5'J Ford Branch Manager Here Mrs. Howard Pribble Buried The school board of Riverside dis MYRTLE POINT ITEMS trict held a meeting Thursday to let Mrs. A. M. Fish and daughter, El bids for building a new porch and lendale, left Monday morning for walk. Portland where they will make their home. ( Mrs. Rose Garrett left Thursday mominy for McMinnville, where she will make her home this winter while The West Coast Telephone Com her daughter, Margaret, to attending Linfield College. Mrs. Guy Wood pany has announced a substantial re cock and son, Billy, who have been duction in toll rates and in certain of visiting at the Garrett home for sev its other rates applicable in the Coos eral weeks, returned to their home in county district. Toll rate reductions become effective October 1, 1936. Portland. William Jackson and Priscilla De- The reductions in the other rates be yoe, of Lakeside, spent Sunday at the come effective October 10, 1936. People in southwestern Oregon wiU W. W. Deyoe home. Mrs. Charles McCracken entertain probably be most interested in the re-, ed with a lovely stork shower Friday duction of toll rates which has been Rates have heretofore afternoon in honor of Mrs. Dale announced. Druliner. Refreshmetns were served been based on a 1H minute initial the following guests, Mesdames H. talking period with only ooe class of Druliner, D. Druliner, W. W. Deyoe, toll service being offered. The new » Florence Guerin, Gnadt, A. Craven rates provide for all classes of toll service including day station-to-sta- and Zumwalt. IN COOS COUNTY Mrs. Fred Snyder entered the Mast tion service, day person-to-person Hospital Sunday evening and on service, night and Sunday station-to- ONE-HALF OF FARMS, HOMES, AND Monday morning underwent an ap station service and night and Sunday OTHER PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO pendicitis operation. She to reported person-to-person service. The Initial period on all classes of calls will be 3 as getting along satsifartorlly. SALE FOR TAXES’ P. W. Laird and H. Eickmeyer re minutes in length instead of 1H min turned the last of the week from a utes in length. The initial period rates Already hundreds have been taken and yours may be next when the tex raiders decide to enforce the law! two weeks business trip to California. for practically all calls are substan So long as you remain silent the burden >ou bear mi Glenn Snyder, of Boise, Idaho, ar tially lowered. your home or farm will continue to increase. For 1931, For example, the previous rate for rived recently and plans to spend the tax delinquency for Coes County was 36%: for 1933, 47%: Card of Thanks winter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. a stetion-to-station call between Co and in 1935, 56%. You are gambling that you can con For the kindness and sympathy of I Herbert Snyder. tinue to own your home! It to up to you to demand a quille and Marshfield was 25c for 1H voice in the tax levied on your home or farm. The TAX friends and neighbors dttnng our re Mr. and Mrs. Woods, of Los minutes of conversation or 55c for LIMITATION BILL limits the heaping of yearly moult cent bereaveffieKTand for the beauti I Angeles, arrived Monday and movetd three minutes of conversation. The ing texes on your property; it gives you the right to AP At NOON Every ful floral offerings at the funeral of on to their cattle ranch, which they new rate will be 15c for a three-min PROVE increases if you want them! It's up to YOU! WEDNESDAY Mrs. Ida May Priblbe, we wish to ex recently purchased from Mrs. Corliss. ute stetion-to-station conversation. Tax Delinquency m Oregon Is now $46,510,724.53 Dedicated to press our sincere appeclation. C'ayton and Danford Mast and Rates between other pointe are cor Howard Pribble and family. June Chandler returned home Sun respondingly lower. '* The Oregon Coast” Mrs. Mary Dey and family. The new classes of toll service of day evening from a few days’ trip to Reno, Nevada, where they visited fered by the company include sta- BOMB A PABM OWXBKS ASSN. Of OKSOON, AnwdM M. Smith, PnaidaM “ S.W. WssUagtta Street, Portland, Oregon Calling cards. 40 for JI.Oil tion-to-station service which is ser Mrs. F. S. Wright and family. Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Cronk return vice between one telephone and ed home Wednesday from a few days' another telephone (that is, when call for your party by trip to Salem, where they attended you telephone number) and person-to- the funeral of a friend. Mr. and Mr*. John Carver, who person service which to telephone have been working in Glenbum, Cal service from one person to another ifornia, are spending a few days vis person (that is telephone service iting friends before moving to Mt where you call for a particular per Night and Sunday service Shasta, where Mr. Carver has a posi son.) which is given on both stetion-to- tion as night watchman Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lamb returned station and person-to-person calls, to home from Portland, where they at effective from 7:00 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. tended the Pacific International Stock and all day Sunday. It is estimated that the new toll rates will result in Show. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mast, Mrs. Fran savings to southwestern Oregon tel ces Floyd and daughter, Ivylene, re ephone users of approximately J3000 turned home from a trip to Spokane per year. Washington, and Idaho The rate for residence extension Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alkire returned telephones has also been reduced to their home in Portland after a from 65c per month to 50c per month week's visit with Mrs. Cords Lew for wall telephones. The rates for ellen. handset telephones or french-type Miss Leone Rissberger returned to telephones as they are sometimes her home In Roseburg after spending known, have also been lowered. The to a-few days in Myrtle Point. rate for the handset telephone of the desk type is only 15c additional to the rate for the old style desk instru FAIRVIEW The Fairview-North Fork Grange ment instead of 25c as heretofore met at the community building last charged. The rate for the wall hand Saturday evening for a regular meet set type of instrument to the same as ing. The first and second degrees of the rate for a standard desk tele initiation were given the following phone. This is a reduction of 25c per ON DAY 8TATION TO STATION CALLS ON WHICH THE INI candidates: Mr and Mrs. Cortlsnd month over the rate previously TIAL PERIOD IS OVER 38 CENTS. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Farmer and charged for wall handsets and a re Here are typical 3 minute rates from COQUILLE to: to duction of 18c per month in the case Bandon 15c Lakeside 25c Marshfield 15c Myrtle Point 16c Mr. and Mrs. Eldin Mathews North Bend 15c Pert Orford 36c Powers 26c Reedsport 35c Mr. and Mrs. Carl Alley and Har of the desk type handset. Service connection charges have riet Jensen left last Sunday afternoon for Klamath Falls. They planned to also been reduced. The service con to, nection charge of >1.50 will apply in return some time this week. Joe Cassidy and Edwin Jones mo the future when a telephone to re See This Beautiful New Model $ tored to Portland on Thursday ot last installed on telephone wiring previ WARNS 45 YEAR OLD- Electric Refrigeration week. They returned the next day. ously used. In such installations the and Compare the Value ERS WHO ARE 20 Air Conditioning Mr. and Mrs. William Judd are service connection charge will only Reliable men with fair education LBS. TOO FAT be J1.50 instead of the >3.50 as very proud of their first grandson, who are mechanically inclined and born test week to Mr. and Mrs. Babe charged in the larger towns and the would like to better themselves >2.50 charge as made in the smaller Judd. Must be willing to train spare time to learn installing and servicing Mrs. John Wolski and son, Harvey. towns. work. No experience necessary Total reductions in ’re 45 to 50 and about 20 ot Los Angeles, and Mrs. R. L. Law Write giving age, present occupa ght — watch out! Med- n«unced toy the comp Phone 115-L Coquille, Ore. 335 First St rence, of Glendale, have been visiting tion, etc. say you've got much Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Menning. They w*U amount to a saving leas chance of living to a ripe old age UTILITIES ENGINEERING »,500.00 per year to telephone left Friday morning. as people of normal weight. INSTITUTE If not for beauty's sake—then for Mr. and Mrs. Perry Neal motored 464 N. Wells St. Chicago, Ill. your HEALTH ’ S sake start reducing to Bandon last Sunday. Mr* Mrs! right away But make sure you use s took four comforters and throe pain SAFE method. Thousands have ob- of pillows which had been made the ■ained marvelous results doing this: Cut down on fat meats, butter, previous week by the Fairview ladies, cream, and sugary sweets. Eat more down to families in Bandon. fruit and vegetables Take a hall The local Townsend dub to offering teasponful of Kruachen Salts in a a splendid program at the meeting to glass of hot water first thing every morning to help proper elimination be held Saturday evening. The en of harmful excess poisons and waste tertainment will consist of songs Kruschen acts on both UPPER and music readings, tapping and should LOWER bowel—insures blissful dailj b* very enjoyable. bowel action without purging or harsh cathartics and helps keep you Residents of Fairview were greatly feeling fine, fit and full of pep toward saddened and surprised to hear of the a ripe old age. Jar lasts for weeks death of John Phillips, a former resi and coats but few cents dent of this vicinity. He died at his home at Leona Thursday night of last week. Mr. Phillips was born Febru Maud Skaggs Woodyard ary 20. 