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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1936)
The Coquille Valley Sen1-“-’ pregon Historical Society X THE PAPER THAP8 LIKE A LETTER FROM HOME VOL. XXXII. COQUILLE. COOS COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23. 1834. NO. 41. Skull Fractured in Accident Emergency Drive Plans in Co quille All Ready—To Start Monday Beverly, the seven-year old daugh ter of M>*- and Mrs. E. E. Davis, suf fered a fractured skull about eleven o’clock yesterday morning when sbe jumped out of the car driven by her mother and directly in front of Ole Paulson’s car. The latter was not driving more than ten miles an hour and was in no way responsible for the accident which happened on Hall street. She was taken to the Coquille hos pital and Dr. J. D. Rankin stated this morning that there was little doubt but that she would recover. Coquille is all set to start the drive next Monday to raise funds for the Bandon school emergency. The city and contiguous territory has been di vided into fourteen districts and each district has been assigned to an or ganization here, the list including the Chamber of Commerce, Pioneer P. T. A. Institute Tomorrow church, the B. P. W., Church of Mrs. Virginia Kletzer, of Portland, Christ, M. E. church, American Le state P. T. A. president, will be in Co gion, the Legion Auxiliary, the P. T.. quille tomorrow (Saturday) to con A.. Woman’s Club, Junior Women’s duct an institute in Pioneer Hall from Club, Eagles, the 20-30, Rotary and 10:00 a. m. until 4:00 p. m. Anyone Lions clubs. The teams which will do the soli interested is invited to attend. The institute will include instruction in citing will start Monday morning and P. T. A. work and a talk on some of it is hoped every home in Coquille will have made a decision as to what the measures on the ballot. can be done and will have its contri Water to Be Off Smssiay bution ready. The water will be shut off in Co Twelve hundred dollars is Co quille’s quota, $2,000 for the valley. quille on Sunday from 2:00 to 5:00 Roughly that is estimated at $2.00 per p. m., to permit the water depart family, and there are very few which ment to flush the mains. The reser voirs on the hill southeast of town cannot give something. The whole county is being organ have been cleaned and the main- ized this week, with Dr. R. F. Milne, flushing is the last act in the clliui- as chairman, and it is confidently ex ing-up process. pected that $5,000 to $6,000 will be collected next week. Bishop Dagwell to Speak Sunday That amount would enable the Bishop B. D. Dagwell is to be in Bendon schools to operate until the Coquille next Sunday and will speak first of the year by which time it is at the St. James Episcopal church at expected that contributions from 7:30 o’clock that evening. There will over the state, beside the dollar each be no 11 o'clock morning service from every school teacher in the state, there. will have produced sufficient funds to keep the school operating for the Republican Rally at North rest of the year. Bend Next Tuesday The Coquille organization got un der way last Friday night when a Republicans of Coos and Curry dozen met and named J. E. Norton, president of the Chamber of Com counties will attend a rally and din merce, as ehairman for the campaign. ner next Tuesday night at Coos Bay Supt. P. W. Lane prepared a letter Hotel. North Bend, L. J. Simpson an which the students and pupils have nounced today as he urged Coquille G. O. P. men to attend the last big distributed all over Coquille. Wednesday evening each one of the political get-together in the county 14 participating organizations was before elections November 3. > *4 •This is going to be a Mg a«air." r eproeen t ed at another meeting tn the “We’re hotel when final plans for the cam said Mr. Simpson today. having an outstanding republican paign were made. " No one is limited to a $2.00 contri speaker down from Portland — will bution. There is no chance that too introduce all republican candidates in th* two counties and have a good much money can be raised. dinner.” Candidates will not be asked to Loren Knight Convicted speak, Mr. Simpson added. Loren Knight, indicted for cattle Meanwhile, Coos Bay republican rustling by the grand jury, was found headquarters have been opened in guilty on Wednesday by jury in cir the Chandler hotel, Marshfield, where cuit court and was sentenced by sunflower buttons, pamphlets, pla Judge Brand to a maximum of five cards of Ben R. Chandler, candidate years in the pen. A stay of execution for state senator, Eugene Laird, can for 30 days was ordered by the judge didate for district attorney, and when his attorneys asked for time to others may be had. Republican head file an appeal for a new trial. quarters in Coquille