Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1936)
» PAGE TEN r THE COQUILLE VALLET SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER », 1MC. I____ !.. -I_______ The new Mixmaster -streamlined Ask Building for Library —are now in stock at Hooton's Elec Fire Chief Gardiner made an ap tric Shop. ’ peal ut the city council, Monday eve Clyde E. Niles and Howard Ras ning, for a fire department headquar mussen, of the Niles Motor Co., left ters, some place where the men could yesterday for Portland to witness the sleep when on duty 24 hours a day first showing of the 1937 Lincoln as happened dtlring the emergency Zephyr. The Ford company had ar- the fore part of last week. Naturally the room intended for anged for banquets and entertain ment for the dealers and their friends the fire department when the city hall tvas built was his reference. He in attendance. Hosiery for Indies and children; did not ask that the library be moved Full Hose for ^children, at the Excel from its location at once, but did urge upon the council to take some action Dress Shop, in the Odd Fellows toward construction of a building for building. the library, possibly fronting on Wil J. A. Fitzpatrick IFft yesterday lard street, in Myrtle Park. naming on a ttn-day vacation trip Attention was called to the fact during which he will visit the stock that insurance rates would be low show in Portland and his old hime in ered were two men stationed at the he Wallowa country. Mrs. Fitzpat- fire headquarters at all times. . ick, who has been in Eugene for the , The council took no action Monday ,ast ten days, will accompany him evening but each member expressed from there to Portland. 1 himself as desirous of providing a Harry A. Slack returned Sunday suitable building, ground floor, for a from attending the .three-day session Coquille public library. of the state bqr association at Seaside Mrs. Josephine Smith Buried last week. He was accompanied by Joe McKeown, of Marshfield, and Funeral services were conducted at they spent a day in Portland at the the Schroeder Bros. Mortuaries here stock show which Mr. Slack praises I yesterday afternoon by Earl F. Down as the finest show of its kind he ever ing, for Mrs. Mary Josephine Smith, saw. who passed away after five months See the new Toastmaster Hospital illness, last Tuesday. She formerly resided in Bandon. She was the ity Tray at Hooton Electric Shop. widow of P. J. Smith. Interment Mr. and Mrs. David B. McIntosh, of was in the Bandon I. O. O. F. ceme- Walla Walla, and Mr. and Mrs. A.' D. try. ) Ackerman and son and daughter, of She was born in Burwell, Nebr., Eugene, left Sunday evening for their • Sept. 29, 1873. homes after visiting at the S. P. I August Denzer, of Coquille, is a Bartlett home here since Friday. son of the deceased, who also leaves Their brother, Alex McIntosh, and • several other children. Two brothers, family, from Bandon, have been stay Ward and Wm. Shepherd, and a sis ing at the Bartlett home since the fire. ter, Mrs. Emma Austin, also survive. Telling About People and Events in the City and County Children, from three to six year» of age, are invited to join the class in singing at Mr». Woodyard’« home, 156 So. Henry street, each Tuesday at 10:30; 50 cts. per month. 39t2 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Swinney and son were here from Roseburg, Mon- 7 day,’ for a short visit with his parents, ? Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Swinney, and y to take a look at the Bandon tragedy. Call in at ,radio headquarters and see the new? models, both R. C. A. Victor and Gilfillin, H. S. Norton Music & Stationery. Mis. Dan Maginnis came in Sunday from Portland for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Edna Hartson, and other relatives and friends here. Before iier marriage she was Miss Avis Hart- son. Body and Fender repair work done by experienced mechanics. Our body painter is an expert. Let us prove we have the best of. repair service. Southwestern Motor Co. lltf Have you seen the splendid lines of Fall Coats, Sweaters, Skirls, Knit Suits, and other ladies' apparel at the Excel Dress Shop? Moderate priced garments for fall that are smart in appearance and of fine quality. A. G. Thrift, whose Bandon gro cery store and home there were burned the night of Sept. 26, . last week completed a deal with John E. Ross for the purchase of the latter’’s house on East First street, and occu pied it for the first time last Friday night. Don’t forget to ask for a demon stration of either the new Thor wash er or ironer before you buy. H. S. Norton, Music and Stationery. Knife Hospital Choral Rehearsal Scheduled V. R. WILSON, O. D. OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. Broken lenses du- plicated. Optical repairs while you wait. Expert service. I FRI. - SAT. OCT. 9-10 I SUN.