Mrs. Hale B. Eubanks, who under Fingerprinting Records went a serious major operation at the At the end of June, 1938, there Good Samaritan hospital in Portland were 6,094,916 fingerprint records and three weeks ago, came in Sunday 7,305,485 index cards containing tbe morning and was met at Marshfield; names and aliases of individual* on by her father, L. H. Hazard. She will file in the Identification Division of remain at the Hazard home while the Federal Bureau of Investigation. convalescing, She is improving quite Of each 100 fingerprint cards received rapidly now.. during the first six months of 1936, Bath room electric wall fixture*, more than 55 were identified with with chain, with or without outlet, those on file in the Bureau. Fugi for >2.55 and 32.90 at Hooton Electric tive* numbering 2,881 were identi fied through fingerprint records dur Shop. ' ing this *ame period, and interested law enforcement officials were im Knife Hospital Dick Lakey, of Myrtle Point, was mediately notified of the whereabouts • dismissed last Friday, and Ted King of those fugitives. As of June 30, 1936, there were returned to his home in Powers on 9,904 police departments, peace of Saturday. Mrs. A. Cornwell, of Prosper, was ficers, and law enforcement agencies admitted to the hospital on Sunday throughout the United State* and for eign countries voluntarily contribut for treatment. Mrs. R. E.'Alford, of Brewster val ing fingerprints to the Federal Bu ley, underwent a major operation on reau of Investigation. Kermit Shaw, Coquille police offi Monday, and Harold Stanage, South cer, who ha* more than 5,000 finger ern Pacific employee at Myrtle Point, was operated on for appendicitis on print records in the cabinet at the city hall, states that he had on file Tuesday. Mrs. Neal Ferrier, of Fishtrap, un | 55 of the 2881 identification* —made derwent a major operation on Wed- during the first six months of this -------------------------------- The same day H. E. Morrison, of Notice to F. F. A. Boys Myrtle Point, wa* admitted for treat ment. All boys who took agriculture last year are asked to turn in their com Those Before Recorder Leslie pleted project record books at the Tom Henderson and Lolyd Wood high school office by October 1, if paid 32.00 each into the city treas ♦hey desire a project credit for last ury last week for running over a hose year's work. which the firemen.had laid to fight the grass and brush fire near the Seventh Day Adventist church last week. Wilbur Aber, arrested Saturday night on a charge of intoxication, was fined 85.00 by Recorder Leslie, Mon day morning. After being on his good behavior for some time, Walt Smith was picked up by the officers again last night and placed in jail for drunkenness. Insure your car with Ned C. Kelley in a reliable Oregon stock company. New Operator at Joyce’ Salon Miss LaVonne McGillivray arrived here last Sunday from her home in Des Moines, Iowa, with the intention of purchasing Joyce* Beauty Salon in the hotel building. Pending the de cision as to its purchase Miss McGil livray has accepted the position as operator in the beauty shop which is under Mrs. Boutin's management. Mias McGillivray is a niece of Mrs. S. H. Donated of this -city. Community Health Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc. DRUGGISTS STATIONERS CALL FOR BIDS Bids for transportation of pupils to and from the Roy district to the Co-, quille High School will be received' in the office of County School Super intendent not later than Wednesday, Sept. 30, at 4:00 p. m. Details can be obtained from County Superinten dent. Martha E. Mulkey, Sec. Non-High School Board For sound Fire Insurance, go to Ned C. Kelley. CLAIRE BEAUTY SHOPPE Specializing in Republican Rally National and State Lead' ers will launch the Republican Volunteer Movement at the Coos County Court House Saturday, Sept. 26. Hear Samuel Golan ex* plain the Republican Pro* gram. Hair Tinting Individual Hair Styles to Please Particular People Located in Excel Dress Shop Phone 89 Paid Ad.—Republican State Cen tral Committee; Lars Bladine, Secy I PBIS8AT | THUR. LOOKING GAL f r F Mutf irfWAtr MODERN YOUTH CONQUERS SPEED AND romance the year's fastest, most thrilling screen adventure! OCT. 1 | THE DEADLY PHANTOM HORSESHOE STRIKES! AN OCEAN LINER BLAZES . . . TO COVER CRIME! THE INFRA-RAY UNSEEN DEATH! HURLS THE POISON FOAM BUBBLES VENOMOUSLY! CHARLIE THE BEST* CHARLIE CHAN PICTURE EVER MADE! 10c & 25c II PREVIEW II WHEN A MAN’S A FIGHTER . . . And a Girl’s a Pack of Wild Cats! Geo. O’Brien “The Border Patrolman” The Best in Short Subjects Admission MATINEE SUNDAY 2 P. M NEW MATINEE EVENINGS PLUS COMEDY 10c & 25c LIBERTY SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS tt 10c & 35c THEATRE COQUILLE