j i am Telling About People and Events in the City and County Radio tube* and light globes, also your tubes tested free at Norton’s. Mr. and Mr*. T. B. MacDonald were Coquille visitors from Port Or­ ford last Saturday. Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and milk, tlie only ndlk and cream made safe by pasteurization. Mrs. C. E. Niles returned last week from a month’s visit with her sistei in Santa Barbara, Calif. Miss Ruth Laird, of North Bend, is visiting for a few week* with hei sister, Mrs. Lee Peterson. Born—To Mr. and Mr*. Geo. Col- 1 Keys made for all lock*. Stevens 11ns, of Port Orford, at the Coquille j Cash Hardware, Coquille. Or*, hospital, Oct. 13, a 7% pound son who "' ~ Leslie “ enjoyed Mr. and ................. Mrs. Frank a week’s visit with Mr. Leslie's sister nas been named Todd James. and her husband, Mr. and Mr*. Robt. Chris Natwick, who was chief high­ Brown, oi Culver City, Calif. Mr. way engineer in the construction of Leslie had not seen his sister for fif­ the highway to Crater Lake, was a teen years. They left Wednesday for Coquille visitor front’ his home in Portland for a visit before returning Medford last Friday. to their home in California. Children, from three to six year* of A. L. Hooton, electrical contractor age, are Invited to join the class in and dealer, 274 Second St., Coquille. singing at Mrs. Woodyard’s home, 158 Complete stock of wiring supplies. So. Henry street, each Tuesday at Betty Rosa, daugther of Mr. and 10:30; 50 cts. per month. 39t2 Mrs. Archie Rosa, of Bandon, residing Ward McReynolds, examiner df ap­ at present at the M. O. Hawkins plicants for automobile drivers’ li­ itome. arrived Monday night from censes, will be at the Coquille city Portland, where she has been visit­ tiall between 8:00 a. m. and 4:00 p. ing for the past week. Miss Rosa has m., on Tuesday, Oct. 20. accepted a position in the county as­ Accurate watch and clock repair sessor’s office here annd began her service. Ben F. Broders, Jeweler, lo­ duties Tuesday morning. cated in the new Hersey Bldg., First Dr. C. G. Stem, Chiropractor. 292 street, Coquille. Moulton St., phone 88J. 220 "Buzz” Holmstrom, of the Coquille Ed. Lorenz arrived here this morn­ iervice Station, left a week ago with ing from Medford, called by the death .iis newest boat on a trailer for a va­ cation trip. He hopes to try the boat of his brother, Chas. F. Lorenz. out on some Idaho streams. Dr. and Mrs. W. V. GUlayer and The new Mixmaster—streamlined daughter, Dorothy, returned last Sun­ day afternoon from a week's trip to —are now in stock at Hooton's Elec­ tric Shop. Portland. Mr. and Mr*. J. L. Smith drove out to Eugene Sunday to meet his sister and her husband, Mr. and Mr*. Roy Grave*, of Washington, D. C. Mr Graves is connected with the Depart­ ment of Agriculture at the national capital. On Tuesday the four went down to the Rogue for a day’s fishing. Salmon were jumping up all around them but the lure cast by Mr. Graves and Mr. Smith evidently was not at­ tractive. Better insure your dwelling and contents while you have time. Ned C. Kelley. All lines of insurance. Coquille, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nosier had as Buy Ideal Bakery bread because it is better. 51tf week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. Char­ ley Moomaw, of June Lake, Califor­ Judge Brand granted a divorce in nia. The Moomaws are looking for Circuit court on Tuesday, to Clair a ranch and expect to locate in Ore­ Fischer sepaarting her from Geo. M. gon. Fischer. State Land Board farm* and Better insure your dwelling and ranches for sale, low price* and easy contents while you have time. Ned terms. Apply at the office of James Football Team Entertained C. Kelley. All lines of insurance. Watson, Attorney for the State Land Coquille, Oregon. Board. The First National Bank Tuesday evening Mr*. James Rich­ if mond entertained the Coquille high Mr*. Alice Baker and Miss Ola Building, Coquille, Oregon. McClay, of San Bernardino, Calif., John Jaycs has received word from school football team and their coach, dre visitors at the home of their niece, his wife at Redlands, California, that Mr. Hatton, at her home with a Mrs. James Richmond. her brother. Otis Miles, pasesd away chicken dinenr. Miss Kathryn Jane as the result of an appendix operation. Hassler nnd Miss Barbara Richmond Accurate watch and clock repair Mrs. Jayes has been with her brother assisted Mrs. Richmond with the service. Ben F. Broders, Jeweler, io- i serving. There were 20 members of and family for the past month. cated in the new Hersey Bldg., First the football squad present. street, Coquille. For sound Fire Insurance, go to Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Willey, Jr., of Ned C. Kelley. Burned Schools Re-open Corvallis, spent th* week-end visit­ Miss Audrey Aasen, who is at­ ing at the home of his parents, Mr. tending U. of O., drove in from Eu- and Mr*. C. L. WiUey, Sr. ggene and spent the week-end with Greeting cardy, for all occasions, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Aasen.' books for children and grown folks, She brought with her