are efficiently Conviction was secured principally handling needs of the southern end oc the evidence of Loomis and Bell, of the county. Harry Slack, county the truck drivers who loaded the cat chairman, is in charge of the local tle and took them to Portland, and of office. Lawrence Powers who pleaded guilty to larceny of livestock and was sen tenced to seven years in the pen. Coast Highway Aas’n Meeting J. E. Norton, of Coquille, was chos Powers testimony was that Knight engaged him to drive one of Knight's en as first vice president of the Coast old cows to the Christian place on Highway Association at its annual Catching crock. When they went to meeting in Tillamook last Sunday and get her they also drove seven of Monday. Other officers chosen were Christian's cows to the Knight bam Dixie Moore, of Astoria, president; where they were loaded. The truck , Sam Reed. Neahkahnie, second vice; had also been driven to the Christian J. C. Robinson, Taft, third vice; John pasture io r.iake it look as though the Schroeder. D^poe Bay. fourth vice; Fred H. McGougan. Marshfield, treas- cattle had been loaded there. Yesterday morning the trial of Nor- uror. Fdw. W. Miller was engaged Wilson, indicted for driving by the directors for another year as while intoxicated, was started In | manager, The board of control as j. it stands court and last evening all the state’s witnesses but one had been examined? now is composed of Mr. Norton, Al- lt is expected the case will be finish bert Matson, H. O. Kern, Walter Chiene, the retiring president, and ed today. Mr. McGougan. all of Coos county. Resolutions passed recommended Bandon Masons Meet Tonight The Bandon Masonic lodge, which completion of the Wolf Creek and scheduled a special meeting in Ma-*11«*1 river short roads to Portland; sonic Temple hero last Friday night. ™P'et‘on °< ** Cannon Beach- failed to hold a meeting then, but H. Neehkahme section of the Coast h gh- A McCue, worshipful mkfter, states the retacation of the Corvallis- — *• • - • .¿Newport highway because of the that Coquille Masons are invited to attend the stated communication seeming impossibility to purchase which will be held in the hall this land to eliminate curves on the pres ent route. (Friday) evening: Dairymen to Meet Monday The Coos County Dairymen's As sociation will hold a special meeting in the court house next Monday eve ning at 7:30 o’clock. The meeting will be with officials of the Western Con densing Co., and the managers of the several cheese plants in the county, with whey as the subject of discus sion. Rotary Dist. Governor Coming Prominent Bay Citizen Passes Geo. J. Fourier, acting mayor of Marshfield, who had been a promin ent and leading citizen on Coos Bay for the past 30 years, passed away at his home Wednesday night after a month's illness. Funeral services are being held this afternoon in Marsh field. Mr. Fourier was born in Ger many in January, 1876. Besides Mrs. Fourier, their two children, Mrs. Ray J. Olson and Arthur George Fourier. 15, survive. Chas. Mowry, of Spokane, district Word was received Thursday of the governor of the Rotary clubs, will pay an official visit to the Coquille club birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. at its noon session next Wednesday, James Mills, of this city, at the Eman ual Hospital in Portland. In the hotel. PER CAPITA TAX THOSE ENDORSED For Schools Should Be Increased Townsend Club Has Not Made Over the Present $12.50 Selections of Any County per Child Candidates A Fine Fashion Show The Junior Women’s Club was hostess Thursday afternoon at a card party and fashion show. Ten tables of contract were in play and a num ber of guests enjoyed an afternoon of sewing. High score was held by Mrs. Ray Thomas, second high by Mrs. U. E. McClary, and consolation by Mrs. Stanley Fitzgerald. Coats, hats, sports and afternoon dresses, suits and I evening gowns from Miss May's Shop i were modelled by Mrs. Bert Folsom, , Mrs. Joe Sayre, Mrs. George McClel . lan, Mrs. Tom Denison and Mrs. Chas. Haglund. Unusual and interesting new hair styles were arranged by Joyce Beauty Salon. Flowers were , provided by Bergen’s, Florist. The music for the afternoon was furnish ed by Miss Lyndell Southstone on her violin, accompanied by her moth er, Mrs. R. H. Southstone. CO-OPERATIVES Being Talked by C om County Dairymen’s Association This Week The Coos county budget committee Tuesday evening the Coquille Co-operative manufacture of dairy has been in session this week and is Townsend club held its regular meet products in the Coquille valley was expected to finish its labors today. ing in the W. O. W. hall. The fact the principal subject considered at Because Carl L. Davis, timber man, that the meeting was so well attended the regular meeting of the Coos was unable to be present