THK COQUILLE VALUT SENTINEL, COQUILLE. OUOON, FETOAT. OCTOBER U. 1>M. PAGETWKLTB MINOR MENTION TeiMng About People and Eventa in the City and County Mr. and Mn. Willard Bosserman ■pent Tuesday and Wednesday on the Rogue fishing. Edward Cliff, acting chief of the S. O. S unit of the Forest Service, re turned to Portland this week. Mrs. J. B. Gillis was week-end guest at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Bunch on Coquille Heights. Miss Gladys Williams has accepted the, position as bookkeeper in the Consolidated Freight Lines office here. the pew Toastmaster Hospital- ay at Hooton Electric Shop. E nk W. Martin, manager of the J. C. Peneny Co. store, has been off duty the past week, being confined to his home with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rackleff are having for week-end guests Mrs. Rackleffs sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicking, of Portland. Mrs. Blanche Jackson and daugh ter, Francell, and Mr: and Mrs. 'Ed. Furnish, of Eugene, were week-end guests at the W. E. Bosserman home. Mrs. H. R. Edwards, of Roseburg, and Mrs. Ernest Kohfed were guests for the evening at the home of Mrs. M. M. Newdall on Knowlton Heights. Mrs. B. A. Davis is spending a few days with Mrs. Knife at the hospital while her daughter, Mrs. Frank Schram is having her home remodel ed.Miss Blanche Sandon is leaving to night for Eugene, for “homecoming.” She will be the guest of Miss Anne Barton at the Tri Delta sorority house. Dr. G. C. Stem, chiropractic physi cian. foot correctionist, electro thera pist. 292 Moulton St., phone 86J. 22tf An 8-pound son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Graham at the Co quille Hospital yseterday morning. Papa is feeling quite elated. Their older child is a girl. V. R. WILSON, O. D. OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. Broken lenses du plicated. Optical repairs while you wait. Expert service. City Arrests A son was born Tuesady to Mr. and j Mrs. Charles Forrest, of Marshfield. Fines imposed in city police court Mrs. Forrest was before her marriage by Recorder I-eslei the past week Miss Eleanor Brown, a former teach were as follows: er in the Washington building here. Arthur Anderson, arrested last Fri A daughter was bom Thursday, day for drunkenness, paid half his Oct. 22, to Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Powers, 310 fine. Harry Morse, samer offense, same of Myrtle Point. Mother and babe are doing nicely. Mrs. Powers was night, forfeited $5 ball. Bert Adams, same, was fined $10 formerly Marietta Hufford of this and sentence suspended for one year. city. Walter E. Lee, of Bandon, paid a Mrs. J. A. Thomas and Mrs. Jack $20 fine for reckless driving. He Leach are driving to Roseburg today scraped the left side of the bridge to get Miss Betty Smith. Betty is Sunday as he was leaving town, en going to spend the winter with Mr. dangering traffic. and Mrs. Leach and attend school Floyd Sutherlin, drunk Sunday, here. paid a $5 fine. Roy Detter, who had just served a Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hart came over from Medford last Friday for a few five-day sentence, was given a $20 days’ visit with her sister, Mrs. J. A. suspended fine. Carmel Sanders is serving out a Lamb. The latter went over to Med ford with them on Monday of this $10 fine imposed on Wednesday. A ten dollar bail was forfeited by week for a few days at ner old non n. Thos Sell in the city recorder’s of Mr. and Mrs. Fordice and Mr. For fice’yesterday when he failed to ap dice's father, of Portland, were vis- pear and answer the intoxication ,tors of Mrs. B. A. Davis at the Frank charge placed against him by the city Schram home last Wednesday. Mrs. Davis acted as bridesmaid at the elder police the night before. Mr. Fordice’s wedding over fifty years ago. The Coquille Choral club is begin ning the rehearsals for the opera, “Martha,” in concert form. The club’s membership is the largest in history. Anyone interested, is urged to come. Time: 7:30 Tuesady nights; place: the Baptist Church. W. J. Longston, formerly a con tractor in Coquille who left here about 20 years ago, was a visitor from Monday until Wednesday this week. He was on his way to Yakima after spending the last four years and a half on the Boulder dam project. Mr. Longston said he was looking Co quille over with a possibility that he might return here. To celebrate the opening of the Consolidated Freight Lines new office and warehouse here, Phillip J. Mc- Manamy, local agent, is inviting the public to attend the “open house” which he will observe tomorrow (Saturday). The warehouse is locat ed on the highway, five blocks out form the Coquille Service Station. Mr. and H. P. Homish are arrivals in Coquille the past week from Fair- field, Iowa. Mrs. Homish was for merly Miss Jean Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Baker, residents of Coquille some twenty years ago. Mr. Baker was at one time county superintendent of schools and also Coquille school superinten dent. He passed away in 1931. Mr. Homish is to be local representative of a Bay paper. Fans, You Can Help Everyone who can do so is urged to see the opening football season at Bandon tomorrow afternoon when the North Bend Bulldogs invade