The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, October 09, 1936, Page 4, Image 4

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The > Sentinel
Publia ber.
H. A. YOUNG, Editor
boards so that taxpayers and others'
interested might follow the progress'
of the building operations from the
side lines.
A total of $98,000 in revenues from1
pari-mutuel betting on dog and horse]
racing was di stribut e d am o n g fitr$T
in Oregon this year, according to a
report by Secretary of State Snell.
The bulk of the racing revenues went
to the state fair and the Pacific Inter-J
national, each of which received $31,-
400.74. A total of $25,008,52 was dis­
tributed among the several county
The northwest turkey show'
received $1200 and the Pendleton 11
Round-Up and eastern Oregon live- I
stock show each $4,945. The state’s I
cut from race betting this year was I
the largest since pari-mutuel wager-H
ing was legalized in Oregon.
Last I
year’s distribution amounted to only I
Smith Wood-Products, Inc
11 I—A-.1
One Year---------------------- -_______
Six Months----- ---------- —---------- 1-00
Oregon's 36 counties reduced their
Thiee Months........ ............................ .60 bond and warrant debt burden by
ho subscription taken unless paid
toi in advance. This rule is impera­ nearly $3,000,000 during the past two
years, according to a survey just com­
pleted by State Treasurer Rufus C.
Every county in the state shows a
reduction in its outstanding indebted-
less during the two year period with
-lataop wiping out its debt entirely
to join Linn and Marion for a total of
Entered at the Coquille Postoffice as hree counties which now boast a
.■lean slate with neither outstanding
Second Class Mall Matter.
bonds or warrants. Six other coun­
ties, in addition to these three, have no
lutstanding bonds. These are Col­
Most of the fires in the Coos-Curry I
The children of the President are imbi«, Douglas, Josephine, Polk,
area were either set by huqters or in-
not bringing honor to the name of Jmatilla and Washington.
Roosevelt; instead most of them ap­
The aggregate bonded debt of the cendiarists in the opinion of J. W.
The large
pear to be trying to cash in on the ■ounties is shown to have been re- Ferguson, state forester.
prestige of their father’s high office. luced from $24,051,452 on • Juy I, number of small fires reported bum-1
In the latest expose of one of them 1934, to $21,365,054 on the same date ing in the district is accounted for by |
Ferguson as due to back-fires started
selling his name to aid ’a business
deal in a foreign country, he nowsays
Road warrants of the counties, by persons living in the timbered
the publication of facts in the case is however, show an increase from area -in an effort to save their proper­
an attempt by the republicans to $750,086.63 to $1,060,953.71 in the ty. Reports of incendiarist activities
“smear” his father.
Evidently he two year period but the combined in the burned section are believed by
knew about Charlie Michelson being road bond and road warrant debt was Chas. Pray, superintendent of state
hired four years ago to smear Hoover whittled from $24,801,533.63 to $22,- police, to have been greatly exagger­
—with falsehoods.
426,077.71. Sinking funds for the ated. Countless rumors of evidence
retirement of road bonds were built of incendiarism investigated by state
The “great I am” whose name is up from a total of $1,367,965.66 on police were found to be without any
whatever, |
plastered all over his paper, is not July 1, 1934, to $1,409,105.31 on July substantial
very highly considered in Coquille 1. 1936.
Pray said.
and if reports from the Bay are cor-
Most of the counties are shown to
t rect, his attempts to dictate the have reduced their general fund war­ “Stop the Tax Raid
policies there are no better received rant indebtedness during the past two
on Farm and Homi'
than'they are in county affairs.
years, the aggregate of this debt be­
A fair subscriber of the Sentinel
ing whittled from $2,698,202.47 to
To further the cause of the pro­
remarked last Friday afternoon, “I
posed tax limitation bill on thq bal­
was disappointed that you didn’t give
The net indebtedness of the 36 lot at the election November TH
the fellow who never heard of the
counties, including all bonds and Coos county and the balance of the
editorial ‘we’ the dressing down he
warrants but deducting sinking funds, state a new state-wide organization
totalled $23,200,701.22 on July 1, this has been formed under the name
Let us show you our Lumber Stocks in warehouse
If the Oregonian had heard the you*, compared with $26,131.44 two Home and Farm Owners Association,
and on dock at the Smith
and a slogan that will be their war
story current in Coos county as' to years ago.
Only three counties—Coos, Crook
Wood-Products Plant
why the Coos Bay Times is support­
ing the New Deal that newspaper and Grant, are shown to have a debt home."
