The Coquille Valley Sentin THE PAPER THAPS LIKE A LETTER FROM HOME VtL. XXXII. COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 36, 193«. . NO. 43. ' n.M the year 1,11 Surveying for New Route 1 j . . 11 ■■ Republican Rally at North Bcm A crew of 20 state highway en­ gineers arrived on the Bay this week and have started making surveys for the re-location of the Marshfield-Co­ quille section of the Coast highway, starting at the Marshfield end. This is the work that the Coquille Chamber ot Commerce has been urg­ ing for some time and is a direct an­ swer to the meeting held here on Sunday morning a few weeks ago with the members of the state high­ way commission. J. A. Phelps, in charge of the sur­ vey, says it may require a year to run the lines on all the possible routes, but that the job will be thoroughly done, giving the commission all the data it needs to come to a decision. That the highway will not follow the tortuous route through Bunker Hill is a foregone conclusion. A demand to return America to Americanism was sounded Tuesday night by P. L. Edwards, Kansas City attorney and republican speaker, at Gregory Franzwa Killed When P. T. A. Plana Parade and Enter­ a dinner and rally of Coos and Curry Headed by Dr. J. D. Rankin for Adopted by Committee This republicans in Hotel Coos Bay, North His Car Was Crowded tainment for Saturday Week—Public Hearing on Mayor, Worthy of Support Bend. A record crowd of G. O. P. From Highway Evening •November 27 by Every Voter members filled the dining room to cheer Mr. Edwards and lay final plans That Gregory Franzwa’s death was The Hallowe’en festival or celebra­ for the republican campaign prior to The county court this week set the Coquille voters should not overlook due to the criminal carelessnes of the tion which the Coquille Parent- elections. date for the public hearing on the the fact that they have a very definite truck driver, Clyde Smith, of Reeds­ Teachers association has arranged for county budget for Friday, Nov. 27, at “Get out and vote,” was the urge of duty to perform next Tuesday, be­ port, when the former’s car was tomorrow evening gives promise of Harry Slack, Coquille, Coos county sides that of voting for president. 10:00 p. m. wrecked by the truck on the Umpqua being a most entertaining affair. Full central committee chairman, who in­ Even closer to each one’s individual highway last Saturday morning, is details of what they plan are not be­ troduced candidates for office. The Coos county budget as finally He interest than are the officers chosen the report reaching Coquille. ing made public, but there is to be pointed out the large registration of in nation, state or county, are the of­ adopted by the committee on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Franzwa had left here a parade and entertainment for the republicans in Coos and Curry coun­ ficials who will conduct the city’s af­ provides for expenditures of 8719,- early Saturday morning for the children afterward. 397.05. Last year’s budget was 83,- ties and opin. d that a republican fairs for the next two years. The city homecoming game at Eugene. It was The parade will start at 8:15 in ticket could be voted on November 3 tax is the largest millage of any that 333.78 less, or 8718,013.27. about 0:30 o'clock that the truck the evening from in front of the if all registered republicans got out Coquille taxpayers have to meet, The This year’s estimated revenue from came booming around a point, in the court house. It will pass down Sec­ and voted. all sources is set at 8123,862.94, leav­ state and county tax this year was fog, and clear over past the middle ond to Hall, down Hall to Front, up ing 8595,534.11 to be raised by taxa­ Ben R. Chandler, candidate for 23.1 mills, the school tax was 22.3 of the road. Mr. Franzwa drove’ NUs Taylor to First, down First to Wil- state senator, pledged a "common mills and the city tax 23.4 mills. tion for state and county purposes. ■e^M-^tard. f, I.mkin* Ura iivici car clear against the bank where The estimated revenue in 1935 was That 23.4 millage is not excessive making ■ a virvuii circuit ui of the hotel . , sense” term of office if elected and To Start Drilling in a Week I btlilcJihlnrlr was crushed by the truck. 