Good Attendance at Hom > Makers* Vacation ('amp opportunity Preparedness There te tt bigger job awaiting your ability to handle it PREPARE YOURSELF IT YOUR IS WAY TO THE FRONT FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Coquille, Oregon Professional Cards DR. RALPH F. MILNE Dentistry 1st NatL LILJEQV1ST, SWANTON & SLACK Attorneys and Counsellors First National Bank Building Coquille Oregon DR. J. R. BUNCH - DENTIST X-RAY Service Laird Bldg. First Street Telephone 82-L Coquille, Ore. GRANT CORBY Attorney at Law Richmond-Barker Bldg. Phone 167 Coquille. Ore. Residence Phono 24-li J. ARTHUR BERG Attorney at Law Rooms 1*1 Farmers A Merchants Bank Bldg - Phono 37 Coquille, Oregon DR. W. V. GLAISYER VETERINARIAN Ceaaty Herd A Meat Iaapeeter Coquille, Ore. J. A. RICHMOND PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Richmond-Barker Building Phones: Coquille, Ore. Office 92M, Rea. MR J. J. STANLEY Attorney-at-Law at rsaid—ra, 17» Boatti WUlard 8t_ CoqaiDo IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOB THE COUNTY OF COOS In the Matter of the Estate at Ray F. Miller, Deceased, Notice te Creditor» NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the- undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the above entitled Court, as Administratrix of the Estate of said Deceased, and has duly qualified as such. ___ NOW THEREFORE, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to pre sent the same, together with proper vouchers therefor, to the under signed, at the offices ef J. Arthur Berg, in Coquille, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 24th day of July, 1936. Effie Miller, Administratrix of the Estate of Ray F. Miller, Deceased. 28t5 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS In the Matter of the Estate at Anna Blake, Deceased, Nettes ed Final Aessua t Case No. 3247 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned has filed in the County Court of Cooe County, Ore gon, his final report and account as Administrator of the Estate of Anna Blake, deceased, and that the said Court has set Tuesday, September 1st, 1939, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., at the County Court room in Coquille, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to such final account and the settlement of Mid estate. James W. Piggott, Administrator of the Estate of Anna Blake, Deceased. J. Arthur Berg, Attorney for Administrator, Co 2915 quille, Oregon. 9 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES TATE BY EXECUTOR Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, the Executor of the Last Will and Testament of. Jasper M. DeLong, Deceased, under and by vir tue of the authorization of said Will and the order of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Cooe Coun ty, will from and after the 12th day of September, 1936, offer for sale and tell at private sale for cash in hand at time of sale and in such parcels as shall suit the proposed purchaseikand 3» will bring the best price, all of the following bounded and described real estate situate in the County of Coos and State of Oregon, to wit: South east quarter, and the Southeast quarter of the North east quarter of Section Twenty eight, Township Twenty-eight South, of Range Eleven West of the Willamette Meridian in Coos County, Oregon. Beginning at a point on the East * side of “B" Street in the North Addition of the Town of Coquille City (Now the City of Coquille), 620 feet North of the Northwest corner of Block 14 of said Addi tion and running thence North 100 feet; thence East 200 feet, thence South 100 feet, Thence West 200 feet to the place of be ginning. (Save and except a parcel 50 feet wide North and South and 100 feet long East and West in the Northwest comer of said parcel which has heretofore been sold and conveyed by the Deceased.) J. J. Stanley, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Jasper M. DeLong, De- ceaaed.________________________ 31t5 SUMMONS Na. 19994 Forty-four homemakers from Coos and Douglas counties enjoyed a fuar- day vacation at Eel Creek Camp, August 5-9. A daily schedule was followed to allow for the most rest and vacation. Although there were no rising bells the campers began their day with breakfast at eight o'clock. Then followed an hour when the campers were divided into three groups. One planned the program and stunts to be put on at the eve ning campfire, one group planned the music and the third wrote the daily newspaper which was called the "Amazonian Tattler.” Mrs. Sally Pearson, of Reedsport, the camp lifeguard and swimming in structor, took all who were interested swimming every morning and occa sionally again in the afternoon. Sev eral women learned to swim while at ?amp. A library of fifty books on all sub jects were provided through the help at Mrs. Cal Langworthy, of North Bend. There were very popular and Leia McCue read the book entitled. “The Log Cabin Lady" to the entire group at campfire each evening. After lunch each day a rest period of one and one-half hour was en forced and after that there was time for the various crafts and