'....... .. , • - - , kjuak ▼ allkt sbnhnwu cmmuA oiao w . fbdai , ootobrr u. mm . I PAGI MINI s-e-s-ÄS» Church or Chrtot NOTICE OF SALE OP PROPERTY sessment, Stephen Lapp Estate; Lot total $253 46. Date of Lien, Novem FOR DEl lNMOtafT IM 4, Blk. 51, Elliott’s Addition, Date of ber 4, 1929; amount ot Lien $816.54; East Fourth St. near Henry St. Bridge PROVEMENT LIENS Lien. Jan. 5, 1931; amount of Lien balance due on principal $816.54; in Bible School, 9:45 a. m. Annual 819 05; balance due on principal terest to date $342.95; total $1,159 4». Notice is hereby given that by $19.05; interest to date $6.48; total Nerth Oatlet Sewer Rally Day observance. virtue of a warrant issued by the City Owner of property at date of as Morning Service, 11:00 a. m. Ser Recorder ot the City of Coquille. 825.53. Lot 5, Blk. 51, ElUott’s Addi tion; date of Lien, Jan. 5, 1931; sessment, R. F. Williams; Date of mon topic, “God's Call to Rally." Oregon, commanding me so to do un amount of Lien $19.05; balance due Lien, Jan. 5, 1931; All of block 2, der authority of an order of the Com on principal $19 05, interest to date Academy Addition, except parcels Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Lot 8, Blk. 51. sold; amount of Lien $1911.48; balance Evening Service, 7:30 p. m. Ser mon Council of said City passed and $6 48; total 82543. mon topic, "What Some Business made on the 5th day of October, 1936, Elliott’s Addition; date of Lien Jan. due on principal $190,4«; interest to I will on the 9th day of November, 5, 1931; amount of Lien $19.05; bal date $«4.76; total $255.24. Date of Men, Public Officials, Doctors, Teach 193«, in the forenoon of said day at ance due on principal $19.05; inter Lien, November 7, 1329; 1J29; Be¿. Be- on S. ers, Laborers, not Active Christiana, the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. at the est to date $6.48; total $25.53. line of Blk. 2, 55 ft. E. of SW cor. front door of the City Hall in Co i' said ‘ ‘ Blk. — 2, run _ z * ; ft., run N. - Owner of property at date of as of E. 48 Do Not Seem to Know.” quille, Oregon, offer for sale at public sessment, Steplien Lapp Estate; Lot 100 ft., run 48 ft., — run' Z. S. i_J 100 — W. - C Midweek Service, Thuisday, 7:30 p. auction for cash in hand the follow 7, Blk. 51, Elliott’s Addition; Date of ft. to f beg. Beg. “ — on S. line of — Blk. 2, m. ing lots and parcels of land aituate Lien, Jan. 5, 1931; amount of Lien 158 ft. ;. E._ of _ _ ___________________ SW cor of said Blk. 2, within said City, particularly describ $19.05; balance due on principal run E 7.3 ft., run N. 100 ft., run W. Choir practice, Wed. 7:30 p. m. Earl F. Downing, minister. ed herein, together with the names of $19.03; interest to date $6.48; total 7.3 ft., run S. 100 ft. to beg. Amount owners, and improvement for which $25 53. Lot 8, Blk. 51, Elliott’s Addi of Lien $260.55; balance due on prin 264 E. Fourth St. liens were levied; said property will tion, date of Lien, Jan. 5, 1931; cipal $280.55; interest to date $125.04; be sold for the amount of liens, being amount of Lien $19.05; balance due total $385.59. unpaid and delinquent, together with on principal $19.05; interest to date Jusf off the Press I St. James Episcopal Church SUPPLEMENTAL PLAT- six per cent interest to date of aale; $6.48; total $25.53. Lot 8, Blk. 51, ACADEMY 8:00 o’clock Holly Communion. said sales will be made subject to Elliott’s Addition; date of Lien Jan. Nerth Outlet Sewer redemption as provided by law. Each 5, 1931; amoamt of Lien $19.05; bal 9:45 o’clock Church School. Owner of property at date of as It’s FREE to adults! Crammed 11:00 o'clock Morning Service and tot or parcel of land will be sold ance due on principal $19.05; interest sessment, A. H. Oden; Date of Lien, separately. Said sale is made under to date $6.48; total $25.53. Jan. 5, 1931; Lot 7, Blk. 2, Supple full of important political