Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1936)
Townsend Club Meetings Tiie Coquille Townsend Club held its regular meeting Tuesday .evening at the W. O. W. hall. The meeting was opened with two selections played by the Townsend orchestra. Despite the fact that it was a political night in Coquille a good attendance was recorded and enthusiasm reigned supreme. . • After the regular order of business the beautiful bedspread, made and presented to the club by Mrs. John Bullack, was given to Mrs. Ora Bell. The club extended a vote of thanks to Mrs. Bullack for the fine gift she had given them. The club discussed the nomination of Henry Gustafson as an indepen dent candidate for state senator. Ev ery effort will be made by the club to promote the election of Mr. Gus tafson and other Townsend candi Th* Literary Digest's dates. ■ It was decided that on October 6 the Coquille club would be host to the Bandon Townsend club at a joint soctai-meeting to be held in W. is broadcast by Goodyear O. W. hall. This is a return meeting every Moaday, Wednesday, on the part of the Bandon club as Friday evening. the Coquille club journeyed to Ban TUNS IN don several weeks ago to take part in J NBC Blue Network one of their meetings. Mrs. Irene Waldo, an authorized speaker from Portland, gave an in spiring address on the “Youth of Our Nation.” Mrs. Waldo gave reasons why the Townsend plan would be of more benefit to our young people than to any other class of this nation.i This speaker gave ample proof that the Townsend plan is the only econ omic measure before the people today that will give permanent prosperity f to every man, woman and child in America. Previous Meetins Due to the Sentinel going to press earlier last week than usual the Townsend social meeting of October I 15th was not given publicity. This meeting was one of enter tainment and was presided over by For «now, Levi Bunch, vice president of the mud, muc club. Features of the evening were the following numbers: Mrs. Ruth Beyers sang two vocal solos for the enjoy ment of those present. Two piano solos by Mrs. Ralph Southstone were received with generous applause. A Go Anywhere Tirol Miss Lyndell Southstone played two Ithas thegrip- As lotf 8S violin solos and the members always N>3xaM.95 4.75-1* »6.40 piest grip yet A enjoy hearing her play. She was ac 4AW1 5.50 M*>1* MS developed - $Q companied at the piano by her 4J6-21 6.05 7.60 let ua snow it mother, Mrs. Ralph Southstone. Little to you. Other stane In proportion Bernice Hagge and Wilma Drake, who have performed for the members before, once more delighted those present with intricate steps. Mr. and Mrs. Teters, of Portland, gave added entertainment. Mr. Teters, although* handicapped by blindness, proved an adept on the accordion. While he played Mrs. Teters worked a set of » Piume IM dancing dolls in perfect rhythm. Those members who are not at tending the club meetings are miss SPERRY Wheat Hearts, large pack ing a good time as well as vital infor age, 24c. Wilson’s Red A White. mation about Townsend progress. NO. 1PUBLIC FADRITE PRESIDENTIAL POLL STEVE’S GROCERY PHONE 166 Volume With Small Profits” Is Our Motto GUARANTEED HARDWHEAT FLOUR « Crystal White or P & G Soap 7 2 Bars LARGEST SELLING ON EARTH Its NEW! /Il O.lV * j *- i * COQUILLE FREE DELIVERY LBS. COFFEE for SATURDAY ONLY Lb. Can KRISPY Nucoa 2 lbs Crackers 2 Minced Clams ™emd Sta* 1'5 • T- Mayonnaise . **• 33 Ovaltine Oyster — 25 6 oz. Can Best Foods QUARTS PINTS 45c 26c Armour’s AH Popular Brands Chip Beef Coquille Service Station Candy Bars Glass Jar Want Ads P. A. or Velvet Sliced 2 oz. Can No. 2>/j Cans One Cent a Word Each No Adv. leas than 25 LAWN GRASS SEED—35c lb. A Elwood. Farr Several good, used Wood Ranges ONE and half acre, vacant, inside for sale. Mr. States Power Co., Co 42tf city limits, Portland. Clear. Want quille. to trade for Coquille property. L. H. Bolander, Coquille S. P. Depot. LIVE FAT HENS—15c !b. Farr A Elwood. 