The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 18, 1936, Page 8, Image 8

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• Smelata*
HEN a girl resell** nineteen
she has «very right to feel
that she I* grown up. But
Marie) PrlMt's mother and
father (especially th* latter) didn't
share this feeling. For example, Mr.
Priest still clung to tbe Ides that be
should meet and approve of every
young man who wished to take his
daughter out It made Marlel feel silly,
but after all a bed of roses is a bed
of roses, esiwclally when times are
hard, and as yet she hadn't met any
young man who was worth risking a
rebellion over.’’
That la. she hadn’t met any one be­
fore GUI Sheldon came along.
then she didn't know It until It was
too late—almost.
She met GUI st a dance at th* coun­
try club. Re was down from Boatan
visiting the Nevilles at tbelr summer
place. Marlel was attracted to him be­
cause she liked th* sound of bis vole*.
(He bad a Harvard accent). And when
after cutting In on her seven times, he
asked If he might take her dancing
next Thursday night she laughingly
assented. Already she had begun to
discover that young Mr. Sheldon had
something beside* * Harvard accent
But sh* didn't decide definitely that
it was young Mr. Sheldon himself, and
not th* sound of his voice at all, that
she liked until he called for her
Thursday night. When she came down­
stairs GUI and her father were sitting
in the library. And that's all they
were doing: sitting. Mr. Priest had
settled his horn-rimmed glasses on his
nose, (which he always did when one
of Marlel's new young men were un­
der scrutiny), and was glaring. Young
Mr. Sheldon was glaring back, bnt
there was a smile on hl* fare. It oc­
curred to Marlel that there was somo-
thing about that smll* that wasn’t Just
She entered th* library, unseen, and
was on th* point of announcing her­
self when her father said In a not too
gentle voire: “Well, young man, why
flat*. But he didn't. He wsnt'-d tn
know If ah* would go driving with
him Saturday. He said he’d meet her
at th* post office, and grinned m*an-
8* they went driving Saturday and
canoeing Sunday and to th* movies Mon­
day and dancing on Wednesday. Each
time they met at tbe poet office, and
neither of them mentioned her fsther.
On the following Saturday, Gill told
her be was going back to Boston. Ma­
rlel caught her breath and wilted.
“I wish you’d come up some time
and spend a weektmt with us,“ he
said. “You’d like my folks."
“Oh, I know I would. And I'd love
to come/’
Gill cleared hU throat *1 hate on-
derhanded business. Your father would
never approve of your coming—If be
“He'd probably disown me,” Marlel
“And still you want to come?"
She nodded.
Gill sucked In his
breath. “If he disowned you, wbat
would you do?"
“I don't know,“ said Marlel.
"Bnt still you’d come?”
"Still," said Marlel.
GID frowned, thinking deeply. "Ma­
rlel," he said after a moment, “this is
all my fault I—I—" He turned to her
suddenly. “There’s one way out If we
got married, your father—eventually
he'd probably get used to me.”
“Probably,” said Muriel, “h* would.
Now there remains only the matter of
you and I falling In love."
“In love!" Gill stared at her la as­
tonishment “Why, good heavens. I've
t.een In love with yon since that first
night we met. Do you think for a single
minute I'd consider taking on a fa­
ther-ln-law ille* your dad If X weren't
In love?”
"And do you think I'd tolerate a
man who Insulted my father If I didn't
fove him?" said Marlel.
And that night, for the first time,
Marie) Insisted thn* Gill drive her
home and come Inside for a minute.
Gill compiled with a dubious expres­
sion on bls face, an expression that
turned to mlaglvings when he found
Mr. Priest waiting for them. Misgiv­
ings gave way to astonishment when
the old man beamed at him and ex-
tended Ills hand.
"My boy, congratulations!
th* first young man to call on mv
daughter who's displayed mor* back­
bone than a Jelly fish!**
Marlel beamed, and Gill felt as
though he'd been struck. He didn't get
It at all. not even when she explained
that she wanted to make sure he loved
her In spite of her fsther, and want­
ed him to know that she loved him In
spite of his Insult a Artifice sh* colled
IL But Gill only nodded and smiled In
a blank sort of way. it seemed to blm
that every one had gone to a lot of
trouble to bring about a happy end­
ing. For. In spite of everything, he
was happy and quite content
Tobacco Industry Recalls
Canada’s Early Struggle
don’t yon say something? Yon’s* sat
there Ilk* a bump on a log ever since
I cam* Into this room."