8131,563.56, which left 8584,449.71 to cling block tu/irw» twice, thanpn thence Ranlr back as as ' pleaded with voters to quit chasing and the present city council has done Drillings by the Pacific Petroleum Death was instantaneous for Mr. it came on Front, Hall and Second to , rainbows and get back to the every- unusually good work in keeping the be raised by taxation. That is 811,- Corporation on the A. T. Morrison Franzwa. His wife suffered a broken the court house, local rate lower than in most of the 084.40 more must be raised by taxa­ : day problems of the community. ranch, a mile south of Tipperary flats shoulder, head injuries, and narrow- ■ The judges will be C. W. Gano, cities in the county. All honor is due tion according to the 1936 budget Reduced expenses to the county on the highway east of Bandon, is ex­ ly escaped having her arm ampu- representing the Chamber of Cons­ were pledged by Eugene Laird, dis­ the men who are retiring from the than was levied in 1935 for payment pected to start in another week. isted. merce; Mrs. Bertha J. Smith, the B.. trict attorney candidate. city government after handling its af­ this year. Ten men are employed there and Funeral services were held at Eu- P. W ; P. W. Lane, the P. T. A.; and v _. fairs for the past eight years. The budget committee did not raise Other candidate Introduced were they have the 125 feet derrick con­ g?ne Tuesday for the accident’s vic­ a representative of the Rotary club. * , Wallace L. Finnie, commisisoner; The ticket named by the citizen’s the per capita school tax, leaving it structed and are now at work aetting tim. His parents reside there, and Prizes to be awarded were donated James Watson, clerk; J. P. Beyers, as­ caucus last month is composed of at 810 per pupil; it denied the peti­ the No. 5 rotary drill and other plant Mra. Franzwa was taken to the hos­ tions for a full time county health hy the Rotary, Chamber of Com- sessor; S. M. Nosier, representative, conservative business men who wil’ equipment necessary in drilling for pital there. Her father also lives in merce. B. P. W. and P. T. A. They and Louis L. Knapp, representative carry on the fight to reduce Coquille’s unit and for a full time dairy in­ oil or gas. Eugene. (., will be 85.00 for the school having the from the seventeenth district. L. J. indebtedness, and yet will be pro­ spector. J. F. Ewell, of Roseburg, who se­ This is the second fatal accident in 1 most children in costume in the pa- {Simpson was toastmaster of the eve- gressive in making this city one of The 86,750 tentatively set up for cured the Bear creek structure leases, which Mrs. Franzwa has participated.: rode, 82.50 for the best sustained ning. the best in Oregon. They will not the Coos City bridge across Isthmus and who is a stockholder in the cor­ Some years ago her mother and two ■ character to each a boy and a girl, I squander nor will they be niggardly. Slough, is contingent on the war de­ poration. was in Coquille Tuesday grandparents were killed in an auto' 82.00 for the nicest costume, 82.00 for Dr. J. D. Rankin is most enthusi­ partment waiving some of its specifi­ and stated that the intention was to accident and she has been nervous the most comical costume, 82.00 for astically aprpoved as candidate for cations as to how a bridge across tide­ drill the well as rapidly as possible, ever since in s car. the best ghost costume, and 82.00 for mayor. He has executive ability, water must be built. If the war de­ and it can be done quickly with a Mr. Franzwa was bridge engineer the best prc-school costume. combined with good judgment and partment demands a bridge that will rotary. in the Coos county road department A treat will be given to each pupil an unerring instinct in picking flaws cost 825.000 to 840,000 the bridge will and had been a resident of Coquille after the parade. The grade girls in any proposal that does not look not be built next year. If it can be The effor's of the local committee for the past three years. He was a will assemble in Pioneer Hall for good. built for the 86750 budgeted or a sum Zine young man, a member of the Co­ games, the grade boys at the Lincoln and state officials to provide means E. D. Webb was nominated for not greatly in excess of that, the quille 20-30 club, and well liked and school, under the supervision of the for reseeding burned-over lands in councilman with the idea that he bridge will be built. The item is con­ Coos and Curry counties took defin­ respected by all who knew him. teachcis and Miss Palmiter. would be a worthy successor to Ray tained in the 818,782.87 budgeted for ite proportions When a large airplane, A dance for high school students Jeub as watchdog of the treasury, bridge maintenance. once used as a mail transport, arrived J. W Richardson, Red Croas offi- and their friends will be given by the with the appointment as chairman of Following are the budget appropri­ For Bandon Rehabilitation at the Marshfield airport, Tuesday, at ations from the county’s general fund: .ctal _in charge of disaster relief far Pi T. A. at the high school, with the finance committee. Work on immediate reconstruction | the Pacific coast area, was a speaker three dance prizes and refreshments 