-MON.. TUE ----- !------------ 1 P. T. A. to Me^t Thursday The regular monthly meeting of the Coquille Parents-Teachers association' will be held Thursday, October 15, at 3:00 p. m. in the high school auditor ium. The topic for the year will be “Character Education.” The princi pal speaker will be City Superinten dent of School P. W. Lane, who will take for his subject, “Intelligence.” During the opening ten minutes Miss Jessie Palmiter, home demonstration agent at large, who is employed by! Oregon State College and loaned to^ Coos and Doulgas counties, will give a resume of the recreational camp for ‘ women at Eel creek. Community singing will be led by Mrs. Ruth Bey-1 era, followed by a social hour. All, members and their friends are urged to attend. To Be Buried at Tillamook Chas. E. Schroeder left for Tilla mook this morning, taking the re mains of , Hiram M. Franklin, who died Wednesday of apoplexy at the Knife Hospital where he was brought during the Bandon fire. He made his home there with his son, K. I. Frank lin, who operated an auto camp. Mr. Franklin was born in Michigan, March 3, 1843, and was eight months and four days past 92 years of age. Another son resides at Monroe, Ore. Woman's Club to Meet Oct. 13 There will be the regular meeting of the Woman’s Club next Tuesday, October 13, at 2:15 p. m. promptly at the Guild hall. Mrs. Sheldon F. Sackett, of Marshfield, will give an address on “Higher Education Looks Scholarship Award of 12 Lessons to the Future.” Leonard Ensele will Mrs. Maud Woodyard is offering a supply a violin selection. The women scholarship award of twelve free of Coquille and vicinity are cordially voice lessons to the winner of a con invited to attend the meeting. test in singing to be held next week. Any girl or boy in the local high May Replace the Entire 45 school who has never had private So many of the ornamental con voice lessons may enter this contest. crete posts for the down town light Three judges will hear each singer ing system arrived broken or cracked and their decision will be final. Mrs. that the contractor, S. L. Godard, has Woddyard will not be a judge. suggested that he order a complete This means a gift of the equivalent new lot of 45 posts — if the city is of quite a few dollars and is a real willing to wait another six weeks for opportunity for some girl or boy. final installation of the system. Several years ago Jesse Barton was the winner of just such a contest. Fire Victims to Be Buried Those interested may phone 50-R Graveside service« are to be con or call at Mrs. Woodyard’s home, ducted at Bandon Saturday morning, 156 So. Henry street. at ten o’clock, for Mrs. Sarah Mc Dr. G. C. Stem, chiropractic physi Culloch and Dan Koontz, who lost their liyes in the Bandon fire. cian. foot correctionist, electro thera Schroeder Bros. Mortuaries are in pist. 292 Moulton St., phone 86J. 22tf charge of the services. Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and Just received, the latest sheet music milk, the only milk and cream made and records, at Norton’s, 420 Front St. safe by pasteurization. Glenada Kendall underwent an Twenty-four choral club members appendicitis operation on Sept. 26. met for a second practice, in the Bap Those brought from Bandon after tist church last T>uesday at 7:30 p. m., the fire, Sept. 27, for treatment were under the direction of Mrs. Maud Mrs. McBride, Mrs. Ronald Curren, Woodyard. With the addition of the Fred W. Colgrove, H. M. Franklin1 other “regulars” and new members, and Robert Allen Patterson, 5, this group is expected to include be A 7Mi pound baby daughter, Joan tween thirty-five and forty very soon. Elizabeth, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. M. O. Hawkins and Mrs. C. A. S. M. Boice, of Bandon, Sept. 30. Rietman are the