Sermon. ■- the provisions of the City Charter and North Outlet Sewer mental Plat to Academy Addition, news, including party plat Rev. Geo. R. Turney, Vicar. the general laws of the State of Ore Owner of property at date of as amount of Lien $12.69; balunce due forms, photos of past presi gon, for the purpose of collecting de sessment. Cathryn C. White (Bo on principal $4.09; interest to date linquent improvements liens, for the neau); Lot 3. Blk. 52, Elliott’s Ad $1.59; total $«.28. dents and present nominees, Coquille Assembly of God improvement of streets and construc dition; date of Lien Jan. 5, 1931; North Outlet Sewer election data, etc.—plus radio Mrs. Hazel MacLeod, Pastor ‘ tion of sewers, as particularly set amount of Lien $19 0J; balance due Owner of property at date of as logs and fine colored maps. forth herein. on principal $19.05; interest to date sessment, Antonio Lento; Dale of Rev. Don Mallough, Acting Pastor Come in for your copy ... .. and ELLIOTT’S ADDITION $6.48; total 825.53. Lien, Jan. 5, 1931; Lot 2, Blk. 3, Sup. Sunday: 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. Nerth Oatlet Sewer sec the new 1937 Philcos see Pnik— with N. Oatlet Sewer Plat Academy; amount of Lien $12.89; 1:00 a. m. Morning Worship; Rev. Don Owners of property at date of as balance due on principal $12.69; in Owners of property at date of as the sensational Foreign Tun- Mallough speaking. 6:30 p. m. Young sessments, Hale A J. A. Ricketts; Lot sessment, R. and Florence Thomason, terest to date $4.36; total $17.05. big Sytletn. People’s Service. 7:80 p. m. Evan 4, Block 8, Elliott’s Addition; date of Lot 2. Blk 54, Elliott’s Addition, date Date of Lien, Jan. 5, 1931; Lot 3, Blk Lien Jan. 5, 1931; amount of Lien gelistic Service. Rev. Mr. Mallough. $lft.O5; balance due on principal of Lien, Jan. 5, 1931; Amount of Lien, 3, Sup. Plat Academy; amount of 69.52; balance due on principal 89.52; Lien $12.69; balance due on principal Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting 89.05; interest to date 83.06; total interest to date 83.24; total 812.76. $12.69; interest to date $4.36; total ASK $12.13. t. Friday, 7:30 p. m. Bible study. Lot 3, Blk. 54. Elliott’s Addition; date $17.05. North OdUet Sewer of Lien, Jan. 5, 1931; balance due on N. End Sewer, N. End Paving, N. Owners of property at date of as Outlet Sewer $9.52; interest to date $3.24; rhe Pioneer Methodist Church sessment, Joseph and Rosa B. Noyer; principal Owners of property at date of as total $12.76. Lot 4, Blk. 54, Elliott’s MEW 1937 PMILCO SPECIAL EH Lot 1, Block ft, 9. ElUott ’ a Addition; Addition, date of Lien, Jan. 5, 1931; sessment, Alta B. Elwood, (Fidelity B. W. Raymond Wilder. Minister date of Lien, WU. Jan. 5, 1931; amount of amount of Lien $9.52; balance due on 8c L. Ass’n.) Date of Lien, Septem d —.L MA C10B* 1__ AA LMVII, eeM- *_ •_ U, • 1WI, • • • ■ Mid-week service, Wednesday, 7:30 r Lien L sbvii gg.ug , URiaiKT uue UI1 89.52; balance due on i principal principal I $9.52; interest to date $3.24; ber, 16, 1929; Lot 5, Blk. 14, North PRE-ELECTION Th» Mandard oí value io an Aanrkan and Foreign Baby Grand. Latear fea- p. m. 89.52; interest to date $3. 1.34; total ___ , total r". . . : Addition; amount of Lien $92.03; bal . S1Ï. . 1-76 turra — fine tone—hand- CXXXX nfl Q Elliott Vili»«»'« , --------- ---------------- Block 8, ’s I ! Fourth A 812.76. EH Lot 2, Blocl Sunday services: Sunday School some cabinet. Laaa Aerial ♦Q<J-OW Division 8t. Improvement ance due on principal $92.08; interest Addition; date of Lien, J Jan. 5, 1931; Date Owner of property at date of as- to date $44.16; total $136.24. *SeU ealy uüb PMI10 Hitl-EfMncr 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. amount of Lien 89.52; Bal ___________ dance due on i sessment, Henry Sengstacken Co.. ot Lien November 7, 1929; amount AniJ It hume grturil fertile