for music under the direction of talented Mar jory Miller, (better known as Midge to the campers). Some of the camp features which were enjoyed most were the demon stration of planking salmon by a camp fire which was done by Lucy A. Case, extension specialist in nutrition, from Corvallis; the speed boat trip to Currier's home on Ten Mile Lake and seeing the aviary and rose gar dens; the resuscitation demonstration by Sally Pearson; the inspiring talk given by Olive Barber, of Marhsfield. on “Bird Lore;” the daily newspaper and campfire; and the biographies which each woman wrote for another one. Sunday was family day and th« camper* entertained about fifty guests at dinner. The following are part of those who attended camp: Coquille—Mesdames Leia Elrod, Mabel Hall. Sopha Hall, Leia McCue, Miss Jessie Palmiter. Myrtle Point— Mesdames Augusta Braden. Amy Davenport, Gladys Evans, Pauline Evans, Grace LaFlamme, Mayre Laird, Faye Linn, Florence Sumerlin. Bandon—Mesdames June Chamber- lain, Lorena Haga, Mary Thompson. Sitkum—Mesdames Mildred Benhain. Zilpha Krewsori, Belle Laird. Gay lord—Mesdames Mary Bone, Reba Swenson. McKinley—Mesdames Es ther L. Deadmond, Myrtle I. Holver- stott. Powers—Mrs. Ida Mathews. Dora—Mrs. Peal Miller. Norway— Elfleda Robinson, Marie A. Schmidt. L f HE coolest people in town —the happiest and most carefree — are those wise folkp-to whom we’ve lately delivered one of these liWfy Buick T S pecials . Swing wide those Ventipanes —let your foot down smoothly on the accelerator — and you’ve got your cooling breeze, made to order whenever you want it! There’s no noise, no heat, no labor to its oil- quieted, valve-in-head straight-eight engine. There’s no effort to the handling. We’ve yet to find a hill or a stretch of tough going that can draw a puff or pant from this easy-stepping Series 40 Beauty. It isn’t too late to get thrilling pleasure out of this summer. We can make quick delivery—arrange our easy terms to suit your likes. Call us—and a« we’ll be right ZZ around for a demonstration. SOUTHWESTERN MOTOR CO. ®E four weeks from the 10th day of July, 1936, the date of the first publication of this Summons; and if you fail to appear and answer said Summons by the 7th day of August, 1936, the. last date of publication thereof. Judgment will be taken against you for the re lief demanded in the Complaint, a succinct statement of which is as fol lows: That the marriage contract now existing between you and Plaintiff be dissolved and held for naught. That Plaintiff be awarded the care, custody and control of your minor child, Patricia Dolores Long. Service of this Summons is,made by Publication in pursuance to an Order made by the Honorahle Hugh McLain, County Judge for Coos County, Oregon, dated the 3rd. day of July, 1936, directing that service thereof be made by publication in the Coquille Valley Sentinel, a wesk- ly newspaper published at Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, once a week for a period of four weeks. Harry A. Slack, Attorney for Plaintiff Residence and Post-Office address Coquille, Coos County, Oregon. 26t5 In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of Oregon For Coes County The critical forest fire season is DOUGLAS BUILDING AND LOAN here and the law against throwing of ASSOCIATION, a corporation. lighting material along highways wil) Plaintiff, be enforced rigidly. State Forester J. vs. ___ C. D. WALKER, Lucile WALKER, S. W. Ferguson warned.. Oregon this M NOBLER, LULA M. NOBLER, year has had by far the smallest JAMES RICHMOND and M. M. number of forest fires before an Aug. NEWDALL, Defendant« To C. D. Walker and Lucile Walker, 1 in several years, but records show the moat disastrous fires occur after defendant« above named: la the Naaw af the State of Oregon: the first of August, and foresters are You and each of you are hereby re taking no chances. quired to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled NOTICE TO CREDITORS court and cause on or be Notice is hereby given that the fore four weeks from the first undersigned has been duly appointed publication of this summons, and if by the County Court of the State of you fail so to appear and answer said Oregon for the County of Coos as the complaint, the Administratrix of the estate of C. H. . , for . want ____ thereof ______ ____ plaintiff will apply to the court for Hodgdon, Deceased, and all persons the relief demanded in said com- 1 having claims against the said estate Slaint, a succinct statement of which1 are hereby required to present the 1 as follow», towit: For judgment. same with the proper vouchers to the NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT undersigned at the law offices of PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the J. J. Stanley in the City of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, within six Final Account in estate of Mary Ann months from the date of the first Stutsman, deceased, is filed in Coun ty Court of State of Oregon, for Coos publication of this notice. Dated and first published this 14th County, that said Court set Septem ber 9, 1936, at the Court House, Co day of August. 