for the ses may have been caused by the ap County Dairymen’s Association held sions, W. K. Atchison was appointed proaching election. If that be the in Coquille, Monday evening, October in his stead. The other two members case it should be proof that the Town 19. R. M. Pressey, field agent for the of the citizens committee are L. D. send people are at last realizing the Challenge Cream and Butter Associa Felsheim, of Bandon, and Ray Dead- power of their votes. tion, outlined some of the possibili mond, Pomona Grange master. This meeting was one of purely ties of and requirements for a suc One of the matters on which a business. The members took up the cessful co-operative plant. delegation waited on the budget com various problems of routine but the While discusisng this subject, Mr. mittee yesterday was that in increas chief concern was the endorsement Pressey pointed to the development of ing the per capita school tax from of U. S. and state legislative candi- : several other co-operative plants in $12.50 to $15.00 per person of school dates. The club decided that county other sections of the country, all of To Discuss State Measures age candidates should not receive public which were organized in 1930. A At the next meeting of the Eagles Before the depression the per cap endorsement. In many cases both the plant at Meridan, Idaho, was used as ita school tax was $20 per child. It democratic and republican nomine lodge Thursday, Oct. 29, the evening an example of an outstanding success. dropped fast to $12.50 but It is much are good Townsend members and to will be devoted to a discussion of the This plant was built about 6H years more difficult to get it put back to a endorse one would be unjust to the measures on the ballot to be voted ago with an investment of a little upon at the Nov. 3 election. Quali higher figure where it should be. other. over $100,000, which has increased R. T. Moore, of 'Bandon, acted as The club .wishes it to be known that fied speakers will be on hand to ex to about $300,000 at the present time spokesman yesterday for the delega circulars or cards bearing the names plain just what each measure is ex in addition to paying the regular tion which was here from all over the of county candidates are not autor- pected to accomplish if adopted, not market price for butter fat to dairy county. ized by the state office and are not with the idea of approving or reject men, the cost of building the plant ing any or all of them, but so that One of the injustices in school tax the selection of a majority of Coos has been paid and the association has ation was pointed out in comparative and Curry counties clubs. County each member present may have a accumulated a reserve of approxi clear concept of what the proposed valuation of districts. Riverside, on candidates have not been endorsed. mately $100,000, Mr. Pressqy stated. the North Fork, has an assessed val The club authorized a committee to laws mean. The natural conditions in the Co uation of $552,315, and has very few have printed two thousand cards quille valley, including the short children in attendance at school. bearing the names of authorized, en City Adopts Budget of haul, large sized herds, and ideal cli Floras creek district, with dorsed Townsend candidates This $46,177 for Next Year matic conditions, offer outstanding ed valuation of $18,390, has card lists the names of: opportunity for such development very much greater tax for Willis Mahoney, Dem., U. S. Sena- The Coquille city budget for 1937 here, it was stated. Three thousand poses. Bandon school district of 46,177.50, of which $25,636.90 is cows would be the desirable number the fire was valued at $911,523; It James W. Mott, Rep., U. S. Con to be raised by taxation, was adopted to have signed up for starting a plant now about the same as Riverside, gressman. by the city council at its Monday eve and two thousand should be consider with nearly a hundred times as many Henry Gustafson, Ind., State Sena ning session without an objection of ed a minimum number. This would pupils in the schools. tor, Coos and Curry counties. any kind being offered when the be approximately one-fifth of the If the per capita school tax was Roy Carter, Dem., Joint Represen public hearing on its adoption was dairy cattle in the Coquille valley and raised to $15 or $20 or even higher, tative, Coos and Curry counties. called. It must be certified to the northern Curry county. it would tend to equalize taxes for Sam Nosier. Rep , State Represen county assessor before Nov. 1. A suitable paint for caring for the school purposes in the county. t tation, Coos county. City Engineer Stacer was instruct products of around 3000 cows would The budget committee may raise These cs candidates are the authorised ed by the council to prepare