5 p. m., to be used in scattering grass Drue Cunningham and Orville L. Justice Court, 81,564.00. seed over the burned over hill lands | at the Chamber of Commerce meet­ and long-time planning for Bandon is served during the evening. Wood are both financially interested Juvenile Court, 81.990.00. going ahead rapidly, according to ing Tuesday and at the Lions club in the two counties. This ship is be­ in Coquille. They own their own Circuit Court, 86,575.00. ing operated by Scout Hazelwood, puncheon yesterday noon and de- Ormond R. Bean, chairman of the homes, their own business and the County Court, 88,125.00 Vote, No Matter Whom For state planning board. whojs a reserve army pilot, and one 1 voted nearly an hour on each occa- District Attorney, 8L155.00. buildings where their business is con­ Construction of temporary he is going to vote for— time living in Myrtle Point. sion to an outline of Red Cross ac- ducted, and they will steadily strive Specie) Counsel, 8150.00 started this week aad-te ♦ to* J W. Richardson, of Coquille, who for the improvement of Coquille Steersfl and Tpa Coiteeter, 817. a large number of families will be oc ­ Patrick, Oddy or Watson, McNary or has seeded considerable land by air­ * fire relief. Industrial Insurance (Peace Offi- Bendon The three selections for councilmen The Red Cross was organized in cupying the houses on the hill neai ———, every registered voter should plane, has been employed by the lo­ were especially good and Coquille is cere), 8425.00. the high school This work has been go to the polls next Tuesday and vote cal committee to work with Mr. Ha­ 1882, its charter being granted byi 1 taken over by the WPA and families County Jail, 83,955.00. his honest convictions. The Sentinel zelwood 'in handling the seeding certain of an economical administra­ act of congress It has served the na­ Conveying Prisoners, 8175.00. 1 will be sheltered rent-free aa long as believes Landon should be the na-1 work, which started on the R. H~ tion for the next two years with Ran­ tion in over 1,000 disaster cases in Coroner's Office, 8480 00. kin as mayor, Bryant, Seeley, Le- the 54 years of its existence, part i is necessary. Workers are now con­ tion’s choice, as the Literary Digest ( Christiansen farm on the North Bank Fevre, Cunningham. Webb and Wood County Clerk’s Office, 87,295.00. structing the homes in groups of nine, poll indicates he will be—but every highway near Bullards. The pilot, as councilmen. County Treasurer's Office, 83,575.00. major and some minor catastrophoes. and funds have been allotted to build voter has his own opinion and the with Mr. Richardson, has made ar- County Assessor's Office, 87,180.00. Of late years it has been calledto ad- Nothing has been said about Frank* as many as are needed. Sentinei has no quarrel with those rangements for landing fields Leslie, the very efficient city record­ minister relief in from 80 to 120 dis­ County Surveyor, 8728.00. Mill owners of Bandon, whose who believe differently. But at any throughout the district and it is ex- er, but the city’s records are in the asters a year. While disaster relief County Health Office) 83,377.50. is the most spectacular of its activi­ property on the water front was rate a ballot cast by every registered pected that the seeding program will best shape they have ever been an^> Vital Statistics. 850.00. ties, there are others which are con- spared by flames, have agreed to voter in the United States would in- be completely rapidly. County Agent, 82.290.00. house their own workers, it was dicate what kind of a government the! The ship %eing used was secured no one can find any fault with, 1iis Boys and Girls Club Work, 8250.00. «idered to be of more importance, conduct of the office. ' j such as " the Junior ‘ ~ Red * Cross, the stated. This arrangement will take people want, and in a democracy that by S. D. White, state director of agri­ The citizens’ ticket is composed of ¡care of approximately 200 inhabi ­ !(.’ontinned on Page Six) is as it should be. A minority should culture, and is being turned over to men of integrity and ability, men who first aid and life service, and home tants. never dictate a nation's policies. local committee, which is being in­ have made a success of their own hygiene. I-oREer Caught Loffging Truck corporated as the Agricultural Air business and are well qualified to There •re now about ten case ¡ The houses, designed by Mr. Bean when he visited the area recently, It’s Safer to Vote “No” . Service, Inc. This group will func- conduct the city’s affairs. H. D. Nixon, logging truck opera­ workers for the Red Cross at Bandon uovlde living rooms, sleeping rooms, tor from Bridge, who hauls between vnd since the need of emergency re­ (Continued on Page Twelve) Last week the Sentinel expressed li'ch -n ahd garage for each family. Big creek and Delmar, escaped with is past they are checking the 750 loubt as to what would be best for M. E. South Conference Sunday a slight scratch on his hand about -nses listed there as to their needs in When they are no longer needed for the aged in voting on the first meas­ ' “Bulldog” Jackson’ Here Nov. 6 ■csidences. they can be converted into Rev. T. S. Wheeler, presiding eider one o’clock Monday afternoon when -habilitstion. Red Cross help is ure on the ballot. It is always safe to *-**-*< .