Gill's smll* grew more unattractive.
“Th* reason I haven’t said anything,
old man,” he replied, "is because It
Isn't my place to make conversation.
I’m tbe guest here and you’re th* boat.
Yet apparently yon expect me to do
th* entertaining. It's quit* obvious, sir,
you hare neither manners nor breed­
ing, nothing but a lot of shriveled up
Ideas Ilk* meeting and approving of
your daughter's suitors,
I’ve heard
•bout you, but I wouldn't believe It—
until now.”
1 It was In that moment that Martel
«added Mr. Gil) Sheldon bad some­
thing much more likeable than a Har­
vard accent. she almost swooned with
Shock, but sh* knew she liked him.
■ Nr. Priest was slowly strangling In
hla chair. In fact. Gill had risen and
almost reached the door before the
old man got himself under control.
And then the words he uttered didn't
make sense; be sounded like on* In
whoa* throat an oliv* had become
Marlel turned and mad* a quick exit
th* way she bad com*, and when GUI
reached the street he found her wait­
ing there for him.
“Hello," be said. "You’d better «o
Your pop doesn't approve of
“So what?" said MarleL
Gill frowned. “I Insulted him,’ he
explained patiently,
i “And you did a nice Job of IV
Marlel complimented.
I Young Mr. Sheldon scowled at her.
Presently he said: "Hop In and let’s
go to th* dance.” And Marlel smiled
'and bopped In. Before th* dance was
•v*r she succeeded In completely , over-
'coming the faint mlaglvings that
thoughts of her father aroused, and
id was conscious only of a sweat
sensation of happiness.
later she Interpreted the sensation, or
gather confessed It She was In lore.
,Oompl*tely and permanently. Follow­
ing th* confession cam* the usual re­
action: Did Gill Sheldon love her?
¡What if he despised her because of
her father? What If be went away and
left her alone? Wbat if she never saw
him again?
I Marie) didn’t sleep much that night
JThe next day she drove over to th*
Burdons’. The Burdons lived next door
,to the Neville*,
Nevilles, where Gill was stay-
Ing. Her artifice t was rewarded when
himself .ame
... ----------
along th* path
ft trough the trees and smiled at her
tleasantly. He sat down beside her
*n th* screened In porch and stayed
111 dinner time. Marlel was afraid h*
) going back without asking for a
The history of toha<x*o growing in
Canada reaches hack to tbe early
French Colonial days. The French
settlers on the banks of tbe St Law­
rence found the custom of tobacco
smoking was general among the na­
tives, but, partly owing to government­
al opposition, the white population
did not acquire tbe habit quickly. In­
deed. several years passed before farm­
ers began to grow the plant
It was not until about 1735 that the
government gave any encouragement
to tobacco growing. With the settle­
ment of what Is now Ontario, the to­
bacco arsa was extended, and It Is
probable that tbe Ixiyallsts who came
to Canada after the American Revo­
lution of 1775 brought seed from the
tobacco districts In the South. There
ar* records of shipments of tobacco
from Essex county. Ontario, shortly
after the war of 1812-14, the leaf be­
Ing aent down the Mlsalaslppl fo New
Orleans. Four year* after Confeder­
ation, the first decennial census showed
that 899,870 pounds of tobacco were
grown in Ontario, and 1,193345 pounds
In Quebec. From then onwlrd. pro­
duction expanded and renched Its peak
In 1982 with a total crop of 54,000,000
Tobacco growing In Onada plays
an Important part In agricultural pro­
duction. There are five general types
of tobacco grown, namely, flue-cured,
hurley, dark, Quebec pipe and cigar.
For each of these types are grown ten
to fifty varieties and strains.
Th* division of the Dominion ex­
periment farm* renders assistance in
tbe development of Canadian tobacco
along economic lines, carrying on ac­
tive research on problems of fertilisers
•nd soils, breeding, selection and stand­
ardisation of varieties, cultural meth­
ods, curing and fermentation, diseases
and Insects, marketing, exhibitions and
educational work. ■
C*l*r *f Catfish
As In structure, the color of th*
common catfish I* decidedly variable.