reeefeiee. m. Epworth Leagues 6:30 p principal 89.52; interest to date 83.24. (O. O. Werth); Lot 9, Blk. 55, Elliott’s of Lien $229.37; balance due on prin Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m. Liberal Trada-ia Allcwanca— BAST TERMS total 812.76. EH Lot 3, Block ft, El Addition; date of Lien October 15, cipal $229.37; interest to date $96.32; liott's Addition; date of Lien Jan. 5, 1923; amount of Lien $22 62; balance total $325.69. Date of Lien Jin. 5, 1881; amount of Lien $9.52; Balance due on principal $22.62; Interest to 1931; amount of Lien $14.29; balance Church of God due on principal 89.52; lntereat to ■ date $17.64; total $404«. due on principal $14.29; interest to Corner Seventh and Henry date 8344; tota!81176. date $4 M; total $19.15. Coalter St. No. 1 Improvement Taylor Stroot Im*rovoflMnt . Owner of property at date of as Seventh, Eighth, Tenth. Eleventh. Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Owners of Property at date of as Coulter A Heath Preaching service, 11:00 a. m. Sub sessment Mrs. Annie Burkholder sessment E. Mineau (T. T. Bennett Owner of property at date of as Estate); lot 9, Blk. 32, Elliott's Addi ject: “The Church that Christ Built.” (Ralph E. Nosier); Lot 1, Block 11, tion; date of Lien Mar. 1, 1927; sessment, Emma J. Guilford, (Oren SOUTHWESTERN OREGON» GREATEST at Elliott's Addition; date of Lien Feb. amount of Lien $94.85; balance due B. Coy, E. L. Townsend). Matt. 16: IB. Date of Preaching service 7:30 p. m. Sub 2, 1920; amount of Lien $15 00; bal on principal 894.85; interest to date Lien, Mar. 1, 1922; Lot 11, Blk. 8, ance due on principal 815.00; Interest 834.15; Lot 10, Blk. 32, Elliott’s Ad North Addition; amount of Lien Marshfield, Oregon ject: “The Unity of God’s People." to date 88.10; total $23.10. dition, and strip of land 10 ft. wide $100.24; balance due on principal Prayer service Thursday evening, Sixth A Other Streets Improvement E. and W. and 100 ft. long N. and S. $20 04; interest to date $7.30; total Owner of property of as *rty at date as* Immediately 7:30 p. m. Immediately adjacent adjacent to to i said Lots 9 C “ 22. EUiott z;;.„„’ i s Addition; Brandon; Lot 4, and 10, ¿L. Blk 32, North Outlet Sewer Rev. J. J. Gillespie, Pastor sessment, Laura C. 209R Block 11, Elliott’ * s Addition; nouiuon, date oaie at or date Owner of property at date ot as- date of of Lien Lien Mar. Mar. 1. 1, 1927; 1927; amount of Lien, Feb 5, 1928: amount of Lien Lien 887 23; balance due on principal sessment, Maybelle Cowan, Date of $41.49; balance due on principal 887.25; interest to date 831.40; total Lien, Jan. 5, 1931; Beg. 325 ft. N. ot Met hud wt Episcopal Church «8.05; i interest to date . »• total k - $8.70; 8247.83. Lot 4, Blk. 17, North Add., run N. Evening preaching 8:00 p. m. $37.76, 75 ft., run E. 95 ft. run S. 75 ft., run NOTLEY*8 ADDITION Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p Improving Sixth 4b Other 0 “ A Streeta First Street Sewer Repair W. 95 ft. to beg.; amount of Lien Owners of property at i date of as- Owner of property at date of as $28.57; balance due on principal Ha: *. A) i «»azel M. Lamb; sessment. Paul Sterling; date of Lien g*JJ7; interest to date $9.71; total Scriptural, spiritual preaching. Ev- sessment, R. H. it 10/ft. E. and 233.52 Feb. 4. 1929; WH Lot I, Blk. 61, Not- beg. at a point < yone welcome. ft. N of --------- NE cor. c * of * Lot 8, Blk. 11, ley’s Addition; amount of Lien 36.67; seventh. Eighth, Tenth. Eleventh. G A. Gray, Pastor. Elliott's Add. run N 80 ft., W 100 ft, balance due on principal 88.67; in Coulter A Heath Street Improvement 107 E 2nd St., Coquille, Ora S. 80 ft. E. 100 ft. to beg.; date of Lien terest to date 83.06; total 89.73. Date Owner of property at date of as Feb. 5, 1929; amount of Lien $29.19; ot Lien Feb. 4, 1929; WH Lot 6, sessment, Annie Nosier (Chas. D. balance due on principal $29.19; in Blk 81. Notley’s Addition, amount of Walker).' Date of Lien May 1, 1922; Hirst Church of Chrtat, Sciential terest to date^$13 14; tota! $42 33. Lien $6 67; balance due on principal Beg. at a point in E. line oi Coulter Owrters of property' at "date'of aa- $6.67; interest to date 83.06; total St. North Addition, 6J ft. E. and 21U Coquille, Oregon 89.73. ft. S. of SE cor. oi Lot 12, Blk. 10 of Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Masment. W H. k K T. Wimer, (Ed North Oatlet Sewer North Add., thence £. 