but if ths applicant has means for rehabilitation the Red Cross quickly closes that ease. Home adjustment awards, with the expenditures of $31,000, have been made in 101 of the cases at Bandon and the total Red Cross expenditure down there, up to last evening, has been $72,000. Of this $13,000 was set up for emergency right after the fire, the canteen, commissary and the setting up of the tents. Then $9,000 has been set aside for the construc­ tion of the small houses into which is it hoped soon to move all those who are now living in tents. The canteen had served 23,340 meals up to last Friday night. In rehabilitating those who suffer and lose all in a disaster, the Red Cross supplies needs according to the sufferers’ previous standard of living, and it is a part of the program also to rehabilitate the merchant by giving ! orders for the purchase of clothing, ‘ household equipment, etc., at the ! store designated by the applicant. The Red Cross aid is for the indi- | vidual and not for communities as i such, nor municipalities, but a portion ■ of the rigid Red Cross rules were waived in the case of Bandon when I $3,000 was given to the city to repair I and get in operation its water and sewer systems and electric light lines. Justification for this unusual expen­ diture is that all three were needed i at once for protection of the ci’izens’ health and safety. Of the $130,000 which was at first estimated would be needed for Ban­ don rehabilitation, $23,000 was re-! ceived from national Red Cross head­ quarters at Washington, D. C. Of the1 | $105,000 which it was expected would be received from the public, up to I last Friday when the books for the quarter were closed less than $45,000 had been donated. Mr. Richardson referred to the many rumors always in circulation I where the Red Cross is operating and i said lliat when reduced to facta the i rumors were always found incorrect. People who are not disaster suffer­ ers, no matter how worthy their, claim, are not handled by the disaster' organization, but are referred to the local Red Cross committee. Get Ready For Cold Weather! Deeptone Suede Cloth! Men’s Shirts Slide fastener front with 2 flap pockets. Popular deeptones in dark green, seal brown, navy. BLANKETS A great big value, too! 5 lb. pairs containing not less than 5% wool 4 inch sateen binding. Pastel colors. 80 x 90 inches! I lu Min Fancy Suede Cloth! Men’s Shirts r Luttuus I*. Value) Heaviest Outing 332 First Street. Coquille, Oregon from the kitchen flue. Their loss waa day afternoon bus for Marslifieid, Fire Destroyed Their Home partially covered -by Insurance. wuetc sue luut employment, bhe had Mrs. C. Dayne Hudson, who before The boys of the Willing Workers' The Hudsons wish to be remem­ ncany u wre* Here at tne home' her marriage was Mildred Norton, class in the local Bible school enter­ or net bi other, H. A. Hatiield. bered to all their old friends here. daughter of J. E. Norton, writes the tained the girls of the class and a Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lake and Sentinel that their home and all its few invited guests, with a Jolly Hal- daugnteis, Insure your car with Ned C. Kelley Vuginia and Vivienne, owe’en party Friday evening in A. > mvc returneu nom a weens v I mi contents, two miles north of Hills­ in a reliable Oregon stock company. □. Jlooton’s vacant house, which had wiui leiauves and mends at Camas, boro, were destroyed by fire the eve­ ning of October 19. while the family been appropriately decorated for the naan., and timer points enroute. Dr. C. G. Stem, Chiropractor. 292 was away from home. The fire is x-casion with cornstalks, grinning Ine ciiruuun c.ndeavor topic tor 22tf ^uppMedJoJrtaV^tarte^romasparkM^'^ ’"^^^'””!-^^, Jack o'lanterns, etc. There wasn’t a Sunday evening ur "Lnuenship,' and dull moment from the time the guests • ourim Hutton will iiave charge cf me were welcomed by the spooks until service, 'there will be cliurca Mer­ ihe party came to a close with a brief it ices bom nun mug and evening, coa- devotional services. A “scavenger ' uut;a.U uy J. L. nuts. hunt,” Hallowe’en games, fortunes, I mis . A.oe.t Pancoast returned me and a ghost story with real thrills .mat oi me week nom a visit or sev­ furnished the evening’s amusement. eral ouys in Portland. Cake, cookies and cocoa were served. I Ml. auu mis. Koy Goney and Several members of the class were daugntei, iieity, moved Weunesduy unable to attend, those present be­ morning into a small house ut A. U. ing Pauline Farmer, Myrtle Beckett, i.buiun s, wneie tney will live for a Ruby Johnson, Arthur Hillabold. uiunm or so until they can find a Republican Candidate for Billy Huff, Bobby Dunckley and the ■aiger house. teacher, Ix>u Hooton. Other guests Mi. ant| mis . h orrest L. Moon, Zelia of Coos present were Virginia Beckett, Mar­ May, Eugene and Edgar, ol Myrtle vin Huff, Glenn Hutton, C. E. Ellison Point, and Glenn Hutton were dinner Native Son of Coos County. Aye, 27 years. Son of late and George Sargent. guests Sunday at the A. O. Hooton Robert R. (Pete) Watson. Frank Culver returned home Sat­ uome. The dinner was in honor of Educated in the public schools of Coquille, Marshfield and urday from a business trip to Port­ the 41st wedding anniversary of Mr. North Bend. Graduate of Coquille High School. One land. and iurs. nutton, widen occuirea on year of accounting at University of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Puett returned Oct. 23rd, and the birthday aniver- James Lowry ¿ Watson County Clerk on Wednesday evening of last week sary of Mrs. Moon, which occurs on irom Bend, where they spent nearly Oct. 30th. * * two weeks, part of the time on a hunting trip in the mountains, snd part of the time at the home at their son, Lee, in town. Mra. Nora Hellas loft on the Sun- P County Have worked in the County Clerk’s office. My family consists of my mother and two minor sisters who are dependent on me. Will give courteous, faithful and efficient service. Vote 42 X James Lowry Watson