—— ARAGO is the daughter of Mrs. Golden and The Freshman return party was sister, of Mr. Burbank. given in the Arago gym Friday night Mrs. Marv in Shaw has been releas­ with Bernice Gillespie, Kenton Myers ed from quurantine as all whooping and Everett Doyle as hosts to the rest .*ough patients have recovered. of the high school. Mrs. Chester Root and daughters, Senior girls have been working Lois and Al'se, of Powers, spent from since school began re-numbering and "riday trnB'. Sunday at the home of le- indexing the library books. Many her parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Wal­ new books added to the shelves at len. Mr. Wallen is ill. the suggestion of the state standardi- Mrs. Nile Miller spent Thursday at zattbn committee mpOrti^s nemsary. the home of her son, Orvus, in Co­ They hope to finiswi the work soon. quille, helping care for their three- Mrs. John Meyers has returned to year-old daughter, Phyllis, who has her home after nursing her cousin, been seriously ill with an intestinal Mrs. Tullia Benham in her last ill­ malady. She is recovering nicely ness. Mrs. Benham was also an aunt now. of Mrs. Daisy Doyle. Lloyd Purser and Jim Merlin re­ Rai t Tuesday evening brought re­ turned from fire fighting duties on lief from smoke and fear of fire to Rock creel. Thursday evening. the residents in the Hall's Creek area. A Room Improvement 4-H club Fall arins are usually welcome to was organ! ted ’ Thursday afternoon Oregonians but this year they are re­ with Mrs. Lawrence Rackleff as lead­ er. The officers elected were Ethel garded as a real blessing. .Mr. and Mrs. Ed Myers visited Chappell, uresident; Betty Brotton, their brother-in-law, Frank Lane, vice president; Anre Watkins, secre­ Tuesday. Hearing of his illness but tary; Laura Bernice Lillie, treasurer; not realizing how serious it was they Maxine Rcckeflf, publicity. Weekly went to his home in the Roy district meetings will be held each Friday at to find he had been taken to the Co­ the home of the leader. quille hospital Monday. He Is suf­ “DUFTo tlie Illness of the leader, David Root, who is suffering from fering severely. The Garoutte trucks will finish the a prolonged . ttack of poison oak, no season’s haul on Fishtrap this week. Bible study was he’d this week. Zettie, A'mu and Vester Ray have They moved out of Hall’s Creek last enrolled in the lower grade room. week. Ellis and Lyle Barklow drove In Henry Fredenberg visited his daughter, Mrs. Rodney Davenport, from Terre tonne, Oregon, Thursday i last week and Mr. and Mrs. Daven­ evening, They loaded the household port brought him home Monday af­ goods of their parents and returned ternoon. They also called at the Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bark- ■ low and Bonnie Jean will leave for home of her uncle, Oluf Aasen. Wednesday, October 7, was the their new home this week. Rev. G. A. Gray, of Coquille, con- | birthday of Ed Myers, his nephew, Harvey Myers, and his btother-in- ducted the morning service at Arago law, Frank Lane. On Sunday Mr. Sunday. Lloyd Pu.-ser preached for and Mrs. Ed Myers and Oliver, Mr. the last time Sunday evening. Unless and Mrs. Wayne Woodward and Ger­ he changes his plan he will leave for j ald, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Halter, Mr. his home in Ims Angeles before next! Miss Alice Scott led the ’ and Mrs. L. A. Myers, Hervey, Ken­ Sunday ton and Lillaverla all drove to Sun- Christian Endeavor hour. Rev. W.l s *t to celebrate the event. The Lanes Raymond Wilder, of Coquille, will were unable to Join them due to Mr. preach Sunday morning, October 18. Mrs. Thena Warner, ot Broadbent, Lane’s illness. Oliver Myers has returned to his spent from Wednesday until Sunday home after working for several weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Watkins. Miss Esther Davidson left Friday on Eckley mountain, where he drove a water truck over the logging road. for her home in Foiest Grove, where Mis. Lawrence Rackleff, Mrs. Sam ’be «2’nt the week end helping cel- Root and Mrs. 3. L. Burtis attended