While It Is usually a dark yellowish-
brown, more or leas clouded. It varies
from yellowish to nearly black and is
sometimes msrbled or blotched. When
first hatched. It Is a delicate pink, and,
a* the egg-snek Is Absorbed, becomes
quite black, with th* barbels often
Being white, these usually becoming
darker as the fish grows older. Th*
throat and belly-region are usually a
dirty yellowish-white.
Napoleon Eaaeereged Bee* Caliere
In 1811 Napoleon Bonaparte, on
learning that the culture of beets Im­
proved the soil, appropriated 1,000.000
franca to encourage the Industry which
be created by Imperial decree. In two
years be Induced the erection of 884
beet sugar factories.
18. 1936.
Laura Daniels, labor at Can-
G. Franzwa, labor
143.00 Taylor’s Battery A Service
Sta„ auto supplies ...............
nery ............................................ 11.00 O. Newton, labor ...........
M R. Kramer, Carpenter at
114.40 Lou Blanc. Inc., auto suppita*
Wait Newton, labor ......
cannery ............... -...... ............. 42.00 Fred Grush, labor
4.40 P. J. Rooney Auto Co., auto
Pioneer Grocery Co., 5 sx.
Harold Reidel, labor .....
suuplies .... —........
sugar ....... —...... -............... — 27.00 Frank Crafton, labor .,...
109.45 La Flamme Machine Works,
American Can Company, cans
Pat Crowell, labor ......
Hugh McLain, Salary, County
for Cannery .....
Andrew Redifer, labor .
110.00 P. L. Johnson Pldfiibing Shop,
Judge ........................-......
166.67 Pacific Motor Transport Co.,
elbows ......................
F. Hickok, labor ......... _
Wm. F. Howell. Salary, Sheriff 200.00
freight c on cans ................... ..
25 45 F. K. Ireland, labor ....
60.4 J L. H. Pearce, auto material ... 89.29
P. W. Culver, Salary, Deputy
V.L. Ham lilton,
____ M. _____
D., Profes-
R. Hurlbutt, labor ____
84.00 Fred Schaer A Son, 10 ft. chain
Sheriff .....~i..........................
sional services
40.00 James Miller, labor .......
104.00 Clarence Strong, material ......
Eva Schroeder, Salary, Deputy
Riggs Optical Co., glasse* for
D. Donehue, labor ___
104.00 Marshfield Electric A Hdwe
Sheriff ...... ....... ............... —.....
Ernest Wörter .................... ..
13.70 Fred Grush, labor ____
Co., electric bulbs -------------
Margarita Brodie,
Coquille Hospital, care of Mrs.
C. E. Coffman, labor
16.00 Consolidated Freight Lines,
Deputy Sheriff, Tax Dept.
A. L. Duke ................... ........... 50.00 H. Lane, labor.............. .
freight for roads .:................. - 18.08
Katherine Jane Hassler, 3*1-
Keizer Bros. Hospital, care of
J. W. Ruble, labor . ......_
102.20 A. Barrows, royalty on gravel
ary, Clerk Tax Dept....... ..
Mrs. Geo. Elliott .................... 28.50 P. Yarbrough, labor
84.00 McGeorge Gravel Co., culvert
Delores Belloni, Salary, Clerk
Keizer Bro*. Hospital, care of
~ Savegeau,
labor ___________
Tax Dept ................... ............. 80.00
W. H. Wagoner ...................
13.00 E. C. Yarbrough, labor ....... ..... 40.00 Coos Bay Dredging Co., gravel
W. H. Kennedy, Salary, Per­
Henry A. Schroeder, ambu­
M. McCarthy, labor .....
sonal Tax Collector .............. 120.00
lance for Earl Phillips ....... ...
3.50 Georg* Clausen, labor .............. 16.00 Lionel Wright, hauling WPA
L. W. Oddy, Salary, County
Gano Funeral Home, funeral
J. N. Gearhart, labor __ t.....
men .— .......... -....... -............. ••• 33.00
Clerk ...............
- 186.87
for Orie Johnson .................. 30.00 Fred Minard, labor ...................
