felling About People and Eventa in the City and . County Now that the danger oi a general conflagration is over, and reliable companies are willing to accept poli­ cies, we are again writing fire insur­ ance and solicit your patronage. Coos Securities, Inc. Came for Father’» Funeral C’ ooh Securities Move Office Mr. and Mrs. Ewel Plummer and family from Portland, Mr. and Mrs. ¡.ester Plumemr and family from Wenatchee, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Clay Plummer from Oakland, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Martin Radcliff, from Portland, arrived here last week-end to attend the funeral of their father. W. M. Plummer. When Ewel Plum­ mer end family returned to Portland on Tuesday they jwere accompanied by his mother who will visit there for a time. At Roseburg they met Mrs. Nora Musick, who was coming for the funeral, and she went north from there with them to Portland. Coos Securities, Inc., who are con­ ducting a General Insurance, Real Estate and Loan Business, will open their new offices with headquarters next door to the Fuhrman Drug Store on Front street in the Coquille Hotel Building. Coos Securities has just recently been incorporated with Keith Leslie, president; J. Arthur Berg, vice presi­ dent; E. E. (Spike) Leslie, secretary and treasurer. They are very for­ tunate in having at the head of their real estate department Robt. H. Creager, who has had many years of successful operation in this line of business. This company represents the Northwestern Mutual Fire Associa­ tion; Northwest Casualty Cp. and the Loyalty Group of Insurance compan­ ies. With this set up the corporation can give Coquille and community a real service. We have just added the popular- priced Gilfillih Radios to our line, and we invite you to come in and see them, and arrange‘for free demon­ R. P. Bernhard, former Coquille stration. Priced from $15.95 up. city marshal, who left here about H. 8. Norton Music & Stationery eight years ago, was here from Ma­ Mrs. M. D. Sherrard entertained pleton this week. He came ’to see Dr. Jas. Richmond and other friends here. the Tauk-an-so Club at her home last Friday evening. Refreshments were Buy Ideal Bakery bread because It served to Mesdames Maggie Sim­ is better. Oltf mons, Carl Ensele, Al Burch, Wm. The Aetna (Fire) Insurance Co., as Peart. Henry Belloni, Ella Sheehan, School Reopened Here Yesterday usual, is paying its Bandon losses C. A. Smith and her house guest. Miss The Coquille schools resumed Miss Grace promptly and without discount. Are Marguerite Kesling, ¡per^ticns yeste Jay after being you fully protected by insurance? Sheehan and the hostess. closed since last Friday because of Coos County Abstract Co., Mrs. B. J. Silex cqjfee makers and repair the fire conditions in the valley. Smith, agent. >arts, including strainer cloths, at Al! the teachers were here except rlooton Electric Shop. W. H. Maben placed in the Sentinel Miss Janet Robinson, whose home at front window this morning a freak Miss Edythe Maxine Farr is one of Landon was burned. She went to from a garden. It is a group of four 75 students granted a junior certificate Portland the first of the week but carrots, grown together and twisted with honors at the Univetsity of Ore­ wi'l be on duty next Monday. at the roots, but with disinct feathery gon. Students granted these certifi­ top for each one. cates may graduate with honors up­ Woman Club Meeting Postponed A. L. Hooton, electrical contractor on fulfillment of requirements for Because of the Bandon fire and the and dealer, 274 Second St., Coquille. this distinction, it is stated. Only hazardous condition all over the students who attain a high scholastic Complete stock of wiring supplies. county the fore part of this week the standing are eligible for this rating. meeting of the Coos County Federa­ Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Britt returned Miss Farr is a member of Phi Beta, tion of Women’s Clubs, scheduled to Monday from their two weeks vaca­ music and drama honorary and ia a be held in Marshfield this afternoon, tion trip back to Nebraska to visit graduate of Coquille high school. was postponed by the president, Mrs. Mrs. Britt’s parents. Mrs. Britt is las. W. Gamwell, of Powers. cashier for the Coquille Gas & Power Home in Time for the Rush Co. and he is with the Southwestern Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Smith returned Junior Women to Meet Oct. 5 Motor Co. _ Wednesday from their month’s vaca­ The doquille Junior Woman’s Club, See the Thor fold-away Ironer, tion trip back to Kansas and Colo­ announced to meej, with Mrs. Jean complete in white enamel cabinet, for rado. Vernon got back just in time Strain on Second street last Monday $79.95. Buy now as the price is go- to resume his duties at the Coquille evening, called off that session be­ In Y’uy ^1 . 