The organization is state-wide with
might have been a little more chari­ load in excess of five per cent of their I
table in listing Oregon's cuckoo pa­ assessed valuation and only three Amadee M. Smith of Portland as
others — Morrow, Multnomah and chairman and with headquarters in
There may be times when a news­ Wheeler—are indebted for more than Portland and Salem and with mem­
bership extending throughout the
paper cannot support whom it wishes four per cent of their valuation.
“to, but must bow to the influence
state. The organization was tenta­
We carry a complete line of 1x3 to 2x12 No. 1 and No. 2 Common
Orville Gamble, superintendent of tively formed when initiative peti­
<. which makes publication possible.
suitable for all building purposes, surfaced or rough.
The reason and story, as heard in the employment institution for adult tions were put out to get 22,000
Consult the Retail Department for our low prices on Cedar.
Four names of voters to place the measure
Coquille, originated in the Times’ of­ blind, is again under fire.
members of his advisory board have on the ballot.
Between now and
signed a formal complaint addressed election day it will concern itsllf
to Governor Martin and the board of with a distribution nf-ti ifrw malRm - wl
by a rifle. He was not a stray but the control charging Gamble with failure the proposed new measure - •
pet of the family. The culprit did a to co-operate with his advisers. Fric­
“We have only one concern,” re­
cruel thing and could be arrested on tion between Gamble and his adviaer ports Mr. Smith, “and that is to pre­ without specific approval ot the fight to give the owners of farm and
Calling cards. 50 tor *1 Ut»
home a breathing spell.
three charges: the first, cruelty to an­ board last spring resulted in the re­ vent the loading of the entire pros­ Voters.
imals; second, discharging a firearm moval of three of the board members pective tax increase burden on the
“There is a great homeseeking
Body and Fender repair work done
within the city limits; and third the by Governor Martin and the appoint­ farms and homes of Oregon. With . movement at this time and under
destruction of property, for cats have ment of three new members. The one of every three homes and farms I present conditions Oregon finds itself by experienced mechanics. Our body
painter is an expert. Let us prove
the same legal standing that dogs present situation is expected to cul­
in the state now delinquent in pay­ handicapped by a system of prohibi-
have, they are the property of their minate either in the removal of the ment of taxes; with property owners i tive farm and home taxation. We we have the best of repair service.
Southwestern Motor Co.
owners. There are too many young superintendent or another shake-up
struggling to pay up these delin-. feel Oregon should have a chance to
boys playing with guns in Coquille. in his advisory board.
quencles before the sheriff adds the compete With her sister states for
Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and
No ten-year old boy is mature enough
property to the thousands of parcels these prospective settlers and in­
to handle a 22 rifle without adult su­
The forest fire situation in Coos already confiscated; and with current vestors. We cannot have it with a milk, the only milk and cream made
pervision. He lacks experience and and Curry counties has kept Govern­ taxes constantly on the increase we tax system so unlimited as to be a safe by pasteurization.
Eyes Examined
the sense of responsibility. He knows i or Martin pretty close to his office the
contend it is time to give the owners burden.
Buy Ideal Bakery bread because it
Glasses Fitted
he should not shoot at song-birds past ten days. On the Sunday fol­
of farms and homes a breathing spell.
“We call attention to the fact that is better.
nor cats but he does not realize why ; lowing the destruction of Bandon the
“We naturally expect frantic op­ Coos county is one of the highest in
Reception Room Jointly
until he is much older.
The spent governor
spent the entire day in hist position from the tax spenders.. delinquency. A total of 50.98 per
with Dr. J. R. Bunch
bullet cannot be recalled and a hu- i office directing the mobilization of
Property is the one source of revenue cent of property in the county is de-
man life may be the forfeit if firearms fire
Maud Skaggs Woodyard
fighters and contacting state and they feel is unlimited and inexhaus­ . linquent for the years 1934-35. This
Laird Building
are placed in the hands of irresponsi- i federal relief agencies to rush emer­
Bachelor of Music
tible. We feel that even this econ­ is a tremendous increase since 1931
ble youngsters, without proper train- gency
supplies into the stricken area. omic foundation of the state has a when the delinquency was 36.48 per
Accredited teacher of
Phone 82-J
ing and supervision in their use.
The governor did not even take time bottom and that bottom has been cent.
In 1934 it mounted to 46.93.
out to celebrate his 73rd birthday on reached and drained and that the Delinquencies have gone up by leaps
156 8. Henry St
Phono 56-R
Thursday of last week.
stop hand should be raised.
and bounds in Coos county since 1931.
A plea for a return to the system
“The measure as proposed is mod­ The delinquent tax in 1931 amounted
The newly organized flax co-oper­
of individual effort that made Amer­
est in that it does not immediately to $575410. In 1935 this delinquency
ica great was voiced by Dr. William atives at Mount Angel, Canby and effect relief for the taxpayer nor does was $703,328.