4.00 Mertie Bryon, Admr., use of
J. W. Leneve, Salary, Deputy
Roy Wheeler, labor .................. 105.60
bus hauling WPA men-...... 23.00
County Clerk ...... ................. 137.50 Coos County Farm, groceries
General Roads
K. E. Erickson Co., Inc., signs
Geprgianna Vaughan, Salary,
for Jail ........... .......... ............... 63.00 M. A. Brown, labor on roads
60.75 Farr A Elwood, powder A cap* 29.75
Deputy County Clerk ......... 90.00 Ideal Bakery, bread ..................
12.43 Jack Bailey, labor on roads .... 124.80 Austin Western Road Mach.
Wills Elliott,-Salary, Record­
Cowbell Dairy, meat . a ......._... 29.85 Tom Evans, labor on roads .... 145.00
Co., material ........................... 170.64
ing Clerk ...... ............................ 80.00 Hudson's Drug Store, drugs ..
4.50 A. J. Wilkins, labor on roads .. 100.00 Ballou A Wright, material .... 24.33
J. P. Beyers, Salary, Assessor 166.67 J. C. Penney Co., pants 8c
Deloss Strong, labor on roads.. 84.60 Oregon State Hiway Comm-
Anna Rooney, Salary, Deputy
shoes ..........................................
7.98 Neil Peart, labor on roads....... 113.40
worn shaft ...............................
County Assessor .................... 90.00 Hudson's Drug Store, drugs
7.60 Frank McAdams, labor on
Earl Littrell Supply Co., sup­
Chas. Stauff, Salary, County
Court House A Jail
roads .........................._..........
plies Daniels Cr Fy................
Treasurer .... .............. ..—....... 150.00 City of Coquille, water .......... .'. 27.40 J. McCarthy, labor on roads .. 11530 Bay Motors, pails for truck ..
Martha E. Mulkey, Salary,
Mountain. States Power Co.,
H. A. Steward, labor on roads 130.00 Wentworth A Irwin, material 17.27
County School Sup't ............ 186.07
lights ...................... .................. 92.48 A. Busher, labor on roads .....
18.00 Coos Bay Logging Co., lumber
West Coast Telephone Co., tel­
Stanley Curtis, labor on roads 21.60 Geo. F. Burr Motor Co., parts
Stenographer . .......................... 71.33
ephone services ............... _... 97.88 Grant Smith, labor on roads
for trucks .................................
R. H. Mast. Salary, Probation
Benham's Transfer, 7 tier wood 14.00 John Rahnasto, labor on roads 21.60 Southwestern Motor Co., auto
Officer ----- ---------- ---------------- 120.00 W. T. Alpine, 4 T coal .............. 16.00 E. E. Olivant, labor on roads ... 21.60
supplies ...................................... 17.04
Dr. M. Earl Wilson, Salary
Carter, Rice A Co., towels ....
7.00 James Yates, labor on roads .. 21.60 Niles Motor Co., auto supplies 51.07
Health Officer ......................... 25.00 H. M. Ross, labor in Supt.
Wm. Yates, labor on roads __
21.60 Pure Iron Culvert A Mfg. Co.,
Leia Elrod, Salary County
office ..........................................
9.0U O. E. Smith, labor on roads
culvert pipe ............... -........... 129.47
Nurse ........... ............... ....... ....... 60.00. Coquille Valley Sentinel, pub­
E. J. Smith, labor on roads .... 125.20 Schroeder A Hildenbrand,
Mae M. Waggoner, Salary,
lishing Court proceedings .. 31.30 A. Busher,' labor on roads .....
material ................
Stenographer .... . .................... 95.00 D. R. Smock, repair check
Stanley Curtis, labor on roads 82.80 Davis Hardware Co., material
Louis J. Langenberg, Salary
protector ................................
12.50 John Rahnasto, labor on roads 82.80 Gumea’s Service Station, tire
I Bob Heater, labor on roads ... 21.60 repair .................... -.................
Court Reporter .............. 1...... 175.00 Royal Typewriter Co., type­
J. N. Gearhart, Salary, Deputy
writer ............... ....................... 71.50 E. E. Ollivant, labor on roads 86 40 Roy Strickland, oil ............... —.
Surveyor . .................................. 43.33 State Ind. Acc. Comm., insur­
James Yates, labor on roads . 82.80 Howard Cooper Corporation,
Carl C. Wilson, Salary, Janitor
ance .—.................. ................... 34.38 Wm. Yates, labor on roads .... 82.80
material ........ ............ ............. 260.96
Court House ....... ..................... 60.00
Various Offices
O. E. Smith, labor on roads .
88.20 Coquille Service Station, auto
Hugh McLain, Mileage exp.
