TBB COGUILLE VALLET PAGB TEN COQUILLE. OBBOOM, FRIDAT, SEPTEMBER 4. IM«. c Mr. and Mr*. Geo. Ulett returned Friday night from a trip to Portland. Prescott Branstetter, of Capetown, California, was a visitor in Coquille Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rasmussen returned home Sunday from a visit in Seattle. Episcopal Guild will hold its regu­ lar meeting next Wednesday, Sept. 8, at 2:00 p. m. Mrs. Lafe Compton and daughter, Dorris, left Tuesday for a week’s visit in Portland. When you buy your school sup­ plies, don’t forget H. S. Norton, Music A Stationery. We have a complete supply. V. R. WILSON, O. D. OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. Broken lenses du- plicated, Optical repair* while you wait. Expert service. Mis* Ardis Halter, who ha* been Mr and Mrs Harry Hart, of Med­ ford. are spending the week at the visiting friends and relatives at Port­ land and The Dalles for the past J. A. Lamb cabin at Bandon. three weeks, returned home Wed­ John Unsoeld recently left for Gold nesday. Beach, where he is managing the Come in and try the new Corona newly opened Unsoeld store. Standard Portable typewriter, it will Miss Lois Benston, who had spent make a big difference in your grades a week visiting Miss Helen Brandt at school. H. S. Norton, Music St here, left last Friday for her home in Stationery. Eugene. Everett Strain is to be relief police U. E. McClary underwent an oper­ i officer in Coquille while the three ation for appendicitis at the Coquille regular officers—Lewi* English, Ker­ hospital last Saturday and is making mit Shaw and Frank McCreary—take satisfactory recovery. z their vacations, one at a time. Mis* Delore* Belloni, of the tax Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Knife, Mrs. Inez collection department, left Monday Pinkston, LaVerne Knife and Duane morning for Klamath Falls and Lake­ Fitzgerald left last evening for Nyssa, view on a week’s vacation. Oregon, and other eastern Oregon Mr. and Mrs. M. O Hawkins and points. They expect to return Sun­ Ann spent the week-end visiting day evening. their daughter, Mrs. Tom Dimmick, Mr. and Mn. E. E. Johnson drove at Mussel creek near Gold Beach. out to Roseburg today to meet Mr. Mrs. Mark Purser, who had been and Mn. Chas. Kash, of Sacramento, here for six weeks visiting her sis­ who will spend a few days visiting ter, Mrs. M. Earl Wilson, left last here. Mn. Kash was formerly Mary week for her home in Nelson, B. C. Esther Johnson. door* in a building he recently pur­ chased there. He intends operating a warehouse in the building. Mr*. H. S. Norton, who underwent a serious major operation at the Co­ quille hospital on Wednesday, is re­ ported as having rallied from the ef­ fects in a most satisfactory manner and is now getting along nicely. Mr. and Mis. Raymond Schroeder, of Coquille, are rejoicing over the birth of an eight pound daughter, which arrived at the Knife Hospital yesterday. She has been named Donna Lee. This is their second child. Arthur R. Jones, a Myrtle Point boy of 25 year* ago, and who is now published of the Ranger at John Day, Oregon, was a caller at the Sentinel last Saturday, accompanied by hl» son, and his father, who still lives in Myrtle Point, Mr. and Mn. C. V. Smith left Tues­ day evening on a month’s eastern trip. They were going fint to Mr. Smith’s birthplace in Wyoming where they were to meet his father, Stock- The Coquille Hospital reports the Mn. Hattie Shelley and her grand­ ton Smith, of Fall Creek, Colo., then birth of an 8-pound son to Mr. and son, Marcus Shelley, left Tuesday to visit in Colorado, Nebraska and Kan­ Mrs. J. W Walker, of Powers, last spend the week in Eugene visiting sas. Friday. the Jessees, formerly of the Green New Jewelry Store - Diamond, Watches & Jewelry Mr. and Mn. Jack ßercomb and Nook. Accurate Repair Service son, Jeffrey, returned to Portland T. B. Currie left yesterday for Gold Ben F. Broders Monday morning after a two weeks ' Beach with a load of lumber, which Coquille visit with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hazard, he will useln the repair and installing Í Chronic cold* hang on with the tenacity of the bulldog. They are especially dangerous in undernourished people and may lead to tuberculosis unless treated in the early stages with the proven remedies of your physician. Ad­ here strictly to hi* advice and good health will prevail. A Prescriptionist Fill* Rxs Carefully •»... Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc DRUGGISTS STATIONERS =s SEPT. 4 L NOBODY KNEW HEW GREAT THEN! GREAT NOW! LAST NAME BUT Thrill once more to tho HER FIRST NAME drama ... tho excite­ WA S 'TROUBLE I ment . . . the adven-' ^ûrni Jûw tore of tho groat "State Fair" I Live again tho unforgettable romantic idyll I Soo again Will Rogers* moot magnifi­ cent portrayal I It’» your» to enjoy once more .. JANE NEWS oven more than boforel WITHERS COMEDY IANE DARWELL PH MORGAN POPEYE CARTOON “WHAT NO SPINISH” =1 PREVIEW |= OUR HE NINE O'CLOCK SHOW AND REMAIN GUEST TO SEE THI8 ADDED FEATURE f ONG AND DANCEMAN with CLAIRE TREVOR PAUL KELLY MICHAEL WHALEN SELECTED SHOR SUBJECTS 10c 35c SEPT. 9 fr Story by PHIL A HfN»Y KING M SEPT. IO "If anyone had told me I was going to fall in love with a Broadway gambler I’d of put him in the nut house, myself. P If aayone'd told a coupla day* ago 1 was goon* be drinkin* sod* pop with * high-dan dame. I’d of slapped 'em down." ★ J11* ton * GEORGE RRfT Balares Castalia BRRRYMORE r Jk l^s^foly afT^i 4B In’ foURS FOR THE ASKING" wMi Ida Lupino, Reginald Owen, James Gleason, Lynne Overman. Richard "Sheet»” Gallagher, Edgar Kennedy, Directed by Alexander Hall ------------------------ 10c & 35c_________________ Wk LIBERTY THEATRE COQUILLE uvlio expects to sign up “Rocky” Peterson for a trial with the Seattle baseball club. They will then return to Port­ land and witness a few of the Port­ land-Seattle games. Their daughtei and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Verrill McCurdy, will go to Lake Woahink tomorrow and return Monday eve­ Mrs. Sarah Wimer, of San Diego, ning. and Miss Anna Franklin, of Elkton, Rev. and Mr*. G. A. Gray enjoyed who had been visiting Mrs. Alma Halter and friends in this vicinity, an overnight visit Tuesday with Mr, left Tuesday for Portland, where they ■ and Mrs. Wallace Kelly, of Berkeley, The two men were college will visit for a time before returning Calif. mate* at Centre College, at Danville, to their homes. Ky., and had not.seen one another Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Thomas return­ for 40 years. Mr. Kelly, who is an ed last Sunday evening from their insurance representative in San two weeks’ vacation trip, most of the Francisco, was a member of the Cen­ time being spent in camp in the tre college team which started his Hoods canal country and at Victoria, college on the road to football suc­ B. C. They also visted in Tillamook cess and culminated a few years ago and McMinnville. in the defeat of Harvard, an event Insure your car with Ned C. Kelley which was given national promin­ in a reliable Oregon stock company. ence. O. A. (Slim) Hughe*. Chevrolet Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Twaddle and salesman, has been crippling around the latter's mother, Mrs. Alice Suth­ this week on one of his own leg* and erland, of Redding, Calif «, came tor two wooden ones. The reason: a the birthday reunion of her three bone in his right ankle was broken children: Mrs. Twaddle, Mrs. Wm. Sunday morning when he was wrest­ Knabe and Frank Fox, of Port An­ ling with Clarence Barton. geles, Wash., which occurred at the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paige left this week for their home in