COdUILLE VALUT SINTINIL, COQ UIl-LE, OBIGON, IIIDAÏ, OCTOBER 3». tt* I I USE PRECAUTION GET A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX and eliminate risks of fire and burglary. You will enjoy that pleasant feeling of security which is felt by having your valuables in a private Safe De posit Box. All of Uh» can be had at a trifling annual eharge. i Forethought is Consideration beforehand. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Coquille, Oregon - -JTT NOTICE TO CREDITORS —IE Professional Cards DR. De La RHUE Eyesight Specialist I-alrd Bld* Reception room jointly with Dr. J. R. Bunch CoquiUe DR. RALPH F. MILNE Dentistry 1st Natl. Bank Bids. Suite 1 HARRY A. SLACK Attorney-at-Law First National Bank Building Oregon Coquille Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon ' for Coos County as the Administrator •it the Estate ot Hattie G. Ross, De ceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby requir ed to present the same duly verified io the undersigned at the law oft ices >f J. J. Stanley in Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, within six months from the dale of the first publication jf this notice. Dated and first published this 23rd lay of October, 1936. John E. Ross, Administrator of the Estate of Hattie G. Ross, Deceased. J. J. Stanley, Attorney for Administrator. < 41t5 i DR. J. R. BUNCH DENTIST X-IIAY Service First Street Laird Bldg. Coquille, Ore. Telephone 82-L GRANT CORBY Attorney at Law Richmond-Barker Bldg. Phone 157 Coquille, Ore. Residence Phone 24-M J. ARTHUR BERG Attorney at Law Rooms 1 A 2 Farmers A Merchants Bank Bldg Phone 87 Coquille, Oregon DR. W. V. GLAISYER VETERINARIAN County Herd a Meet Inspecter Coquille, Ore. J. A. RICHMOND PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Richmond-Barker Building Coquille, Ore. Ph»nea: Office 62M, Res. 93R J. J. STANLEY Attomey-at-Law Office at residence. 27» Sooth Willard St, Coquille NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND AC QUIRED BY COOS COUNTY, OREGON, FOR DELIN QUENT TAXES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That under and by virtue of an order of sale made by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Coos, on the 14th day of October, A. D, 1936, commanding me to sell the following described lands, to-wit: Lot 1 in Block 1, Minimum Price, »73.84. Lot 6 in Block 1, Mini mum Price, »72.84. All lying and being in Elliott’s Addition to Coquille City, Coot County, Ore gon. according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk of Coos County, Oregon. I SHALL, in compliance with said order, on SATURDAY, the 14th day of November, A. D„ 1936. commenc ing at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of taid day at the front door of the Court House in the City of Coquille, and County of Coos, State of Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auc tion the above described real proper ty to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand at the time of the sale, or for not less than twenty per cent (20%) of the purchase price in cash, the remainder to be paid under writ ten agreement with the purchaser in equal instalments over a term not ex ceeding ten (10) years from the date of the sale, all deferred payments to bear interest from the date of sale at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable annually. No sale shall be made of thè. above parcel of real property for a lessei amount than the minimum price shown thereon. Dated at Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, this 14th day of October, A . D„ 1936. > WnfF. Howell, 40t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND AC QUIRED BY COO8 COUNTY, OREGON, FOR DELIN QUENT TAXES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That under and by virtue of an order of sale made by the County Court