Coos Bay Stationery Co., sup­
S. J. Tucker, labor on roads .. 68.40
-......... 359.20
for August ..... ............ ........... 53 88
plies .......... —.................. ....... 13.80 Grant Smith, labor on roads .. 72.00 Reynolds Development Co.,
L. W. Oddy, County Clerk,
R. H. Lawhorn, Salary, Co.
H. J. Smith, filing saws .......
coal .... ......................................... 33.75
postage A express..............
Commr................ ....................... 75.00
Dlst. Malnt. Roads
Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash
Coos Bay Harbor, printing .... 67.15 Mrs. Max Dement, man to cut
R. H. Lawhorn, Mileage Co.
adv. Road Office ..................
Tipton weed ...........................
Commr..................................... ..
46.20 Western Union, telegraph ser­
3.60 W. P. Lear, damages for Gay­
3.24 C. F. Bessee, mileage ................. 14.06
Charles Doane, Salary Co.
vices ...........
lord road ............... ..................
2.02 ' Eli Simpson, t, water for steam
Commr. ............... ........ ............. 55.00 Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, supplies
State Ind. Acc. Comm., insur­
I shovel ...
_____ __ _____
Charles Doane, Mileage . ....... J. A-. Lamb Co., Janitor's sup­
ance ............................................ 521.39
plies ......... ................ .................
4.52 City of Coquille, water ...........
Co. Court
Bridse Fund
J. Arthur Berg, insurance on
Mountain States Power Co.,
Hudson’s Drug Store, Type­
Ira Johnson, filing saws ..........
law library ............................ 54.00
lights A power ...................... 22.54 Smith Wood-Products, Inc­
writer paper ..........................
Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, supplies
West Coast Telephone Co.,
Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., Cash
lumber ....
a .............. 1 149.81
for Planning Board J........ ..
phone service ......................... 45.05 W. D. Woosley, piling for De­
adv. Co. Court.... .................. 25.00
U. S. Dept, or Labor, Contri­
Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, supplies
Sheriff Office
ment Cr. Bridge ..... .............. 41.90
bution ........... ............................ 35.00 Herman Larson, labor on roads 36.00 Mt. Hood Soap Co., tallow block 5.00
Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff, mile­
J. L. Lea, labor on roads
age for August ....................... 64.29 Coquille Service Station, 10
114.40 G. Franzwa, mileage ...............
gal. gas for transient ...... .
2.20 Thos. Lawhorn, labor on roads 117.00 Chas. Mack, piling for Mullen
Bert Mead, Salary, Deputy
G. L. Hot ton, labor on roads .. 114.40
Deputy Sheriff.... ....... ............ 50.00 Niles Motor Co., Ford V-8 for
Bridge .................. ....................
County .......................—............. 225.00 A. D. Lee, labor on roads ...... 108.20 Marshfield Cement Co., Ce­
Bert Mead, mileage ............... ..
Indigent Assistance
Elmer Ross, labor on roads ... 114.40
C. G. Caughell, part salary,
ment for Gaylord Bridge .... 74.25
6.30 E. C. Walker, labor on roads .. 32.00 Moore Mill A Lumber Co.,
Deputy Sheriff ....................... 26.90 Brown's Red Cross Drug Store
Nicholson Drug Co.....................
.46 A. W. Framber, labor on roads 40.35
Myrtle Minter, clerical work.
lumber ............... ........................ 700.44
Tax Dept.................................... 60.00 John M. Brynteson .................. 10.00 Floyd Smith, labor on roads ... 52.20 Ocean Dock Terminal A Sup­
Helen Robinson, clerical work,
ply Co., Cement .................... 134.50
Tax Dept.................................... 50.82 Dixie Root ..................... ............. 14.00 Ian Chapman, labor on roads 114.40 W. P. Fuller A Co., materials.. 96.95
Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash
F. L. Holser A Co., Inc., ma­
48.00 Chas. McAllister, labor on
5.00 Keizer Bros. Hospital..............
adv. Sheriffs Office ............
terial* ................................. ..... 131.5Q
Millington Grocery ..................
roads ................... ....................... 120.00 Raymond E. McLeod, North
Drug Store, en­
16.00 B. C. Pellet, labor on roads .... 86.40
velopes A slips ..._..........