the Tiger lair to help open things with a bang. ' Bandon high school purchased new football equipment before fire burned up the means of paying for the mer chandise and now the Tigers hope to •attract enough fans who will pay on the line so that they can also pay on the line. Great plans have been made in preparation for the opener tomorrow. For one thing North Bend fans plan to follow their team to Bandon, while at the scene of the battle work in mills will cease so that everyone can be on hand. A large crowd will aid a lot in paying up this debt. Take Three to Pen Sheriff Wm. H. Howell and Deputy Bert Mead went out to Salem yester day, taking three prisoners to the pen. They were Ted DeSpain, the North Bend kidnaper, who was convicted of assault with a dangerous weapon and given a sentence of seven years; White, who was given five years on a larceny charge; and Griner, two years on his plea of guilt to contri buting to the delinquency of a minor. 4, a .......... ...... .......... --------------------"J!------------------ -------------------j Episcopal Deanery in Session I - Prominent church women of Port- land were guests of St. James Mis sion (Episcopal) in Coquille on Wed nesday, at which time the annual meeting of the Southwestern Deanery was held. The visitors were Mrs. J. J. Panton, président of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Diocese of Oregon; Mrs. P. A. Cowgill, Mrs. Robert A me son and Mrs. Wm. Jane. Each spoke on her special work at the meeting, which was held in the Parish house in the afternoon. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. J. S. Barton, vice president of the Deanery, who presided until the business session was completed. Mrs. Panton spoke on the scope of the auxiliary work in an inspiring address, entitled, “The Women of the Church in Action.” Mrs. A meson, assistant education al secretary in the Diocese, spoke on adult education and told about the large number of helps' available for groups which wish to study and dis cuss religious topics. Mrs. Cowgill, head of pre-school work in the home and the church school, spoke on “The Little Helpers,” and presented a fine display of helps on that topic. Mrs. Jane spoke on “The Girls’ Friendly Society,” from experience of many years. , Other topics considered more brief ly were, The Diocesan Altar Guild, Box Supply, Work Among the Iso lated, Quiet Day on Nov. 11th and the Christmas box and birthday of fering from the Church School. The meeting was opened by Rev. Geo. R. Tumey, vicar of St. James, and was closed by Rev. Frederick G. Jennings, rector of Emanuel Parish, Marsh field. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Claire Treadgold, Mrs. C. W. Linn, Mrs. May Laird, Mrs. L. D. Felsheim and Mrs. James Keeley, of Bandon; Mrs.. O. B. Hinsdale, Mrs. Gus Wes- terdale, Mrs. Geo. Perkins and Mrs. Arthur Smith, of Gardiner; Mrs. W. C. Germain, Mrs. Geo. Murch, Mrs. D. J. Vitletow, Mrs. H. H. Wilson, I Mrs. E. Mingus, Mrs. W. S. Nicholson,1 Mrs. Frank Heath, Mrs. Don Derm-1 ing, Mrs. L. W. Stratton and Mrs. O., K. Wolf, of Marshfield. As Washington guarded the welfare of his troops, so should you guard your body against the great army of diseases. Have your physician make a frequent inven tory of your health. A Prescriptionist Fills Rxs Carefully Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc. T*e DRUGGISTS STATIONERS ..... — Studio Beauty Shop 491 South Willard, Coquille Expert Hair Tinting Natural Formode Permanent Waves Personality Finger Waves Patrons of the Studio Beauty Shop receive the personal attention of Miss Muriel Dae. Thank Legion Posts, Auxiliaries The members of Bandon Post, No. 26, American Legion and Unit No. 26» American Legion Auxiliary, wish to extend their sincere thanks and deep appreciation to all the Posts and Units of Coos Co., who so generously For Sale—Two electric ranges and contributed to our needs in our re two wood stoves, both in Al condi cent disaster, tion. Coquille Gas & Power Co. Mary Coppie, Publicity Chairman i ra fl! JU m Helen Klockers, of Marshfield, formerly with Joyce Beauty Salon, will be at the Studio Beauty Shop on Tuesday and Saturday each week KEEP THIS PROGRAM IN A CONVENIENT PLACE FOR READY REFERENCE ) SHE’S LOOSE AGAIN ! OCT. 25 - 26 j [SUN. -MON. 1 TUE. - WED. Yoa’ll S m EIGHT All-Amarican Stan! THE MOST FASCINATING MAN HUNT FOUR SMART GALS EVER PLANNED! WI m little innocents . . . living by their wit» .. . f trusting to their charm» while they »talk their prey! JANE GAYNOR HuiuYOUNG .,,u.<.BfNNEn WITHERS OCT. 27 - 28 ] SPONSORED by Coquille High School “C” Boys Earnings to be applied on Foot ball Jerseys THE BIG GAME flfll SHAKBPik^ P 0OTRE 0**1 Attend t the Nine O’C’lock Show and Remain over A OCT. 29 Aa Our Guest to See This Added Feature All he knew about cuttin’ up L was what the boys told him! O’" . But when a girl a.» 36 BOURSE TO KILL vital as a fire racker A lit at both ends dis-£‘ covers Char- jp gg^Flie’s talents, J Charlie shows iOS the boys some- K'Jy L thing. Jaap BRIAN DONLEVY GLORIA STUART DOUGLAS FOWLEY S T E P I N ISABEL JEWELL E £ T C MATINEE 10c & 25c EVENINGS The New V. EVENINGS 10c & 35c TWO SHOWS SHORT SUBJECTS 7 & 9 Theatre Coquille ■s Vivienne Osborne • Claude Gillingwater