Mrs. Emory E. and also a large rental library at H. Johnston, Mr. Aasen’* niece, a former Coquille resident now living in Eu­ S. Norton Music A Stationery. gene. Misses Jean and Carol Young left Kermit Shaw, day police office in last Saturday afternoon for a week’s visit with their brother, Allen Young, Coquille, with Mrs. Shaw returned Monday evening from a week’s va­ and hl* wife at Boise, Idaho. cation trip which they spent in Wash­ V. R. WILSON, O. D. ington. While in Aberdeen the of­ OPTOMETRIST ficer spent some time with a finger­ Eyes Examined. Glasses print expert and is better prepared Fitted. Broken lenses du­ than ever to make use of the finger­ plicated. Optical repairs while you print record* he is accumulating in wait. Expert service. the city hall. The Floras creek school will reopen on Monday, October 19. A room of the McLeod home is being used as temporary quarters. With the New Lake school having opened in a building at the New Lake Dairy, all school* are operating again. Trespass Notice Notice is hereby given to all hunt­ ers that there will be no trespassing allowing on any of our property dur­ ing the pheasant season. Any one seen on said property will be prose­ cuted. Clausen Bros. |* Buy local bread and support home industry. KEEP THIS PROGRAM IN PDS a I ’ ifi A Mrs. McLeod Goes East Mrs. Hazel MacLeod, pastor of the Assembly of God, left Tuesday with her son, Harold, Jr., for Boston and other eastern points. Mrs. MacLeod expects to be gone from Coquille for six or eight week*. During that time she will be conducting evangelistic meetings and visiting friends. Rev. Don Mallough, of Washington, will be acting pastor during Mr*. MacLeod’s absence. Mr. Mallough is a young man with a vital message in word and song. He has had several years’ experience in the evangelistic field and has had a most fruitful min­ istry during that time. He will speak twice on Sunday and also at the mid­ week prayer service and Bible study. Beneficial Birthdays Joins Haynes Motor Co. Haynes Motor Co. on Hall street announces that Juel F. Guderian, formerly shop foreman with the Dodge and Plymouth garage here, is now shop foreman in the Haynes garage, where he is ready to give personal attention to all kinds of motor ills. Your car receive* the minuetest attention to detail when taken to the Haynes Motors for re­ pair or correction. > A Prescriptions Fill* Kxs Carefully at Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc Announcement The Gano Funeral Home wishes to DRUGGISTS STATIONERS announce a new feature recently add­ ed to their funeral service, that of a beautiful new Cemetery Chapel Tent, to be used in the local cemeteries for funerals in cold or stormy weather. We believe this will be a very val­ uable service to our patrons and feel it will be highly appreciated. Insure your car with Ned C. Kelley See the new Toastmaster Hospital­ This is a service that has never be­ in a reliable Oregon stock company. ity Tray at Hooton Electric Shop. fore been offered in the Coquille Val­ ley and we are indeed happy to be the first to bring this valued service to this community. GANO FUNERAL HOME Ambulance service Phone 100 Coquille, Oreg. Studio Beauty Shop Walk on Air first door north of the Roosevelt Super Service Shell Do you have fallen or pronated arches? If you have see the man who dispel* pain and misery. The man who bring* foot health to your countryside. Phone 180L for ap­ pointment and factory representative will call. Also tailor-made Gabardine, Silk and Crepe Shirts. E. E. Ketron. station on Willard street, Coquille, will open Saturday, Oct. 17 All new equipment, the latest and most modern types of quick-drying Dryers and Permanent Wave Machine Card of Thanks For the kindness and sympathy of friends during our recent bereave­ ment and for the beautiful floral of­ ferings at the service* held for our wife and daughter, we take this means of expressing our sincere thanks. • E. L. Townsend B. E. Hampton Beauty treatments that are distinctive will receive my personal attention. Ladies are cordially invited to phone 26J for an appointment. Muriel Dae CONVENIENT PLACE FOR READY REFERENCE S P E C I A L NEWS elkven 4 dead HVNDRED8 ^Wll homeless as /■ >111 FOKKST FIKE * W ■ O'U SEDUCES TOWN or BAN- J/ 1 DON TO ASHES. Giant Redwoods I ■■ I | / ■ k Threatened. MOV ROBERT KENT ■■Hnl POPEYE CARTOON “Little Sweet • Pea” 10c & 25c ATTEND THE NINE O’CLOCK SHOW AND REMAIN OVER AS OUR GUEST TO SEE THIS ADDED FEATURE • Th st guy can dish it out . . now we ll see if he can take it!” lai > “9 MARRIED J MEN1 19 > Kams . William ley - Lynne Overman Mary Brian BIG FEATURE ATTRACTIONS Coming Soon TIME SCHEDULE Due to the Extreme Length of the Feature There Will Be But One Show Each Evening Doors Open EVENINGS Adults 50c Children 25c Show Starts MATINEE Matinee Sunday Adulto 35c Children 10c “PEPPER” with Jane Withers, Irvin S. Cobb, Slim Summerville. “LADIES IN LOVE” Janet Gaynor, Lor­ etta Young, Simone Simon. “WIVES NEVER KNOW” with Charles Ruggles, Mary Boland. "THE BIG GAME” sponsored by Coquille High School “C” Club. “RAMONA” . “BIG BROADCAST OF 1937” “AMBASSADOR BILL” I