1.10 N. P. Peterson ___ _____ _
Four-Mile Bridge .......-........ 175.00
Be« Why .................... ................ 21.00 Levi Wilson, labor on roads ..._____
139.60 Smith Wood-Products Co­
Southwestern Oregon News,
3.00 Victor Demarest, labor on roads 108.15
Printing Tax Receipt book .. 12.50 S. Breuer ______ ___ ............. ...
lumber for Mullen Bridge _ 34.56
Brown’s Drug Store ................
1.25 Preston Monson, labor on roads 14.40 Coquille Valley Sentinel, war­
Western World, 5M tex state­
‘ Amet,
- - labor
8.46 Boyd
on roads 14 4(J
ments 1_ .7*........... ......... ..
22.50 Everitt Pharmacy
rant call for Bridge Fd.
tN Vic
Lindstrom, ________________
labor on roads 109.20 Coquille Machine Shop, ma­
t Farr A Elwood
Coquille Tribune, 500 postal
Knife Hospital
30.00 Jack Woods, labor on roads .. 39.60
cards ................. ...............
terial A labor
_ Storei,
(tores. Inc. No. 138
49.00 Wm. Schrock, labor on roads 48.60 Thos. Smith, Piling „—„“„-.L 66.23
Treasurer's Off.
Shepherd's Grocery ..................
4.50 Buz Wann, labor on roads ....
Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash
3.60 J. E. Haseltine 8c Co., material 62.38
Williams Grocery .............
3.00 Walter Wann, labor on roads..
3.60 Southwestern Petroleum Co.,
R. Gray ................... ............ ....... 10.00 J. K. Baker, labor on roads .... 103.60
John C. Merchant, clerical
oil 8c lubricant ...................... 101.03
4.51 Emil Schioeder, labor on roads 105.00 J. A. Lamb Co., material ........ 108.77
work --------- ........... ............. ... 102.00
Aiteuori Off.
113.30 F. D. Fish, royalty on gravel.. 110.48
J. P. Beyers, use of auto......... 20.16 Mercy Hospital ................. ......... 170.00 • W. L. Ludtke, labor on roads 98.00 STATE OF OREGON
Edna Danielson, Clerk ______ 30.29
County of Coos: as.
Marie Dye, Clerk................. ..... 31.60 Keizer Bros. Hospital _______ 10.00' L. C, Dicks, labor on roads .... 32.40
I, L. W. Oddy, County Clerk of
H. C. Getz, Draftsman.... ....... 117.00
39.60 Coo* County, and ex-officio clerk of
Knife Hospital .......................... 104.00 F. A. Robbs, Salary Roa dm as-
Supt. Office
Pacific Drug Co...........................
1.351 ter.................
;___ 200.00 the County Court of said County and
Martha E. Mulkey, Mileage
State, do hereby certify that th*
1.00 Ralph Harry, Salary Clerk on
exp. ------------------------------------
8.52 Busy Comer Drug* ..................
Nosier’s Cash Grocery ...........
Roads ................. ............ .. ......... 105.00 foregoing is a statement of the
Olive Stewart Warren, work
amount of bills allowed by the Coun­
4.00 Leslie Myers, labor on roads
2.00 Alien’s Grocery ................... .......
in Supt. Off..............................
Geo. Erdman ..............................
7.00 John Browning, labor on roads 28.80 ty Court at the regular September,
Chas. Stauff. Co. Treas. cash
4.50 A. Shutter, labor on roads .... 25.20 1936, term thereof, as the same ap­
adv. Supt. Off. ......................... 206.98 Gunnell Bro*. Transfer Co......
3.00 Robert B. James, labor on roads 3.60 pears on the exhibits of claims in my
Coquille Tribune, receipts .... 16.50 Paulson Grocery ........... .............
E. A. Porter ...... ............ ...........
8.00 Harvey Muir, labor on roads 10.80 office and custody.
Smith Wood-Products, Ine.
WITNESS my hand and seal of
9.00 James G. Parker, labor on roads I 3.60
Repairs ............................. .......