of ‘he State of Oregon, for the County >f Coos, on the 7th day of October. A. D., 1936, commanding me to sell the following described lands, to-wit: NW Vi less sold and less town of Coaledo in Section 15, Township 27 South. Range 13 West of Wil lamette Meridian. Minimum Price »751.43. I SHALL, in compliance with said order, on SATURDAY, the 7th day of November, A. D., 1936, commencing at the hour of 10'o’clock A. M. of said day at the front door of the Court House in the City of CoquiUe. and County of Coos, State of Oregon, of fer for sale and sell at public auction the above described real property to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand at the time of the sale, or for not less than twenty per cent (20%) of the purchase price in cash, the re mainder to be paid under written agreement with the purchaser in i equal installments over a term not ex ceeding ten (10) years from the date of sale, all deferred payments to bear interest from the date of sale at the rate of six per cent (6%) per an- ¡num, payable annually. No sale shall be made of the above parcel of real property for a lesser amount than the minimum price shown thereon. — • Dated at Coquille, Coot County, Oregon, this 7th day of October, A. D, 1936. Wm. F. Howell, 39t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Warrants No. 342 to No. 367 inclu sive, drawn against School Dist. No. 72, Coaledo, will be paid upon pre sentation to the First National Bank of Coquille. Interest will cease on Oct 16, 1936. Mrs. Lorene Chard, Clerk, S. D. No. 72. A. L. Hooton, electrical contractor 39t3 and dealer, 274 Second St., Coquille. Cantai carta. SO tar »100. Complete stock of wiring supplies. Coos County Budget Committee Makes Report Tkur 193/ (Continued from Page One) Herd and Meat Inspector, Glai.yer, $660.00. Herd and Meat Inspector, Bennett, $560.00. Bang's Disease Control, $2,500.00. Dairy Sanitary Inspector, $0.00. Livestock Indemnity, »50.00. Sealer of Weights and Measures, $200.00. s Forestry Department, $700.00. Hunter and Trapper, $600.00. Fair, $1,200.00. Publicity, $300.00. Elections and Registration, $0.00. Publishing and Advertising, »1,- 195.00. Audit and Accounting, $925.00. Dues and Budget Expense, $324.38. County Farm, $12,907.50. Other Indigents, $15,000.00. Old Age Pensions, $35,000.00. Dependent Mothers, $5,500.00. Insane and Feebleminded, $600.00. Assistance to Blind, County Por- ion, $1,500.00. Dependent Children, County Por tion. $1,000.00. Crippled Children, County Portion, $1,000.00. Indigent Soldiers, $1,050.00. Court House, Hall of Records, »1,- 585.00. Court House, Old Building, »2,180.- 00. wj Furniture and Fixtures, $400.00. Automobiles. $1,120.00. Improvement Court House Proper ty. $3,863.80. School Superintendent’s Office, »3,- 884.00. Institute Fund, $75.00. County School Fund, $10.00 per Capita, $82,600.00. School Library, $0.10 per Capita, $826.00. Elementary School Fund, State Tax, $44,460.00. District Deficits, $300.00. State Tax, General, $68,000.00. Warrant Interest, General Fund, $26.000.00. Game Fines, $125.00. Market Road, County Levy, $6,500 00. Road Bonds, Redemption, $50.000.- 00. Road Bonds, Interest, $27,690.00. Warrant Interest, General Road ?und, $15,000.00. Isthmus Inlet Bridge, Deficit, »2,- 500.00. Loss by Tax Rebates, $6,000.00. Emergency Fund, $9,400 00. Total Provisions, General Fund, $500,450.18. The estimated general fund receipt! total $31.862.94. Appropriations made for bridges are: Old Cedar Bridge above Gravel Ford, $4,142.00. Brewster Valley Bridge, $1,100 00. Myrtle Creek Bridges, »1,500.00. Big Creek. No. 1, »156.00. Beaver Hill Overhead Trestle and Fill, $5,720.00. Spruce Street Trestle and Fill, $8,- 016.00. Joe Nay Slough Bridge, $900.00. Seven Bridges on Catching Creek, $2,500.00. Catching Slough Bridge, $900.00. Two Bridges on Upper North Fork, »1,800.00. Two Bridges on Seven Devils, »1,- 000.00. Graveyard Point-Cooeton Bridge, $430.00. General Maintenance, »18,782.87. Total Bridge Provisions, $46,946.87. The general road fund budget is for the following items: County Engineer and Roadmaster, $4,180.00. Right of Way and Fencing, »1.