ns ooQvmji valley PAO! Interesting Republican Talk to Ladies Yesterday Afternoon (Continued from Page One) AMERICAN OIL BURNING HEATER Of course, H'g a beauty to look at . . ♦bar* it nothing else to equal -quel it It... for it It was styled by Walter Dorwin Teague, Amer­ ica'« foremost industrial designer. But stil better, it's "tops" when it comes to heating your home. Its giant size heating surfaces, Its utter freedom from dirt, smoke and mess, Its steady, healthful heat... al combine to make it the heater you have been looking for. Speaking of the three departments of the government—the executive, the legislative and the judicial—she quoted the president's words in which he said the governmen$£ad saved the country. What she criticized the president for not telling was which branch of the-government had saved the country. And then declared it was the judicial branch, the U. S. supreme court, with its decisions against the NRA, the AAA, and kin­ dred alphabetical projects of the new deal administration which had saved the United States. The “must” legislation, prepared by the bra in-trusters a.id passed by a supine congress at the executive’s command, the tremendous waste in relief matters, came in for serious castigation. Mrs. Evans declared she was absolutely for relief but con­ demned the administration of that relief program which leaves only a small portion of the billions appropri­ ated for relief to be spent in reliev­ ing suffering and hunger. The po­ litical machine which “your money and mine” is buildihg up out of the funds which should be used in actual relief is a monstrosity which she call­ ed upon the voters to overthrow. Her references to Gov. Landon, who is making so fine -an impression on the people of the nation as he con­ tinues his campaign, showed the highest respect for his ability and wisdom and her frequent quotations from his speeches were tn startling contrast to the smug words of the op­ position. Mrs. Evans was accorded a hearty ovation at the conclusion of her talk. Headquarters for Quality Foods We carry seasonable fruit» and vegetables as well as staple and fancy groceries. At our store you can obtain the fruits and the fruit jars and canning accessories which you need to complete the season’s canning activities. Leave Your Order for Canning Peas Tomatoes Are at Their Finest Now « < ■ ... It Pays to Can Quality Foods It is our purpose to give you the kind of merchandise you can depend upon for quality, the kind of service which is dependable for its courtesy and the prices you can depend upon to be uniform and fair. Fatal Accident Near Gardiner Mrs. Rachel Dierdorff, housekeeper at the North Bend hotel for the past ten years, was instantly killed last Monday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock when the car in which she was riding left the highway on a bad turn on the hill north of Gardiner and rolled over several times before it was stoped by the trees about 300 feet down the * hillside. CocaiUe Oregon Mrs. Arnold Miller, of Delmar, suf­ fered scalp injuries and a fractured j arm, but the two men, Mr. Miller and Harry Wills, of Bangor, the owner and here last Saturday by Rev. W. S. driver, were not much hurt. Mr. Miller was the only one to remain in Sept. 4—Max H. Kruger and Smith. Sept. 5—Norman S. Carlson and the car when it came to rest. Rachel Clawson, both of Marshfield. According to the survivors the car They were married by Justice J. J. Hilma Mannila, both of Lakeside. THE MAKE - IT - RIGHT STORE anley at bis office here last Friday. Justice J. J. Stanley performed the was traveling at about 35 miles an Sept. S—Geo. H. Truman, of North ceremony for them at hie office here hour and when Wills pulled to one e. side to let a northbound car pdas, the rod, and Ruth W. Ebbert, of Mon­ l^pt Saturday. Sept. 8—Elmer R. Ludwick and soft shoulder permitted the car to mouth. USED Coal Burning Furnace in good Arrival« at County Jail Sept. 2—Jack Lester Cardwell and Ruth D. Murphy, both of Marshfield. slip over the