2.91 J. O. Warren ........................._...
Court affixed this
Safeway No. 435 ...................... 41.98 Raymond Barklow, labor on
W. E. Finzer 8c
A Co., cover A
11th day of September, 1936.
roads .........................................
pads ................. .......... ...............
5.92 F. C. True ..._...............................
L. W. Oddy, County Clerk
Dairyland Creamery .......... _...
3.41 Gordon Parker, labor on roads
Koke - Chapman
By J. W. Leneve, Deputy
Mrs. Parry ..... ............................
5.00 Vernon
v sgwss oaintuw,
Barklow, lUlAJi
labor fizll
on L roads 3.60
pencil sharpener ....................
Mrs. W. W Tilghman ...............
2.50 J. W. Dye, labor on roads ..... 1 117.00
J. K. Gill A Co., book..............
2.04 Ariyn Barklow, labor on roads 1 105.60
People Water A Gas Co..........
Dis*. Atty Off.
Hidden Taxes
Mr*. F. Noeninger .............. _...
5.00 R. Peterson, labor on roads .... 10.80
Ben C. Flaxel, Dist. Atty. pt.
portion of th* gov­
stenog. sal. A exp. ________ 82.54 Dr. R. McKeown, M. D.............. 2000 R. Quesles, labor on roads .... 10.80
J. V. Koski .............. ................ ..
2.00 H. Fulton, labor on roads .... 14.40 ernment's income is obtained from
Ben C. Flaxel, telephone ser­
5.00 O. Gunderson, labor on roads 112.50 indirect and hidden taxes—taxes up­
vice _____________ _ ______
12.59 Sarah L. DeLong ___________
Farr A Elwood, Inc...................
9.00 O. P. Smith, labor on roads
Keizer A Crowell, exam, of
48.60 on such things as food, clothing,
Carl Jacobson ______ ________
7.25 C. O. King, labor on roads__
Nichols girl ............. ...............
19.80 gasoline andtfcigarettes—then the
2 50 Herb Anderson, labor on roads 18.00 main burden'falls upon those of
Mansell Dray A Del. Co. ........
Health D*pt
8.00 Marl Steward, labor on roads 42.75 small income and the cost of gov­
Leia Elrod, mileage _________ 50.00 Dr*. Peacock, Simpkin A Long
71.50 Bert Brolliar, labor on roads 36.00 ernment is hidden. In this case, it
Thrift’s Grocery --------------------
Leia Elrod, trip to Portland
1.00 Lewis Metcalf, labor on roads
with child ......................... .......
5.40 City at Coquille ______ ______
3.60 is the wage earner, the salaried
Hudson Drug Store, supplies.
3.70 Dobbyn Grocery .... .............. ... 24.50 M. C. Miller, labor on roads _ 99.00 worker, the farmer, and the small
Rackleff Pharmacy, drugs ....
3.60 business man, who have to pay
Coquille Laundry Co., laundry
.50 Medford's Grocery .................. 35.00 Forrest Krewson, labor on roads I 9.00
W. V. Glaisyer, testing cattle
59.10 Oderkirk A Son ____________ 67.48 Lincoln Miller, labor on roads 19.80 most of the bill.”—Alf M Landon
Pacific Drug Co. .........................
.75 F. G. Miller, labor on roads .... 39.60 at Buffalo, N. Y„ August 26, 1936.
Orando Wilde, 1 cow con­
1.68 T. S. Easton, labor on roads .. 10.80
demned ..........................
7.50 People Water A Gas Co. ___
J. G. Wsrren .................... ......... 13.00 W. A. Nickason, labor on roads
Probation Offr.
Found It Profitable
6.00 E. L. Bales, labor on roads ....
R. H. Mast, mileage exp........... 25.86 Dixie Root ...................................
9.00 Mail Dunkin, labor on roads ...
For not producing hogs nineteen
Farr A Elwood _____________
8 00
Circuit Crt.
Mathis Grocery ............... .........
2.00 Vance Weekly, labor on roads I 131.60 persons received New Deal govern­
Charles Evland. Court Bailiff 11.50 Mountain States Power Co......
1.08 Wm. Benham, labor on roads.. 84 00 ment checks in excess of $10,000
James Mattei. Witness—State
Safeway Stores, Inc. No. 435 1000 C. F. Bessee, labor on roads .... 9550 each, and one concern got $150,000,
vs. Baylor .................