1936. tomey's fees, and plaintiff's costsand quille City, Oregon, as the time and Mildred M. Hodgdon, disbursements herein to be taxed; the Administratrix of the Estate of C. place for hearing of objections there foreclosure of a certain mortgage II. Hodgdon, Deceased. 31t5 to and the settlement thereof. made by you C. D. Walker and Lucile Irwin Watson, Walker in favor of plaintiff to secure __ As Administrator of Said Estate. Mid promissory note, Mid mortgage, , 1 Liljeqvist, Swanton, Slack & Mc covering Lots numbered three (3) | Keown, Attorneys for the Estate. 28t5 and four (4) in Block numbered ».OF COOS one (1) in First Addition to Coquille ,n JJ 1 ® Belate of Lin- |N THE COUNTY COURT OF THE < _____ ‘ ///I__ —________ coin Delp, Deceased Heights and Lot numbered seven (7) STATE OF OREGON IN AND Notice to Creditors in Block numbered nine (9) in Co FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That In the Matter of the Estate of P. C. quille Heights in Coos County, Ore gon, as shown by the recorded men« tfl® undersigned ha« been duly sp Gist, sometimes known as Perry C. pointed by the above entitled Court. urred Pointed that you and each of you be barred Gist, Deceased, and foreclosed of all right, title 1 as Administrator of the Estate of said Notice of Sale of Real Property -. and Interest in and to said mort- Deceased, and has duly qualified as NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. real property, except statutory such. That by virtue of an order, decree NOW THEREFORE, all persons and license of the County Court of of redemption, and for general having claims against said Estate are Coos County, Oregon, made and en This summons is served upon you hereby notified and required to pne- tered on the 14th day of July, 1936, by publication thereof for a period of I I sent the same, together with proper in the Matter of the Estate of P. C. once each week for four consecutive' I vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, Gist, sometimes known as Perry C. weeks in the Coquille Valley Sen 1 at the offices of J. Arthur Berg, in Gist, Deceased, I will on and after tinel, a newspaper of general circula I Coquille. Oregon, within six months Saturday, the 15th day of August, tion published in Coos County, Ore- I from the date hereof. 1936, proceed to sell to the highest Jon, by order of Hon. J. T. Brand, I Dated this 31st day of July, 1936. and best bidder, for cash in hand, George Delp udge of the above entitled court, and subject io the confirmation of Administrator of the Estate of Lin said Court, all of the right, title and made and dated July 9, 1936, and you coln Delp, Deceased. are hereby notified to appear and an interest of the said estate, and those J. Arthur Berg, swer Mid complaint on or before four claiming under it, in and to the fol Attorney for Administrator lowing described real property, to- weeks from the date of the first pub Residence and P. O. Address, Co lication of this summons. Date of first quille, Oregon. 29t5 witzLots 3 & 4 and the Sft of the publication July 17, 1936. Date of last publication August 14, 1936. NW¥« of Section 5, Township 28 B. L. Eddy, IN THE CIRCUIT COUBT OF THE South of Range 12 West of the Wil Attorney for .Plaintiff 8TATE OF OREGON IN AND lamette Meridian in Coos County, Post Office Address: Roseburg. FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Oregon 165.92 acres. (Patent Oregon. 27t5 dated March 20, 1929, and recorded on Nov. 12, 1929, in Book 10» at HANNAH O. LONG. Plaintiff, Page 404 of the Records of Deeds WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE vs. Warrants No. 229, 230, 243 and 240, NICHOLAS LONG, Defendant of Coos County, Oregon.) Starting at the SW comer of Sec issued in 1935 by McKinley School Sammons District No. 27, will be paid upon pre To Nicholas Long, the above named tion 31, Township 27 South of Range 12 West of the Willamette sentation to the clerk. defendant: Interest on said warrants ceases IN THL NAME OF THE STATE OF Meridian in Coos County, Oregon; Aug. 7/1936 OREGON: You are hereby notified running thence N 116 feet to place A. M Shepherd. Clerk that you are required to appear and of beginning; thence East 116 feet School District answer the Complaint filed against more or less to the center line of a ____ No. -W, 1013 McKinley, Oregon you in the above entitled suit within small creek; thence in a northeast- erly direction at an angle of ap proximately 49 degrees following the center line of said small creek, approximately 434 feet to a point where the center line of said small creek intersects with the South line of a tract of land heretofore contracted for sale to H. M. Smily; thence West 417.44 feet where it intersects the West line of Section 31, Township 27 South of Range 12; thence South 214 feet more or less to place of beginning, contain ing one and one-half acres, more or less, together with tenements, hereditament sand appurtenances. (Recorded on Nov. 12, 1929, in Book 109 at page 405 of the Rec ords of Deeds of Coos County, Ore gon.) Bids will be received by me as Ad ■ ministratrix of said Estate, at the of • fice of J. Arthur Berg in Coquille, , Cooe County, Oregon. Dated this 17th day of July, 1930. Saima L. Caughell, Administratrix of the Estate of P. C. Gist, Deceased. 