- 000.00. Riverton Ferry, $1,120.00. Bullards Ferry, $2,380 00. Daniels Creek Ferry, $2,180.00. Landrith Ferry, $780.00. Road Expense, General, $42,260.00. General Maintenance, $44,000.00. Small Drawbridge Operation, »100. Industrial Insurance, »4,200.00. Rebate on Taxes, $600.00. New Grades and Construction, $29,200.00. Allocated to Road Districts, $40- 000.00. Total Provisions, »172,000.00. Estimated receipts for the general load fund total »92,000. This in cludes $10,000 from O. A C. timber sales, »10.000 from Coos Bay Wagon Road lumber sales, $43.432.94 from motor vehicle licenses feesr«$20,000 from rental of road equipment, and various smaller items. Friendly Dozen Entertained Mrs. Louis Fugelson was hostess Wednesday to her sewing club, the Friendly Dozen. Her home was dec orated very charmingly with fall leaves and chysanthemums. Those members present were Mesdames J. Hultin, Grant Wilcox, Geo. Matney Sam Arnold, Sr., Fred Wheaton and guests for the afternoon were Mrs. Anna Lund, Mrs. Vernon Smith, Mrs Lee Hand, Mrs. Earl Nosier. Mrs John Martin, Mrs. A. G. Trendell, Miss Kathryn Trendell and Miss Blanhce Sandon. Keys made for all locks. Stevens Cash Hardware, Coquille, Ore. » l •' CHEVROLET Pke (ompfek Can~~ Gnnptdehj~l]cur With a completely new Valve-in-Head Engine giving new power, new smoothness, new econ omy in fact, the only old thing about it is its reliability. t- y SAT- * NOU‘ 1937 is a goal easily within reach. In Gone to See New Chevrolet The Southwestern Motor Co. sales the Portland zone we have set a goal force ot ten men left Tuesday morn ,of 20,000 new can, the largest goal ing for Portland to attend the pre we have ever had.” showing yesterday of the 1937 Chev rolet. A like number went from the r Bay Motors sales office at Marshfield. Cliff Gulseth, local S. W. company manager, said before leaving, “it will depend on how the Washington-Ore Stated Communication gon game looks whether we come Tuesday, Nov. 10, 7:30 p. m. home before Sunday. Those going from CoquiUe were Mr. Gulseth, “Mike” Graham, Charley Briggs, Frank Cary, “Slim” Hughes, Archie Bushnell, V. C. Richardson, R. C. Davis, Gene Barber, and they were to be joined at Eugene by Don Mc- Inery, who will join the Southwest ern force the first of the month. S. M. Johnson, Chevrolet zone man ager at Portland, who extended the invitation to dealers, salesmen and newspaper men to attend the con clave. says: “Our factory organization lias just returned from a national convention in Detroit where we had an oppor tunity to see and drive the 1937 Chevrolet. We are confident that the new product is the finest car ever produced in the low priced field and we are anxious that the dealer organ ization of this area see it as soon as possible and learn of the many im provements incorporated in it. We axe stue that after our dealer organ ization has an opportunity of seeing it will agree with us that the high national quota of 1,200,000 set for Chadwick Lodge No. 68 A. F. ft A. M. Dr. De La Rhne Eyesight Specialist Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Reception Room Jointly with Dr. J. R. Bunch Laird Building Phone 82-J Coquille Calling cardi. 50 for SI 00 r INEZ ROVER Accredited Piano Teacher Beginnen and Advanced In struction in Piano and Organ. Tel. 86-L 1#5 W. Second LESS TIME WORK SAVfS CLOTHES NO WEAR ON FINEST FABRICS //OfMONSTRATION IN / your HOME ON YOUR /// OWN WASH ' Marshfield, Oregon COQUILLE BRANCH 315 W. First Phone 209R 1 For Limited Time NORGE PORTABLE LAUNDRY TRAYS with all Norge Washers