Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1936)
1 T THE COQUILLE TALLEY SENTINEL. COQUILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1«. 1936. " ", ■F UBSJI S-B“ Lighting Rates Reduced by * Shirley Temple to Show at Liberty Theatre, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. September 20, 21 Mt. States Power Co. The most powerful shoe in America (Continued from I’age On«) customer is now permitted to use up to a 7*j hoisepower motor taking energy through the same meter Which measures his electricity for cooking and lighting. The reductions, according to Mr. McCulloch, have come about as a re sult of conferences and negotiations between his office and the manage ment of Mountain StaU s Power Com pany, extending over a period of ap proximately one year. A comparison of typical monthly residential bills at the old and new rates to as follows: New Old - »2.50 - 52.70 25 KWH - 3.20 • 3.60 40 KWH - 4.50 60 KWH - 5.00 - The comparison for residential cus tomers living in five-room houses and having both lighting and cook- * easa aaiaav««» New Old $2.50 $2.70 40 KWH - - 60 KWH 3.05 3.30 4.25 100 KWH 4.50 150 KWH 5.38 5.63 Commercial lighting customers will be reduced as follows: New Old $ 1.60 20 KWH - $ 1.80 • 4.00 50 KWH 4.50 • 100 KWH 8.00 9.00 • 15.00 200 KWH 18.00 • 500 KWH 34.00 35.00 - 1000 KV7H - 57.00 56.00 • 1500 KWH 72.00 71.00 • 2000 KWH $6.00 -87.00 The management of the company is very hopeful that the new- sched ules will encourage a greater use of energy, and that the reduction in earnings will be largely overcome on this account. The management of the Power company stresses the point that the Bonneville development is being closely followed in the hopes that when the terms under which that power will be made available is determined, substantial savings will be made which will be passed on in additional savings to the customer. Bergmann’s H. N. LORENZ aaa SHOES Says His Prescription Strengthens Sick, Nervous, Ailing Folks in Ten ~ Days’ Time or Money Book . We Don't Want A Cant ef Anyone's Money Unless Thia Great Re- . I svenatine Tonic Gives Yon Now Strength, Pep and Vigor. ally surrounded by stars is SHIRLEY TEMPLE in her new Fox picture, "The Poor Little Rich GM.” MICHAEL WHALEN, JACK HALEY, GLORIA STUART and ALICE FAYE (above, with Shirley) are just four of the reasons why the little star’s new hit is her greatest triumph. SPA INSULT TO INJURY Get Money’s Worth “We must make sure that our gov And Gladly Wilkins, the owner of a boot-shop, •old a lot of bis wares on credit, and soon found out that the money waa not coming In as he expected. “You’ll have to call on them and de mand cash," said his wife one day. Wilkins sallied forth full of deter- initiation, He returned about an hour later. “Well?" asked hie wife. “Nothing,” Wilkins sadly murmured. “Didn't Hawkins pay you?" she per sisted. “Hawkins pay me?" he echoed hol lowly. "Why, he kicked me out with my own boots!”—Answers Magazine. A miner and Ills wife were emlgrat- < ernment gets a dollar’s worth for Ing to America. <»n arrival, the clerk, : every dollar it spends. By that I reading bls i>ass|H>ri, «aid: “Yes, this mean that we must get our money's uppears all right, hut Imw are you worth for the taxes we pay. We going to prove that this woman is your I must not lose sight of the fact that wife?" it is our money that the Adminiatra- “Ha bonnle lad," aald Gqordle, tion is wasting.'*—Alf M. Landon at tha cun prove site Isn’t, A'all give Buffalo. N Y.. August 26, 193«. 