PAGI SIX 9 MYRTLE POINT ITEMS r Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tanner, of Klamath Falls, arrived Saturday eve­ ning for a week’s visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. * Deyoe. Their niece, Ann Kenyon, ♦* who has been spending the summer with them, returned home with them Mrs. Rose Garrett and daughter, Mqygaret, returned home Wednesday afternoon from a few days’ visit in * Salem, Oakridge and Aurora. Veva Garrett retut ned with them for a • Ford builds the only V-8 car week’s visit and Mrs. Florence Guer­ below $1649! in, who had been spending the sum­ mer with relatives in Forest Grove • The eight ocher American F-fy/te and McMinnville, also returned home cars are priced from $127) for the with the Garretts. Mrs. Jackson and son, William, of V-12 Lincoln-Zephyr up to $6790! Lakeside, spent Wednesday with friends in Myrtle Point. Dairy cows of the Pacific Northwest produced an average • 85 horsepower—with V-8 smooth­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roland, Geraldine • of 20 pounds of milk per cow per day lasrt year. This is ness, V-8 pick-up, V-8 getaway and and Elva McGraw returned to their nearly four pounds above the national average and just ease. Of course you get a different twice the average production in Arkansas, where cows yield ; home in Oakland. California, after a few days’ visit with relatives and only 10 pounds per day.* “feel” at the wheel! It’s the low- friends. price car with a fine-car engine! 51 Good breeding again proves its value on a dollars and Mrs. Myrtle Hall and son, Gloyd, cents basis! Some of the Pacific Northwest's finest cows of Forest Grove, were Thursday vis­ / produce as much as 90 pounds of milk daily. itors in Myrtle Point, returning to their home Friday. Leading influence for better livestock in the Pacific Ray Guerin returned home last Northwest is the Pacific International Livestock Exposi­ week fromwLos Angeles, where he tion, which holds its 26th annual showing in Portland Oc­ spent several' months with his sisters, tober 3-10 this year. See aristocrat« of the dairy world and Mrs. R. A. Jensen and Katie Guerin. learn profitable production methods there. Honoring Mrs. E. Coke, of Fuller­ Il A trip to the Pacific International is an education and en­ ton, California, her friends gave her tertainment treat for every member of the family. Acres a handkerchief shower at the home of fascinating exhibits, thrilling Rodeo and Horse Show. of Mrs. Emma Hermann, of Broad­ Plan to attend. This bank hails the exposition as a great bent. At the close of the afternoon Increases in gasoline mileage of factor in improving the important livestock industry. refreshments were served to Mes­ •U.S. Department of Agriculture , dames Lily Dement, W. W. Deyoe, 10% to 19% are now being demon­ Gus Dietz, J. M. Wagner, Geo. Her­ strated by Ford Dealers in public mann, Clint Carmon, E. Hermann; Mrs. Haney, of Eugene, and the hon­ test runs. Stock cars are used—fitted ored guest, Mrs. E. Coke. with see-for-yourself glass gal­ Mrs. Lily Dement and Jerene Bur­ lon jugs. We invite you to make gess left Wednesday of last week for a ten days’ trip to Hubbard and Port­ one of these test runs. land. YOUR PORD DEALER Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Guerin and son. Thomas, left Thursday for their home in Los Angeles, after spending sev­ • Many owners report no oil added be­ eral weeks here. tween regular changes. Low delivered The Myrtle Point public library prices. Ford factory exchange parts plan was closed Monday and Tuesday greatly reduces upkeep costs. NO. 16996 while the interior underwent a com­ TIIE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE plete redecorating and kalsominlng • Rich, new interiors in all body types; STATE OF OREGON. FOR Miss Helen Gill, daughter of Mrs. THE COUNTY OF COOS $25 A MONTH, after down payment, Venus Gill, and Milton Schroeder, Goldie Wade. Plaintiff, buys any new Ford V-S under UCC vs. son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Schroeder, Jimmie Wade, Defendant. a month finance plana. Prices $518 and up, were united in marriage at eleven Summons F. O. B. Detroit — Including Safety Glass o ’ clock Thursday morning at the TO: Jimmie Wade, Defendant, IN throughout. 