brate her sister’s birthday. This was icr first trip home since school start- ! Pomona Grange Tuesday. B. B. Watkins returned to Bandon, id. She returned Monday morning. ! Friends were Sony to hear of the wheie he will pick cranberries, Tues­ 'ootball acidcnt Saturday which re­ day. Mis. Tyrrell Woodward has been sulted in a broken leg for Merle Ran­ dleman. former Arago student. The ill for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Anderson, of break was through both leg bones Minneapolis, Minnesota, arrived Sat­ near the ankle. He is recovering as urday for a brief visit with Mr. and radily as could be expected. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Burtis left for Mrs. Frank Burbank and Mr. and Mrs. George Golden. Mrs. Anderson their home In Portland Friday, after spending several weeks visiting at he home of their son, J. L. Butris. Mr. and Mrs. George Carl, of Port­ land. are visiting at the John Carl home this weew. Mr. Carl preached at the morning service at the Breth- -en Church in Myrtle Point Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Edgmon left Wednesday vening to visit Mr. and Mrs. Art Doyle, of Gaylord, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Doyle, of Powers, re­ turning to their home Thursday eve­ ning. Mr. and Mrs. George Hampton re­ turned Sunday afternoon from Port­ land, where they had charge of the Coos county booth at the Pacific In­ ternational Livestock Show. Ethan Parker enrolled in school Monday morning. An appendix oper­ ation the week before school opened caused his late arrival. Ellis Rackleff, who attended the Pacific International as the guest of lhe First National Bank of Portland, «cored first in the individual judging; with a score of 370 out of a possible W0. He returned Thursday night. Residents in this area, which has been so direly threatened by fire this year, heartily hgree with the news story in last week’s Sentinel, that nore burning is what this county needs and then the woods would be clean. If the fire hazards were kept burned out then a period of low hu­ midity would not find the county in such a highly combustible state. Un­ burned logging woods are left till hey become an almost inevitable danger to green timber while if the burning was done deliberately when the humidity was high with sufficient men to watch there would be little danger. Old cedar tops are about as dangerous as gasoline-soaked rags when the humidity gets low. Surely Coos county will not have to suffer again from the wrong theory of pro- ‘ection. Standard Oil Self-Polishing Wax drlee bright without a if ----- *— . nnL polishing. If you prefer a pol laher, choose Standard Oil Paste or Liquid Wax. -»-.aa.aaa.Maaow aa STANDARD OIL SELF-POUSHING ——“ — \A/ A IT . And don t forget Other Standard Oil housekeeping helps —Standard OU Fly Spray, Standard Oil Cleaning Flnid. Standard Oil I urniture Polish. BRIDGE Mr' and Mr* James Morrison and ,hlldren Evelyn and Edward late prj PACKARD SIX 2ND PRIZE $400.00 in Cash! THIS CONTEST 1 Effective in SAFEWAY Stores ia OREGON Except Pendleton, Condon, Freewater, Heppner. Hermlsl oir aV/ “ Southwestern Washington TALL CAN CASE and In Altaras, Calif. STOCK UP ON EXTRAS SMALL WJI _ - _* Fresh BARRELL ILfiífiíS Cooking Fine For 2 nÈ- ’ DOZEN £ ( M HIGHWAY Delicious MEdtCllCS BBoxCtn. ROSE CITY Macaroni 3 1 Pounds - 17' 1 L7C - d CASE BANDON FRESH - CRISP Celery STALK Sweet Potatoes 6 1JJS- FRESH - TENDER 3 BUNCHES FEATURED VALUES ARE EFFECTIVE FRI. TO MON., OCT. 16 to 19 INCL. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Puett and daughter, Mrs. Wm. Weaver, and her little daughter. Darlene, left Friday morning, the Puetts going to Bend for a couple of weekes and the Weavers returning to their home at Pasco, Washington. Chas. Mack plans to leave Friday evening for Portland, where he will on Monday submit to an operation on his hip, which was so badly in­ ‘"vited * these jured in a logging camp accident two year« ago. and Linden Lower, of Coquille, were Sunday guest« at the Dwight Culver home. G. T. COOK Brick Mason