edge. condition, 35.00. Coquille Sheet Sept. 8 — W. A. Ashton, of Bandon, Mrs. Dierdorff is survived by four Geo. W. McIntosh, fined *1S by Freda Hendrick, both of Powers. Metal Wks., Coquille, Ore. it* and lone R. Sulin, of Bullards. children, Clyde, of Seattle; Dallace, Justice Stanley here on Tuesday for Tliey were married there last Satur­ Sept. 8 — Irvine Parker and Bessie of Malin, Ore.; Dorie and Thomas, driving while drunk last Saturday, is (Continued on Page Three) day by Rev. W. C. Cronk. FOR SALE—Oronite, Shell A Union of San Diego. serving out his fine in the county jail. Sept. 5—Arthur A. Wilson, of Orr, both of Marshfield. Fly Spray in bulk at Coos Feed A Sept. 9—Jos. R. Thomas and Don- While this writer did not see the vation and improvement which would R. G. Billings is serving out a *S North Bend, and Vivienne Heill, of Stores. accident it was the only wreck en­ be most beneficial over a period of fine imposed by Justice Stanley on an Reedsport. They were married here iva Coleman, both of North Bend. Sept. 9—Francis Eugene Quick and countered on an 875-mile trip over years. assault and battery charge. at his home by Rev. G. A. Gray last LIVE Fat Hens and Fryers, 15c lb. Rosalie Krieschel, both of Marshfield. the past week-end. J. L. McLean was brought to jail In calling this meeting the exten­ Saturday. * Farr A Elwood’s. Sept. 10 — C. Vernon Taylor and sion service has emphasized the im­ here from Marshfield to serve out a Sept. 5—Warner M. Kronquist and HOUSEKEEPER Wanted—Phone 89, Faye Mosteller, both of Marshfield Sylvia E. Lewis, both of Powers. To Entertain Job’s Daughten portance of having a wide and gen­ $15 fine for petit larceny. Earnest Clark, fined *30 in justice Coquille. They were also married by Mr. Gray They were married yesterday by Rev. Beulah Chapter, O. E. S., is en­ eral representation of livestock oper­ G. A.* Gray at his home hero. last Saturday. tertaining the Coquille and Marsh­ ators in attendance so that the sound­ court at North Bend for assault and PAO Soap, 4 lbs. 17c. Wilson's Red Sept. 5—Chas Oliver Leach, of field bethels of Job’s Daughters and est possible program may be develop­ battery was brought to the county Come in and try the new Corona A White. >ail on Tuesday. ed for the remainder of 193« and North Bend, and Jacquellpe K. Perry, ! their escorts this evening, Friday, Standard Portable typewriter, it will of Empire. with a dance at the Maaonic hall, 1937. P. M Brandt, head of the Di­ SEPARATOR Oil in bulk, «Sc gal. make a big difference in your grades New ( asu in Circuit Court Sept. S—Ace Franklin and Eva Mrs. Geo. Ulett being chairman of ar- vision of Animal Industries at Ore­ Bring your container. Coos Feed at school. H. S. Norton, Music A Hunt, both of Bandon. They were rang£jnents. Patrons and patroness­ gon State College, and Charles W. Sept. 4—Myrtle M. Jumper vs. A Seed Stores. Stationery. Smith, assistant county agent leader, married at the Chas. Oerding home es for the affair include: Mr. and Ulysses S. Jumper. Suit for divorce. Mrs. O. C. Sanford, Mr. and Mrs. W. will represent the extension service Sept. 4—Geo. A. Todd vs. W. G. PLAY FAIR Dog Food, 1 lb tins. Sc, E. Boeserman, Mr. and Mrs F. C. in addition te the county agents of Robertson. at Wilaon"s Red A White. McNelly, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Axtell. the three counties involved. Sept. 4—Crown Machine Works vs. All livestock operators are urged to REAL Old Style Butter Milk, fresh Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith, Mr. and Alvin Johnson et al. daily; 0c a quart and 30c a gallon. Mrs. D. D. Dale, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. be present and participate in the dis­ Sept. S-J. D. Carl vs. J. B. and W. cussion. Cloverleaf Dairy. Phone 7R43 Boober and Mrs. Bertha J. Smith. R. Delsman. On Monday evening, following Sept. 9—Bennett Trust Co. vs. Al Knife Hospital their regular meeting, the Coquille Sprague. bethel will give a farewell party, Dismissals from the Knife Hospital