10 piinda." - — - Yorkshire Poet. THERE YOU ARE! Dr. De La Rhue Eyesight Specialist GIVE HIM TIME Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Masons’ Past Masters Night There was a splendid attendance at Masonic Hall Tuesday evening, with visitors from Powers, Myrtle Point, Bandon, North Bend and Gardiner present for Past Masters Night. Dr. J CLEMENT S TOHtC The Iron-Way to Better Hcaitn W. V. Glaisyer, master of Chadwick Lodge in 1925, acted as master in con ferring the Master degree On his son, Allington. RACKLEFP PHARMACY After the ceremony the members Phone 13t Grimes Bldg. Coquille. Ore. and visitors adjourned to the banquet' hall where Deputy District Grand Master Ray McNair acted as master of ceremonies following the serving of refreshments, and for two hours, | with many *a quip and jest, called upon visitors and members for short ANYWHERE FOR HIRE talks. J no W. Leneve was the oldest past master present, that is, he had been Licensed Carrier Coquille master at an earlier date than had ------------------------- « any one else present been master. He was master of Chadwick lodge in 1895, and has been a member of the Church of Chrtot First Chureh of Christ, Scientist fraternity for 49 years. Coquille, Oregon East Fourth St. near Henry St. Bridge Mr. Clark, master of the lodge at Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. The evangelistic meeting under the Gardiner, invited all Masons to the Sunday Service at 11 a. m. leadership of Howard Hutchins and Subject tor next Sunday, “Matter." Jessi? Chandler will continue. The annual venison feed given by his Wednesday evening meeting at 8, program for the week to as follows: lodge which will this year be on October 10. Last year there were 17S o’clock. Friday, “Aliens or Citizens, Which?” in attendance and it looks like more Free public Reading Room open in Sunday, 9:45 a. m. Bible School. year. He hoped that some of the Church Building every Tuesday and 10:45 a. m. Morning Service. Sermon I this ... .. . , Friday afternoons except holidays topic, “If We Walk in the tight of brothers would help supply the deer meat ao that it would not be ’neces from two to five o'clock. God." 6.30 p. m. Christian Endeavor. The public to cordially invited to 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic service. Ser- sary to kill a few goats. attend our services and to visit the mon topic, "The Chrtot of the Em- Drink Stillicious—the vitamin B Reading Room. maus Road.” Chocolate health drink. Contains Monday, “Sons of God." Tuesday, 'Where are Your Clothes?’ yeast. Cloverleaf Dairy, Pure Milk A Cream Phone 7R42 17tf Wednesday, “Shall We Insure?” Thursday, “The Dimensions of a Calling cards 50 for SI.00. Christian.” Earl F. Downing, minister. Scriptural, spiritual preaching Ev eryone welcome. O. A. Gray, Pastor. Coquille Assembly of God INEZ ROVER 107 E. 2nd St., Coquille. Ore Mrs. Hazel MacLeod, minister ' BENHAM’S TRANSFER WOOD and COAL » Sunday: 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. Richard Danielson, superintendent. Morning worship, 11:00 a. rp Young People’s meeting, 6:30 p. m. Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Friday. 7:30 p. m. Bible study. OUQ NAME IS A SYMBOL OE SERVICE rhe Holy Name Catholic Church Mass on first «nd third Sundays at 8 a. m.; second Sunday at 10 a. m. and when there are five Sundays. Mass on fourth Sunday at 10 a. m. Last Sun day of each month Mass at Myrtle i I Point at 8 a. m. and at Powers at 10 a. m. Father M. Q. Hart, Bandon ■fc PUBLIC CONFIDENCE— has been acquired gradually by this organization down through the years until today our name symbolizes dependable service. Funeral arrangements delegated to us are carried out With unfail ing efficiency and sympathetic un derstanding of the sorrow of the bereaved. All promises are faith fully fulfilled. SCHROEDER RROS. MORTUARIES* Inc. Coquille 109R • Rte Pioneer Methodist Church W. Raymond Wilder, Minister Mid-week service, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Sunday services: Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Wonhip 11:00 a. m. Epworth Leagues 6:30 p. m Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m. Seventh Day Adventist Church Itandon 1083 .............. Second and Collier Streets Sabbath School (Saturday) a. m. Preaching service 11:00 a. Calling Beginners and Advanced In struction in Piano and Organ. Tel. 36-L IOS W. Reoend Mrs. Brown (In background)—How happy that couple seem. Mr. Brown—Yes. Mrs. Brown—Are they married? Mr. Brown—No. That's why they seem happy. Laird Building Phone 82-J