8. Norton Music & Sta­ postoffice as business increased there. cause of fire conditions. They will All Bandon money orders are issued tionery. ’ meet at the Strain home this coming or cashed at this office and the out- Melvin J. Kern, who finished his gOjng mail from Bandon is sent up Monday, Oct. 5, at 8:00 p. m. ■4 Body and Fender repair work done by experienced mechanics. Our body painter is an expert. Let us prove we have the best of repair service. Southwestern Motor Co. lltf Chadwick Lodge No. 68 A. F. A A. M. Stated Communication Tuesday, Oct. 13, 7:30 p. m. .................. ■ ■ ■< i* ■ i n d THE EARTH’S MIGHTIEST OCEAN ITS SETTINGS! THE AIR’S MOST DARING PIONEERS ITS HEROES! THE WORLD’S GREATEST FLIGHT ITS CLIMAX! of Youth A lovely clear complexion Is the envy of all women, yet each may possess it by living correctly and by asking the advice of her physician when any direst! ve disturbances rice. Skin eruptions are caused by gastro-intestinal dis­ orders and can only be permanently remedied by correct diet and scientific treatment. Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc W. R. C. Attention All members of Bandon Relief Corps, No. 40, and their families arç most cordially invited to have dinner with Coquille Relief Corps, No. 48, at noon on Tuesday, Oct. 6, in W. O. W. HaU. All members of Coquille Relief Corps, No. 48. come early. Flora Dunne, President. Drink Stillicious^fhe^vlttffiin B Chocolate health drink. Contains yeast. Cloverleaf Dairy, Pure Milk 8t Cream. Phone 7R42. Dr. C. G. Stem, Chiropractor. Moulton St., phone 86J. 292 THE PATHFINDER is the one and ONLY publication with the knowledge, experience and courage to give you every week the first-hand, inside information which is positively necessary for you to have. It Is the ONE publication which is under no obligations to the big moneyed interests or Cxars of trsde— none of those fatal tie-ups with the selfish cliques who gamble in thevery life blood of the people. That’s why the Pathfinder is in a position to tell you the unvarnished facts in the plainest possible English. You can de- - pend on every word it says—and there is no substitute for reliability. EVERY WEEK FROM WASHINGTON, D. C. Washington is now the news center of the entire world. It is the one plsce in the country where a strictly unbiased and reliable publication can be issued. That is why the Pathfinder is locsted there. The same clear sighted vision which led to the selection of the National Capital the home of the Pathfinder r over 40 years ago is the backbone of every eve single issue of the Pathfinder today. • It is our privilege for a limited time to offer you at a greatly reduced bargain price the greatest and most popular national week­ ly—The PATHFINDER—together with THIS PAPER, both a full year—52 weeks—for BEN F. BRODERS Jeweler New Hersey Bldg. Coquille Diamonds . - Watches Accurate Watch & Clock Repair Service 1 Hill V II I AIÌ I I SUN Face Mrs. Mary Collier Buried A Presçriptionist Fills Rxs Carefully at Mrs. Mary V. Collier, a resident of the Coquille valley all her life except for 15 years spent in California, was buried in the Masonic cemtery here this morning. Services were con­ ducted at the Schroeder Chapel by pev. W. R. Wilder. She died here on DRUGGISTS STATIONERS Wednesday. She was the widow of Geo. H. Col- IJer, who died Dec. 12, 1935. They were married in Coquille, Dec. 31, 1890. The deceased was born in Sonoma county, Calif., May 14, 1868. The survivors are two brothers, Kitchen Units — enclosed electric Dr. G. C. Stem, chiropractic physi­ Robert Harrison, of Myrtle Point, Benjamin Harrison, of Gold Rill, light fixtures—for $1.62 at Hooton cian. foot correctionist, electro thera­ Electric Shop. pist, 292 Moulton St., phone 86J. 22tf Ore., and four sisters, Mrs. Nanny J. Collier, of Powers, Mrs. £llen Hunt- Buy local bread and support home For sound Fire Insurance, go to ley, of Myrtle Point, Mrs. Anna S. industry 51tf Ned C. Kelley. Meykil, of Denmark, and Mrs. Em­ ma Houseman, of Occidental, Calif. work on the Coast highway bridge at ^ere to be cancelled, sorted and dis- Cooa Bay a couple of weeks ago, has patched. Postal card sales have In- B. P. W. to Meet Next Monday gone to western Colorado, where he crease