an es cost from $60,000 to $70,000, Mr. the per capita a little this year, but Townsend _J selections. timate of the probable cost of pro Pressey stated, and this amount could how much was not indicated yester N«xt Tuesday evening, October 27, viding an 8-inch water main to. the be raised by the sale of stock to local day has bos designated as Townsend Arrow Mill Co. plant. N. Jameson, dairymen amounting to from $6.00 to 4.. The endorsed candidate of the Arrow company, in a letter to $8.00 per cow and the use of credit Club Sponsoring Picture carts’ »be given out and lnstruc- Mayor Berg stated that the company which should be available through “Big Game,” picture to be *»ons. be given about election desired to install an overhead sprink the bank for co-operatives. For fur Liberty next Tuesday ' plaifc. A real program will be given ling system in their plant, and an ther study, this matter was referred and Wednesday, Oct 27-28, is spon 'and the Townsend entertainment 8-inch line was required by the un to a temporary committee on co-op sored by the Coquille High “C” club, committee promises a lively evening. derwriters. erative marketing including E. L. It is not the council’s intention that Deteflsen, Coquille; Joe Nilsen, Riv and the members are making an ac Every members is urged to come. The tive canvass to dispose of one thou critical election day is near and your the city pay for th« work which will erton; Floyd Peterson, Coquille; John sand tickets. The proceeds of their duty to this great movement requires require the laying of a new line for Carl, Arago; S. S. Reed, Myrtle Point; campaign will be used for the pur your presence. The ladies will serve part of the distance from the court E. L. Clausen, Broadbent; and S. L. house, but after the estimate is made, Leatherman, Lee. chase of much-needed jerseys for the refreshments after the meeting. the city officials will confer with the football team, and Coquille is re This committee will meet next company management as to what the Monday, October 26, at 7:30 p. m. in sponding generously in support of this Weir’s Talk Last Night city’s participation may be. year's high'schol team. the county agent's office. Thursday evening the Townsend The picture is based on Francis Resolutions were passed by the or members of Coos county had the Wallace’s book, “Big Game,*' and fea Wrestling Card Tonight ganization requesting county support privilege of heering John H. Weir tures such recent collegiate stars as Wrestling made two auspicious in the employment of a full-time give an inspired address. A speaker Monk Moacup, of Stanford; Bobby the equal of Mr. Weir is hard to find starts in Coquille only to be tempor dairy inspector, for funds to pay the Wilson, Southern Methoidst; “Bones” and those who failed to hear him arily thwarted first by the recent county cost in connection with the Hamilton and Frank Alustiza, both of strike and later on by the fire. Not testing of dairy cattle for Bang’s dis have cause for regret. Stanford, and many others who won Mr. Weir wss once a speaker for to be discouraged. Promoter Harry ease, for funds to carry on the testing All-American honors in the past few the republican party but became a Elliott begins anew after a brief lay of dairy cattle for tuberculosis, and years. Townsend lecturer when this great off with a stellar, all-star card to be for the usual support of the county Beside helping the ”C" club, those plan was discovered. The text of his presented Friday (tonight) at the agent's office. buying tickets will enjoy a really fine The next regular meeting of this talk was mainly on economic condi Community Building. picture. Headlining the events will be Chi organization will be held during the tions. He declared that the Town send movement was of more value to cago Al Williams, chief bully here day on the first Monday In January. County Arrests the youth of America than any other abouts, against Don Sugai, the clever Receives Audition Award Ear! F. Phillips, indicted by the class. This great plan provides an Japanese boy who hails originally grand jury for Involuntary man- annuity for old age and at the same from Salem. While an Oregon prod Emma Frances Mulkey received the slaughter, was arrested last Monday. time eliminates labor by retiring old uct, Sugai is something of a world award of twelve voice lessons given He was the driver of the truck which people unde- forced spending in or traveler having wrestled main events by Mrs. Woodyard. The contest was ran wild at Empire a few months ago der that youth might have decent in Mexico and the Philippines. The held last Thursday night at the home and caused the death of two women. tabs. Mr. Weir stated that crime ls'Jspsneseboy has shown no fear of of Mrs. Woodyard. High school stu Geo. Elliott, of