200 ft., thence Sunday Service at 11 a. m. McK.-own Estate); Lot 8, Blk. 18, Owner of property at date of as S. 55 ft, thence W. 200 ft. to W. line Subject for next Sunday, "Doctrine Elliott’s Addition; date of Lien Mar sessment, J. W Reynolds; date of of Coulter St, thence N. 55 ft. to 1, 1927; amount of Lien $758.92: bal Lien Jan. 1, 1931; Lot 6, Blk. 63, Not ptace of beg.; amount of Lien $45.40; »1 Atonement." ance due on principal $303 56; inter ley’s Addition; amount of Lien $19.05; ualance due on Lien »45.40; interest Wednesday evening meeting at 8 est to date $109.29; total $41245. interest to date $6.48; total 825.53. to date $24.48; total $«u 68. Date of o’clock. Sixth A Other Sts N Oatlet Sewer N. Outlet Sewer Ucn May 1, 1922; Beg. at a point in Owner of property at date of as Free public Reading Room open tn Owners of property at date of as line of Coulter St, North Add. «0 /■JW, sessment, A. V. Hatcher; Lot 5 and «, sessment, Nosier & Walker, Inc., (Jas ft. E. and 265 ft. S. of SE cor. of Church Building every Tuesday and Blk 24, ElUott’a Addition; date of Lien, W. & Marjorie Dennis); date of Lien Lot 12, Blk. 10, of North Add, thence Friday afternoons except holidays Feb. 5, 1929; amount of Lien $95.10; T*a KNOCKABOUT Jan. 5, 1931; Lot 7, Blk. 65, Notley’s E. 200 ft, thence S. 110 ft, thence W. rom two to five o’clock. —full (rm bother. balance due on principal $85.59; in Addition; amount of Lien 89.52; bal 200 ft. to E. line of Coulter street, Heel for vori, ouateg. The public is cordially invited to terest to date $30.84: total $118.43. ance due on principal $9.52; interest thence N. 110 ft. to place of beg.; ittend our services and to visit the Lot 8, Block 24, Elliott's Addition; to date $3.24; total $12.76. Date of amount of Lien $90.80; balance due date of Lien. Feb. 5, 1028; amount of Lien, Jan. 5. 1931; Lot 8, Blk. 65. on principal $90.80; interest to date Reading Room. Lien $88.83; balance due on principal Notley’s Addition, amount of Lien $48.M; total $139.76 $88.83; interest to date 833.40; total 39.52; balance due on principal 89.52; North End Paving interest to date 83 24; total $12.76. Owner of property at date of as rhe Holy Name CatheBc Chwrcft $92.23. Taylor St ha». N. Oatlet Sewer Nerth Outlet Sewer sessment, Ruth Kern; Date of Lien, Here’s the Bergmann Knoekobout, an un Owner of property at date of as Mass on first and third Sundays at Owner of property at date of as November 4, 1929; Beg. 200 ft. N. of usual value in a light-weight shoe foe gen- 8 a. m.; second Sunday at 10 a. m. and sessment, W. A. Seaman: beg. at NE sessment, Wm. H. Smith; Date of NE cor. of Blk. 14, North Add, run cor. of Lot 8, Blk. 11, «liotfs Add , eeal use. Soft and easy on your feet, yet vhen there arc five Sundays, Mass on run E 10 ft, ran N. 293.52 ft, run Lien, Jan. 5, 1981; Lot 8, Blk. 66, W. 100 ft, run N. 50 ft, run E. 100 Notley’s Addition amount of Lien made so well they wear like iron. Due to 'ourth Sunday at 10 a. m. Last Sun- W 100 ft, ran N. 293.52 ft, ran W. $9.52; balance due on principal $9.52; ft, run S. 50 ft, to beg.; emount of Lien, $179.32; balance due on princi their low cost and durability, they give you 139.42 ft, to Mnd.