*• 4 ’ o w wrestling i x.otiiiiK piuniuicr, Coquiile s promoter, of the Portland district, M. E. Church. stages or other buildings, thus af- his Chevrolet truck wks dragged by -i'-en with the need of the applicant ding considerable salvage of the vote “no and if the measure's adop- Harry Elliott, advised that he is ne- South, will deliver the sermon -»t the a logging train at the crossing at 'inn as a non-profit incorporation and . j -¡¡final investment. CU‘ °M the P*y™nt * gotiating with the one and only Bull- eleven o'clock service Sunday at the •ri^lnal investment. » All are being Cunningham. But Ms truck was con- j 'f sufficient acreage is seeded it is erected on county or city owned ° th“* P“‘ ™ dog Jackson for an appearance in Pioneer Methodist church. Imme­ siderably. damaged; the estimate is ' hought that full ownership will be | years of age. as is claimed, it would this city, probably on Friday, Nov- diately following the service the first property. transferred to thia, group. If only a about 8500. Junwi8e * ■PProve ^e emb«r 6. Jackson is at present in quarterly conference session will be C. J. Humphreys, planning super­ Both train and truck were running small amount is seeded, ownership : measure. Old age assistance is really Hollywood where he has become the held. This conference will be unique ior for the state board, has been empty. As the truck came around wil* h-> retained be the department more important than relief to the in- pct of the movie colony. Whether in the history of the church in view the turn and Nixon saw the train he and the amount paid on the plane for sent to Bandon to take charge of digents who are younger and able to Jackson has gone Hollywood and dis­ of the fact that the conference will ■tanning activities. Under his direc ­ turned sharply to his left but a cor- voiding will apply as rental, work. dains to return to Oregon remains be asked to recommend for license to ner of the truck caught on the en- _ ' ■ I ' The army _ . planes which were first tion workers will complete base ( The only measures on which the to be seen. But Promoter Elliot has preach one of the local young men. maps, data maps, topographic maps, gine and was swung around and ronsidered for the seeding work were Sentinel recommends voting "yes” are combined forces with several other Robert Waggoner, who has felt defin­ t*oind to be impractical, and the land use maps, and maps showing ex­ measures 304 and 310. dragged for several feet. promoters in an effort to get the one itely called to that service. This will isting sewers, water lines, property The brakes on the trailer do not | n'an» now in use will carry as much end only Bulldog signed up for sev­ be the first event of this nature ever • i* army A Sr nl'lFXiio take hold as quickly as they do on the • •nd *ts w Fzsi four planes, I it 4 «was ownership, tax delinquencies and Big Burk "Contest Winners eral matches in this district. Just to be held in the church. The public other details. truck and that ton and a half threw! '’>«• cost of doing the seeding S. F. Stevens, of Stevens’ Cash who the Dog’s opponent might be is is cordially invited to this, and each With this information as a basis the whole piece of equipment around as now being carried out will be excerpts will assist members of the .lardware. reports the winners of the also indefinite, but Walt Achiu has of the other services on Sunday. Mr. so that he could not cut enough to ' nractically the same as originally made an especial bid for the match. Wilder will preach Sunday evening ■planned if army planes had been Bandon city planning commission i big buck contest conducted by his miss the logger entirely. A wire from Mr. Elliott this morn­ upon the theme, "Try God.” The eve­ store during the open deer season as laying out a mode! seaside rity. vailable, and at the end ot the sea­ ing announces that Bulldog Jackson ning service will be preceded by a Grover McQuigg, the largest black- son. If a large acreage was seeded. Coquille I n Short of Quota ail. it weighing 155 pounds; and and Don Sugai will headline the fifteen minute organ concert with Tirlhs at Coquille Hospital '• 1» believed by the committee that ■>ank George with 225 pound mule wrestling card, now definitely set for Mrs. M. O. Hawkins at the consol.