1867. at Chicago, Illa. He to Bachelor of Music Ctowr «to nfrigmtttr triti • Never have we been survived by hto widow, Fannie S.. A oer edited teacher of tit fntl Ao— L^thtti and one son, Harold S. Phillips, and able to offer a bigger Piano and Voice six grandchildren; one brother, James • CtednuTMe B»w/» «•/ dollar T worth of refrig 186 a. Henry 84. Phone 56« Phillips, ot Saugatuck, Mich. Chris DMyUd. JMnjUnf- erator than we afer you ■OWN SATMSgT tian Science services were held Sun ss tsw *t «n Autor • AJ/iittib io tbit new Norge. day afternoon. Interment was at the Sitlf . dWMMS* Beautv, convenience, effi I. O. O. F. and A. F. & M. cemetery Fitti Ltfit • Cinti) ciency, dependable per near Cottage Grove. Sfatti SMfBftt Norman Powell of the navy visited formance, operating hto parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pow s • May ««tor he economy—evwyrdrag. ell, and friends here this week. I I ftttttutitli Come in and tee the great r-driqirtdion est Norge of all time. Local and Ixmg Distance bumed foot, the result of stepping into a covered pocket of fin. Fre<f Jbhnaon mtirtsinsd Ms family and friends with a bear hunt last Tuesday The party consisting of Mrs. R. L. Lawrence, Harvey Wol ski, both of California, Harold Schra SOUTHWESTERN OREGON'S GREATEST der, Donald Phillips, Mr. and Mrs Fred Johnson and Viola, greatly en Marshfield, Oregon joyed seeing the animal. This to the fourth black bear caught by Mr. Johnson in the past three weeks. One of them was as large as any caught in Hall—10:30 a. Phone 209R 315 Wert First this section. J. J Hague, branch manager of the Funeral se rvices were conducted at Ford Motor Co. at Portland, was a the Schroeder Bron.* Mortuaries by Coquille visitor on Monday, confer- ilE^^F. Downing at 3:30 Wednesday ling with the Ford agency here, the afternoon. for Mrs. Howard Pribble, Niles Motor Co. of Rink creek, who died Sunday Speaking of the new Lincoln- morning at the Keizer hospital in Zephyr V-12 for 1937, the pre- North Bend CL- ___ . ill 111 for She had ' been view of which Mr. Niles attended some time, but had been in the hos- at Portland last week, Mr. Hague ( pt tai for only a few days. Interment said: “Tui remarkable showing the'was in the Masonic cemetery here. Lincoln-Zephyr V-12 has made the Born Ida Kate Dey, Nov. IB, 1880, last year indicates the widespread at Spring Hill, Iowa, she was married approval of this car by the public. to Howard Pribble at Vernon, Ills, Celebrating the first anniversary of 40 years ago. They came to Coquille the Lincoln-Zephyr car as we are at first in 1019, and had lived in Cali this time, we are proud that in one fornia and other Oregon points since year it has advanced to a position of' that time before settling on Rink prominence in the medium-price creek about five or six years ago. field. This we feel is due to ‘years Beside her husband she Is survived ahead* advanced styling, exceptional by eight children, Mrs. Arthur Pach value and many exclusive features.” eco, of Santa Maria, CaMf, Mrs. Jas. Drake, of Seaside, Calif, Mrs. T. S. Calling carda, SO tor SI.00. Drake, Miss Oladys Pribble, Stephen, Walter, Harold and Howard Pribble, Jr, all of Coquille; her mother, Mrs. Mary Dey, of Dayton, Ore, who is visiting here now; five brothers, Stcpehn Dey, of Coquille; Harry, of Corvallis; Louis D, of Lorane; Roas, of Rockaway, Ore.; Leslie, of Myrtle Point; and one sister, Mrs. Edna, War ner, of Dayton, Ore. Ten grandchil dren also survive. Romance of ~thc highways KOOS» Tf's time to call a halt! TO LIÏÏ1IT PROPERTY TAXES 3I0XYES DIXIE CIRCULATORS New Modern Design All Cast 20 in. Firepot Wood Burning, Weight 270 lbs _ ■BOISTA RATES REDUCED TI piii SunHnn Hight WEST COAST TELEPHONE COMPANY Stevens Cash Hardware FOR A BIGGER DOLLARS WORTH «to «%, CALIFORNIA NORGE Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co. HAUUNG COQUILLE BRANCH COAL, FUEL OIL and MILL W a