i F' - t « w T- ■W — è Townsend Club Meeting Ttw Coquille Townsend club met uga/n in regular session Tuesday eve ning utter postponing its previous meeting because of the Bandon dis aster. A good crowd attended this meeting and several important mat- .c.s were discussed and voted upon. The Townsend orchestra as usual iu. lushed the music and the Coquille club is justly proud of this organiza tion. Clyde Gage is to be compli mented upon the efficient manner in A which the orchestra is conducted and the club duly appreciates the faithful attendance of the players. The treasurer’s report showed that Ukt Coquille club is in good financial jiicuiustances. It was voted by the club that the Bandon Townsend ALL-WEATHER member* be extended a sincere iiwi- ffll Æ Eni°*s L"*®81 Sa,e of valion to meet here in Coquille and ' take part in the efforts to enact the Any Tire on «artkl Townsend Plan into a national law. Next Tuesday night will be a social evening for the club. A good pro A Go- gram is being arranged and refresh A n y w h e r e ments will be served by the ladies. Tire— As speaker of the evening Henry without Gustafson, who is independent can chains! didate for state senator, will be pres ent and address the club. All mem bers are asked to be present and hear Mr. Gustafson. SURE GRIP SIX Next Sunday at one-thirty p. m. •10 there will be a meeting of all clubs of Come see Finest thrift nS»! FUTURES Coos and Curry counties. This meet the LATEST! tire in town. Ask ing is called by Clyde B. Shaw, the As low as V to see the Speedway advisory board member for this dis trict. The purpose of this meeting is to cojnplete plans to support Town send candidates. The meeting will be held in Coquille in the W. O. W. hall and will be open to all members. Petitions are now being circulated to secure names of all persons favor ing the Townsend Plan. These peti Phone 133 tions may be signed at Nosier’s gro » cery, Schroeder’s jewelry store and ‘'Dey's meat market. Workers are also canvassing the outlying districts. AU Coquille High School News W. R. C. Has Pot Luck Dinner * • .those who wish to do so are asked The students of Coquille high Tuesday of this week the Woman’s to sign these petitions at once. Relief Corps, No. 48, held regular pot school were justly elated about their —■1 '■ r I recent football victory over Marsh luck dinner at W. O. W. hall here. Schools Reopen About 40 people were present, "in field high school. The last victory in (By CM&hty School Supt.) cluding five members from the Ban 1916 occurred before any of this Practically all of the schools in the don corps—Gertrude McBride, Ella year's players had yet seen the light Sells, Pearl Smith, Annie Truman, 1 of day. -I Twenty years is a long time county have reopened since the I to wait ’for the recurrence of a foot smoke has cleared away. Ere thia Nannie McIntosh. Mn. McBride was on her way to Seattle to make her ball victory. A short assembly was article is published, no doubt Bandon home as she had lost all in the Ban held Monday morning to celebrate schools will have been started. The don fire. A number of friends of the the event. Superintendent Lane, Mr. people of Bandon are to be commend Corps caiAe to dinner, ’ including Osika and Coach Hatton were the ed for their courage and determina tion to begin anew. Fortunately the Priscilla Miller, Mn. Wheeler, John speakers of the morning. high school building and gymnasium Quick, Wm. Schroeder, James ______ Rich i The football game with Bandon, mond, and James McGuffin. The scheduled for this afternoon, has been were located away from the main next meeting will be with Mrs. Flora :called off, so the Coquille team will part of town and were not burned. Dunn, Oct. 20. All members are in- have a week’s rest, with daily prac The gymnasium has been equipped tices, however. with temporary partitiqns and wiljij . vtted to be present at that time. The first class party of the school provide class rooms for most of the year will be held tonight when the grades. The older elementary pupils senior class, faculty, and school board are to be housed in the high school meetings'Will be invited to the “Sen building. ior Carnival,” to be held in the high We are some times prone to scoff at school auditorium. Committee heads organizations and government but responsible for the party are: Ken when a tragedy such as this at Ban neth Waggoner, Audrey Taylor, Mar don has been witnessed, we appreci cus Shelley. ate more than ever before what these Two freshman students transferred mean to all of us. The rapidity with from Bandon high school during the which unfortunates were cared for is past week. They are Everett Rhule very commendable. Should this and Hugo Stephan. tragedy have occurred in some coun The home room appearance banner tries of the