112-inch wheelbase, 85 horse­ THE NAME OF THE STATE OF home of Mr. and Mrs. Roger La- power. Standard accessory group extra. OREGON, you are hereby required Flamme by Rev. W. C. Cronk. The to appear and answer the Complaint bride wore a white georgette crepe J L filed against you in the above entitled suit within Four Weeks from the first and carried a shower bouquet of date of publication of this summons, sweet peas. She was attended by her which said first date of publication is sister, Anita Gill, and Edward Ben­ i the 28th day of August, 1936; and if der, of McMinnville, was best man. you fail so to answer, for want there- Coquille, Oregon MYRTLE POINT 1 of, the Plaintiff will apply to the Miss Selma Latham, of McMinnville, New Location 369 Front St I court'for the relief demanded therein, played the wedding march and Mrs. to-wit; for a decree dissolving the W. C. Cronk sang. Following the marriage relation existing between ceremony, refreshments were served Rev. Erling K. Olafson. The newly- ! visiting at the P. A. Alford home, the following bounded and described ' you and the Plaintiff, and far such real estate situate in the County of weds tor the present are at the Gas- I Bert Mead, of Powers, and his to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. other relief as may be meet and equi­ Coos and State of Oregon, to wit: tineau Hotel. Mrs. Fromholz has | brother, Minor Mead, from Seattle, F. L. Moon, children, Zella Mae. Ed ­ table. South east quarter, and the This summons is served on you gar and Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. been a resident of Juneau for many I were in the valley for a short time Southeast quarter of the North­ by publication for four consecutive Olson, Mis* Mary Evans, Mr. and years only recently for ------ Ore-. one day last week. — - and --------- —---------- „ left ---- — east quarter of Section Twenty­ weeks in the Coquille Valley Sen­ eight, Township Twenty-eight gon with the intention of locating, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Krewson took Mrs. S. L. Leatherman, Julia Merl, tinel, a weekly newspaper published South, of Range Eleven west of her many j - friends here Donna Jane and Glade to the doctor -----------1 1------------------------- .-------------------- weekly at Coquille, Coos County, Kenneth Howard and Charles M., but surprised the Willamette Meridian in Coos Oregon, by virtue of an order of Hon. Mrs. A. H. Bender and Dorothy, Rev. by arriving yesterday on the steamer Wednesday; Donna Jane to have th» County, Oregon. Hugh McLain, County Judge, made and Mrs. W. C. Cronk. Mr. and Mrs. Alaska. Mr. Fromholz is an old cast which she has been wearing six Beginning at a point on the East and entered on the 21st day of side of "B” Street in the North Edward Bender and Beverly, Mr. friend of the Guerin family and is weeks, taken off, and Glade to have August, 1936. Addition of the Town of Coquille and Mrs. Erwin Nelson and family, connected with the U. S. Forest Ser­ adenoids removed. Grant Corby, City (Now the City of Coquille), Attorney for Plaintiff, Mrs. C. M. Wilson is quite serious­ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hermann and vice 620 feet North . «3, ’flu to - *>re *ent .---------- Mme duly verified. 63, prior to this q -... --------- —j Interest on said warrants ceases Wm. F. Howell, home Saturday evening from a sev­ salad, graham crackers and lemonade date, will be paid uporupresentation w‘j Pf°Per vouchers therefor, to the Aug. 21, 1938. 33t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon eral days’ trip to Portland and on were served. ■undersigned, at to the district clerk. -• his . law ------- office'in ... ■ Co- - Mrs. M. E. Borgard, St“!* Coul}J.y’ within Dated at Coauille, Aug. 21, 1936. Monday went to Eden Ridge, where Jack Nosier, recently from Texas, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Clerk U. H. No. 3. six months from the date erf this no- Jas. N. Jacobsen. Cl-rk, Notice is hereby given that the she has employment. Star R., Bandon, Ore. 32t3 lice. is working at the Kirk home for a S. D. No. 63, Coos County, Oregon. undersigned has been duly appointed Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Evans and time. 1936ate<1 thl* 14Ul day 01 Aumetlrnes known as Wm H issued by Coquille School District, No. »- ¡¡j rwa t jit8 8, will be paid upon presentation to same with the proper vouchers to the Jeturned home from Junction Phoebe Harry, went to the latter'» Will and Testament of Jasper M. Miner, deceased. the district clerk, on and after Satur­ undersigned at the law offices of City, after a week’s visit at the home home in Coquille. DeLong, Deceased, under and by vir­ r day. August 22, 1936. Interest on J. J. Stanley In the City of Coquille, of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cornell and Har­ tue of the authorization of said Will ------ - i -------- and the order of the County Court of Coos County, Oregon, within said warranta ceases on that date. , The Daily Alaska Empire, publish- old Alford, of Creswell, have been the State of Oregon, for Coos Coun­ Keith Leslie, Clerk. month* from the date of the first