Sept. 10—Sula Johnson vs. Gus honoring the members who are leav­ the past week were Mrs. P. Mullin, Johnson. Suit for divorce. A ing soon to attend college, these be­ of Coquille, and Mrs. Emerson Whit­ Crown Dairy, Poultry A Turkey ing Misses Levello Walstrom, Dorris ney, of Myrtle Point, last Saturday. for the Feeds give better results. Coos Feed Compton, Marianne Axtell, Margaret Mrs. Jeter Cochran is to be dismissed A Seed Stores. Be lion 1, Marjorie Van Alatein and today. Cherie Mae Hartwell. Miss Harriett Jensen, of Fairview, LAWN Grass Seed, 35c, Farr A El- Special guests for the evening are underwent a tonsilectomy on Mon­ woocLs With your lovely frocks wear lovely hosiery. Oakbrook the former school teachers of the day, and H Woodworth, of Coquille, girls leaving, beginning with the pri­ was admitted for treatment for pneu­ hosiery has the liveable top that makes stockings twice as mary grade. Parents and other monia on Tuesday. comfortable, also the nine-thread re-lnforced heel that gives friends are also invited to be present Dick Lakey, of Myrtle Point, sub­ One Cent a Ward double wear. mitted to an appendicitis operation Na Adv. lesa tl on Wednesday, and Ted King, of Six Divorces Granted Powers, to a major operation this WOMAN wanted to do light house Judge Brand held motion day in circuit court here last Friday and morning. work. One small child not barred Mrs. Ellen Deverau, of Powers, in two thread (|1.35), three thread (79c-<1.00), and four Call or come and see Mary Olson, granted divorces in the following »rought her baby to the hospital yes- cases: phone 8R14, P. O. Box S31, Co­ thread semi-service (>1.15). Sizes 8% to 10. quille. In haste. Mary L. Sollors vs. Albert R. Sol- erday for treatment for pneumonia vhlch followed the flu. lors. HERSHEYS* Cocoa, 1 lb tin 13c, at Oliver L. Linn vs. Ruth Linn. Wilson’s Red A White.. Hannah O. Long vs. Nicholas Long. Drainage Dtat Legality Upheld We hove a size and stylo to suit you ... and •t a price that wil please you. Como in and see them. QUALITY DEPENDABILITY - UNIFORMITY Gould Furniture Co Busy Comer Grocery Free Delivery Smartly Luxurious Oak Brook Hosiery Discriminating Woman Want Ads dSyZ/MtZ« or Sheer Chiffons Charming New Fall Colors in Cafe Clair, a rich brown with a new personality, a metallic cast. Debonair, a new taupe, very smart with black and soft fall shades. Burnt Copper, a suave golden brown for green, rust and the vivid tones. Other colors popular for fall are smoketone, cinnamon brown, townwear and leather- >3.85 Miss May’s Shop COQUILLE Esther Reed vs. Merrell Reed. In circuit court yesterday Judge Martha Logan vs. Theo. M. Logan. Trend gave an oral opinion in the CASH for a 19 or '30 Model A Ford Coupe. J. W. Wall, postoffice ad-' The judge set the case of Croy vs. tearing on the legality of the forma- dress, Bandon; residence, first mail Bullock for trial on Sept. 25. ition of the Beaver Slough Drainage box south of Riverton. It* Parole of Wesley Phinnegar, which' district, district. His opinion was that the was originally set for Sept. 8, was district had been regularly and le­ STANDARD Cut Macaroni. 3 lbs for postponed by the court for a month. gally formed and that the issue of 14c. Wilson's Red A White. On Tuesday Judge Brand granted bonds it was proposed to issue was a divorce to Martha J. McGeorge legal. FOR SALE—Hay Salt, *1.00 per 100 separating her from Chas. F. Mc­ lbs. at Cooa Feed A Seed Stores. George. The family has the right at all times COW FOR SALE—Dark Jersey, and in all cases, to choose the funeral INEZ ROVER Tasted. Fresh in February, good director they wish. Remember this, condition, S years old. *4S. See Accredited Piano Teacher when you must decide. Pearl Cardwell, one mile east on 3d street road. Box 85, Coquille. It* Past Maaten Night Chadwick Ledge No. 68 A. F. K A. M. Tuesday, Sept. 15, 7:45 p.m. Work lu M. M. Tel. N-L 4 GanoluneralJlomt. ROOMS, with board if desired, at 309 North Henry, Coquille It* // ^«UuÀMcecScnarv *T€IXPMOH€ 100 - COQUI LLt