Coquille A Loony Covple “Why do you wulk around by Percy’s office every day?" “I Jilted him last week” “What of that?” “And he’s trying to forget me.1 Alon« at Last Wilkins came Into the office looking very glum. “What's wrong?” asked a colleague. "Everything,” was the gloomy reply. “The wife's caught In fluenza. the children have caught mumps, and I’ve caught a cold.” “You've only the maid to carry on with, then?” "No; she caught the flrst train home the minute I tried IL”—London Opin- ion. Perplexed The waRreaa had taken his order some time sgo, but now she stood be hind his chslr with a perplexed frown on her face. At last the prospective diner broke tbe silence: "A penny," he said, "for your thought«" “They say Boggs Is crazy on the subject of golf and his wife Is equal ly crasy over auction sale«." “Yes, and the funny part of it to they both talk In their sleep. The other night a lodger in the next flat1 heard Boggs shout ’Forel' and Imme- I dlately Mrs. Boggs yelled 'Four and a quarter I’ ” Taking It Easy A Yankee who lived to be ninety-six was asked the reuson for hto prolonged health and vigor. “Well," he replied. "I’ve never done as much work as I could. I've never lifted as much as I could. When I warfted to do a big year's work I never did as much as I would In any one day." standard oil Poetry "The falling leaves fill me with melancholy thoughts," said the poetic person. “They used to Irsve that effect on me," said the unpoetlc person. "What changed you?" “1 moved Into ao apartment and don’t have to rake them any more.” POLISH She blushed deeply: "We’re rather For sound Fire Insurance, go to buay here today," she replied, “and I was wondering whether you wore a Ned C. Kelley. stewed lobster or a fried flab." WARRANT CALL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that war Served ’Em Right "What have you done today, Willy!" rants issued by Beaver Slough Drain age District, Coos county, Oregon, “Caught caterpillars," numbered 229% to 247, both inclu "What torr sive, will be paid upon presentation "To annoy them." to the First National Bank of Co “How 7" quille, on and after Monday, Sept. "They eat leaves, so I caught them 21. Interest ceases on that date. Dated at Coquille, Ore., Sept. 10, and put them on the telegraph poles. Won’t they be snnoyed when they 1936 Edna A. Robison, Sec’y. climb to the top and find no leaves I”— 36t3 Beaver Slough Drainage Dist. •Stray 8toriea Magazine. Coquille Valley Sentinel Special Communication THE PATHFINDER is the one and ONLY publication with the knowledge, experience and courage to give you every week the first-hand, inside Information which is positively necessary for you to have. It Is the ONE publication which is under no obligations to the big moneyed interests or Czars of trade— none of those fatal tie-ups with the seifishcliques who gamble in the very life blood of tbe people. That's why the Pathfinder is in a position to tell you the unvarnished facts in the plainest possible English. You can de pend on every word it says—ana there u no substitute for reliability. EVERY WEEK FROM WASHINGTON, D. C. Why rub and scrub with all your might?- I clean EASY— and shine so bright— Chadwick Lodge No. 68 A. F. ft A. M. . Washington is now the news center of the entire world. It is- the one place in the country where a strictly unbiased and reliable publication can be issued. That is why the Pathfinder is located there. The same clear sighted vision which led to the selection of the National Capital as _ years the home of the Pathfinder _____ over _ 40 yean ago is the backbone of every single issue of the Pathfinder today. • It is our privilege for a limited time to offer you at a greatly reduced bargain price the greatest and most popular national week ly—The PATHFINDER -together with THIS PAPER, both a full year—52 weeks—f Tuesday, Oct. 13, 7:30 p. m H. E. HUDDLE I^ocal & Ixing Distance HAULINC Moving a Specialty coal Phone 178-L Insured Carrier HO tor $1.00. f r « Accredited Piano Teacher Reception Room Jointly witn Dr. J. R. Bunch I