-. Coqui’lc’s contribution to the Ban­ -vvnership of the plane will be re- Births the past week at the Coquille ■»’I d-(*r. The former received a .22 next Friday evening. Bob Castle and Leonard Ensele will contribute some don school emergency at noon yes­ -’»'»d and it will be available for fospital were to: Remington repeating rifle and the Whitey Whalberg will go on for the violin selections during the service. terday had totalled 8750, with two or- 'uturc seeding work in this section. Mr. and Mrs. Max Britton, of Ban­ "*t'-r a .2? single shot Remington special event while Jack Terry and gani at ions yet to report. The total Thos- who plan to purchase seed the Dark Secret will go on for the Bandon Youth Seriously Injured will possibly reach 8900 and proba­ through the pool which is handled by don. a 7-pound daughter, Alta Louise, rifle. preliminary. bly would have reached Coquille's the committee, and have this seeding on Monday. Lee Hiley, an employe of the Acme Mr. and Mrs. Richard Howe, of the quota of 81200 had all organizations ■tone by plane, have been requested 75 Absent Voter Ballots Planing mill at Bandon, was brought North Bank road, on Tuesday an 8H thoroughly canvassed the territory to list this information at the coun- ■ H. S.-Bandon This Afternoon to the Coquille Hospital, Wednesday Seventy-five absentee voter ballots pound son. Richard. alloted to them. v agent’s office, which is headquar- The Coquille Red Devils are hosts morning, in a very serious condition. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Smith, of were issued by County Clerk Oddy In most instances those called on •rs for the committee. un to last Friday evening, the last this aftemon at 2:30 o'clock, at Ath­ He was struck in the abdomen by a Marshfield, a 7H pound daughter, part, and were anxious to do their Interested persons are requested to legal date on which they could be letic Park here, to the Bandon Tigers slab which flew from the saw, his one contributor who gave all she had visit areas being seeded by the plane yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A'. W. Frambes, of •ent out by the clerk. This is a whom Coach Adams permitted his liver and stomach both being rup­ in the house—35 cents—showed a nnd see the work done. In discussing greater number than has ever been North Bend Bulldogs to so unmerci­ tured. The doctors operated at once, Coqui'le, yesterday a 7% pound son. finer spirit of co-operation than did , the program, it was stated that all 'ssued in Coos county before. The fully swamp last Saturday, at Ban­ but reports this morning were not others who would not have missed acreage be listed at once in order that Richard Douglas. don, 39-0. favorable. law requires that all marked ballots 835 any more than this widow did her the program may handled effectively. The entire proceeds of the game must be back in the clerk's hands six Clyde Niles Going to Detroit mite, but who could not afford to con­ On the present basis the total cost of deys before election, or by Tuesday .will go to the Bandon team which Rain Helps Rut Little tribute. Clyde E. Niles, of the local Ford night of this week. the seed purchased through the pool was late in getting started on its Participation in a drive like this is will be between 81 25 and 81-30 per agency, intends leaving Monday eve­ This morning's drizzle is not suffi­ schedule this year. an eye opener. cient to drown out all the fires in ning to attend a general conference acre. of Ford dealers in Detroit on Nov. 6 State Officials Make Short Stop southwestern Oregon but it does Will Open Kindergarten Monday dampen them a lot. Even the little Eagles Dance Saturday Night Gov. C. H. Martin, Secretary of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Leslie left this and 7. At Spokane he will join the Mrs. A. Lafferty, who conducts a this morning is more moisture than The regular weekly Eagles dance in •toming for Portland, on business and Ford special which will carry only State Earl Snell and State Treasurer Acting Rufus Holman stopped in Coquille for kindergarten in Myrtle Point, is this section has had since Sept. 1 and the Coquille Community Building, nleasure. The latter will be princi- J northwestern Ford dealers They, opening a similar school in Coquille 2, "nd the rain those two days was not Saturday evening, will be a Hallow- "ally the witnessing of the Oregon-, on the advice in the letter of invita- a few moments yesterday. e’en carnival dance with horns, hats, o'- Washington ““*“ game —— tomorrow, and • — as H~> tion I he — cast « >>i. his