John P. Devereux ..... ........ ..
2.71 J. C. Bessee, labor on roads ...
2.75 and it was not engaged in fanning
County Farm
1.68 C. P. Morgan, labor on roads ..
People Water A Gas Co. . ......
Mae Shore, cook ........ ...___
50.00 Red’s Grocery Co........................ 63 48 Elmore Peterson, labor on roads 43.50 at all.
l 14.50
Carl Shore, Farmhand ............ 40.00 Ryan Grocery .............................
6.00 Laura Ni me, labor on roads ..
Thrift Grocery ......
........ ........... 14.00 Andy Kelly, labor on roads ... 12.60
helper .................................... ... 30.00 Stewart A
Holcomb Food
Calvin Pearce, labor on roads
Arthur Anderson, Orderly __
32 50 Pacific Motor Transport Co.,
Store ....
F. C. McNelly, Superintendent 100.00 Yeasts Drug Store .............. .....
freight on Road material .. 37.39
Edith McNelly, Matron .......... 40.00 Stewart A Holcomb Food
J. N. Gearhart, mileage on
Beta Horton, Nurse ............. ..
Store ........................................
roads ...... _.......
Ideal Bakery, bread............ _...
13.50 State Ind. Acc. Comm., admin­
Golders Auto Parts Co., ma­
Farr A Elwood, supplies
... 45.50
istration expense....................
terial for roads .... —..i........
Coo* County Farm, produce
Music A Radio Store, admin­
A. B. Daly A Co- material for
used on 2________
farm ....
_ _____
_ r ____ _ 5Mt istration expense................
roads ______ ...,......... ........ ....... 239.93
Pioneer Grocery Co., groceries 128 69
Pioneer Hardware Co., ma­
Hudson’s Drug Store, drugs . 27.65
E R. Strain, Operating River­
Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, supplies
ton Ferry ........................ ......... 45.00
Gould A Gould, glasses A oil
terial for roads .............. ........
B. C. Pellet, Operating River­
cloth ....................... .................. .
Bridge Fund
ton Ferry .................................. 12.60 1R. T Bourns, Assignee, lumber
E. V. Hand A Son, repair of
W. W. Rhule, operating Bul­
shoes .........................................
1 E. M. Wilkins Lumber Co., fir
lard’s Ferry ------------ -------- -- 1 135.00
P. L. Johnson's Plumbing
I stringers ................................ ..
Shop ........................................ .. 432.27 H. D. Gilbert, operating Dan­
Lundy A Sons, material
iel* Cr. Fy ................... ........... 85.00
W. T. Alpine, 2 T coal ............
E. W. Gregg, material A use of
J. A. Lamb Co., material ........ 15.53 Geo. Landrith, operating Lan-
Jacks ..........................................
drith ferry ......
, 20.00
Coos County, rent of equip­
Chevrolet Truck __ ______ 706.60 J. N. Gearhart, surveying ........ 40.00
ment ........................................... 3901.00
E. H. Kern, Viewing roads_
Schroeder Bros., Mortuary,
General Road*
E A. Wimer, Viewing roads ..
Funeral for Corey McDon­
Mountain State* Power Co..
ald ............ *............................... 30.00 Alex Hongell, labor on tide '•
lights ................ ........................
gates ............ —............... ........ 81.50
Preston Moy, labor at Cannery 47.00
Peoples Water A Gas Co.,
Herman Larson, labor on tide
Jean McNelly, labor at Can­
........................ _........
nery ...........................................
Oil Co. Shop
of Calif.,
A Gar
Howard Moy. labor at Can­
nery ........................ . ............. ... 46.00
Western Union, telegraph ser­
Wayne Goodman, labor -------- *1
Georgia Amend, labor at Can­
vice ................... _..................
nery ......................... ................. 29.00 H. E. Peart, labor-------------------
Earl Littrell Supply Co., ma­
Allen McGlamery, labor.........
Lynn Perrott, labor at Can-
terial .........................................
. net? .................. 4~~..........-----------
12.00 U. O. Wilson, labor.................
Central Transfer Co., freight
C. B. Young, labor------ ---------- 1
M. W. Pinkston, labor at Can­
Isaac R. Tower, auto supplies
nery __________________ _
11.00 R. Hurlbutt, labor -----------------