1 Miss May Groshens Ladies Wearing Apparel Shop CANTALOUPE MISS MAY’S SHOP” Wert First Street, W. O. W. Building Coquille Wednesday, September Second with a colorful garnish to sharpen appetite? The season for cantaloupes is now at its height. We have the finest obtainable at our store. We carry the very best grades of staple groceries and canned goods which include quality, sliced pineapple. Nineteen hundred thirty-six The J. O. W. club ladies ar* having a no-host luncheon at the Coquill« Hotel thia afternoon complimenting Mrs. W. E. Bartholomew, of Everett, Wash , who is visiting her mother, Mrs. Ora Maury. BUY SATISFACTIOH-The most for your money SLASHED /^\ •' kkrmble W e D rivers THE MAKE - IT - RIGHT STORE g Sarda* af Srdrf Manarian* an IMada* Da* «atad (a Aa Salary, Caa>/art and PUaairt ft *■ Maaardng Fraparad Our Sale of Sales Con tinues through this Week Want Ads Chadwick Lodge No.tt