-Coq. hwy, and lay of each month Mesa at Myrtle interest to date $3.24; total $12.78. pal $179.32: interest to date $52.90; the cheapest shoe mileage ycj can buy. to within 90 ft. of center of said hwy, Date of Lien Jan. 5, 1931; Lot 8, Blk. total $232.22. Point at 8 a. m. and at Powers at 1ft which point is the place of beg. ran 66, Notley’s Addition; amount of Aik for Borgmann Knotkobouit the next Street Improvement a. m. S. 100 ft. along E. boundary of said Lien, $19.05; balance due on principal time you need shc^s. S hoe Grente Owner of Property ot date of as Father M. G Hart, Bandon hwy, ran E. 132.42 ft, ran N. 100 $19.06; interest to date $6.48; total ruin lutitr lute sessment, Homer Gant Date of Lien. ft, ran W. 192.42 ft. to beg. Also $25.53. Mar. 3, 1930; Lot 8, Blk 4, First Ad longer. Buy it in the • strip of tend 11.59 ft. in width im North Outlet Sewer dition to Coquille Heights; amount of her.dy 2fe tube. Abo mediately E. ot said prop. Leas N. 50 Owner of property at date of as Lien $50.00; balance due on principal miliblt (Grette or ft.; date ot Lien, May 90, 1931; sessment, Margaret J. Merickle; Date $50.00; interest to date $18.00; total Shopping Center Since 1887 Oil) in cenrenienl amount of Lien 817.98; balance due of Lien, Jan. 5, 1831; Lot 9, Blk. 87, 368.00. IMU. on Lien 817.58; interest to date 96.35; Notley’s Addition; amount of Lien, Grand View Terraoe total 888.88. S190|; balance due on principal Owner of property at date of as Owner of property at date ot as- $18.06; interest to date 86.48; total sessment, Eppie Griffith, (Linwood < A. Seaman; another $25.53. ïtas. U» mm Sice K. A. Ç-- UJl N. W. Udi B. Jones); Date of Lien Mar. 8, 1830; hirtfioit, Uf«M North Outlet Sewer been helping his son, Hubert, and Lot 2, Block 5, First Addition to Co Owner of property at date of as quille Heights; amount of Lien family get settled in one of the tent sessment, L. E. Rudy: d $50.00; balance due on principal Mayse the past ten days or so. Mr. homes in Bandon. BREWSTER VALLEY Jan. 5, 1931; Lot 3, Blk. $45.00; interest to date $15.50; total Mrs C. M. Wilson is recovering Mayse had his arm and hand so badly Addition: amount of I The company of CCC boys who 9.05; balance due on principa slowly but is very weak yet. Her Lewis English, burned that he couldn’t milk. He have been at Camp Sitkum for the terast to date $6.48; total 53. City Marshal, stumbled in some of the burned de daughters, Mrs. Ivan Laird and Mrs. ORIGINAL TO last six months left for Chicago Mon 39t5 City of Coquille bris on the Christensen place and W. A. Nickason, are with her nearly Faring Front Street day, Oct. 12, and a new company Mr. Wilson has also caught his hand in some that was all the time Owners of property at date of If you want to subscribe for a Port from Texas came in the same day. seaament, Eva S. Currie (Geo R land daily the clubbing combination been having quite a siege with the flu. still afire. Perley Crowley, John Roberts. Os Johnson); Date of Lien, Fab. 1, 1926; Mrs. Albert Christensen and Chris Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Laird received S. 50 ft. of Lot 1, Block 1, Original we offer with the Sentinel will aavc car Durrell and Lester Durrell helped word Saturday that Sam Hill, of Red- tina gave a farewell dinner Sunday Town; amount of Lien, $282.12:b:d- you money. Albert Christensen last Thursday and ding, Calif., had passed away after for Melvin and Richard Christensn, ance due on principal $197.49; inter Friday in the building of a new bam est to date $88.46; total 8285.95. r being in the hospital two weeks. Sam who left with their company Monday. to take the place of the one that | Hill was an old and dear friend and KNOWLTON HEIGHTS Those present were Roy Peart, Eu Knowlton Avenue Improvement burned. ... .... i had visited here at their home not gene Christensen from Coquille, the . Owners of property at date of as A. F. A A. M. The fire that roared around Spilt 1Qn| Albert Christensen family and the sessment, Walter S. Hodge, (Eu- mountain and through Bear