The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 25, 1936, Page 5, Image 5

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Wallace Carl left early Sunday
Mrs. Ines Rockwell left Saturday
morning for Corvallis, where he plans after a week’s visit at the home of
to attend O. S. C. this fall.
her sister, Mrs. L. L. Sumerlin.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burbank re­
Mrs. Lily Dement is spending this
turned home Friday evening after a week at the home of her daughter,
few days’ visit in Corvallis at the C. Mrs. Ellis Warner, of Powers.
E. Schroeder home.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Harris, of Ophir,
Everett Lafferty, who has been spent the week-end at the John Lusk
suffering with a badly infected eye, home near Baid Hill.
was compelled to spend from Friday
Mrs. Charles Paee. Mrs. Thom,
until Monday in the hospital in Myr­ Mrs. Ray McNair- and Mrs. A. Mc­
tle Point. His eye is believed to be Nair, of Bandon, spent the last of
better now.
Mrs. Everett Lafferty last week in Myrtle Point and at­
and Fred Lafferty took care of his tended the Coos county fair.
mail route while he was there.
Mrs. Ed. Johns returned to her
Mrs. John Meyers is staying at the home in Glendale, Oregon, Friday,
Jim Stinson home in Myrtle^ Point, after spending a few days here.
taking care of the children while Mr.
W. R. Northup and son, David,
and Mrs. Stinson are vacationing.
Francis Floyd and son, Harrison,
Joseph Bognuda and Miss Laverne spent Friday and Saturday fishing on
Genzoli left Saturday for their home Rogue river.
in Ferndale, after several days' visit
Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Schroeder,
at tlw Bognuda ranch.
Miss M. E. Carey, Tom Gurney,
Jimmy Meyers, of Port Orford, Jesse Barker, Grace Barker, Paul
spent the week-end at the F. Brotten Breuer and Henry Schroeder are
spending this week hunting in eastern
Shelby McAllister, who is teaching Oregon.
at Catching Inlet this year, spent the
Relatives received word the first of
week-end with his parents, Mr. and the week of the marriage of Alden
Mrs. S. C. McAllister
Deyoe, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Bert Myers is working in Broad­ Deyoe, and Lucile White, of Harrels-
bent. He was there last week and ville, North Carolina. Alden is teach­
plans to be there for a while yet.
ing mathematics in an army school at
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward, Fort Monroe, Virginia.
who have been in Klamath Falls this
Mrs. Herman Eichmeyer and Miss
summer, returned to their home here Vemita Laird, went to Salem Mon­
last Friday. Mr. Woodward had been day to visit their sister. Miss Mar­
working on a road job there but is guerite T-aird, who is employed in
now through for the winter. Friends the state library.
are all glad to welcome them home.
Mrs. Agnes Kenyon, of Port Orford,
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Russell spent Monday night in Myrtle Point.
Danielson, of Coquille, will be inter-
Mr. and Mrs. N. G. W. Perkins left
ested in knowing that they are par­ Monday morning for a week’s stay in
ents of a daughter, ~
Alma, Portland.
bom on September 12. Both daugh­
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lindsay and
ter and mother are doing nicely.
their daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Mar­
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Halter, Mr. tin, a returned missionary from
and Mrs. Wayne Woodward and Ger­ China, returned to their home in
ald, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Myers and Boise, Idaho, after a visit at the home
Oliver spent Sunday on the beach of Mrs. Lindsay’s sister, Mrs. Cora
in Bandon. They reported the beach Mulkey.
to have been lovely and cool, and im­
Mrs. A. Young, of Bombay, India,
mensely enjoyed a dinner there
and two children are spending this
Rev. W. Raymond Wilder, of Co­ week visiting Mrs. Young’s sister,
quille, delivered the mesasge Sunday Mrs. Freeman.
morning. The Christian Bndeavcr
Mrs. W. R. Miller, of Vernonia,
was was led by Mrs. Naomi Robison, spent several days this week visiting
with a solo by Mrs. McAllister. Lloyd her nieces, Mrs. W. R. Northup, and
Purser preached the sermon after a Mrs. Charles Bellshaw.
She also
song service led by James Merlin. visited her sister, Mrs. Dave Carey,
Rev. F. H. Barr, of Myrtle Point, will of Powers, and another sister, Mrs.
be here next Sunday morning.
iWm. Johnson,- at Port Orford, before
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Watkins left returning home.
early Thursday morning for Big Flat
Mrs. Earl Adams and Mrs. Herbert
on Smith River, California, where Haughton entertained Tuesday eve­
they Joined Mrs. Watkins’ brother. ning with a shower for Mrs. Leland
Dr. Thomas Hill, and family, of Lake­ Holt (nee Audry Davenport), of For­
port, California, for a fishing vaca­ tuna, California. Many lovely gifts
They returned Tuesday eve­ ■ were received l>y the honored guest.
; At a late hour refreshments were
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Burtts, of Port­ served those attending.
land, arrived spend a few
Burr Monrad left Sunday for Eu­
days visiting with their son and his gene, where he re-entered the Uni­
wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burtis.
versity of Oregon school of journal­
Miss Annie Deardorff left last Sun­ ism.
day to work at Green Acres near
Miss Patricia Baker, of Port Or­
ford, is spending this week with her
Maxine Rackleff and Bernice Gil­ grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
lespie were each awarded a ribbon Baker.
on the sewing they exhibited at the
Norman Williams returned to his
fair. Maxine placed first in the home in Portland after a short visit
style revue Saturday morning and with his mother, Mrs. Sarah Williams.
won the fifth ribbon on her entire
Miss Marianna Steele returned
project. Bernice placed second in home from a several weeks’ visit with
her entire project.
her brother, Robert, at Santa Paula.