27t5 1 and authorizing the issue and sale of the Fifteen ThouMnd Dollars ($15,- J00.00) worth of negotiable, interest Dealing coupon bonds of Mid district, ar.d for the purpose of having a ju dicial examination and judgment as to the regularity and legality of the actions and proceedings of the Coun ty Court of Coos County, State of Oregon, duly made on the 6th day of October, 1906, and entered on said day in volume 8 on page 494 of the County Court Journal of said County, declaring the organization Of Mid drainage district, and the resolution and order of the Board of Super visors erf said district, ordering the issue ar.d sale of negotiable, interest bearing coupon bonds of Mid district * to the sum of Fifteen ThouMad Dol- lars (315,000.00), designated series A in denominations of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) each and number ed one to thirty (1 to 30) consecu tively, dated the 1st day of July, 1936, and bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum payable semi-annually, which resolution was dated and adopted July 29th, 1936, IN THE COUNTY COUNTY OF THE , said bonds being payable serially to STATE OF OREGON IN AND ' the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per year, commencing FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS 'n the Matter of the Estate of Anton January 1, 1938, and ending January 1, 1952, and you are hereby notified Abild, Deceased, that this notice will be published in Notice to Creditors NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. the Coquille Valley Sentinel, a news That the undersigned has been duly paper of general circulation, publish this pro- ppointed by the above entitled ed .. in , the County ---- ----- where ------------- __ said Jourt as Executor of the Estate of •— and where said Deceased, and has duly qualified Beaver Slough Drainage District is I located, and said notice will be pub- as such. NOW THEREFORE, all persons I lished once each we.-k for three having claims against said estate are | weeks, commencing with the publi- hereby notified and required to pre , cation of Friday, August 7, 1236, and ' that 1 you u and sent the same, together with proper/?® pd each of you may at any vouchers therefor, to the under- 11Q1;, w‘l“in ,€n days after the full publication of said noace, to-wit: signed, at Coquille, Coos County, Publication Oregon, within six months from the * h , te,n days af,er the 23th day of date hereof. | ¡August, Augus., 1936, appear and contest the vuiidily Dated this 17th day of July, 1936. vwulily of any of th? the proceedings in this n notice J. Arthur Berg, | °‘,T enumerated or covered bv by Executor of the Estate of Anton sa'd petition. You ar.d each of you arc hereby Abild, Deceased. 27t5 further notified that tire above en- _____ _ ! »tied j^ourt has set Tuesday, the Sth IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE day of September, 1986, at the hour ST/VTE OF OREGON IN AND . of 1:30 P. M. as th-» lir e and the FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS LCircuit Court Room of the County Netics of filing petition for judicial Court House in Coquille, Core Coun- examlna'ion and confirmation of ' Oregon, as the place of the hear- d-ainage district proceedings. ling of said proceedings TO THE BEAVER SLOUGH! This notice is given and published _----- ------ DRAINAGE DISTRICT OF COOS ------------- ' an order of tli Honor pursuant to COUNTY, OREGON, A DULY CRE able Car! E. Wimberly, Jud„*e of the ATED AND ORGANIZED DRAIN C,n!UwL f-ourt' »»lade and en- AGE DISTRICT, OF COOS COUNTY. mîZi *n tb® ab®v* entitled Court and OF THE STATE OF OREGON, AND matter on the 4th day of August, ALL FREEHOLDERS, LEGAL VOT ERS AND ASSESSMENT PAYERS i936°led thiS 7<h d"y °f Au*u,t- WITHIN SAID BEAVER SLOUGH ’ L. W. Oddy, DRAINAGE DISTRICT OF COOS COUNTY, OREGON. ! Countv Clerk of Coos Cou ty, Ore- You and each of you are hereby «on. »ha cx-officio Clerk ck'>? lhe Cir- notified that S. H. Stockhoff. J. E. c“k Court above named. Ford a: d Jo! n Yoakam. the super- “ By: Georgianna Vaughan, visors of said Beaver Slough Drain S. H. Stockhoff, DvPUty‘ age District, did, on the 3rd day of August, 1936, file in the above en J. E. Ford, titled court their duly verified peti-. luasam, John Yoakam, tion for the purpose of having a ju- I _ Supervisors for Beaver Sloueh dicial examination and obtaining a Drainage District of Coos Cnuntv ' iudgment of said Oregon ”• said court as as to the reg- ref- Oregon.. ularity and legality legality of the proceed-1 proceed- Harry A Slack, ings in connection ctlon with the organiza organiza- ritJ2rn«y, for ,MJLd 9uP«rv*«»rt tion. maintenance and operation or E"’1 *aBank Building said district, and the proceedings of Coquille, Oregon. 39^4 Mid Board of Supervisors had on the 29th day <rf July, 1936, providing for Calling carda 50 tor 31 go. I