37t3* Calling carda, 50 tor *1.00. Maud Skaggs Woodyard Bachelor of Music Accredited teacher of Hot Sauce Peaches r Piano and Voice lOc 15c 6 Cans 25 156 8. Henry St. HARD WHEAT Flour—49 lb bags, COOS SECURITIES. Inc., have the *1.40. Wilson’s Red & White. following attractive offerings: WANTED—Girl for general house work and to care for baby. Tele phone 222M. Mrs LeNormc Pown- der, 449 North Elliott. It* Modem 5-room house, garage, full basement, furnace, 3 lots near grade school. *2000.00. *500 cash, terms on balance. ROYAL PALACE Coffee — Fresh Ground. 3 tbs. 45c. Wilson’s Red & White. Nice 4-room house, built 1933, full basement, near grade schools, *2,- 200.00. Terms to right party. WANTED — Gentle Work Horse, weighing about 1400. Phone 13R3. Pete Biases, 2 miles from Coquille on Fishtrap road. It* SEPARATOR Oil in bulk, *5c gal. Bring your container. Coos Feed A Seed Stores. FOR SALE—3-room house, now un der construction. Phone 123L. Jno. S. Sanders. 37tf NUCOA—2 lbs. 39c White. Wilson’s Red & FOR SALE—Oronite, Shell A Union Fly Spray in bulk at Coos Feed A Stores. ( FOR SALE—Farm team, coming 8- year old, weight about 1200 each. G. S. Breuer, Myrtle Point. 37t2* MOLASSES Dairy Feed—*1.15. Farr & Elwood. FOR SALE—First class grey aeed oats. *29 per ton at Ada J. Denn’s, Camas Valley, Ore. 36t2* ONE SPOT Flea Elwood. Powder—Farr A Creyhouna Gums All Kinds lOUÜftW’l®'' For Investment. 3 comer lots, pavement, nice house, near grade and high school. A real investment at *1800.00. Terms. Good 6-room house, 2 comer lots, paved streets, near schools. Can be bought for near cost of pave- ment. Terms. 9-room modem dwelling, furnace, beautiful grounds, 100 by 150, pavement, garage, near school. *3750.00. Terms to responsible party. Modem dwelling, garage, comer lot, pavement. *3500, one-half cash. 35-acre farm, fine bam, livable dwelling, will support 20 cows, A-l bottom land, near grade and high schools. Will sell f~r less than as sessed value. List your property with us. A complete line of insurance. See us first COOS SECURITIES, Inc. E. E. LESLIE, Mgr. _. Fanners A Merchants Bank Bldg. Mustard JUICE 5 3 for Bui diet'» ooly half the »tory. Greybound comfort and frequent convenient departures make this the ideal modem travel. Bananas Carrots EXAMPLES RIPE FRUIT LOCAL 110.05 >18.10 14.40 25.95 12.80 23.05 5.30 8.55 34.00 61.20 Departure* from COQUILLE NORTHBOUND ’ 6:15 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 3:05 p.m. SOUTHBOUND 9:10 a. m. 10:37 p. m. 6:40 p. m. Via Roseburg 10:15 a. m. WANTED TO BUY—Small improved DEPOT Drink Stillicious—the vitamin B place, close to Coquille. Phone 25, Chocolate health drink. Contains Lafe Compton Coquille, Ore. Myrtle Point. 36t2* yeast. Cloverleaf Dairy, I*ure Milk A Cream. Phone 7R42. 17tf PACIFIC GREYHOUND 5 Fruits and Vegetables LOWEST FARES IN HISTORY SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES BAKERSFIELD PORTLAND Vacant lots, Academy Addition, - *150.00 per lot or bargain for block. CHICAGO Terms. Tomatoes LB. 5‘ 3 F®r Oranges Grapes Juicy & Sweet Seedless DOZEN 2 lbs