Wanda June Cox is staying at the California.
Frank Fish home while her mother
Mrs. Walter Sykes and son, Claude,
and father, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cox, left the first of the week for Port­
Sr, are travelling in the east. Mr. land, where Claude will consult an
and Mrs. Cox plan to go to Chicago eye specialist before returning to O.
by airplane to visit Arrow Mill peo­ s. c.
Aileen Osborne has gone to Eu­
Maxine Rackleff started to school gene where she will attend high
Monday. The students are all glad school this winter.
to have Maxine back in school. She, Miss Marguerite Sunstrup left Fri- '
had to leave school last January and day for Eugene, where she will be
this is the first time her health has enrolled as a senior at the university j
permitted her return.
this year.
Junior Gulstrom won first and sec­
Mrs. A. Kurtz returned to her home
ond prizes on his chickens at the fair in Portland after a visit here with
this year. This is the first year Jun­ her daughter. Miss Mahalah Kurtz. |
ior has had any chickens at the fair
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bunch and
so he is justly proud of his award.
son, of College Place, Washington,
spent the week-end at the home of
his sister, Mrs. Irma Sumerlin.
Mrs. Florence Jackson, of San An- I
selmo, California, and Mrs. Jennie first of the week on a two weeks’ jm Cafe owned by R. H. Osborne,
Renner, of Berkeley, California, re­ trip to Spokane, Washington, and Mrs Osborne retains her half inter-
Brick Mason
turned to their homes after a visit other
points of interest.
'est and will be associated with Mrs.
Fireplaces and Chimneys
with relatives in Myrtle Point.
Elgin Chapter, O. E. S., held a short m . McKerrow.
P. O. Box <2, Coquille
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mast, Mrs. Fran­ business session in Masonic hall on
ê ces Floyd and Mrs. J. Hayes left the last Thursday evening. The resolu­
tion to reduce the initiation fee was
Mr. and Mrs R. A. Puett anddaugh-
acted upon favorably. Following the
ter, Mrs. Wm. Weaver and her little
’ next regular meeting a card party
daughter, Darlene, left Monday after-
' will be given to which all friends are
I noon to spend a few days at the coast,
| O. K. Kerry, of this city, dropped probably at Yachats, or in that vicin­
OF ALL 1936
dead at ten o’clock last Friday mom-
Miss Nadine Ellis, president of the
i ing in the Lundy hardware store. He local Christian Endeavor society, at­
was bom at Hydesville, California,
tended the monthly executive meet-
and„w“ m,rriei’
‘ng of t^uZi^ whfciTwM'hriTin
28, 1905, to Anna Hermann, who sur-
1 Coquille Friday evening.
| vives. Other survivors are three 1 A. B. Hillabold and John F. Dunck-
20 Per Cent Reduction on Entire Stock
'daughters, Helene and Zelma, and
ley were buiness visitors in Roseburg
' Mrs. Carl Hainey, of Myrtle Point;
Prices range from
'three brothers and three sisters in
Albet^ Pancoast returned Sunday
' California.
Funeral services were
Denver, where he and Mrs. Pan­
held Sunday in the Schroeder Chapel
and interment took place in the Nor­ coast attended the annual encamp-
r double roll, with large variety of patterns to se- way cemetery.
,ment of Veterans of Foreign Wars.
•t from. Ceiling and border to match. Look at our
George Mullen has sold his farm at Mrs. Pancoast will spend some time
Bald Hill to Dewey King, the new visiting relatives in Ohio and Illinois
owner taking possession immediately. before returning.
Wall Paper
IOC to 45C
321 W. Front
Mrs. Marian Wilson, of Prosper, came
Sunday to aid their sister-in-law,
Mrs. H. A. Hatfield, in caring for her.
As she was considerably improved,
Mrs. Wilson returned home Tuesday.
Miss Mae Hatcher, of Myrtle Point,
gave a report of the recent Myrtle
Union convention at Christian En-
' deavor Sunday evening. The C. E.
; meeting next Sunday evening will be
led by Miss Maude Hooton.
topic is "Are Missions Done For?"
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lund, of
Marshfield, came Monday for a short
visit at the Dwight Cul .r home,
, leaving Tuesday evening for the Wm.
I Axe home on Big Creek, to spend a
day or two there.
Johnny, the small son of Mr. and i
Mrs. John Dunckley, has been suf­
fering with ear trouble this week and
has been under the care of a doctor.
Mrs. Roy S. Luttrell, of Reedsport,
and daughter, Margaret, who came a
few days ago from Portland, are
spending a short time at their King
creek home this week, canning1 corn
and visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lut-
A 10H pound son, their first child, trell are living on the ranch now and
The county meeting of librarians
and board representatives was held arrived the latter part of the week to (Tom’s parents are residing in Reeds-
gladden the home of Mr and Mrs port where Mr. Luttrell has employ-
here at the city hall Saturday.
Robert Duncan He has been named ment in a box factory.
Harriet Long, state librarian,
Robert Donald.
1 plans to spend two or three weeks
Miss Bertha McKerrow has pur-
Mrs. Eugene Hellias has been quite visiting relatives and friends in vari-
chased a half interest in the Jack and 111 the part few days and her slater, out localities.
Çôen Knife
KliPHOHC 100 - COQUI Lbt