North Bend, was committed because of want. In Fol any wrestler and doesn’t intend to be dents not having had any private placed in jail here on Wednesday. He som and San Quentin prisons there bowled over by Williams’ imposing voice instruction competed and each was bound over to the grand jury and are six thousand convicts and ninety win record. The main event will be contestant sang a solo. The judges bail set at $5.0)0 on a sodomy charge per cent are under the age of twenty- for a two-hour limit or the best two were Rev. Geo. R. Tumey, Mrs. Chas. out of three falls. Four young men were arrested at four. Stauff and Mrs. Geo. Bryant. Other In the one hour semi-windup, contestants were Bonnie Gage, Elaine Purchasing power must be restored Bandon. Wednesday. and brought to (Continued on Page Eleven) jail here, each having been bound to the common people. Government Gray. Leta Shults, Alton Schroeder. over to the grand jury, with bail set must be run for the people and by the Glennis Finley, Donna Dean Bosser- at $500. They are charged with lar people. We must change from an man, Muriel Davis, Yvonne Kern and Red Devils at M. P. Today ceny and have been guilty of stealing importing nation to an exporting na Kenneth Waggoner, all of whom have The Coquille Red Devils, instead of gas. looting, and other depredations tion. Mr. Weir stated that last week fine voices. being discouraged by their loss to the at Bandon since the fire. The four he saw a great foreign ship come to Miss Mulkey has a lovely contralto North Bend Bulldogs last Friday, 19 are Bly th Pellett, 22; Calvin Napir, Jock in Portland with 38,000 bushels voice and received her first voice to 12, are determined to make the 23; Elmer Cooper, 19; and Malcolm of corn from the Argentine. Yet we lesson last Tuesday Myrtle Point Bobcats pay this after Duncan, 16. The latter was out on reduce the production of com in This is the second contest held by noon when they play the latter team parole, having been sentenced net America. Mr. Weir stated that even Mrs. Woodyard. In the first contest up there. The game starts at 2:00 p. long ago to five years in the pen on 'he flags used for our fourth of July Jesse Barton was awarded first m. a similar charge to the one for which celebration are made in Japan. Such place. Everyone who saw last Friday's he is now in jail, and Cooper recent a condition is deplorable. game is more than enthusiastic over ly returned from serving a term in Landscape Engineer Locates the showing the Red Devils made, the reform school. 20 Carloads Myrtle Contracted and it was only in the last minute or A. G. Trendell, a landscaping en- Because the purchaser wished to two, after McClellan and Richardson | gineer, is elsewhere advertising the County Collects $750 Insurance keep the matter a secret the Sentinel were compelled to leave the game., formation of the Coquille Landscap Coos county, which took over the cannot give the name of an eastern that the North Benders were able to ing Co. He is living on the Marsh Silver Spray dance hall at Bandon concern whose representative made power the winning touchdown. field highway, the next place to Sam Next Friday the Red Devils meet Arnold's. He has been in the busi several years ago for delinquent a contract here last Thursday far 20 taxes, this week received au insur carloads of myrtlewood. It was not the Bandon Tigers here. It is a ben ness for 40 years and assisted in the ance check for $750 because of the disclosed whether the wood was to efit game, the proceeds to be donated landscaping of the Alaska-Yukon ex building's destruction by fire. Sept. be used for furniture or novelties, but to the Bandon team. position. More recently he has been the agent said they expected to make 26. landscape engineer for government regular shipments of Coco county's Mr. and Mr«. C. L. Wilson. of Love parks, located near Portland. to their eastern plant. land. Colo., left the first of this week Go^ C. H. Martin, Secretary of myrtlewood ..... j.............. ....... for California points after visitins State Ear] Snell and State Treasurer The MacDowell Music Club will Miss Margaret Roche, of the South since last Thursday at the Frank Wil meet at the home of Mrs. Frank Les Rufus Holman, who comprise the state board of control, have announc western Motor Co., left Wednesday son home on Fairview mountain. The lie next Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. M. ed that they will be in Bandon next, evening for Coeur d'Alene, ~ Idaho, two men are brothers but the Colo- O. Hawkins will give a study of Tuesday to make a personal survey | where her brother lay critically ill, rado Wilson hsd never been In this American composers. All interested of that town's rehabilitation needs, with pneumonia. section before. are Invited to attend.