The same story or
Mather Lewis, president of Lafayette Springfield will receive the whole­ it reduce the present supply of tax worse is found in every county in
College, at the opening convocation
money for the spenders. It sets up a Oregon.
board of control in any problem aris­
of the college last month.
limit to which the spenders can go
“That is why we are planning the
Speaking to the assembled stu­ ing in connection with these projects.
dents, Dr. Lewis urged the develop­ The board, after a conference with
ment in college ideals of courage, in­ representatives of the three associa­
dustry and independence.
“Intel­ tions, announced that the state would
lectual competence cannot be attained not contract for any flax in the terri­
by the mentally lazy,” he warned. tory covered by the co-operatives.
“Unwillingness to toil, to achieve The prison flax plant, however, will
through individual effort, as was the take over any surplus flax which
(1) This bill put. the State
custom when America was the won­ either of the co-operatives find them­
$29,670,0007 (See commit­
of Oregon head over heels
tee’s report to governor of
der of the nineteenth century, is selves burdened with. Plans are un­
Oregon, Dec. 20, 1935, page
painfully apparent. In its place is der way for increasing the acreage of
ness, sets up a commission
of three men, without bond
the attitude that the world or the flax in the Willamette valley to 4,000
and with no required quali­
(4) This bill contains no
United States government or the mu­
fications, to run this gigan­
promire or assurance of low­
nicipality owes one a living.
tic system.
er electric rates; rate, may
State police presented arrest tickets
'*Thdt people actually in need
vary and be juggled at the
to 685 motorists during August, while
(2) $18,000,000 of tax-sup­
commission’s whim.
should be provided with the means of
ported bonds can be sold,
6220 other motorists drew warning
subsistence goes without saying. But
when authorized, to build
(5) Cities, counties, and the
slips during the month.
Failure to
P1** ?*ate-w>de power sys­
that there fs a very great number of
state will lose millions of
possess an operator’s license caused
tem. By simple process of
people developing habits of shiftless­
taxes now 'paid by existing
the arrest of 102 motorists while 55
amending the bill $54,000,-
utilities, thus forcing higher
ness and laziness and a cynical atti- others were cited to appear in court
000 of tax-supported bonds
taxes on remaining property.
• tude toward honest labor because of to answer speeding charges.
many later be authorised and
participation in government bounty
(6) This 3-man power com­
These bonds must be
paid by taxes if the system
is likewise obvious.
mission can buy any prop­
The state liquor commisison was
is unsuccessful.
erty or engage in any busi­
Trailer travel Is Increasing
“The abundant life of which we not bluffing when it threatened to
ness "deemed necessary or
(3) How can a complete
have heard so much recently does install its own delivery system if
convenient." Here la oppor­
state power system be built
tion for motorists using trail-
not come to those who have all ob­ truck lines fail to reduce freight rates.
for $18,000,000 when the
tunity for vast political ac­
ere la being toeued by Shell
stacles removed from their paths by Chairman A. K. McMahan, of Al­
State Planning Board advis­
tivity under control of a
Touring Service. Cabin and
others. It develops from within and bany, declared while on a visit to
ory committee on power es-
Cottage Directories, Issued free
is rooted in strong mental and moral Salem this week for a conference
SION. (See Section 9. sub­
at Shell stations, contain
section 10).
with Governor Martin.
epeclal section thio year listing
trailer parks, with Information
estimates that the commission could
8 A V m X
°“ t ,,8’0*’<X>® •*
State Bond.
PWA red tape has necessitated save at least $20.000 a year by own­
as to prices, electrical connec­
A Vote for the Bill Com m ita You to Vote Later for the Bond.
postponement of the date 7or opening ing and operating its own trucks.
tions and general facilities.
Pictures hero show a do luxe
bids on the state capitol job until the
trailer which carries homo
latter part of November. The capitol
Protest« of Salem citizen! against
comforts wherever the
commission at a meeting this week set the high board fence being erected
goes. Interior picture
the date for awarding the contract around the site of the new capitol
shews folding couch
Against thw State Power mil
tentatively at November 20 with a building were not in vain after all.
Ing room with runr
possibility that the time might have The capitol commission has heard and
and kitchenette—a
to be extended still anchor week un­ heeded. Orders have been issued to
on wheel« 1
til November 27.
substitute • wire panel instead of
All Grades
Red Cedar Shingles
Douglas Fir Flooring & Celling
1 x 3 to 1 x 12 Clear Kiln Dried
Douglas Fir Finish
1x4 Tongue and Grooved
Port Orford Flooring and Ceiling
We Carry Portland Cement
No Order Too Small—A Stick or a Carload
Dr. De La Rhue
Six Reasons
That Urge a "NO" vote
on State Power Bill