Wallow | To a contest that has been honored guests. phoenia Dimmick, Interstate Fid. B. Stated Communication * L. Ass’n.); Date of Lien, May 1,f and down over the hills south of „„ in the Young People’s 1922; 4, > Blk. A. Knowlton Lien, Mar. 1, 1927; amount of Lien, J» 22; Lot 4 Tues., Nov. 10, 7:30 p. m. Nickasons and Mayses threatened gunday school class for the past three ______ 1 of Lien 892 81; bal $23.85; balance due on principal Heights; amount valley folks again last Friday and | month, a party was given by the los- principal 827.78; interest I $23.65; interest to date $7.15; total ance due .“ on “P™ Saturday. Lester Mayse moved his .g sjde gt the home of the cIagg to date 811.69; total 839 47. Date of $30.80. lOj Blk. vu, 45, baimm Elliott I’ ’ s s Ad Ad- ‘ ‘ -^v.*v. Lot lam ,v, household goods out into the fields^ I Mrt w Keller, Saturday dition, A a strip of land 10 ft. wide Lien August 19, 1929; amount of W. A. Nickason had theirs packed and evening. The leaders were Christina k 50 ft. long lying immediately ad Lien 8339 49; balance due on princi-j interest to date 8142.58; jacent to MIU iuta, WIK V* LAW ready to move. The Marshfield men Christensen _ ........ ___ ___ and Wilda Shepherd. A March 1. 1927; amount of Lien who came to help moved all of Dur- new ^as been started which 26.80; balance due on principal rell’l best pieces of furniture to the lagt until Christmas. ebrijtmaj The lead- 16.80; interest to date $8 00; total Local & Distance Owners of property at date of as-| pk-l.* — Aa tVkA firn Irav. 1 * — . . — . $34.80. Christensen home. As the^ fire trav- erg gre the Krewson sisters, Elods sessment, A. it Agnes Lea ton. (State elled on, the wind changed and took and Velma. Those attending the per- of Oregon). Date of Lien, Jan. 5, it west. The L. B. L. logging com ■ ty were Richard Christensen, Velma Owner of property at date of as 1931; Beg. on E. line of Blk. 2, Acad sessment, Delle M. Belloni; Lot 3, emy Add. 270 ft. N. of SE cor. of pany moved their logging outfit out Krewson, Raymond Wild, Mrs. E. L. Examined Blk. 45, Elliott's Addition; date of Blk. 2, run W. 50 ft. run N. 108.5 feet, of camp. The fire didn’t get to any Boles. Priscilla Miller. Alice Ober- Fitted Lien, Mar. 1, 1927; amount of Lien run E. 50 ft. run S. 108.5 ft. to beg.; of these places but the motto was, man, 887.25; balance due on principal amount of Lien 819.05; balance due on Eloda Melvin Christensen, ‘ Better be safe than sorry." $8745; interest to date £6.15: total principal 819.05; interest to date Room Krewson. Marino Callifello, Emil $113.40. Lot 4, Blk. 45, Elliott's Ad- 86.48; total US48. - Those who have visited with Mrs. Bizub, Claud Hicks, Sherman Spen- witn Nerth End Sewer, North End Paving Crowley the past two weeks and cer. Dean Oberman, Ted Miller, Lin- Owner of property at date of as worked on the pansy quilt, which has coin Miller and the Killer family. Re- Ijiird sessment, Maybelle F. Cowan; Date ot Lien. September 16, 1920; Beg. at been set up at her home, are Mee- (freshmenta of cookies, apples and 178-L NW cor. of Blk. 1, Academy Add , J dames Oscar Durrell. Ernest Krew- punch were served. run E. 95 ft., run S. 75 ft., ran W. son. Elmer Wilson and W. A. Keller. | Grant Harry came Monday to visjt 95 ft run N. 75 ft. to beg. Amount Carrier John Bettincourt left Monday for .his sister, Mrs. J. D. Laird, and other of Lien 8178.48; balance due on prin Election Edition FOR FREE TRIAL TERMS COQUILLE BRANCH 315 West Fii Phone BERGMANN . WORK I SHOES f A Cheapest in the long run H. N. LORENZ B erssunfwmçeoes Chadwick Lodge No. 68 Dr. De La Rhue H. E HUDDLE Eyesight Specialist Lons I HAUUNG Eyes Moving a Specialty Glasses Reception Jointly Dr. J. R. Bunch Building Phone 82- . Coquille his home after working for Lecter • relatives for a few days. V ,, He had coal Phone Insured cipal 8178.49; interest to data 874.97;