Tacoma, Wn., after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mackey. They spent the greater part of their time at Mackey’s cabin at Bandon. Mr*. Paige is a sister of Mrs. Mackey. Mis* Eva Schroeder, of the sheriff’*' home of Mrs. Knabe last Saturday on office, left Wednesday with her J Fishtrap . A very enjoyable time cousin, Mis* Theda Schroeder, who was had, those from outside enjoying had been visiting here, for a few our cool Coo* county weather, days’ vacation in Klamath Fall*. Mr*.! Grandma Sutherland, who is 83 years Alice Perrott is taking her place in * old. stood the trip nicely and says the sheriffs office until the first of every one should have their children the week. all on the same date, then the birth­ days only bother once a year. Don Hankins, general manager for Pacific Fruit Co., out of Cheyenne, Rec’d Wyo., and his wife came in last week Carpenter Union Charter d for a few days’ visit with hi* uncle, The Coquille carpenter* and join­ Frank G. Wilson, on the Fairview er* union, Local No. 1096, was per­ road. Mr. Hankins liked the country manently organized last Friday eve­ here very much. He said he may re­ ning when the charter was received turn and locate. and the following chosen as officer* of the organization: W. E. Foote, A former Coquille boy, Lorren L. president; John Corbin, vice presi­ Croy, his wife and two daughters. dent; George Swinney, financial sec­ drove down from Newport last week retary ___ ___ __ ___ and ____ treasurer; Harry _ Ross, re- and spent a couple of days at the cording secretary; C. C. Ferris, con- Frank G Wilson home, on the Fair- ductor; o A Broml4>r. warden and view road. Lorren is now second in j. H Kelley, Cal White and Jen Ben- command at the coast guard station trustees at Newport, Oregon. , Knife Hospital Now is the time to have your radio tubes tested and renewed. We do It Dismissals from the Knife hospital free. H. S Norton, Music St Station- the past week were Norman Berry on Saturday, L. J. Broshears and I 1 Howard Edward on Monday and Mrs. and Mr*. Dean Osborn and I W. R. Caughran yesterday. daughter, Barbara, stopped over for Orville Clinton was admitted for a a visit on Sunday at the home of minor operation on Monday and was Mrs. Osborn’s uncle and aunt, Mr. dismissed Tuesday. and Mrs. Wm. Knabe, of Fishtrap, on Mrs. Jetter Cochran underwent a their return home to Klamath Falls, . major operation on Tuesday, and Al- after taking to Marshfield the chil­ i fred Scott, of Coquille, an appendi­ dren of Fred Osborn. The doctor’s mother, from Spokane, also accom­ citis operation on Wednesday. Mrs. H. Edlund, who live* on the panied them. North Bank road, submitted to a ma­ Mr. and Mr*. C. M. Gray and chil­ jor operation yesterday. dren returned last Friday evening Calling cards. 50 tor >1 (Mi from a week’s vacation which they spent at Olympia, Tacoma and Seat­ tle. There was a family reunion of ZETTIE M. HAWKINS the Gray family. Claire's father and sister being present from Minnesota, Accredited Teacher and altogether there were 27 of them of Piano who got together for the first time in several years. »17 W. 4th Phone 3 Mr. and Mn. Hobart Schaer, of Powers, Mr. and Mn. Robert Chard and daughter, Phyllis, of Coaledo, spent last week-end at Eugene. Mr. Schaer left again for Eugene yester­ day. He will be employed there at the Eugene Foundry & Machine shop. Mn. Schaer will follow later. While in Eugene, they saw Mr. and Mn. Harry Wise, Mn. Wm. Oerding and son. Jimmy, and Mn. George Belloni. Mr. and Mn. W. H. Fortier are leaving Sunday to spend a couple of days qf Lake Woahink and Tuesday they will leave for Seattle where Bill Special on . Tray Set 23-in. Tray, three compart­ ment Relish Dish, Cutting Board and two-slice Toast- well. The set ia a beauty and has been reduced from 116.50 to *12.00 The Toaatwell is the last word in toasters. Hooton Electric Shop ■ j