world the suffering would was awarded for the first school pe have been unbearable. riod to the library. Emma Frances Mulkey, room chairman, was in New Lake and Floras Creek are charge of room appearance. making plans whereby school can be Next Monday afternoon, a pay as begun in temporary quarters. sembly will be held at the high school, under the auspices of the National the Chic Simplicity of The Myrtle Point Junior high Assemblies of San Francisco. Their school building now has varnished COLUMBIA KNIT program is entitled “Electrical Won floors, During the summer the oil ders.” A fee of ten cents will be was taken off all the floors and the of Portalnd charged to defray expenses. Parents preservation put on. The appearance or friends of students who would care and sanitation is greatly improved. o o o to attend are cordially invited. All the district-owned texts were all The senior class won the first ticket washed with a cleaning solvent and the Smart without being fussy sale and thereby acquired five point* shellacked. BURLINGAME and BLAIR toward the interclass rivalry cup; the juniors were a close second with The Coquille high school can well pattern HATS three points gained, and the sopho be proud of their new cafeteria. It mores scored one point for third is well equipped, lighted, and patron ’ o o o place. ized. The Lions Club recently donated a the Exquisite detail . . Beau silver cup to the high school to be The Marshfield high school with its tiful lines . . charming colors inscribed after each football game new stucco presents a changed ap with the name of the Coquille player pearance. in COLUMBIA TAILORED who did the best blocking in that game. Jimmy Richmond earned this The Charleston school has been GARMENTS honor for the Reedsport game, and embarrassed for room due to the in Ray Mattoon for the Marshfield game. crease in pupils. The board has in o o o Three plays are being considered creased the size of one room and built by the junior class. One will be se an addition to one. the Simple, yet smartly lected for the junior class play to be dressy dresses for dis given November 20. Miss Schaffer John V. Hamblock Buried will direct the play. The committee criminating women John Vinton Hamblock, 70 years, selected to read the plays are Elaine one month and ten days of age, Gray, Mary Robb, Annamae Holver* o o o passed away at the Keizer hospital in stott, and Jim Richmond. This com tihe matching OAKBROOK mittee will decide on the play moat North Bend early last Saturday morning, pneumonia being the cause suitable for the class presentation and HOSIERY with brilliant cop present their recommendation to the of his demise. Funeral services were conducted at per, continuing to be impor junior class, after which tryouts will the Schroeder Bros. Mortuaries here be held and rehearsals will begin. last Monday afternoon at two o’clock, tant and with shades darken .... by Rev. tJ. A. Gray, pastor of the Dr. C. G. Stem, Chiropractor. 292 ing into lively dark colors. Coquille M. E. church. Interment Moulton St., phone 8ÇJ. 22tf was in the old I. O. O. F. cemetery. o o o Mr Hamblock was bom in Mis Insure your car with Ned C. Kelley souri, Aug. 23, I860, and had owned Exclusively alt in a reliable Oregon stock company. and conducted a ranch on the lower river, this way from Bear creek, for a great many years. He leaves one daughter, Mrs Earl INEZ ROVER Cochran, of Bandon, and a son, Jesse Accredited Piano Teacher Hamblock, of Eastside. He is also survived by a sister, Mrs. Emma Beginner* and Advanced In Drane. a brother, Eugene Hamblock, struction In Piano and Organ. both of Bandon, and nine grandchil dren. STEVE’S GROCERY J0IK HANDS 1 re COQUILLE FREE DELIVERY PHONE 166 Volume With Small Profits" Is Our Motto J1 Mcg GOODYEARS i» 21- Coquille S ervice Station Miss May’s HILL’S RED or Tel. 3*-L y 1»S W. Second GUARANTEED M. J. B 28 LB. CAN Bacon Squares HARDWHEAT 49-LB BAG 18' For Seasoning P.A. or Velvet - 10c Spaghetti EWSPY, Crackers b ®» 9c 90/- Chili Con Carne Can IOC Cane and Maple rj Corned Beef - 29c Syrup Can No. 2*4 ubc/C Dill Pickles ^ » 15c 10c HOLLY 13c Cleanser 3f®r 18c Hominy*—lie Chip Beef 10c Pork & Beans SSSS.»“ Deviled Meat «N 14c COCOS. 2-lb Can Brooms E«h Tomatoes—^»10c 29c -J j BUNNY Peaches ur«ec.n8 ISc Pineapple Large Cans J ^0 Jell Pdrs 9 4-oz. Bottle Wax Paper3»« 8c Matches 6-Box Ctn. 17c 10c 5c 25c Grapefruit »° 2 Cans 7 Bars Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Spuds Sweet Spuds BURBANK Good Cookers Grapes Fresh and Delicious 5c POUND 3 LBS. XOC Lemons Oranges SUNKIST Size Sweet & Juicy 6for • • *'arrots Locals Large Bunches DOZEN •u Calling carda, 50 for »1.00. X 4C Mustard J*r Crystal White Soap Vanilla 4c Candy Bars Dog Food 5c 15c Spinach — Shop COQUILLE. OREGON Flour CoSSee f 4c