accompanists. Two CCC boys, Marino Califello, All who enjoy good music are from the Sitkum camp, and LeRoy urged to be present next Tuesday at Currie, from the McKinley, were in 7:30 p. m. at the Baptist Church. The jured while fire fighting at Bear men's chorus selections will also be creek and were brought to the hos | rehearsed. For the purpose of meet pital for treatment. The latter un ing the cost of sufficient music, dues derwent amputation of two toes. at present are fifty cents a month, Mrs. John Williams, of Bandon, payable to Mrs. Geo. Bryant, treasur submitted to a major operation last er. Saturday, and Elmer Rownd, of Myr tle Point, to an appendicitis opera Card of Thanks tion on Tuesday. We wish to thank every person and A 7% pound baby girl, Arline Marie, was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Dall organization in this community who helped in any way to aid in the care Sanders, of this city, yesterday. Buy Ideal Bakery bread because it of the Bandon fire sufferers. Is better. 51tf Emma Shelley, Red Cross chairman If you want to subscribe for a Port land daily the clubbing combination for Coquille. Ask Ned C. Kelley for rates on The American Legion and Legion Fire Insurance. we offer with the Sentinel will save Auxiliary of Coquille. you money. For sound Fire insurance, go to Calling cards, *0 for »1.00. Calling cards. 50 for »I no Ned C. Kelley. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Flinn are visiting at the Willis Neely home and calling on other old-time friends. They moved away from their home in the Fariview section thirty years ago and have made their home in Portland for the past twenty-five years. Rev. J. J. Gillespie, of Salem,, has come to Coquille to supply for the Church of God and will conduct ser vices there, comer of Seventh and Henry streets, until a regular pastor can be located on the field. The church has not been functioning for the past year. ■ ... OCT 11-12-13 | Department Thanks Assistants The members of the Coquille Fire Department wish to express their thanks to all citizens who assisted them so untiringly during the trying days of the last week in September. While this is a volunteer department, the assistance of other volunteers was deeply appreciated by the regular members of the organization. . Coquille Fire Department Trespass Notice Notice is hereby given that all the Russ Estate lands are under lease to the Fat Elk Duck Club, and all per sons are warned that hunting pheas ants or ducks is prohibited on those lands. Trespassers are warned that they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. S. H. Stock hoff 39t2 Fat Elk Duck Club Trespass Notice All hunters are hereby notified that trespassers on my ranch, just west of Coquille, during the pheasant sea Several good, used Wood Ran<es son will be prosecuted. No hunting for sale. Mr. States Power Co., Co of any kind will be permitted there quille. 42tf on. W. L. Kistner. A. L. Hooton, electrical contractor Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and and dealer, 274 Second St~ Coquille. milk, the only milk and cream made Complete stock of wiring supplies. safe by pasteurization. _ .. I WED. Startling scenes! Lovely girls! Thrilling stars A new world to be wrested from the wilderness—by men who never knew the meaning of fear —and women who fought by their side . . . Braving untold dangers at every step—dedicat ing their lives to the glory of a nation yet unborw^HClcrificing their love in the name of civili zation’s destiny! - - OCT. 14 I "I CAN SOLVE ANY MURDER WITH OUT MOVING FROM MY DESK!" The giddy world is glad again! We’re off in a burst of rhythm! Set your clocks two leaps ahead! The new time is “Swing Time”! A routing fling with tho queen and king of captivating rhythm I PLUS SHORT SUBJECTS I THUR. 10c & 25c OCT. 15 The riotous storr of a headstrong heiress tried to find a short cut to love! ... A that will warm your heart with its odles as you thrill to its laughter life! WALKING ON AIR r/te NAVY tikes the girli of Peneme by ¡torml Careful” with LEW AYRES MARY CARLISLE 10c & 25c ADMISSION Matinee 10c & 25c Evenings 10c & 35c With VICTOR MOORE, HELEN BRODERICK, ERIC BLORE, BETTY FURNESS, GEORGES METAXA. RKO-RADIO PICTURE . MATINEE SUNDAY 2 P. M. »Ì ’ Also COMEDY & MUSICAL 10c & 35c ■sÎÊM . GENE RAYMOND